The Hopes and Dreams of the Future Era! (One Piece Quest)

Updated the Character Sheet and Mechanics threadmarks. It should basically explain how things will work for the Quest. I'll answer questions if you have any!
[x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
[x] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
[X] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!

[X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
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[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
So far its a tie between becoming a treasure hunter and becoming King of the Pirates. I'll check back in a few hours to see if the tie gets broken.
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[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!

I wonder what trait the intial B will give us.
[X] To become the strongest person in the world! You loved fighting and you want to stand atop everyone, even the Pirate King and Fleet Admiral!

[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
[X] To become the world's best swordswoman! Your heard plenty of fairy tales of the legendary Roronoa Zoro and you want to follow in his path!

[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
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[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.
[x] To become a legendary treasure hunter! Gold, jewels, shiny objects, you want to collect it all!
[x] Don't tell your dream to them, you're too shy!
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[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Wren is going to be fuck huge when she becomes a mid teen.
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[X] To become King of the Pirates! Ultimate freedom, respect, treasures, adventure, you'd have it all!

[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

Go big or go home.
[X] To sail the world and visit every island! Adventure and freedom speak to you, you want to explore every nook and cranny of the seas!
[X] Tell your dream to both June and Miles.

We're a giant, yo. Everything on the island already feels a bit off-sized for us. A little cramped, even. At first we just wanted to find a place where we actually fit in, but it's slowly become more... we want to travel. We're big, but the world is the real giant. Let's explore it!

And tell both of them. One Piece is like 90% telling people your dreams.
Prologue: Chapter 2
You wanted to become King of the Pirates! Or Queen of the Pirates! Does it really matter? You were enthralled with the legends and stories of pirates of yore! Adventure, treasures, freedom...all the sail the seas and find One Piece! The only reason you haven't told Miles or June yet was for a few reasons. Firstly, you knew June would be sad that you weren't on her side. Secondly, your dream directly clashed with Miles! There can only be one Pirate King after all! So you kept your dream quiet to not cause any waves.

But then you began to think. June and Miles were still best friends despite their opposite goals. So maybe...they'd accept your dream! You walked over and picked both June and Miles up by the back of their shirts, which stopped their ceaseless arguing and they both looked at you. Taking a deep breath, you loudly exclaimed, "June...Miles...I want to become King of the Pirates!"

June gasped and Miles smiled but it quickly turned into a frown. An icy feeling spread through your chest as you saw the negative reactions, but it was quickly done away with when June said, "Oh well! Guess I'll have to capture you as well, Wren!"

"That's cool, but it also sucks! I wanted you to be part of my crew, but if you're gonna compete with me, I guess I'll just need to find someone else!" Miles sai with a large smile. "Also, if you don't mind, can you let us down, Wren?"

"Oh, sure!" you exclaimed, dropping both June and Miles. They both yelped as they landed hard on the ground. They both groaned and rubbed their backsides. Oh no! You quickly got on your knees, despite still being taller than both of them, and begged for forgiveness!

"It's fiiiiine!" June said with a smile, playfully rustling your hair. "Also your hair is so messy! We should do a makeover, Wren!"

"But that never works, June!" Miles said, "her hair just goes back to being unkempt a few seconds after!"

"But it's still fun! A guy like you wouldn't understand the joys of getting your hair done!" June shot back.

"I like my hair, so its okay June," you said, getting back to your feet.

"Okay! So you want to be King of the a girl be a king?" June asked, crossing her arms.

"It doesn't matter! I'll be the first female king if that's what it takes!" you proudly exclaimed. After a moment of silence, everyone began laughing. Soon it calmed down, but then Miles turned towards June.

"Oh yeah, all this pirate stuff reminded me! June, your mom came back home a few days ago, is she still here?" Miles asked. Oh yeah, you had almost forgotten that June's mother was an infamous pirate and Fenn Island was where she grew up!

June's smile faded as she looked downward, "She's gone now. She said she can't stay in one place too long. I barely saw her, but she did read me a bedtime story once!"

"Did she leave any cool treasures or something with you? She had to give you something!" Miles exclaimed, almost looking like an excited puppy with how jittery he was getting.

"Um...well. Um...She...uh..." June hemmed and hawed.

"C'mon Wren, you're interested too, right? Ask her!" Miles said, tugging on your arm.

You were torn. On one hand, June looked rather flustered and it would be rude to push on. On the other, you were also super curious about any treasures that June's mom could have brought back!

What will you do?

[] Tell Miles to stop bothering June. It's clear she doesn't want to talk about it!

[] Beg June to tell you about what her mom brought. You're way too curious about it!

[] You don't want to pick a side! Just tell them you're staying out of this for now.

[] Write in.
Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 4, 2018 at 12:18 PM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Tell Miles to stop bothering June. It's clear she doesn't want to talk about it!
    [X] Beg June to tell you about what her mom brought. You're way too curious about it!
[X] Tell Miles to stop bothering June. It's clear she doesn't want to talk about it!
[x] Tell Miles to stop bothering June. It's clear she doesn't want to talk about it!
Prologue: Chapter 3
You suppressed your own curiosity and said, "Miles, leave June alone. She doesn't want to talk about it."

"But...ugh! Fine. Sorry June," Miles sighed. "I got a bit too excited."

"Its fine! My mom didn't bring back anything anyway. You just really surprised me!" June lamely said. It was very clear she was lying, but with you on her side, Miles wouldn't pester June about it anymore. At least while you were around, anyway.

"Well its starting to get late. The guards are probably going to search for me again," Miles said, looking into the sky. He was referencing a time where you three had played well into the night as as the prince of the Fenn Archipelago, the royal family thought he had been kidnapped or worse! It didn't help the royal guards confused you for an adult and attacked you! But thankfully no harm was done once Miles explained the situation.

"Yeah, my dad is probably going to be home from work in a bit. I think that calls it a day! Night Miles, Night Wren!" June cheerfully said, waving goodbye as she walked away from the hideout. You and Miles waved bye as well and when June was gone, Miles turned to you.

"So, you want to become King of the Pirates as well? I guess that means we'll be rivals. There can't be two kings after all!" Miles said with a confident smile.

"Yep! But I hope it means we can still be friends!" you said.

"Of course we can! This is just another competition, you know? We're still friends despite winning and losing. Anyway, I really need to get going! See you tomorrow, Wren!" Miles said. You nodded and watched as Miles leave the forest, leaving you all alone. You looked at the sky, watching as it slowly turned orange from the sun setting.

"I suppose I should get home as well," you said. You made your way through the forest and slowly walked your way through the town until you reached your house on the outskirts of the town. It was a nice and cozy looking place, only one story tall, but it was home and you loved it! As soon as you opened the door, you heard a voice.

"Is that my baby sister? Welcome home!" a chipper voice said. Running up to you was your older brother, Robin B. Reed! He was shorter than you by about a foot and his green hair was short and trimmed. However, his eyes were a deeper shade of yellow than yours. He had a large smile on his face as he looked at you. He wore a white body suit that was covered in fresh paint.

"Hey bro!" you said happily, giving him a hug, ignoring the paint on his bodysuit and staining your clothes. "Is Krane home?"

"Yes I am," a mature female voice said. Coming from the kitchen was Krane, the eldest sibling in your family. She was also tall, only a few inches shorter than you, but of course she had stopped growing by now. Her hair was lighter in color and tied into a neat and proper bun and glasses slightly obscured her eyes, which were the same color as yours. Despite her serious demeanor, she wore an apron that said "Kiss the Cook" and her shirt underneath it showed a funny design of a cat barking at a dog! Krane really loved those funny shirts. In fact, it was all she wore. " have paint on your clothes. We should probably wash them before it sets."

"Nah! I like it!" you declared, looking down at the colorful mess on your shirt. "Makes it unique!"

"Very well," Krane muttered before going back into the kitchen.

"Krane was just making dinner! C'mon, I have something to show you!" Robin excitedly said, grasping your hand and pulling you into the living room. In the center of the room was an easel and canvas. A tarp was placed on the ground with flecks of paint all over it. Buckets of paint were open around the easel, along with many used paint brushes. "I just finished my painting! I spent hours on it!"

You looked at the painting and despite the hours of work, it looked like a childish finger painting! It was three stick figured standing outside a box with a triangle on top of it, which you then realized was a house. Robin looked at you, beaming with pride and said, "So, what do you think, Wren? This is a perfect family portrait, isn't it?"

"" you muttered, unsure of how to go about this. Robin always wanted to be a painter, but he was so bad at it! But Robin was clearly expecting an answer, so an answer you had to give!

What will you say?

[] "The painting looks really good! You did good, Robin!"

[] "The painting is okay, but it could be better. Keep practicing, Robin!"

[] "This paining is kinda sorta bad? Like...I dunno. Its just stick figures and simple shapes!"

[] Get Krane in here, she'll know how to answer Robin better than you could!

[] Write In.
Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 5, 2018 at 2:59 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "This paining is kinda sorta bad? Like...I dunno. Its just stick figures and simple shapes!"
    [x] "The painting is okay, but it could be better. Keep practicing, Robin!"

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 5, 2018 at 3:17 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "This paining is kinda sorta bad? Like...I dunno. Its just stick figures and simple shapes!"
    [x] "The painting is okay, but it could be better. Keep practicing, Robin!"

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 5, 2018 at 4:32 PM, finished with 8 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] "This paining is kinda sorta bad? Like...I dunno. Its just stick figures and simple shapes!"
    [x] "The painting is okay, but it could be better. Keep practicing, Robin!"

Adhoc vote count started by Megacookie on Jan 5, 2018 at 9:44 PM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [x] "The painting is okay, but it could be better. Keep practicing, Robin!"
    [X] "This paining is kinda sorta bad? Like...I dunno. Its just stick figures and simple shapes!"
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