The Heroic Chronicles of a Young man (Youjo Senki/My Hero Academia)

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Deguchiya Tenya was not the best. He wasn't the worst, either, so he must be average.

In this modern world, the keys to success are simple. Signal the appropriate virtues to the society you are born in, climb up the social ladder in the defined manner, live frugally and save for your retirement, where the fruits of your labors are to be enjoyed for the rest of it. If your position allows, find a like-minded member of the opposite sex to start a family with.

When looked at with such a perspective, Quirks are irrelevant.
Prologue: The Lamentations of a Young Man


The Most High
The Heroic Chronicles of a Young Man


A Young Man's Heroic Record


The Saga of Tenya the Hero


My name is Deguchiya Tenya. I can only stare at the innocuous white headband I held in my hands. "How did it come to this!?"

In this modern world, the keys to success are simple. Signal the appropriate virtues to the society you are born in, climb up the social ladder in the defined manner, live frugally and save for your retirement, where the fruits of your labors are to be enjoyed for the rest of it. If your position allows, find a like-minded member of the opposite sex to start a family with.

When looked at with such a perspective, Quirks are irrelevant.. The heroics industry is the largest, highest status industry one can be a part of. But it is also dangerous and fickle. On average, only a single new agency every other year has what it takes to last more than ten years of business. If you count the ones that get bought outright rather than dissolving, it's component human resources being picked up piecemeal by other agencies, that number triples.

No, being a hero is not something that can reliably lead to a comfortable retirement. Especially not for someone whose Quirk is merely average. My Quirk is Mathmagician, I have a reserve of energy that I can use to affect changes in the world, expressed via mathematical formulae. This reserve is refilled by cannibalizing my caloric energy.

So, I applied to the most prestigious high school in eastern Japan. UA high school. A truly top-tier business course, perfect for attaching yourself to the heroic industry, without that pesky 'risking your life' and 'being in the spotlight'. I got fifth place in the general exam, and second in the business exam. I had actually held out hopes that I could excel, for once, with that business exam, but as it always was, the first place podium was denied to me.

The culture of UA was significantly different from my middle school. While in most of Japan, the expectation was to respect the hierarchy, to succeed silently and humbly, and to not create a disturbance of yourself, in UA, the motto was 'Plus Ultra!'. The worst thing anyone could ever accuse you of is being lazy, and of not trying your hardest to succeed. Someone who proudly declared their expectations of victory was still derided for arrogance and presumption, as that top heroics student (And number three in the general exam, I remembered that name) demonstrated in his speech, but open competition was the norm.

So, coming in to the obstacle course race, in my regular gym clothes, I expected what my peers expected: to valiantly try my best, but to be left in the dust behind the forty demigods who have trained their bodies far longer than I, with Quirks stronger than mine, and quietly fade back into obscurity, rubbing elbows with my peers as we fill out Professor Nedzu's assignment on predicting the marketability of each contestant and their resulting offers from hero agencies.

So, when the recommended student iced over everyone except his own classmates, I used my Quirk to melt the ice, spin up a shell of applied force around me to deflect any further attacks, and flew at top speed through the course. My Quirk's reserves were only good for about two hours of sustained flight, which was woefully inadequate for any kind of full-time job using it, but after mere minutes, I had finished the course… only to look behind me and see absolutely no one. Present Mic, the announcer, was announcing my victory, only to follow it up with an announcement of the second person starting to encounter the second obstacle.

Even following the past events step by step, I still could not understand why, after my patient efforts to secure a nice, safe position as a manager in a hero agency, I now held this headband, with eight red digits mocking me and painting the mother of all targets on my back from those same demigods who have trained themselves nigh exclusively in violence for the past two months.

I can only repeat my mantra of despair. "How did it come to this?"


Here we go. OG!Salaryman in the world of MHA. While his stances and opinions weren't... that out of place in Japanese society, he's still pretty weird by our standards. So, I decided to try and see if his misunderstanding field can provide a level of entertainment if you remove the isekai aspects. His quirk is basically YS magic, but without the need for a computation orb. The same kind of 'use a computer program to control the mana for your spell' but Quirkified.
Chapter 1: Unfortunately, Visha is merely a barista in this world.
Yaoyorozu Momo thought that of all the people in the stadium, she was the least, and yet the most surprised. Tenya was someone she knew in middle school, and she knew the vague capabilities of his Quirk. Like hers, it required that he eat enough food for a half dozen people, a common thread that, along with their high academic marks, ensured they were compared with each other constantly by their classmates. Unlike hers, he had to eat that much regardless of whether or not he was actually using it.

Tenya always seemed like someone who always knew what to do, taking what life dealt him with a stoicism that was the envy of the class. He was multitalented, succeeding with apparent ease, and never being bothered about losing to anyone, merely congratulating whoever he lost to with his usual placid expression, never emoting anything greater than annoyance, disappointment, and vague satisfaction at any point during the years she's known him.

Even in UA, he calmly sat next to her at lunch, as if being enrolled in the top hero school in the country was no more life-changing than sitting at the next table over. They discussed their classes, the teachers, what they'd done with their Quirks recently, normal things to discuss with classmates, even if he only ever spoke with her at lunch, even during middle school. At first, she thought he was trying to befriend her because of her parent's wealth, but he seemed most comfortable just asking about her progress on becoming a hero, and asking her what she thought about the latest party trick he figured out how to pull off with his Quirk, which was all he thought it good for.

He did have a truly wide variety of those, though. Instantly melting or freezing water, making things float, turning random flat surfaces into mirrors, cutting paper by running his finger over it, making his eyes glow, a laser pointer out of his finger… the list went on. She honestly thought that he had a real chance at getting into the hero course if he had tried, but he didn't get a recommendation like she did, and he resigned himself to the business course, which was plenty prestigious of course but in UA, everyone knew that it was the hero course that was what the school was made for.

Unlike some of the other students, he never seemed resentful of other people's success though. She didn't see him during that fracas where that general studies student spitefully challenged her class, and he gave insightful advice about her own Quirk use when she asked for it. When she brought up to him how students who did well in the sports festival could transfer into the hero course, he seemed interested, asking a few questions about what she knew of the process. It was a short conversation, as she knew essentially nothing beyond the limited information the general education student shared, but he said he'd have to do his best, with the same sardonic smile he used whenever his Quirk was brought up.

So seeing her sort-of friend completely counter Todoroki's Quirk, melting the entire ice structure he made to trap everyone, before shooting forward like a bullet past everyone else, flying over every obstacle in the way, was not something that surprised her overmuch. She expected him to rank highly, and knew he could melt ice and was fast on his feet. What did surprise her, however, were the glowing eyes and maniacal laughter he belted out as he shot past her. It was so out of character that in her surprise, she completely missed that little troll Mineta affixing himself to her butt using his Quirk until he had already succeeded.

Still, the first thing she did after the race was approach him. He seemed… surprised, which was a new expression on his face. "Deguchiya?" She began. "Could you always fly?" It was certainly never something he mentioned before.

Hearing his name seemed to snap him out of it, but his shock still put his expression into a must softer cast than she usually saw him use. "Yaomomo?" He began, before flushing. "I mean, Yaoyorozu, hello. I see you scored eighteenth, good job." Now that was an interesting reaction. While he certainly knew about her usual nickname, it was something her actual friends used frequently enough that he was bound to have heard it at least once, she had never heard him use it before. "And… that wasn't really flying. That was throwing myself through the air and missing the ground for long enough to reach the finish line. You could have done the same, I'm sure." He trailed off, seeming a bit confused. She thought he was going to continue with 'why didn't you?' but he remained thankfully silent.

At least she could be sure that this was definitely Tenya. "Are you hungry? I need to restock on lipids while I can, and I don't know how often you can do that, but from what you've said, you're probably spent after that. Let's get some food." WIth that, she turned around and went towards the snack table, where next to that lunch rush had a special table set up for students whose Quirks included large metabolisms with more substantial fare.

Tenya seemed thankful for the change in subject, if this audibly growling stomach had anything to say. His expression hardened once more into his usual stoic one, adjusting his glasses so the light reflected off of them. "Yes, let's."


After Tenya devoured his sixth bowl of food, he seemed to have recovered his usual equilibrium. He thanked Lunch Rush for the consideration, and brought no more attention to the matter, which was a level of self-confidence that she could never quite manage with her own dietary requirements. As they waited for Midnight to announce the second event, as the last student had crossed the finish line minutes ago, she nudged him in the side. "Don't worry. If you do even half as well as you did in the first event in the other two, you'll get in the hero course. I'll put in a good word for you with the teachers, too."

His expression didn't waver as he waved off her offer. "You don't have to do that, Yaoyorozu." He stopped talking, the silence stretching on as Midnight started her announcement. When she paused to let people review the scoreboard, he added: "No need to put yourself at risk on my account. The hero course is reserved for the best of the best, after all." She could understand wanting to avoid the feeling of not having earned his place, so she'll just have to ask Aizawa about it later.

Midnight continued her explanation of the next event, a cavalry battle. Every team will get a headband with their point total, which is determined by their ranking in the race. Tenya, as first place, will get an eye-dropped ten million points, more than everyone else combined two thousand times over. Top four teams get in, and fifth place gets a chance if smaller teams win. Simple enough, even if directly attacking formations so they fall down isn't allowed.

Before she could speak up to Tenya, a pink-haired girl bounded up to him. "MIster ten million! I will join your team so that I can show off my beautiful babies to the world! All eyes will be on us, and the support companies will see my work and they'll line up to endorse my genius!" Her mutated eyes were manic, staring straight into Tenya's own as he took a step back away from her.

After a moment, he nodded. "Yes, you have the right idea of things here. I will be in your care." He examined the girl's carried equipment with vague interest, and followed her when she asked him to help pick out additional equipment.

Before she could follow them, two of her classmates approached: Tokoyami, who was alone, and Todoroki, who was being followed by Kaminari. Both glanced at each other, before simultaneously saying: "Join my team." They glared at each other, before Todoroki spoke up first: "Join my team, we'll take out that business course student and get those points back where it belongs, in the hero course."

Tokoyami cut in with his own pitch. "I believe your Quirk's ability to spread darkness will be quite useful, and I wish to join forces." He glances over to Todoroki. "I do not object to joining you as well, Todoroki."

Todoroki shook his head, his cold expression unwavering. "No. Our last member needs to be someone that can enhance our mobility. Ilda ideally, but Sato, Shouji, or Kirishima will suffice."

Coughing, Momo decided to interrupt them. "Actually, I was going to join Tenya's group. He really admires heroes, and I want to help him get into the hero course." She nods to Tokoyami. "You can come with, I'm pretty sure he's only got one other teammate for now."

Todoroki became even icier at that. "Are you sure you want to declare yourself my enemy? You know what I can do." His fist clenched, and for a second she thought he might attack her, but after a few more seconds of silence, he turned away in a huff. "Come on Kaminari, we need to get Ilda. Afterwards… Ashido. Maybe Asui, or Sero." Kaminari said something back, but at that point Momo had already moved on towards Tenya and his partner.

Waving, she called out to him: "Deguchiya! This is Tokoyami, and we'd like to join you and…" She paused. Did the support course student introduce herself?

Fortunately, she wasn't quite as rude as her previous lack of introduction suggested, as she noticed the pause and replied: "Hastume Mei, at your service. What're your Quirks? I'm sure I have babies that will make them pop!"

Tenya quickly cut in: "She brought a large amount of gear, but I think the best option to defend our headband is to just fly up into the air and stay there. Yaoyorozu, do you think you could make an airtight cloth we could use to rig up a gasbag?" At her nod, he continued. "Hatsume, rig up your flamethrower into something less volatile, we need it to keep our altitude. I'll lift us up to height." She nodded and started rifling through the pile of machines she had set aside.

Tokoyami brought up his own contributions. "If we are to soar into the air, Dark Shadow will be the terror of the skies that he always yearned to be. He shall assault any who approach."

Momo was removing her jacket for the creation of the tarp, when Tenya asked a question that gave her pause. "How much do you all weigh? It's important."

Immediately, Hatsume piped up with "How many significant digits? My hover soles report a total load of… 76.453 kilograms." Glancing at the significant amounts of equipment she had in her arms, Momo could believe that, despite her small size.

Tenya nodded, adjusting his glasses again as Tokoyami muttered his own weight. "Yaoyorozu, make the tarp first, so we can adjust for it." Nodding, she leaned forward, slowly creating a folded peach-colored tarp out of her back. Tenya wordlessly grabbed along and extracted it, holding it on an outstretched arm to weigh it. He tossed it to Mei as Momo replaced her jacket, who started to assemble the balloon as Midnight gave a five-minute warning to get into position.

Frowning, Tenya kneeled down and held out his arm in front of Momo, fist clenched. "Sit on my arm. No need to waste time making a scale." Flushing, Momo started to sit on his shoulder, but he shook his head and gestured for her to sit further down.

Once she was settled onto his elbow, he suddenly stood up, holding her up on his arm as if she weighed no more than a bird. He moved his arm up and down, his eyes flashing gold as he did so, before nodding. "71.832 kilograms. Alright, Hatsume, behind me. Start the flames the instant the battle begins. Tokoyami, have Dark Shadow move Yaoyorozu onto my back. Each of you supports one of her legs."

Midnight came by, handing him the headband, and he spent the rest of the time until the beginning staring at it, as Mei started putting another harness on him and Tokoyami. Momo stopped her before she left. "Miss Midnight? I'm going to be the rider, but could we be Team Deguchiya? I think Tenya could use the exposure."

Midnight's grin could only be described as filthy. "Oh ho? Do we have some childhood friend romance?" Before she could deny it, Midnight cracked her crop. "I LIKE IT! Approved!" Hurrying off, Midnight jumped back onto her podium before beginning the starting announcements.

"Okay! The Cavalry battle teams are now finalized! If you will turn your attention to the board, we have point totals and teams listed here!" Cracking her crop again, each team got a few seconds listing each of their names and point totals.

Tenya cleared his throat at the fourth team to be shown. "Yaoyorozu, which do you think is our greatest threat, of the class 1-A teams?"

Momo glanced around the battlefield before looking at the display. "Hm. Most problematic would be those with long-range attacks. If we maintain an altitude of 200 feet, we should be able to avoid everyone except Aoyama's navel laser. Secondary would be flight-capability, which is limited in class 1-A. Bakugo can fly short distances, but his ability to gain altitude is limited. More concerning would be Uraraka, as she could make her entire team weightless. Combined with someone with strong legs, or someone who could maneuver mid-air, that could be very capable of taking the fight to us." Tenya nodded along with her assessment. "Tokoyami would probably be the most capable in that respect, but Ilda, Bakugo, Midoriya, Aoyama, or Todoroki would all be capable of such a thing."

Tenya's pronouncement was grim. "And four of those names are all on one team." His eyes started glowing again, and while she couldn't see his face from behind him, his voice was loaded with what she could only call… anticipation. "Perfect."

Such battle lust is not something she initially attributed to Tenya, but she did agree: it would have been boring if there wasn't at least one team that had at least a chance to grab their headband.

Midnight's pronouncement drowned out all other thoughts. "BEGIN!"
Chapter 2: On Silver Wings
Back in elementary school, Tenya got bullied. He couldn't really do much of anything with his Quirk, beyond weak, clumsy telekinetic shoves and a basic, fragile barrier. The more thuggish of his classmates liked to pretend that he was Quirkless and just faking a Quirk, adamantly denying any evidence presented to them that he had one.

As a result, at an early age Tenya read up on bullying, methods to dissuade them. Every source said that the key was to seem unassailable. Show no fear, smile at the threat of violence, gain and demonstrate strength, and otherwise just make yourself not seem like an easy target. It was that experience that formed the foundation of his Quirk training. He used his Quirk to magnify the physical force he exerted, and to reduce similar forces acting on himself. Later, he refined that technique to his current level of body reinforcement. It didn't let him perform greater feats than he would be able to if he made a habit of exercising, as even pro heroes without physical enhancement Quirks put his feats to shame. But it helped.

The rest was just applying his lessons to practice. Show the world what it wants to see, or doesn't want to see, depending on what you want. It doesn't matter if Tenya's inner thoughts were that of a craven loser who never wins, as long as the world saw the kind of person that succeeds in life: someone who, with a better Quirk, could be a hero. Never show weakness, always volunteer for more work, never shy away from action, do your best. This was Tenya's mantra of success all these years, and given that he got into one of the few high schools in the country with a dedicated management course, he knew that he could get a nice job, with a nice office, raise a family, and retire early. A degree from UA was just as good as a bachelor's degree from a mid-tier college, and if he made the right connections, that would be all he needed to start climbing the corporate ladder. If not, there are many high-tier universities that he could pursue a broader education with, who look very kindly indeed at UA's letterhead gracing applications.

As Tenya waited for the match to begin, he started to use what he considered to be the greatest use of his Quirk. It took a long time for him to wrap his head around the math, but he could enhance his reflexes and perception somewhat. To say that it slowed down his perception of time was… not wrong, exactly, but inaccurate. His thoughts came faster, his senses more acute, and his actions practically preceded the thoughts that directed them. But at the same time, everything still proceeded at their normal speed. It was nothing in comparison to Hansha's Quirk, of course, but falling short is a long-familiar sensation to Deguchiya Tenya.

Yaomomo's warning was troubling though. Team Midoriya, entirely composed of names that were noted to be a threat to the team's strategy of cowardice. Uraraka Ochako to make them weightless, Ilda to provide thrust and initial lift, Aoyama to attack even at range, and Midoriya… somehow able to help Uraraka maneuver in the air, Yaomomo didn't specify how. Just… "Perfect."

Still, it would be prudent to assess the other two names that popped up. Todoroki and Bakugo both lead their own teams, the former with the invisible girl as his only notable teammate without seeing their Quirks, and the latter's team equally inscrutable, only the large muscular boy in front allowing for some kind of guess as to their Quirks.

And then there was class 1-B, who were complete unknowns to him. Hopefully none of them constructed a team that could exert aerial mobility.

At Midnight's signal, Tenya took the top of the gasbag he had in his grasp and flung it upward, using his Quirk to lift the entire apparatus, passengers and all, two hundred and fifty feet in the air. "That took up one-fifth of my remaining reserves." He dutifully reported to the team leader.

Acting quickly, Hatsume performed her duty, turning on the flamethrower and having it quickly fill the zeppelin's gasbag with air. Yaomomo yelped in excitement, as expected from a heroics student, while also holding tightly onto the improvised extended harness Hatsume rigged up between Tenya and her in place of anything a sane person would use to hang from a fire-spewing aviation apparatus. Tenya released some of the tension from the maneuver with a nervous chuckle, before banishing the fear from his expression by attempting a smile.

Tokoyami, as was the avian mutant's apparent habit, remained silent throughout the ordeal. His Quirk seemed to be less restrained, however, and was whooping in joy, declaring it's desire to repeat the act of insanity that was just performed.

Deactivating the effect that held the group in place in the air, they dropped slightly, but the zeppelin did it's job, keeping them in the air for now.

Present Mic, the announcer, finally started doing his job, making the audience wait ten whole seconds before becoming productive. "Team Deguchiya starts things off by flying into the air! Hatsume Mei of the support course and Yaoyorozu Momo of the Hero course have combined their talents and Quirks to create a hot-air balloon! There aren't many Quirks that can reach that high!"

That stopped Tenya short. "Yaoyorozu, shouldn't our team be named after you?" Her attention caught, Yaomomo finally extricated her arms from around Tenya, slipping her arms out of the straps and sitting up, ready to respond to the needs of the contest. She said something, but the wind above the stadium drowned out her quiet words. In the end, it didn't really matter.

The color commentator, Eraserhead, cut in with his own analysis. "Their team composition is solid, for a team that's only half hero course. Deguchiya seems capable of adapting his Quirk to move both him and his teammates equally, instead of dragging them. With Hatsume's engineering talents and Yaoyorozu's addition of a sturdy tarp and additional fuel canisters, they can maintain their altitude for the entirety of the battle. Further, they have Tokoyami Fumikage of the hero course using his Quirk, Dark Shadow, to run interference with anyone who tries approaching them." As he spoke, the other teams had finally begun their attempts to assail the zeppelin. Two of the 1-B teams, the two-man ones, launched some kind of projectiles, one team launching horns while the other launched many objects too small to make out their exact nature. Dark Shadow sweeped away the lot of them.

That would have been it, but a bright laser shot out from Team Midoriya, inflicting what appeared to be severe damage to Dark Shadow as it recoiled back into Tokoyami's body. The largest threat in the arena followed up their attack with a rapid ascension, heading straight for the headband.

Ignoring Present Mic's announcement of the attempt, Tenya increased the power of his reinforcement, as Yaororozu pulled out a plate of metal, dropping it onto the incoming team. Midoriya caught the plate, which caused his team to start to spin uncontrollably. After two revolutions, Ilda managed to flare his Quirk and right their momentum, Aoyama giving the team another burst of forward thrust. Tenya met Midoriya's charge by slapping the metal plate he still held in front of him as a shield, applying a basic weight increase on top of the downward force the slap imparted. This time, their attempts to regain their altitude failed, the entire group crashing on the ground even after the weight increase effect wore off halfway to the ground. Present MIc kept talking about the events and even moved on to other interactions between the other competitors, but Tenya tuned it out.

"Uraraka can only tolerate the side-effects of levitating herself for short time periods." Yaomomo noted. "They'll have to try for other headbands before they can try again."

Tokoyami nodded, confirming the information. "Yaoyorozu, Dark Shadow is mostly recovered. Could you create some kind of smokescreen to darken the field? He is an agent of darkness, and works best in his element." Tenya nodded to himself as the hero students, now in their element, started taking control over the situation. As it should be.

Yamomo brought out a machine, which promptly started outputting fog. After a moment, she shook her head, throwing the machine down to the ground at the incoming Bakugo. "The wind's too much of a problem, I can't affect the lighting outdoors like this. Tenya, can you lower the light levels?"

...Until that happens. As he looked over the battlefield, watching the various teams combat each other for their headbands, he started constructing the program he would need to fulfill Yaomomo's request. It would be a wide horizontal barrier, above the zeppelin's top. It only needed to be big enough to give Dark Shadow some room to maneuver, and as it was almost but not quite noon, it would require a minimum of angling to account for the sun's position. From there, the barrier just had to have it's parameters be set properly, to resist the wavelengths of visible light, and nothing else. After a whole minute of calculations, he activated his Quirk as Team Midoriya launched themselves up for another attempt at the ten million points.

Present Mic, as appropriate to his stage persona, immediately exaggerated his surprise. "And Team Midoriya comes in for another go at the big prize! What is Team Deguchiya going to do now? ...Wait. What in the name of All Might's long johns is that? He's blocking the sun people!"

Dark Shadow surged forth, as Tokoyami did what hero students do best: grandstand. "Dark Shadow's power has hit its zenith! Total Eclipse: Celebration of Darkness!" The bird-headed boy's Quirk roared, growing to four times its previous size as it swatted the incoming team down with contemptuous ease.

The other hero course student was not idle, however, replacing Hatsume's fuel tank as well as a few other items requested by the support student. "How long can you maintain that with your Quirk, Deguchiya?" Yaomomo asked,

Before he could respond, Tokoyami cut in: "It doesn't matter, cut it out now, I've lost control of Dark Shadow!" True to his words, the Quirk had begun to turn back around, his shadowy limbs beginning to rise.

With a thought, the sun's rays returned, causing Dark Shadow to recoil once more and retreat to the interior of Tokoyami's jacket. Below, a class 1-B student that was on their way up started falling, clutching at their eyes in pain. The blonde was easily caught by his teammates, however.

The other blonde competitor was not dissuaded by rapid changes in light level, however. Bakugo rocketed his way towards Team Deguchiya, juking out of the way of Hatsume's glue gun shot and ascending even higher with a massive explosion beneath him. "You've got a lot of nerve, villain of the week!"

From his expression, Tenya could only grit his teeth and show no fear. Ratcheting up his reinforcement once again, he started to swing at the agile bomber. With an ease that demonstrated the difference between a heroics student and the rabble, Bakugo deflected Tenya's clumsy jab and detonated his Quirk, shattering Tenya's glasses and disorienting his senses. Blindly, he grasped onto what he assumed was the boy's leg as he climbed over Tenya to snatch Yaomomo's headband, he used the full extent of his Quirk-granted strength to toss the boy back down to earth.

Wiping away the debris, he asked his team: "I'll be fine, did he get the headband?"

Yamomo replied: "He got the fake. I noticed that none of the cameras can get a close look at me, so I swapped it out." Her voice was down right smug as she added: "More importantly, I got all four of his!" placing the real handband around her head along with the new ones, humming as Midnight announced the end of the contest.

Determining the victors was simple, as only four teams had any headbands at all. In first place was Team Deguchiya, who retained their original ten million point lead. Second place was Team Todoroki, who had never even tried to claim the ten million, settling for capturing two high-value headbands (namely, Team Midoriya and Team Awase's) and using his Quirk to block others from capturing his prizes. Third place was Team Kendo, a collection of class 1-B girls who managed to overpower Team Mineta and claim their headband using various Quirks. Finally, there was team Midoriya, who managed to steal two low-value headbands after losing their own, even after their failed attempts at stealing the ten million.

In the face of success, Tenya could only feel numb. And despite having several people trying to injure him over the years, he could not help but feel incredibly disturbed, seeing that blonde heroics student being actively restrained by his teammates from approaching him. This is who he would have to share classes with, nearly every day for the next three years, if he was to become a heroics student. That could not be allowed to happen, but cowardice was unbefitting someone in UA. He had to see this through to the end.

Looking at Yaomomo, her cheery demeanor infectious after her violent victory, he mentally added one more reason: If he didn't, he would lose the connections she represented. Even if she was a battle maniac, she was still a favored daughter of the Yaoyorozu family. Keeping her as a friendly acquaintance was of paramount importance. And to do that, he must not back down. Someone like her wouldn't even understand his distaste of the literal gladiator matchups the third round inevitably was. All he had to do was do his best, and do so in a way that caused the teachers, who, given from Yaomomo's complaints, were strictly rational, to think him unsuited for the hero course.

Well, he had a whole hour at least. Yaomomo and him were already headed to the competitor's area, where Lunch Rush had set up a full meal for the participants. Idly, he asked: "Yaoyorozu, how do you think I did?" How one answers open-ended questions can tell a lot about their priorities. It was why he was always so very careful with his words, giving the right impression for the situation.

She nodded enthusiastically. "You did great, Deguchiya. Keep it up, and that Hero Course spot is yours. Mr. Aizawa said it himself: we had a great composition and your plan worked perfectly." It didn't, it required several improvisations and one outright hint from Eraserhead, as he didn't even think about the fuel limits of the flamethrower, but he would let her think better of him, as that could only be helpful for keeping himself around her after he fails to get into the hero course. She continued. "And… You can call me Yaomomo, if you want."

Figures. He'd been waiting for her to say that for literal years. She really was a battle maniac, if it took outright fighting at her side in a miniature war for her to give such permission to him.

Well, at least his future as a manager at her hero agency seems to be proceeding smoothly. Still, reciprocity does demand a response: "Then you may call me Tenya, Yaomomo."
He really reminds me of Commissar Cain for the Warhammer 40k fandom. Coward at heart but constantly forced to fight/be brave or fall.
I... I can't believe it. I don't think I've ever seen a Youjo Senki-fic done well without any reincarnation before, heck, I'm not sure I've even seen one like this at all. These settings are so distinct that it's shocking how well you meshed things together while keeping the Salaryman's motivations intact.

I might have preferred a little more buildup on his background in this world before using preexisting relationships with canon characters (For example, who are his parents/what do they do, 'cause this is a high school and they would be relevant. How did he and Yaoyorozu meet/what have they done together in the past?), but I'm happy with hitting the premise right out the gate, things tend to work out when people are familiar with both franchises and that's part of the appeal of writing fanfics.
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. . . I am just waiting for Visha. Wooo, go, salariman, go get your retirement!
Wow, Bakugo must be pissed.
You have no idea. This inexplicably powerful guy comes out of fucking nowhere, with absolutely no foreshadowing, somehow achieving the first event first place. Further, he recruits the chunni guy, the bubbly support-archtype, and some tech-y extra, only to lord his power over everyone else in the followup event. He unleashes the great power of darkness, defeating the plucky childhood friend, and will win the whole event without deigning to actually fight anyone. So, he goes plus ultra, rocketing himself to new heights (literally) to deal with the villain. The villain is a chump in close combat, as expected, and he successfully steals the headband, although losing his other ones.

So he's back with his team, crowing his victory, until Midnight takes a look at the headband he managed to swipe. It's a fake! They fucking cheated! No one could prove that Yaomomo wasn't wearing the original headband as well as the fake, as the cameras couldn't get a good visual (which yaomomo noticed).

So he's out of the contest altogether, and to make things worse, he can do fucking math, Half-and-half didn't even have enough points to beat him, so he would have gotten second place if he didn't get fucking greedy! As the cherry on the fucking cake, the team that got in because of his elimination was FUCKING DEKU!

Edit: Incidentally, if you're curious, the fake headband had exactly 10,000,000 points, instead of the 10,000,300 points the real one had.
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Chapter 3: Meeting the Brass
It was a day of many firsts, for Deguchiya Tenya. While he was no stranger to eating what most people would consider a day's worth of food in a single sitting, doing so twice with less than an hour between them was still asking a bit much of his Quirk-enhanced digestive system. So it was after only two bowls of rice and a sushi platter that Tenya found himself with over a half dozen people wanting to speak with him at the same time. Classmates of Yaomomo, no doubt, as he recognized most of them from the cavalry battle.

The man who was primarily restraining Bakugou after the fight, a red-haired boy who introduced himself as Kirishima Ejirou, managed to be the first one to silence the others and speak first: "That was some manly shit, throwing down Bakubro like that while blinded. I just wanted to make sure you knew that he's just upset that he got greedy, and he won't actually do any of those things he yelled after the match." He nods to emphasize his point. "That'll teach him to underestimate the Vice Rep!"

Tenya nodded at the surprisingly amicable hero student. "I agree. Our plan would have failed entirely if not for her quick thinking and leadership. "

The girl who sat with them at lunch and was one of the team leaders in the cavalry battle, Jiro, spoke up next: "Since when could you fly? Or lift like that? Or black out the sun? You always said your Quirk was weak!"

He blinked at the blunt question. "Well… I suppose for the first two, it never came up. It's not like flying around is legal, after all." At Jiro's deadpan look, he clarified: "I've never used that kind of power before. The last time I've ever tried to use my Quirk at maximum power was over five years ago, and back then I couldn't do anything remotely impressive."

The leader of that persistent team, Midoriya, cut in with his own commentary. "Ah, a lot of emitter and augmentation-type Quirks are known to increase in power drastically with puberty, many 'hidden' Quirks get revealed then for that reason, if you haven't checked your maximum output since then…" He gestured vaguely behind him. "Kaachan couldn't muster anything greater than firecrackers until he was eleven, unless he soaked something in his sweat for hours."

Kirishima gave Midoriya a searching look. "Is… that what happened to you, man? That'd explain a lot…"

Jiro scoffed. "I want to know how he knows about the other thing."

Midoriya blanched. "We don't talk about the gym sock incident." Kirishima got a thoughtful look, but didn't ask further.

Tenya paused as he absorbed the non sequitur. "I... didn't know that. Thank you Midoriya." Internally, his thoughts were racing. He had spent years garnering bonus social points by expressing a desire to be a hero, only to be stymied by a weak Quirk. In the schoolyard, the one inviolable truth was that heroes were the best, and to say anything otherwise was suicide. No one actually knew the real reason he never attempted the heroics exam, which was how it was a very unsafe profession, both financially and physically. He glanced at Yaomomo. She was beaming at him, at the man he made her think he was, finally getting to approach his dream. His heart started pounding, visions of death and destitution flashing before his eyes. That smile...

He was distracted from his increasing panic by the timely intervention of Hatsume. "Your Quirk is amazing! When you get into the hero course, you'll need a costume right? Look no further! For I will make you a special baby, and you'll come and test it, and maybe some of my other babies…" She flushed, her mutant-Quirk eyes widening in surprise. "Oh! I don't need to spend money on parts! I'll pay you to be my test pilot! Flight, durability, strength, reflex boost, barriers, I noticed it all! It's perfect for my babies!"

Perturbed, the group gave the enthusiastic girl some extra space as she waved her arms. Tenya's thoughts whirled. Did Hatsume not have another management course student giving her assistance? If she wanted to employ a test pilot, that would be something that a management student who wanted to tie their star to hers would be handling. Well, let it not be said that he couldn't grasp opportunity when it came up. She was very skilled in machining and had usable skills in a wide variety of engineering. So it was with firm conviction when he nodded to her. "We should talk after the festival about our future business together. Is there anything I should know?"

She nods enthusiastically. "Nope! Just bring yourself to the 1-H workshop and we can get right to it!"

Tenya nods back. "That's all I needed to know." One contact made, and a business meeting set up. That's one advantage to not flunking out of the race, at least. Hatsume had the right idea, focusing on business opportunities rather than competition. These battle maniacs could learn something from her focus under pressure.

Speaking of them, the last people who were vying for his attention started their own question. The invisible and pink-skinned girl pointed dramatically at Tenya. "How do you know Yaomomo!" They said simultaneously.

Jiro huffed in amusement at the question, and Yaomomo cut in: "We went to the same middle school. He's sat at my table every day all year. You didn't notice him, Hagakure? You sat right next to him just last week."

Jiro nodded in support of the statement. "Remember? He showed us the rainbow trick?"

Hagakuru burst out laughing. "Oh yeah, that was funny! That was you?" She sheepishly added: "You changed your glasses…"

Tenya coughed. "Bakugo broke mine, Yaomomo replaced them."

The pink-skinned girl waved her hand between everyone. "Hold up! What rainbow trick?"

Tenya, his expression in a stoic deadpan, brought his hands together, and after a moment to engage the illusion formula, spread them. An image of a rainbow connected his hands, with the words 'It's a Quirk' splayed across it. At that, everyone started laughing at the image.

Calming down from her hysterics, pinky nudged Tenya. "You're alright." She stuck her hand out. "Ashido Mina."

Tenya took her hand, shaking it twice before letting go. "Deguchiya Tenya. Class 1-J." The other people in the conversation made sure to introduce themselves, before dispersing to get some food inside them.

Yamomo stood up, gesturing for Tenya to follow her. "Let's strategize. We have thirty minutes to figure out a plan of attack for fifteen possible matchups. Let's get to work!"

Yaomomo spent a few minutes going over the Quirks of her classmates, plus what she observed of class 1-B during the cavalry battle. The only one who didn't use their Quirk in a way Momo could see, of the group that passed, was the white-haired girl, Yanagi Reiko. "Okay, now we need to figure out how you can use your Quirk to attack. I've made a list of party tricks you've shown me that could possibly be used to directly attack people, look it over and tell me what you think."

Tenya looked over the list. It was pretty obvious.
Laser pointer (safety issues?)
Paper-cutter (lethality issues)
Paper-bomb (delivery? Does it have to be paper? Getting paper might be problem)
Telekinetic projectiles (max speed? Getting projectiles might be problem, break arena?)
Direct telekinesis (shove target, launch away?)
Super-punch? (could lift me + telekinetic assist?)
Barrier push?
Flight drop? (potential injury, easy to dodge? How fast?)

Tenya looked back up at Momo's smile, looked back down on the list, and promptly crossed out half the list. "The tricky part of directly attacking with my Quirk is making sure to minimize waste, protecting myself from it, and computation, and a massive part of that is aiming. Ideally, I'd have a projectile to bind the effect to, that traveled quickly, and without requiring me to provide it with the motive force. A straight object of a length I already know down to the milimeter would also help immensely, doubly so if it was durable enough and hollow to contain the energy of my attack. Ergonomics might be an issue, though, so it would need some kind of handle…"

Yaomomo interrupted him. "You're describing a gun, Tenya. You want a gun." Her deadpan didn't really suit her, but it expressed her opinion well enough.

Tenya flushed. "Well… yes I suppose that would be perfect, but that's not very heroic, is it?" Now that Tenya thought about it, he did have that guidance formula, which would make using a gun even better.

She sighed. "Well, that's a thought for your hero costume, but we need to think of something you can use without bringing things into the arena. " So she would accept a gun… That could be a way to seem less appealing to the staff… Wait. Snipe was a teacher. He'd need to go further. But how to show it now…

Tenya started writing down some numbers. Maybe… "If I use my carving formula, I could maybe make a gun-shaped chunk of the arena… And I would already know it's exact dimensions as I've already made it." He mimed having a gun, and started calculating the needed lengths involved.

Yaomomo smiled. "That's the spirit! I remember you turning that rock into a sphere, wouldn't doing that be too complex?"

Tenya waved her concerns off. "Not if I hollow it out separately. In fact, I could section off the stone inside it and launch it like an arrow! Then it would just be a matter of reinforcing the structure and I'd have a chamber I can put a simpler attack formula inside and just point and shoot, nothing simpler."

Yaomomo's smile faded, obviously in thought. "Wouldn't that be dangerous, though? If you're too violent, they might think you unsuitable for hero work."

Tenya smiled. He could only hope. "I'm sure it's fine. I don't have nearly as much training as you, so they'll probably give me more slack on that."

She nodded along with that. "I suppose as long as you're not worse than Bakugo, they'll probably let you in." After a moment, she added: "Do you have a backup plan?"

Tenya vaguely gestured with his hand. "I guess I could use my blade formula as a backup weapon, bind them to my fingernails, make them too small to cut too deep…" As a demonstration, Tenya focused, before lifting a spare piece of paper and waving his other hand near it. It fell apart into six pieces.

Yaomomo stared at the paper. Lifting one of the cut edges to get a closer look, she turned back to Tenya with an unidentifiable expression. "You should probably avoid using that on people's skin. Mr. Aizawa warned us that the crowds don't like seeing a lot of blood."

Tenya nodded, thinking about the problem. "If I used a real knife, I could heat it up, make it cauterize as well as sharpening and reinforcing it…"

"And we're back to 'no outside objects.'" Yaomomo interjected.

"Right, right. Now, what are your plans for Ilda…"


"AND WE'RE BACK! It's nice to hear from you all again, listeners!" Present Mic announced, now that the break time was officially over. "Now, without further ado, the opening bracket!"

"Deguchiya Tenya of class 1-J versus class 1-B's Kendo Itsuka!"
"Tokoyami Fumikage versus Ilda Tenya, both of 1-A!"
"Ashido Mina versus Uraraka Ochako, also of 1-A!"
"Todoroki Shoto of class 1-A versus class 1-B's Tokage Setsuna!"
"Yaoyorozu Momo of class 1-A versus class 1-B's Yanagi Reiko!"
"Hatsume Mei of class 1-H versus class 1-A's Kaminari Denki!"
"Aoyama Yuga versus Sato Rikido, both of 1-A!"
"Class 1-B's Shiozaki Ibara versus Midoriya Izuku, of class 1-A!"

"Can Deguchiya and Kendo please make their way to the arena, let the show begin!"


Yaomomo was far too busy to be making cheerleading costumes for the 1-A girls. Truly, the darkest timeline.
Chapter 4: Deployment
Man, this thread is dead, especially in comparison to the SB thread. It's not that big a deal to crosspost I suppose, but I might end up stopping later on.

As he waved goodbye to Yaomomo, Tenya was fairly confident in his chances on dealing with Kendo, unless her quirk had some unforeseen benefit that couldn't be extrapolated from the improved leverage she'd have by having her own feet on the ground rather than the less stable cavalry formation. It was only when he found himself in the arena Cementoss set up that he realized that he didn't put a single thought into how he would convincingly lose to her.

Well, their best guess as to Kendo's strategy against either of them would be that she would attempt to rush forward and try to attack before Tenya could fly into the air or Yaomomo could make a countermeasure, so he supposes he could just be too slow to stop her? No, Yaomomo would know, and if he can't convince her he lost fairly, there's no point in losing at all. It looks like his only option would be the original plan: to try his best but be beaten by the superior training and power of the hero course students. It hasn't been working so far, but surely direct combat would be a different story.

As Midnight prepared to start the match, lifting her crop into the air, Tenya started empowering his reflex enhancement formula. The instant she began her announcement to begin, he crouched low, activating the pre-set carving formula he had developed over the planning period. It's a useful trick, akin to a 3-D printer on demand, but it required extensive programming beforehand and couldn't hollow things out. A vaguely rifle-shaped chunk of the arena popped out, and Tenya grabbed it before leaping into the air, his passive barrier formula blunting the intense winds of Kendo's expected rush.

Pointing his rifle at the 1-B girl, he activated the second formula he developed during the break. A combination of carving, reinforcement, and explosive formula ring out at the same time, launching a blunt spike of stone towards his opponent. She wasn't bothered much, deflecting it with one of her hands without much trouble.

With his attention being steadily consumed by operating his passive barrier, flight, object reinforcement, reflex enhancement, and body reinforcement formulas, he knew he was stretching his computational limits. Still, he formed an explosive formula within the new firing chamber of his weapon, letting the object reinforcement formula handle funneling the attack forward and away from himself.

Kendo disappointed in her reactions, managing to avoid the first four attacks but losing her footing from the damage to the ground underneath, taking three more of the weak explosions to her torso before huddling under her hands which basically ignored the next five shots, prompting him to land, ending his flight formula. He started to carefully aim so he could launch her out of the area with a overpowered wind formula, using her interlaced hands as a sail. However, he was stymied by a wall springing up between him and his target.

Midnight cracked her crop once more, announcing "STOP! I'm ruling this match in favor of Deguchiya Tenya!" The crowd erupted in a cacophony of mixed cheers, some positive, some negative. Releasing his reflex enhancement, he rubbed his eyes and face as he rode out the seconds of disorientation and flaring of aches, letting the side-effects pass as he reasserted his usual cool mask.

Finishing his cooldown by running his hands through his hair to settle it from the windswept look it gained from the short flight, he walked outside of the arena, his rifle hanging from his offhand as he fully settled his quirk into complete inactivity.

Yaomomo intercepted him on his way to the management course section of the stands. "Tenya! You did great, exactly how we planned it. Come on, I had Lunch Rush send up extra cake for me and Sato so you could have some between matches too."

"Thank you Yaomomo. I could use the refueling. Lead the way." Tenya found himself smiling as he was led to the rest of the hero students. By far, the biggest perk of being at UA that he found was not the quality of the teachers (although they were great), nor the challenging curriculum (such things were exaggerated), but the utterly amazing food. Lunch Rush's desserts were good enough that he had to hold himself back from embarrassing himself by acting like he was in some kind of cooking manga as a taste judge.

Of course, it was only logical to provide the same caloric supplements for all participating students with a digestive quirk, so the decision to provide cake could only be blamed on Sato's participation.

"-oom for two Bakugos, ribbit." finished a green-haired girl as they entered the 1-A stands.

Bakugo appeared to be offended at the statement, and was about to act when Ashido noticed their arrival and interrupted him. "Hey, the winner's here! How's it going, Deguchiya?"

Tenya glanced at Yaomomo, who pointed towards the cake table, where a large boy who was probably Sato sat in vigil. Making his way over there, he engaged Ashido's question. "I'm fine." Tenya wasn't quite sure what kind of response Ashido was looking for, but as he was in a group of battle maniacs, bravado seemed a safe bet. "She never even touched me." He laid his cement rifle on a nearby empty seat and picked up one of the plates of cake.

As he ate, the second match was announced to begin. Much like the first match, it started with the more physically capable contender seeking a quick win at the expense of the slower, more esoteric quirk user. Unlike the first match, Ilda's primary attack power lied in his superior speed as well as overall high mass, whereas Kendo just could shift her mass upwards at the moment of attack and was otherwise purely mortal in speed.

The results were as such predictable, although Tokoyami did manage to avoid the initial rush and engaged in actual combat, but in the early afternoon sun and with no way of generating his own shade, Dark Shadow just wasn't up to dealing with Ilda's raw speed and power.

When they arrived back in the 1-A stands, Tenya nodded at them in acknowledgement as he polished off his fifth plate of cake. As he picked up his sixth, Hagakure waved her sleeve to get his attention.

"How do you eat so much and stay so thin? You've been eating nonstop." She seemed irritated at the very idea, but jealous girls were not something new. He considered answering, but decided that cake was more important.

Yaomomo came to his rescue, like a hero. "His quirk requires him to eat a lot, somewhat like me and Sato's quirks." She gestures to the muscular boy, inviting her to examine the sculpted nature of his body. "Sato doesn't get fat by eating sweets, because it just becomes more muscle instead. That's how his quirk works. If he was eating, say, fried chicken, he would still get fat." Sato nodded in confirmation of the statement. She gestured to Tenya. "Tenya, on the other hand, just has the calories and nutrients he consumes vanish entirely, fueling his quirk even if he doesn't use it. So he stays thin, because even eating several plates of cake, only a fraction of it actually stays in his body." It took a moment for the class to realize Yaomomo was done and wasn't going to share details on herself.

Midoriya finished it for her, however. "And your quirk just makes you rapidly gain and lose weight as you eat and use it, that's neat Yaoyorozu!" Yaomomo flushed at his blunt explanation, but nodded in agreement.

Kirishima looked oddly at Midoriya. "That's some manly analysis skills, but how can you tell?"

"How can you not? Yaoyorozu's ass and boobs change size a lot, haven't you noticed?" Mineta scolded, his disappointment in the other boy clear.

"Mineta! It's rude to point out quirk side-effects in such a crass manner! Have you no shame?" Ilda scolded the boy, his hands wildly chopping at the air in his direction. Tenya kind of wanted to smack the smaller boy too, but that was an impulse easily ignored.

Kaminari nodded seriously. "There's a reason no one points out that Ashido's breath is basically lemon juice, or that Bakugo constantly smells like caramel."

"The match is starting, shut up!" Bakugou shouted, smacking the other blond with far more violence than necessary. Everyone ignored the action, as if it was normal.


In the arena, each combatant was keeping their distance, hesitating to get closer. After a tense twenty or thirty seconds, Ashido wound up and unleashed a massive wave of acid, blocking everyone's view of Uraraka's half of the arena.

Uraraka, however, had already jumped clear of the wave, dropping down with a kick towards Ashido. The pink girl's reflexes were sufficient to dance out of the way of the falling meteor, and while Uraraka's landing wasn't the softest Tenya had ever seen, she quickly leapt out of her roll to attempt to tag Ashido, who just barely failed to get out of the way.

As she floated away from the arena, her jump's momentum working against her, she sprayed even more acid out of her feet, propelling herself back toward Uraraka. The resulting melee was best described as an actual catfight, with Uraraka smacking the other girl into the arena while Ashido affixing herself to the other girl and the arena, trying to end the battle through punching rather than anything more refined. Eventually, Uraraka managed to get the other girl into a complicated looking hold, applying pressure with her thighs so the other girl couldn't breathe. Midnight called the match shortly afterwards. The two girls gathered the remains of their jackets, torn pant legs, and discarded shoes, leaving behind only their dignity as they left the arena.

Mineta was the first to comment in the aftermath. "That was the best fight ever! Shame their bras stayed on..."

Ojiro was the one to physically berate Mineta this time, his tail lashing out and knocking the shorter boy off of his seat. "That fight was painful to watch. Either of them could have ended it in half the time if they had any practice at all in close-in fighting like that."

"At least they made up for it with enthusiasm, or in Uraraka's case, vicious stubbornness. Mina's pretty strong in the gym, if Urakura can keep up with her, they've both got good foundations" Sero cheerfully added. "They're going to miss the next fight, to get all of those cuts and burns healed by Recovery Girl."

"Next two fights." Hagakure cut in. "Remember, Todoroki's next." Everyone else took a moment to process that, but each nodded in agreement at the sentiment.

Tenya finished his twelfth and final plate of cake. "Tokage can separate her body parts though, so even if he freezes her legs to the floor, she won't be out of it."

Sero shook his head. "Nah, Todoroki has got this. He's frozen a five-story building during a class assignment, that arena's nothing."

As if on cue, Midnight signaled for the next battle to begin. Within a single second, the entire arena, including Tokage's floating body parts was covered in a massive glacier. Even Midnight got exposed to some of the frost as collateral damage. Tenya could only look on in shock. A very chilled Midnight declared Todoroki the victor, who then started using his quirk to melt the ice around Tokage's body parts, freeing her.

Yaomomo stood up from her seat, walking down to the arena. "Wish me luck!" She called out to her class as she left.

Tenya joined them in their well-wishes with his own "Do your best."


Unlike literally every other competitor, Tenya and Yaomomo didn't have a single idea as to what Yanagi's quirk was. It was either subtle, or not something that was useful in the cavalry battle. After some debate, they figured that it was probably the former. As such, Yaomomo opened with a safe production of a shield and staff, ready to engage in melee with whatever Yanagi could bring to the table.

The white-haired girl opened by taking her hands out of her pockets, dropping marbles on the arena floor. They started to float, creating rings of rotation around both Yanagi herself and the arena as a whole. Mystery solved, Yaomomo rushed forward, striking out with the staff from outside the protective radius of Yanagi's quirk.

The smaller girl seemed unprepared for such aggression, taking a solid hit to the shoulder before the marbles all sent themselves towards Yaomomo from all around. She swung her shield arm in front of her as she barreled through the closing trap, leaving the majority to crash together uselessly. Yaomomo's staff was jerked out of her hand, flinging itself outside the arena's bounds, which halted her second attack.

Undeterred, Yaomomo merely created a second staff with a greater reach, thrusting it forward like a spear towards the belly of her opponent. While Yanagi's retaliatory rush of marbles assaulted Yaomomo's back with impunity, the thrust knocked Yanagi down, wheezing. Twirling the staff to knock away the continuing telekinetic assault, Yaomomo waited for the girl to start to stand up before using her staff to vault towards the girl in a flying kick that finished the match, knocking her opponent outside the ring.

Although Midnight called the match immediately, it took Yanagi a couple dozen seconds to actually stop the marbles from attacking. An interesting detail, if her quirk involved programming behavior rather than direct control. Midoriya seemed to agree, as he had whipped out a notebook and was frantically taking notes while mumbling. Kaminari started to leave for his own match.

Uraraka and Ashido finally made their way back to the stands, appearing to be fully recovered from their battle and in new clothes. "What did we miss?" Ashido said, giving Kaminari a high-five as he passed.

Bakugo immediately cut through the greetings the other students were saying with his own answer. "Icyhot and Ponytail destroyed the extras. It's time for Dreadlocks and Pikachu to fight." He smirks. "Dreadlocks is going to get creamed."

Tokoyami shook his head. "You underestimate the madness that lurks underneath that bright exterior. She is like a star, brimming with power and dangerous to approach."

Yaomomo, as the other 1-A student to have interacted with Hatsume, put in her take: "Hatsume is definitely someone you can't underestimate. But electrical attacks should be fairly effective against most of her inventions that I've seen, at least."


The battle was delayed for a few minutes, as Hatsume discussed something with Midnight. Kaminari ended up being called over, and after further discussion, they returned to their places and waited for the announcement.

"Hello everyone! I'm Hatsume Mei, and I'm here to show you all my babies! Support Companies, pay close attention!" She announced, having somehow co-opted the stadium's sound system.

"Hey! That's not cool. START!" Announced Present Mic. As Kaminari rushed forward to attack Hatsume, he kept up the commentary. "And Kaminari doesn't waste any time. Hatsume evades with her-"

"Hydraulic attachment bars! Dodging is simple for one with this baby!" Kaminari clutched the extended bar, electricity crackling. "And it's also an electrical ground!" The instant Kaminari released it, it withdrew back to her rig.

Kaminari growled at the girl, approaching her with greater caution. Hatsume brought out another gadget, launching a net at the other boy, who mostly dodged it. The net balled itself around his arm, weighing it down and tying up his hand but otherwise not doing much.

Hatsume wasn't put out by it, "The net gun's magnetic mini-rockets wrap around and tightly bind whatever it snags, no matter its size or shape. It's carbon-fiber construction is the strongest lightweight material on the market, and resists many electrical, thermal, and corrosive quirks."

Kaminari shouted at the girl, her microphone picking it up. "Do you think I'm stupid? Do you think I'm a joke!?" He aimed his arm and flexed his quirk, launching the balled up net at her. Hatsume's rig engaged, dodging the attack, but the net promptly wrapped around her backpack when the bar withdrew. The boy followed it up by pointing his finger at her, and launching a bolt of electricity. Her rig still engaged through the net, but the lightning curved and he hit her directly.

Present Mic whooped at the turnaround. Aizawa provided his own insight: "While not all electrical quirks can handle magnetic forces, using electromagnets vastly increases the number that can turn that around on you. Further, many if not most electrical quirk users don't quite obey normal electrical routing with their quirk use, so Kaminari was able to use those electromagnets charged up with his quirk as a lightningrod, preventing her from dodging again and doing severe damage to her equipment, although as you can see she's tougher than she looks. An impressive improvisation, I've never seen him do anything like that before."

As he spoke, Hatsume shrugged off the netted-up rig, disengaging some straps. She tapped her microphone, before discarding it as well. Kaminari seemed to be holding himself back from attacking, visibly seething at his opponent. Hatsume eventually took something that vaguely resembled a ready stance, and the fight continued.

The fight was more even now, with Hatsume using her still-functional support equipment to put up a good fight. Kaminari disabled her equipment one by one, grounding only being of limited utility against his quirk, the girl bulling through the shocks time and time again. Eventually, she shouted something at Midnight and the fight was over.

"Hatsume Mei has surrendered! Kaminari Denki is the winner!"

The 1-A stand was pretty quiet, Tenya thought. He expected them to be more excited about their classmate winning. "Holy shit." Jiro said. "He actually looked cool there."

Tenya looked at Yaoyorozu, who had just arrived from her own trip to Recovery girl. "Is that normal hero course performance?"

Yaomomo shook her head "Oh no, Kaminari is one of the worst in the class. I'm pretty surprised he won, actually." She turned to Jiro. "How did Kaminari do, Kyoka?"

Jiro gestured stiffly to the arena. "He did amazing, he managed to win a fight without frying his brain."

Yaomomo's eyes widened at the news. "Really? I'm proud of him. He's really putting his best foot forward today."

Ilda nodded vigorously. "Yes, as Class President it really warms my heart to see my classmates perform at their best!"

Midoriya was writing in his notebook vigorously. "How powerful of an electromagnet is needed for him to use as a target? Precision is his quirk's weakness, and those magnets were only the side of a thumb, he could have half a dozen of them in a wrist-mounted device. Pneumatic launcher? His quirk would interfere with a magnetic one, even if he could power it. Is there a way to protect it from his quirk between launches?" He continues to mumble about support gear for his classmate.

Tenya raised his eyebrow. "Midoriya's a hero course student, right? Not a support course?" Yaomomo giggled at the question, but nodded.

"He's just like that. He'll be a terror once he gets better at using his quirk." She points to the cover on Midoriya's book. "He's got nearly twenty others, all very detailed. You should ask him to tell you his observations later, I'm sure there'll be something you never even considered in it."

"Really? Even you?" Tenya queried. "I wouldn't think he could think of something you haven't before."

She waved her hand vaguely. "Well, my quirk's always had something of a trade-off between complexity, mass, and utility, but he wrote up a list of relief supplies that could be useful in a rescue situation, and there were a few new ones I didn't already have covered." She waved off the dismissal of Midoriya's skills. "I know your quirk can't handle improvisation as well as most, so he'd be a good person to get ideas from, round out your arsenal."

Tenya nodded in acknowledgement of her suggestion. "Even if I don't get in, with your endorsement, I'm sure he'll be a rising star. I'll have to exchange numbers with him. Nedzu encourages us to offer our assistance to the hero course students." Tenya cleared his voice, before attempting to speak at a higher pitch in emulation of the Principal. "Every successful hero has at least five good managers ensuring their ability to focus on heroics. A great manager can support an agency's worth of heroes. Plus Ultra!"

A few of the other students laughed at the impression of the Principal's voice. Kirishima pumped his fist in the air. "Is that what you get taught in the management courses? That's manly as hell!"

Tenya adjusted his glasses as he nodded. "More or less. Nedzu spends most of his class telling stories and then asking us what lessons we extracted from them. It's all very Socratic." Tenya pointed to the fiery beacon standing around three sections over. "He was telling us just last week about how Endeavor started out by forming his own agency with four other heroics students, two support students, and three management students that pulled it all together, all from his year. It's an example I'd gladly follow." Indeed, the figures for heroes that went to UA are far better than the general population. Getting in on the ground floor of an agency formed by one of them is still somewhat risky, but the chance of outright failure is miniscule. More likely, it would end with being bought out by a larger agency, and getting into middle management in a top fifty agency is still a good place to be, career-wise. Everything else is just stacking the deck further in his favor, by picking a mixture of the most bloodthirsty hero course students for effectiveness and the most photogenic and personable ones to be the face.

Yaomomo's, charming, beautiful, rich, and a battle maniac, which is a great start, but it seems that Midoriya is also rather high on violent impulse, if someone like him is in the hero course instead of the support course, which would clearly suit him more. With Hatsume on support gear, that's everything a start-up agency needs. Getting into the top 16 of the sports festival was a great boon to his management career. Now all he needs to do is avoid getting moved into the hero course without losing those connections.

The fight between Aoyama and Sato was barely worth mentioning. Sato just picked the smaller boy up and slammed him into the grass outside the arena. Aoyama's laser couldn't deter the larger boy, who had enough fighting skill to only take glancing blows and enough strength and durability to ignore those. Aoyama's agility and maneuvering delayed the inevitable, but a well-timed stomp from Sato destroyed Aoyama's footing for long enough that Sato could finally lay hands on him.

Midoriya dashed down to the arena, having spent the entire fight making even more notes on his classmate's fighting styles. Tenya picked up his cement rifle, and spun up a blade formula around his fingers. Slowly, he whittled at the rifle, making it more ergonomic to handle as well as adding some artistic details. When he blew away the dust, he caught a few of the other student's attention.

"Hey, is that the JSDF-M21?" Shoji asked. At Tenya's nod, he followed up with: "What configuration are you planning on using? Your rifle's kind of short, but you could mock up a Tengu pattern without too much trouble."

Tenya shrugged. "If I thought about it earlier, I would've used the Mondragon pattern. I suppose a complete Tengu is better than a bullpup Mondragon. It's not like I could've given it a full scope either way, iron sights are my only option here." At that, Tenya started to fiddle with the barrel, forming the distinct widened opening that configuration of the modular rifle was known for. "I'll be in close combat, so using the close combat configuration is probably wise in general. I'll need to up the power of the explosion formula to compensate, but the wider cone will make things easier overall."

Ashido didn't let the exchange escape her notice however. "Are you carving that into a real gun model from memory?" Tenya flushed, but said nothing.

Shoji nodded. "The attention to detail is impressive. I'm a bit of a military otaku myself but I couldn't do this." The large multi-limbed boy was keeping eyes on both the arena and on Tenya's project.

Tenya was almost done converting his cement rifle into a cement shotgun when Midoriya's fight started. Shiozaki's hair-vines immediately burrowed into the arena, more vines creating a barrier around her in an attempt to handle Midoriya's unknown quirk. The boy jumped forward, disregarding the vines that sprung up from his previous position, and he flicked the ground with his finger.

The effects were immediate and dramatic. The arena shattered, all of Shiozaki's vines loose from the stone, and the pious girl lost her footing. She severed the connections to her hair and leapt out of the crater. But before she could land, Midoriya followed up his attack with another finger flick in the girl's direction, creating a massive gust of wind, blowing her clear out of the arena and into Midnight, who jumped to intercept her before she hit the wall Cementoss raised to protect the audience.

The crowd erupted into cheers for the dramatic first showing of the green-haired boy's quirk. Tenya turned back to Yaomomo. "What was Midoriya's quirk, again?"

She shrugged. "It's a strength enhancement quirk. He's gotten a lot better about using less power at once, he only destroyed a bit of the arena." Tenya boggled at the ridiculous statement.

"Well, at least he's as far from my bracket as possible." Tenya muttered. Yaomomo nodded back, patting his shoulder sympathetically.


As a note, the matches were actually randomized (yes, even the part where Tenya was literally the first number drawn and Midoriya was the last, although I did swap Aoyama and Ilda after plotting out the matches because I had a great idea for Sato vs. Midoriya and was drawing a blank on Ilda vs. Midoriya), which makes this a lot easier to write with novelty in events. The original concept with Mei/Denki was that he fried her stuff easily enough that she broke down crying for the lost opportunity, but as I looked into what she actually had, it didn't make enough sense to me to work that way. So I just had Kaminari improvise his later-on support gear instead. Much more interesting.

Also, the gun details are completely made up. The JSDF-M21 is a modular rifle (the official rifle of the JSDF since its design in 2321) that has options for basically any small arm. The Mondragon pattern is a marksman rifle, with a scope and a long barrel, while the Tengu pattern is a shotgun, although Tenya can't shift the choke when he's working with concrete so he sets it to a specific (very wide) setting.
Chapter 5: Trench Warfare
Right, crossposting. That's a thing i need to do.


"And we're back, listeners! Present Mic here with Mummyzawa, here to make sure you don't miss a thing in this action-packed festival round. First off, we have Deguchiya Tenya of class 1-J against the Class President of class 1-A, Ilda Tenya! It is the battle of the Tenyas folks, which tall glasses-wearing short-haired boy will prove themselves superior? Is it the one from a long line of heroes, who goes to the gym every day, who considers a hundred kilometer sprint a morning workout? Or is it the management course's champion, he with the endless bag of tricks, the master of the skies, who considers a seven-course meal a light snack? It's time to find out! But don't worry folks, that's the same block of concrete Deguchiya had in the first round. He just prettied it up a bit between rounds." An image flashed on the monitors, of Tenya hand-carving his shotgun, to provide veracity to the claim. The pile of fourteen cake plates were a prominent distraction on the right side of the image.

Tenya tensed, his shotgun held firmly in his grip but not aimed directly at his opponent as they waited for the starting signal. Present Mic hyped up the audience a bit more, before Aizawa cut him off.


Immediately, Tenya started to engage his personal enhancement formulas. The other boy's immediate rush was expected, predictable. Tenya exhaled strongly, his oxygenation and flight formulas allowing him to go from ready to receive straight to attacking without any of the hints normally apparent to an experienced fighter like a hero course student. Visible surprise graced Ilda's face, right before it was obscured by the butt of the shotgun smashing into his face.

Flipping in the air, Tenya aimed at his opponent while upside down, launching a salvo of explosive formula at the disoriented hero's back, further disrupting his recovery and knocking him to the ground. Tenya re-oriented, landing and stuttering with his breath as he tried to resume normal breathing.

Ilda jumped back to his feet, but Tenya shot him again with another explosive formula, the wider aperture making it nigh impossible for the broader boy to dodge without getting the chance to get up to speed, a chance that Tenya refused to give him.

After two attempts to get up, Tenya pushing his reflex enhancement to the limit to ensure his ability to keep Ilda suppressed, Cementoss brought up another wall to intercept his latest shot. Midnight shouted: "Deguchiya Tenya is the winner!"

Deactivating all of his formulae, Tenya shuddered as the mild headache hit him. Massaging his oddly tense facial muscles, he walked back to the 1-A stands, shutting out the crowd's roar.

Passing by Todoroki, he politely nodded in acknowledgement and was surprised at the heated glare he received in return. Todoroki stopped in front of Tenya, his expression volcanic.

"You." Todoroki said.

Raising an eyebrow, Tenya carefully responded: "I believe you are… Todoroki? Have I offended you in some way?" One of the many lessons on schmoozing Tenya has studied over the years was clear: Whether someone expects you to recognize them or not, do the opposite. It helps you stand out in their minds, an excellent way to leave a lasting impression. Therefore, when you are facing the son of the number two hero, you pretend that their fame is unimportant. It both safeguards against intimidation and improves your perceived social status in their eyes, a useful place to begin a negotiation, or other interaction.

"You remind me of my father." He spat before advancing past Tenya to his match, as inexorable as an inferno. Tenya paused at the odd statement. He didn't resemble the number two hero physically overmuch, his height the only thing close to a resemblance, so clearly that was out. Was it his series of victories? Endeavor was known to be relentlessly oriented towards justice and the pursuit of criminals, which was quite the flattering comparison. But he clearly disliked him…

It hit him. Todoroki clearly resented the fame his father had, his work ethic removing him from his family life like the prototypical salaryman, a feeling that Tenya knew quite well, given how little he saw his own father. Miss Midnight's class on marketing noted that Endeavor's marketing tries to portray him as the gruff patriarch of Japan, everyone's emotionally distant but protective father figure, with this being mostly complicated by how the man didn't make many efforts to personally affect such a persona. In that way, he was the epitome of the modern hero, someone whose immense capacity and desire for violence was channeled to an end that was useful to society. It would be understandable for his actual children to be resentful for such a thing. So instead of hatred, was that… anticipation? Was Todoroki just looking forward to committing his own particular brand of horrific violence on Tenya's person to vent his frustration?

It was a disturbing thought, but it made more and more sense the more Tenya thought about it, horrible visions of Todoroki using icy gauntlets to add frostburn and hypothermia to the savage beatdown dancing in his mind.

His musings were interrupted by the sudden realization that someone was in front of him, and that person was bigger than he. Snapping out of it, Tenya took a step back and considered the large man in front of him. A few inches taller than him, thrice his width, with rippling muscles and a burning mantle revealing the man as the number two hero, Endeavor. Also known as Todoroki Enji, the father of the boy he just spoke with.

"Boy." Endeavor began. Tenya found his posture straightening, all but saluting at the larger man's address. "You're going to be fighting Shoto in the next round." The man smiled, releasing some of the tension in Tenya's shoulders. "Your quirk, it's strong. You're a weedy thing, but that's fixable. Perhaps you'll be the one to show the cocky brat the error of his ways."

Tenya wasn't quite sure what he meant, but the conversation seemed to be going in a positive direction. If he played his cards right, he could get a chance to intern at his agency, perhaps gaining some insight into how to make a new hero agency flourish. "Endeavor sir?" He questioned, hoping he'll explain further.

Endeavor obliged, his smile remaining. "In a fit of teenage rebellion, Shoto's decided that he can be a hero without using his fire." He shakes his head, his smile fading. "Foolish. His quirk gains strength from balancing his usage, allowing him to act longer than if he used only one." He pauses, a searching expression on his face. Tenya nodded along to his explanation, indicating he understood. "On top of that, his ice cannot be used to attack airborne opponents, nor can it be used to allow him to close into melee range with such opponents. The mobility it does offer him is too slow to gain altitude, he's stuck on the ground." He points at Tenya. "But you can fly. On top of that, you don't need to get close to attack him. He'll have no choice but to use his flames or lose." Endeavor's smile returns, wider than ever. "I'll make you a deal. Don't try to win as fast as possible. If Shoto uses his flames in your battle, whether you win or lose, I'll send you an internship offer. You can gain experience in whatever facet of the heroics industry that you wish, I'll make sure you're accomodated." Tenya was shocked. An internship offer from the number two hero's agency? Just… offered to him? Is this what it means for a strong quirk to open doors no one else gets? Or is it just a natural result of attending one of the most prestigious schools in the country? Endeavor's smile widened. "I see you're intrigued. Don't answer, this conversation never happened. But Shoto is the culmination of my legacy, what matters is that he stops this self-sabotage." Tenya felt a wrenching sensation in his chest as the man left. Endeavor's love for his son was overflowing, he offered an incentive to his opponent not to ensure his son's victory, but to make sure he could become the best hero he could be.

Tenya made a personal oath, that when he eventually becomes a father, that he would make sure that he would follow that sterling example.


Tenya made it back up to the 1-A stands just in time, as Todoroki's match with Uraraka started seconds after he sat down. It began like his first match, with him stomping the ground, ice pouring out, and his opponent attempting to escape into the air. Unlike his first match, there were two irregularities.

First, Uraraka successfully managed to avoid being frozen.

Second, this was because Todoroki didn't even try. Instead of creating a great glacier, he coated the arena with a thin layer of ice, skating around the arena with his eyes dead set on Uraraka's airborne form.

"Oh! Uraraka counters Todoroki's signature opening move, but Todoroki counters that by using a completely different move! He's so graceful, isn't he Aizawa?" Present Mic commented.

"It's a stand-off. As classmates, Todoroki is aware that Uraraka can't stay in the air indefinitely. Further, he has adjusted the battlefield to maximize his own mobility, Uraraka needs to return to the ground to attack him, and he knows that, not just from class but by watching her previous battle. He can avoid any attempt to attack him until she's already back on the ground, where Todoroki's quirk can proceed to end the battle." Aizawa explained. "The parameters of the battle favor him, and he knows it. Limited area, no equipment, flat featureless terrain… Uraraka's quirk is less than half of normal strength under such conditions."

Towards the end of his explanation, Uraraka curled into herself, still in the air. After a moment, she vomited, the force of it propelling her slightly and causing it to spread all over the arena. Todoroki was undaunted, however, nimbly avoiding the rain of organic detritus with a graceful figure skating routine. Uraraka released her quirk, dropping to the ground vaguely near Todoroki's location, assuming he kept on his current course.

Todoroki was able to handle her attempt at closing into physical combat as easily as he did the rain of vomit, evading her grasping hands, grasping the back of her clothing, and spinning her around six times before releasing her to the outside of the arena. He ended the impromptu show with another figure skating maneuver that Tenya didn't know the name of, posing for the crowd, who erupted into cheers.

"That's a ten from me, listeners! And to think people say that figure skating isn't exciting! Give it up for Todoroki Shoto everybody!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Aizawa continued to dutifully do his job. "While combat training and weight training have their place in preparing to become a hero, one cannot discount the utility of agility-based training routines, like gymnastics, dancing, and yes, even figure skating. It's an example that more prospective students should follow, if they aspire to UA."

As Shoto left the field, he stomped his left foot, causing his ice skates to instantly melt and the ice to rapidly evaporate from the arena.

Back in the 1-A stands, Sero was the one to break the confused silence, as Kaminari and Yaomomo left for their own match. "Did anyone here know that Todoroki could figure skate?"

Midoriya nodded. "Yes. When I was analyzing his fighting style, I noticed that when he skates during exercises, he kicks out to gain angular momentum." He shrinks into himself. "I wasn't sure if it was figure skating or something else, so I also looked up elementary and middle school figure skating competitions and found his name on exactly one, five years ago. First place." The other students nodded, as if such thorough research was a normal thing to do.

Ojiro snickered. "Okay Midoriya, did you find anything else interesting about Todoroki?"

The boy took a moment to think about the question, beginning his thought slowly. "His ice, he directs its growth with his arm, you can tell when he's stopped controlling the growth and letting it just keep its current direction because when he is controlling it, it always grows in the direction of his palm, but not always his right palm. It's probably a visualization trick rather than an actual limit, or else he couldn't use both hands."

Half the class was staring at Midoriya. Ojiro nodded. "I have no idea how that will ever be useful."

"Me either. He'll be clumsier with his ice when his hands are full though, if I'm right. Might be useful to know." Midoriya pointed out.

Uraraka beamed. "That's pretty cool, Deku! Oh oh do-" Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by Present Mic's boisterous announcement.

"Our next match approaches! On one side, we have class 1-A's Kaminari Denki, whose electrifying quirk dazzled us all earlier today! On the other, we have class 1-A's Vice representative, Yaoyorozu Momo! She's shown off some stuff in the previous round and in the other events, but can her quirk-created equipment hold up to the bane of support gear? I can only say: PLUS ULTRA!" Present MIc announced, leaving the 'contractually' part left unsaid.

After Midnight's call to begin the match, Yaomomo acted swiftly, her jacket falling apart as she pulled out a white cloak from her stomach, replacing the jacket in two seconds. Kaminari rushed forward, his hands sparking. Raising the cloak to defend against his hands, he grasped it, pulling away her cloak.

Underneath the cloak, was revealed to be an identical cloak. Tenya knew this strategy from their planning phase. Yaomomo's quirk was versatile, and creating a twin-layered cloak was well within her talents. "Two steps ahead." He muttered.

Yaomomo leapt away from Kaminari's attempt to follow-up his attack, and the boy's charge to reach her was interrupted by an explosion beneath his feet. He fell backwards, completely failing to control his landing. She capitalized, pulling from under her cloak a weighted net that she threw over the boy, his attempts to electrify his way out of it only succeeding in giving himself burns from the melted rubber.

"Midnight's called it, listeners! Aizawa, that was an action-packed match, your thoughts?" Present Mic announced.

"Kaminari's plan to get in close and tag her with his electricity was good, but Yaoyorozu is one of his worst matchups. She has far too many ways to produce insulated material that can stop his long-range attacks, and there's only so much close-range fighting can do against someone who can pull landmines out of their body." Aizawa drawled. Tenya really admired the man's ability to soften his student's losses in the eyes of the agencies, his dedication to his job and professionalism as a salesman of his students was impressive to listen to, especially if class 1-A's murmurs about his injuries are true.

Sato had taken two plates of cake with him when he left the stands, eating one before he even made it into the hallways, and Midoriya had similarly left. Yaomomo arrived well before the match began, taking a seat next to Tenya with a smile on her face. "What do you think about my match, Tenya?"

Ilda started, but realized he wasn't being spoken to when Tenya replied. "Your plan worked as expected. A superior product will naturally prevail, while the competition will languish. No other outcome was possible."

Sero exhaled strongly. "I'd really like to defend Kaminari here, but against the Vice Rep?" He waved dismissively to finish his thought.

Sneering, Bakugo added his own commentary. "Dunce-face is a one-trick extra, getting this far was a fucking miracle."

Jiro glared at the explosive blond. "Hey, he did really well against that support student, give him some credit."

Yaomomo's smile returned, her face flushed from her class's attention. "Thank you, all of you."

Uraraka cheered. "Deku's match is about to start! Goooo Deku!"

On cue, Present Mic started his announcement of the match. "I hope you're all as hyped as I am, listeners! Sato Rikido of class 1-A, the sweetest strongman, verses the lean, green, fighting machine Midoriya Izuku! Which of these strength enhancement quirks will win over the other?" The man howled in excitement. "Ready?"

Midnight waved down her whip, shouting her own "START!"

Immediately, Midoriya struck a pose, wielding his finger primed for flicking as if it was a deadly weapon. Given what happened in his last match, it definitely was. Sato took a boxing stance, slowly approaching the other boy while occasionally doing a quick sidestep when Midoriya tensed his arm. When Sato got close enough, he abandoned his stance to tackle the smaller boy, who ducked underneath his arms and scrambled to the center of the arena. They recovered at about the same time, resuming their standoff.

"I have to say, Eraser, I really expected this match to be a bit more… explosive." Present Mic prompted.

Eraserhead, the consummate professional, took his cue. "Despite both being strength quirks, they couldn't be more different. Sato's quirk helps him build and keep muscle, while also allowing him to temporarily increase his strength at the cost of his ability to think clearly. Midoriya's, on the other hand, has power in spades, but his body doesn't automatically compensate like Sato's does. As he is now, he needs to make every use count. Sato knows this, thus the standoff. Eventually, one of them will make a mistake, and that's when the fight will be over."

Present Mic chuckled. "Everyone loves quick-draw duels!"

Sato had tried for a second lunge, only to be nimbly avoided by Midoriya. Unlike last time, Midoriya threw himself to the ground, rapidly turning his body to aim his arm at his opponent. Sato's muscles bulged, the larger boy's speed tripling as he launched a punch at his prone opponent. Midoriya rolled out of the way, managing to leap clear of the followup stomp and gaining his feet.

Sato's charge was too quick for Midoriya to aim a finger, so the boy ended up throwing a single punch into the other boy's stomach. The effect was immediate and dramatic. The massive boy flew out of the arena, landing in the grass and leaving a notable indentation in the soft earth, over a dozen meters from the point of impact. None were more surprised than the green-haired boy himself, however, as he stared at his own hand, flexing his fingers with a gobsmacked look on his face.

"Sato is outside the arena! The winner is Midoriya!" Midnight called.

Cheers erupted from one part of the 1-A stands, where Urakura, Ilda, and Asui sat. Ashido whooped as well, nudging Bakugo. "Hey Bakugo, Midoriya managed to pull a punch! You better watch your mouth, or he might not be too scared to take a swing at you." She continued poking the boy until he started making his palm spark and crackle, retreating with a giggle.

Tenya turned to Yaomomo. "So do you have a battle plan?" he asked.

She shook her head, her eyes tracking the green-haired contestant as he walked out of the ring with his head held high. "Not anymore."


Yeah, Midoriya's really overthinking this whole 'One for All' thing. Yeah, All Might's body was a lot stronger and OfA was a lot weaker, so he had no problems, but he also never pasted someone on accident, either.
But Shoto is the culmination of my legacy, what matters is that he stops this self-sabotage." Tenya felt a wrenching sensation in his chest as the man left. Endeavor's love for his son was overflowing, he offered an incentive to his opponent not to ensure his son's victory, but to make sure he could become the best hero he could be.
Wow. Tenya, keep on keeping on. Truly, you are the most insightful person to ever grace the halls of UA.
Wow. Tenya, keep on keeping on. Truly, you are the most insightful person to ever grace the halls of UA.
I mean, arguably Tenya's technically not even wrong, Endeavor's 'love' is just love for his son as an extension of himself rather than as his own person. Or even as a person at all. Besides that, I think it was all, technically, accurate.
Chapter 6: Propaganda Piece
I remembered to crosspost immediately this time.


Fortunately, Tenya wasn't fighting Midoriya. Nor did he need to, in all likelihood. He had it made. Todoroki's weaknesses in a battle were enumerated by the boy's own father, and while he apparently could overcome them, merely attempting such a thing was an automatic win as far as Tenya was concerned.

Unfortunately, this is also the battle that will most likely drain his quirk's reserves. Tenya didn't really have a clear sense of how much his quirk had in the tank at any given moment. What he did have was a little endcap formula that he ran when he did anything big, evaluating how long he could maintain the level of activity he was currently undergoing. From that figure, it's simple math to convert it to any measure he needs. The temperature regulation formula's primary drain was based on how much temperature it actually affects. Todoroki could likely throw more ice than Tenya could melt, and if his fire is anything like Endeavor's, that could drain him completely with one shot if he tried to use that formula to defend against it.

These were the problems racing through Tenya's mind, as he waited for the match to begin. His thoughts raced for alternative solutions to the obvious temperature regulation formula, but he shoved such thoughts away and spun up his reflex enhancement formula, leaping backwards and letting his flight catch him the instant Midnight's crop came down. Todoroki's very tall glacier loomed large, but his alternative direction made him safe from the smaller boy's opening move. Engaging his quirk, Tenya defined the arena's space and activated the formula. As his quirk energy drained, the ice melted instantaneously, the top half falling into the area and melting in the two seconds the formula was maintained. It was surprisingly easy, but he already knew that Todoroki's ice was more fragile than it looked from the first time he melted it. Tenya predicted that he would run out if the other boy used… five more glaciers of that size.

The flashy show of power finished, Tenya moved to phase two of his battle plan. Changing his flight formula into a barrier one, he formed a seat he could use in the air, decreasing the drain of maintaining his position. Clearing his voice, he relaxed his reflex enhancement and engaged his sound manipulation formula, increasing the volume of his words. "You already knew I could do that, Todoroki. Well, your first strike is a failure. It wasn't even a special move, or something new. So wasteful." Tuning his formula, he increased sound originating from the arena, starting one meter from the surface and within the normal frequency bands of human voice.

"You're doing something different. What, you too good to shoot explosions now? Fight me!" The other boy spat, his thirst for violence a flickering flame within his eyes.

Tenya spiked his reflex enhancement, assessing if the boy was about to unleash his fire with so little prompting. After a half-second, he relaxed it, steeling himself to resist the other boy's intimidation. "You'd block them. I don't see the need to waste energy attacking you in ways you're ready for. After all, it's not like your ice is a threat to me."

The two-toned boy's glare shifted from heated to burning. "Did my father get to you? I'll tell you what I told him. I will never use my left side in battle, I will become the number one hero without using his power!"

The crowd had become curiously silent, Tenya noted between maintaining his various formulae. But he had the boy in a conversation now, which was Tenya's preferred method of conflict resolution. In other words, he had turned the tables on the heroics student, and pulled him into Tenya's preferred field of battle. Victory was half-achieved with that alone. "Yes, very nice! Some pathos will really spice up your image, you know! You don't see many heroes focusing on their tragic backstories nowadays, you know." This was a strategy Tenya was cultivating since his conversation with Endeavor. He had initially thought to try to frame the situation like Endeavor did, that he was being stupid and being a hero with glaring weaknesses that can be removed by just getting over himself. But Tenya knew that wouldn't work. His words would be dismissed, as Tenya wasn't even a heroics student, much less a pro hero. And he's right, Tenya didn't understand the desire to become a legalized purveyor of violence. So, he spoke what he did know: the Heroics Industry. "It's been fifteen years since the heydays of Seizansha and her ilk. Few heroes are really willing to commit to a pet issue that they can dedicate their lives to improving in a real substantial way, preferring the shallow diversification of good works and villain takedowns and rescues… It's all about broadening the appeal, that's how you climb the charts." Tenya shrugged, assessing if Todoroki was taken off balance by the recontextualizing of his refusal. His argument was nonsense, as 'teenage angst' wasn't exactly a marketable issue, but it didn't have to make sense if it confused his opponent.

Todoroki was gaping, attempting to speak, but closing his mouth before any actual words came out. Smiling at the successful hit, Tenya pressed forward in another direction. "I'm sure you have your reasons, all well thought out, definitely. But you said it yourself: You won't try your hardest." Tanya smacked a fist into his palm, the meaty thwack echoing from the sound manipulation formula. "The motto of the school is Plus Ultra, Todoroki! Everyone else here has been trying their hardest, and you're saying you're so much better than everyone that you don't have to to win?" Tenya spits to the side. "You disgust me. I suppose when you're the son of the number two hero, you don't need more connections than that. Average retirement age for a hero is forty, did you know that? Endeavor's probably got less than a decade left in him. All Might's even older, so all you need to do is take over the Endeavor hero agency and you're set on easy street, huh?"

"You're wrong! I don't need his help, and my mother's ice is all I need to become a great hero!" Todoroki spat, his anger erupting. With a stomp, he turned the arena into another ice rink, growing slightly higher as blades of ice formed on his feet. He started skating around the arena, picking up speed. Tenya switched back to his flight formula, wondering what he was planning.

"You know, in a way, you're right. It was the Guts Hero, Ganbatte, who said: 'the effort and strength of a pro hero is like a quirk in of itself'." Tenya gestured to himself. "So this is already a two-on-one fight, quirk-wise." Todoroki's agility and combat instinct were terrifying to behold, and Tenya really didn't want to turn it into a three-on-one fight, but sadly the additional incentive was more than enough to balance the scales, in his mind.

Todoroki quickly made an icy ramp, spiraling upwards. As he went upwards, Tenya switched out the sound manipulation formula, substituting the same area parameters in the temperature regulation one. The icy ramp immediately had everything taller than a meter melt instantaneously, with Todoroki flying to the edge of the arena as his footing melted underneath him. He flopped, but used a short ice barrier to halt his momentum. Swapping back to the sound manipulation, Tenya continued. "You're a fool. You lock away half of your power, for reasons that only make sense to you. What's more, your fire is a matter of public record, so inevitably, when the smallest deficiency in your performance comes to light, every single reporter will ask: 'why didn't you use your fire to help that person?' or defeat that villain, or whatever. Not using your fire will define your career, while using it will pass without notice." Dimly, Tenya realized he was actually angry, and not just acting. Nevertheless, it is time to push forward. "Do you even want to be a hero? The world doesn't care about your internal struggles, Todoroki! All that matters, as a hero, is 'how many people have you saved' and 'how much do you inspire the people's hope'. Nothing. Else. Every single mission, sponsorship, interview, villain takedown, and investigation all boil down to those two points." This was something Nedzu covered in his first class with the management students, and Tenya liked having such simple metrics to evaluate a hero, even if the second was indistinct and fuzzy. Tenya brought his gun to bear, pointing it directly at todoroki. "Can your pettiness save people? Can your spite inspire hope? I'm sure you have a hero name in mind, but I can't think of anything more fitting than this. Introducing the Half-assed Hero, Ice Prince!"

Tenya wasn't sure what part of that salvo of insults struck home, but it worked. A tremendous column of flame burst forth from his opponent, and Tenya juked to the side, having already tuned his personal barrier with his thermal regulation formula to avoid actual damage, but avoiding the worst of it allowed him to save his stamina. Turning his gun to his opponent, he snapped off a few explosions, the range too far to do more than cause him to lose his footing, but it was enough for Todoroki to switch back to his ice as a defensive footing.

Tenya rocketed down to right in front of his opponent, his shell instantly melting the ice covering the arena allowing a firm footing. With the flight, sound manipulation, and barrier formulae deactivated, Tenya brought his gun to bear on the ice wall. He used the freed up processing power to ratchet up his reflex enhancement and establish an arena-wide thermal regulation zone, firing more explosions as the ice wall crumbled uselessly and his opponent's sudden absence of ice skates screwed his footing for just an instant.

Todoroki didn't have a chance. In a fair fight, his only hope was to either win quirklessly, or to overwhelm Tenya's stamina by running his quirk on full blast while also pressing him physically, as the temperature regulation formula was complete protection against both ice and fire, although draining. There were other methods, as Tenya also couldn't run all of the necessary formulae needed to overwhelm todoroki at the same time, but with him having lost his temper in using his quirk, he didn't have the presence of mind to successfully avoid the explosions, which ended with him outside the arena and a cement wall emerging between the two combatants. Running a quick calculation, Tenya cursed to himself. That fight drained two-thirds of what he brought to the fight, Todoroki's last stand would have run through it all if he lasted just three seconds longer.

"The winner is Deguchiya Tenya! I have to say folks, that was some great dialogue, I didn't have to do a thing! Aizawa, your thoughts?" Present Mic finally cut in.

"...Well said. Results are what matters, when you're a pro hero. To see someone who risks it all to help their enemy… it's reckless." Tenya smiled. Oh, lording your quirk over the "villain" and grandstanding in front of everyone just to make a point about how mercenary the industry is, is unheroic? Who could have guessed? Aizawa continued: "But to see it in action, and succeed, that's something that you just don't see." Well Mr AIzawa, that's just what happens when you try to fit a management course student into the hero mold. They just don't fit.

With a skip in his step, Tenya made his way back to the 1-A stands as Todoroki was carried off to Recovery Girl by the medical robots. He was clearly breathing, so Tenya figured he'd be fine and went on with his day.

Yaomomo was there, and she gave him a hug. "You did amazing out there Tenya! You're sure to get in after that." Tenya suspected she didn't hear Aizawa's lukewarm response to his strategy, but he wasn't about to burst her bubble right before her match.

"Well, I hope you have a plan for Midoriya, he seems like a neurotic mess but that quirk of his is no joke." At his evaluation, Yaomomo paused, looking upwards in thought, tapping the bo staff she had with her on her shoulder. Tenya continued: "Do you think I have time to get to the cafeteria and get something that's not cake? There's only so many slices of the same cake I can stand before-"

Interrupting him by breaking out into a wide smile, she said: "That's a great idea, Tenya! Here, hold this for me." She immediately removed her jacket, handing it to him and dashing past before Tenya could finish processing the first half of this sentence.

Blinking, Tenya looked at the warm jacket in his hands, back at the corner behind him, and back to the jacket. "What."


As it turned out, Lunch Rush had anticipated his request and he had just entered the cafeteria when the man had shoved his usual lunch order of Chef's choice Donburi (only one large bowl, instead of his usual two) into his arms and sat him down in front of the cafeteria's television, right on time for the match to start.

"-our very own Midnight. She knows that even a second's delay could be the difference between victory and defeat. There's specific provisions in the rules that you can choose to wear less of the gym uniform if it suits your quirk, so she's in full compliance with the rules. Now can we get past this and begin?" Aizawa's voice was much clearer through the television broadcast than through the loudspeakers, and he sounded about as tired as Tenya felt, after all of that exertion and enhancement.

"You heard him, folks! Let's get this show on the road! BEGIN!"

As was apparently her plan, Midoriya started the match off-balance, his face visibly red as he dodged Yaomomo's opening swings of her bo staff. Every time he brought his hands to bear in her direction, she adeptly struck the boy's wrist away. Eventually, Midoriya ended up discharging a fingerflick, missing a direct hit but clearing some space by forcing his opponent backwards. Yaomomo threw her bo staff, forcing Midoriya to dodge as she set up her follow-up. She threw a cluster of her signature nesting dolls, each exploding shortly before reaching him and buffeting the boy with their shockwaves. With a flourish, she pulled a net from her back before tossing it at her opponent, but with another burst of wind, the smoke from the explosions and the net cleared to reveal Midoriya, more or less unscathed but clutching his left hand to his chest.

"And that's two uses of his quirk from Midoriya! Yaoyorozu is pushing the green bean further than anyone else in this tournament, that's for sure." Present Mic announced.

Yaomomo didn't slack during this lull in the action, however. She withdrew another bo staff, prepared to receive Midoriya's next attack. After a pause, Midoriya brought his left hand to bear once more, flicking his middle finger and unleashing another massive gust of wind. Yaomomo vaulted out of the way, avoiding the direct burst but the followup still caused the girl to spin out of control and hit the ground.

Unlike before, from the stands, watching from the cameras gave Tenya a better idea on what Midoriya actually does to his fingers. That purple bruising looked nasty, in his opinion. Almost enough to cause someone to lose their appetite. Tenya ate another mouthful of rice as he continued to watch the match.

A burst of smoke obscured the two fighters again, several heartbeats of undoubtedly fierce battling occuring before Midoriya once again cleared the battlefield. Unlike the previous attacks, it appeared that Yaomomo actually got hit by this one. Her left shoulder had a nasty bruise, and when she moved her left arm, she winced in obvious pain. Sensing his victory, Midoriya went into close combat, Yaomomo drawing a one-handed sword from her waist to defend. After a few minutes of getting thrashed by the apparently blunted blade, Midoriya waved his left arm, creating a larger gust than any before and sending Yaomomo flying outside the arena and into the grass.

"And that's the win for Midoriya! They both got pretty banged up, so while Recovery Girl clears Midoriya to compete, some words from our sponsors!" After Present Mic's words, a commercial started playing, hyping up the All Might autobiographical movie that's supposed to come out sometime next year, celebrating his 25th anniversary of being the #1 hero. Shoveling the last of the rice into his mouth, Tenya placed his bowl in its proper place and walked out.


When Tenya visited the nurse's station, he realized that he had never actually met Recovery Girl until now. He vaguely recalled seeing her during orientation, but had apparently just filed her under 'sweet little old lady' and promptly forgot everything else.

This was a mistake, as seeing the small old woman berate Midoriya while waving her giant syringe at him would have looked much less strange if he remembered anything at all about the woman.

"Honestly, how you managed to avoid needing surgery for these is beyond me. Don't use your left arm, or you'll really be in trouble." Recovery girl's tirade continued while Tenya went to Yaomomo's bed. "And the two fingers on your right you used in your first match too, don't re-break them. You should withdraw from the next battle altogether, if you ask me."

Shutting the very disturbing conversation out from his mind, Tenya focused on what he came here to do. "Yaomomo, I have your jacket." Tenya holds out the item as the silence stretches on.

Yaomomo stood up from her bed, taking the jacket and swiftly putting it on. "Thank you Tenya. Midoriya's power… it reminds me of that time that All Might came to rescue us from the USJ… Every time he uses his quirk it's like the world shakes with his strength."

Tenya coughed. "About that, Yaomomo." Tenya thought back to every time Midoriya's quirk was discussed. "...How badly does it hurt Midoriya when he uses his quirk?"

Blinking in surprise, Yaomomo glanced over to where Midoriya was apparently trying to convince Recovery Girl that he was able to fight in the finals. "I guess I was pretty vague… it breaks his bones to use. The breaks aren't that bad, I've never seen his arm bend backwards or anything, but the amount of pain he must have been working through during our match…" She shivered. "So, do you have a plan for facing him? How exhausted did you get facing Todoroki?"

Tenya ran a quick runthrough of his barrier formula, noting the extended time from before his meal: about half again as long, which would mean… "I'm at about half of what I started the semifinals with, after a meal and some rest. Even one of Midoriya's fingers would completely overwhelm any barrier I could muster, and drain me to nothing in the attempt."

"Then don't get hit." Yaomomo said simply, shrugging. "Did you not hear Recovery Girl? He's only got three fingers left to use."

Tenya grimaced, his stomach turning unexpectedly. He knew that Yaomomo was bloodthirsty, but the very idea… "Yaomomo, I'm not a very good flier. The size of his attacks…" Tenya trailed off. Was there something off about the chicken in that donburi?

The other conversation in the room increased in volume, drawing Tenya's wandering attention. "-am here! Deguchiya mentioned his quirk has endurance issues, I can beat him without re-breaking anything, I'm sure of it! Please Recovery Girl, I promise you I won't use my left arm at all, and only my first two fingers on my right. If I need to go beyond that, I'll surrender instead. Okay?" Tenya stilled at the… stupidity? Bloodlust? He wasn't sure how to characterize the insanity being spewed by his future opponent. Further, the boy demonstrated that he had a brain, taking Tenya's measure and finding him wanting.

Hoping with all of his heart, Tenya listened to Recovery Girl's response. "Alright. I won't stop you. You and Yagi are both damned fools, and I will not heal any of those fingers you break again, so if you go back on your word, you'll regret it." Tenya's hopes plummeted with her ultimatum. He had hoped at least one staff member would see sense in this whole scenario, but it was not to be.

"Right! First place, here I come!" Midoriya jumped out of bed, rushing to put his jacket back on.

"Stop." Tenya wasn't quite sure who said that at first, but after a moment realized it was him. "I don't want to win." He followed up with, surprisingly honestly. A plan started to hatch in his mind. You did need to win the tournament to get into the hero course, right? "I've suddenly been struck with profound nausea, and will be unable to put up a good fight." A battle maniac like Midoriya should accept that reasoning, right? He couldn't go out and say 'your pain tolerance and extreme power terrify me and I don't want to be a part of that bone breaking bonanza', so… this could work. "You want first place? Take it. I'm happy enough in the business course, and you deserve it. I concede."

Midoriya sputtered, looking frantically at the other people in the room. Recovery Girl's eyes narrowed. Carefully, she asked: "Deguchiya, did you overhear our conversation?"

Tenya wasn't quite sure where she was going with that, so he just honestly replied in the affirmative. "I was returning Yaomomo's jacket. She passed it to me on her way to her match." Belatedly, he realized why she asked that. Midoriya told her his battle plan! She may suspect his cowardice. Deflect! "Not all of it, just bits and pieces. Hey, I finished what I needed to do here, so I'm going to go… to the bathroom. Yes. Please tell Ms. Midnight I will be unable to fight." Swiftly, Tenya made his exit. Distantly he noted Yaomomo saying something to the two, but Tenya wasn't the kind of person who eavesdropped. Ask anyone.



That was what Tenya felt, looking outward to a crowd from a second place podium. An irritatingly familiar feeling. He tried to remember that he probably would have lost anyway, from the genius who also punches like All Might, but now that he was here, at the second place podium, he could only remember that if he had been punched by All Might, he would have been able to skip the ceremony.

Speaking of All Might… "I AM HERE!" The man himself spoke his catchphrase, leaping in from outside the arena carrying four medallions. It occurred to Tenya that despite being at a school that the number one hero taught at for months now, this was the first time he's had the chance to see him up close.

Slightly taller than Endeavor, which would make him about half a foot taller than Tenya, the man had the width of four Tenyas. His massive shoulders and arms were what caused your average japanese citizen to think that this man could lift the entire country on his back, as he had for the last twenty-four years. With the sun at his back, the clean lines of All Might's face were cast in shadow, but despite this his signature smile gleamed like a beacon. Idly, Tenya noted that the material in his costume looked a lot tougher than he thought it would, rugged in a way that's only apparent up close.

After he placed the first medal around Yaomomo's neck, he kneeled down and spoke softly, his words barely audible and the loudspeakers silent. "Miss Yaoyorozu, your spirit shined brightly today. Your determination, your strategic thinking, and the hundreds of hours of training were on full display. Good job." He finished his praise with a massive hug, standing once more and moving on to Todoroki.

With the second medal around the two-toned boy's neck, All Might kneeled again and established the pattern going forward. "I know your life was probably harder than most could know, but know this, young Todoroki: It's your power, and no one else's. It was passed onto you, and what you do with it is far more important than where it came from. If it is your wish to become a hero, then the only one who can stop you… is you. Think on that, young Todoroki." He finished his speech with yet another hug, and Tenya realized that he was next. Banishing his nervousness, Tenya stood at attention as All Might walked in front of him.

All Might placed the medal around Tenya's neck, before moving one of his hands to Tenya's shoulder. "Young Deguchiya. This is the first time we've met, so I cannot say that I know you well. However, from what I've seen, from your power, your thinking, your self-sacrifice, and your final decision, I can say only this: Within your chest, beats the heart of a true hero." All Might paused, but put his hand out. Realizing what he meant to do, Tenya grasped All Might's hand and pumped it up and down, relaxing as he did so. With a nod, All Might moved on to the top podium.

Midoriya was already crying when All Might placed the medal around the smaller boy's neck, but one last time All Might kneeled and gave a few words. It was quieter than before, but Tenya immediately used his sound manipulation formula to keep listening. "Young Midoriya. When I met you, one year ago, what I said is still one of the greatest mistakes I've ever made. But now look at you. You have done it! You have told the world, that You. Are. Here. I know now that I shouldn't have put so much weight on your shoulders, but nevertheless, you persevered." Once more, All Might gave an almighty hug to the student before him, but this time, with the sound manipulation formula, Tenya could just barely make out: "I'm proud of you." Midoriya's sobs obscured any further words.

It was only later, when Tenya got home, that he realized something: He probably should have called his parents when he won the first event...

Yeah, this timeline really works out well for Midoriya. When you get right down to it, Todoroki is really the only one of his classmates that can output enough oomph to not just fold when he breaks out the fingersnaps. Bakugo miiiiight be able to put up a good fight, but that has more to do with the boy's aerial agility rather than being able to handle that level of power. If Midoriya doesn't face Todoroki, he doesn't get hurt nearly as badly as he does in the OTL. But because he still got pretty dang hurt, it doesn't really change the broad strokes of his story.
I get the feeling people are misinterpreting Tanya's intentions left and right, though I think Endeavor might have seen through him.
Gotta love deku, dudes willing to brutally mutilate himself for the sake of a sports contest.
Chapter 7: In this universe, Zettour still has whiskers
Edit: I've stopped crossposting, by the way. Spacebattles has the fully updated one, it's up to chapter 35 when I made this edit.


[Lina Deguchiya nee Schweinebauer]

"So the finals didn't happen." Said Netsumaru, to the general disappointment of her coworkers.

"I guess the kid with the super-strength quirk didn't get cleared?" Replied Nobi. Natsumaru shook his head in the negative.

"Nah, the other guy bowed out. That Midoriya kid's something else, but I really think he had a good chance. Couldn't have been harder than Endeavor's kid, you know?" He shrugged, ending the discussion.

"Hey, are you talking about the UA sports festival?" Said Hanabi, panting and sweating. She had just finished her shift in the reactor, which would then make Lina next.

On cue, the foreman called out. "Deguchiya, you're up!" Finally. Lina hopped off of her too-large seat in the break room, getting into her safety suit in precisely the correct amount of time. As she waited for her margin of error to expire, it occurred to her that even though she was busy eating, she probably should have watched the Sports Festival this year. Tenya was in it, after all, and he could probably still fly at least a little bit, so he would be easy to spot.

Then the hatch opened, and she shut out that scrap of doubt and went through the usual checks. After confirming that the reactor had been properly set up to handle her quirk, she splayed her fingers, focused the parameters of her quirk to the optimal temperature and power output, and launched ten searing white lasers at the designated points.

One very boring fifteen minutes later, her quirk was spent, so she stripped herself of her safety gear and returned to her coworkers. They immediately noticed her presence, and seemed… odd. She couldn't place their expressions, but it was definitely something new.

"Hey… Deguchiya, right?" Started Netsumaru. She nodded. Why did they suddenly take an interest in her? She thought they had a good thing going, she pretended they didn't exist, and they gave her the same courtesy. "Do you have a brother or something in the UA Sports Festival?"

Lina's eyebrow twitched. Calmly, she replied: "I have a son that goes to UA, yes. My little Tenya's in the business course, and I couldn't be prouder."

Netsumaru looked shocked, but Hanabi, who knew her actual age, whispered in his ear. Nobi saved him from embarrassing himself further by continuing the conversation. "I'll bet. He got second place!"

Lina's first impulse was to immediately scoff and ask why they're wasting her time when he didn't get first, but she stopped that to think. "In the first event?" While Tenya's quirk had a vastly weaker output then hers did at the same age, despite being much better fed, if he was practicing when he was off doing what middle school boys do in the afternoons between study sessions, he might have gotten his flight fast enough to manage an obstacle race, and she vaguely recalled Netsumaru saying that was what the first event was that morning.

Netsumaru shook his head. "The whole thing. He got first in the first two events." Now there was a surprise. While she never faulted Tenya's hard work in the various activities and sports, she was always rather disappointed that he never found his true talent, that would let him actually win instead of being the perpetual first loser. And he beat out the actual hero students? What kind of crappy hero program was UA running that they got shown up by her talentless son? Was he training in secret? She saw that he was working hard at the business program, and he never even hinted… Was she a bad mother for not supporting his heroic ambitions? She tried to push him towards finding what he was good at, so he could escape her own blue collar existence, but his hard work could never bridge the gap of talent.

"Really?" Lina floundered for a moment, trying to properly convey her surprise in a socially acceptable way. "How?" Drat.

"Shouldn't you know? He flew around, exploded things, carved a chunk of arena into a gun, completely shut down Endeavor's kid with some kind of ice-melting thing… What is his quirk, anyway?" Nobi's expression had become rather disapproving as he continued. Oh no, she is a bad mother, isn't she?

"It's Mathemagician. It's kind of like my Reactor, but much weaker, and he needs to math out what he's doing. He's always been such a clever boy, figuring out all kinds of tricks, but it's... " She gestured vaguely. "Slow, weak, and he runs out of energy so quickly… I don't even remember the last time I've seen Tenya practice…"

Hanabi came and gave her a hug. "Don't worry about it Lina, I'm sure he was just keeping it a secret. It's just how teenagers are."

Netsumaru couldn't resist putting someone down though. "Also, your quirk is literally the strongest in the entire japanese energy industry. You output more watts in two fifteen minute sessions a day than all three of us combined. Don't you think your standards might be a bit high?"

Lina could have said a lot of things to that. She could have pointed out the actual numbers she had on his maximum output. She could have pointed out that the six-hour rest and food breaks between those shifts were important to recover her quirk's strength. She could have used the tiny dregs of her quirk that she had recovered in the last few minutes to scold him. Obviously if she knew of Tenya's plans to practice she would have supported him… She realized that she was officially done with work, and so she didn't need to be here. Turning thought to deed, she turned around and left the power plant with all due speed.


Lina's second priority at home was to catch up with the Sports Festival. Every bite of her dinner as she watched revealed new information. Her Tenya had not only crushed the competition, he made it look easy. She knew that the nature of his and her quirk made gauging their level of quirk exhaustion difficult, but if she compared his performance to the kind of power she could output at his age… It still fell short by a lot, but much less than she thought it did. Her boss always was very interested in her Tenya's development, she could probably arrange it so that he could test his output… Did UA even have that kind of equipment? It could certainly afford it. She'll have to ask when she gets the chance.

And the memes…

There's always memes for the UA Sports Festival. Even if you never watch them, there was no escape. No matter what she did this year, she would eventually end up seeing Togata Mirio in the buff. Fortunately, there are also websites dedicated to letting people like her keep up with the talking points from each one. Her Tenya had ended up making… most of them for this year's 1st year events. From the ones laughing at how easily the obstacle course was beaten by a flier, to the ones about his fully armed and operational war balloon in the second event, she had a harder time finding ones that didn't reference her son somehow. But the third event, as always, produced five times as many. From her son being referred to as 'better Tenya' (that poor Iida boy…) to the fact that #halfassedhero was now a trending thread highlighting times when heroes were being self-absorbed, and her favorite, someone's video slideshow of Tenya eating 17 slices of cake while watching the other fights, starting with the announcer's description of her son and his opinions on a seven course meal.

She was watching that video for the fourth time on her phone when putting the finishing touches on dinner when the front door opened, Tenya's greeting sounding out throughout the house. Setting down her phone, she went to greet him. "Welcome home Tenya! How was the Sports Festival?"

Tenya fidgeted. Oh, he was definitely embarrassed. "It was fine. I did better than I thought I would."

Is that what he's going for? None of that. "Come, have some dinner. Let's talk about it." She moved to the dining room, where some pork bowls were already waiting for the two of them. "So why'd you forfeit the finals?"

Tenya winced. "You watched it."

Nodding, Lina explained. "I couldn't during work" she lied, "But I caught up right when I came home. So?"

He seemed pensive. "I didn't have much left in my quirk. Midoriya is All Might's protege, I couldn't beat him and trying would have ended in broken bones." Lina wasn't so sure about that, but Tenya wouldn't lie to her, so she accepted it. He started on his first bowl.

Still, it was time to give him his well-deserved praise. "It's so exciting you got so far without even being in the hero course!" Tenya's eyes widened, she didn't even get to the good part yet. "I'm sure your father would be just as proud as me, I'm sure I could get a nice video call through, the JSDF is sure to allow it for such an extraordinary event, should I schedule it? You don't have school tomorrow..." Tenya coughed, spending a second pounding his chest before closing his mouth and focusing on his quirk. After a moment, he opened his eyes again and nodded.

"Ah, we should wait until tomorrow evening, I think. I've been asked to go to the school tomorrow to discuss… today's events." And there it is. In the various informational packets UA sent home, of which she of course read every one and made sure Tenya did too, Lina noticed that it was possible to transfer into the hero course if the administration thought the person deserved it. They must be wanting to handle all of the bureaucratic parts of that process, and Tenya wanted to surprise her. He started on his second bowl.

"So you are transferring to the hero course?" Lina asked. "I didn't even know you still wanted to be one." Whenever Tenya wanted to pursue some new sport or competitive whatever, he didn't hesitate to ask to join a gym or whatever else would be needed that required some money to be spent. But even the cram school he went to for the UA exams didn't cover the hero course, so this really came out of nowhere. "You did so well, Tenya!" Tears started to form in her eyes as she continued. "I've been driving myself crazy trying to figure out when you've been training for this. You've always been such a hard worker, in everything you do, but I'm hurt you felt you couldn't get your mother's support." She gestured to the empty spot at the table. "I'm married to a soldier, Tenya. I know how to handle worry, we can easily afford to have gotten you enrolled into a quirk gym or whatever you wanted, why the secrecy?"

Tenya's words were blurted out, the honestly ringing clear as a bell. "I didn't, though." At her confusion, he elaborated. "I didn't train. I haven't flown anywhere in years, half of the stuff I did I made up either on the spot or right before the match, Todoroki was three seconds from roasting me to cinders, and..." Tenya buried his face in his hands. "All Might called me a hero. Why? All I did was just… fight people for the amusement of the masses. And I didn't even do that right, I didn't even try to fight Midoriya…"

Standing up and walking over to her kneeling son, she reached up and gave him the biggest hug her tiny frame could muster. "I think you should listen to yourself." At his confusion, she elaborated. "You said it yourself, after all. The only things that matter to a hero is how many people you saved, and how much you inspire people. " Lina poked her son in the chest. "When I saw your matches, you made your wins look easy. These were some of the best of the best in your year, and you just… walked over them. That's pretty inspiring from here."

Tenya slowly nodded, digesting the information. "That… does… make sense." Idly, he picked up his third bowl of food, starting on it as he thought. "I'll never be able to become number one."

Lina shrugged. "Being a hero isn't a competition. It's like being a soldier, what matters isn't your rank, but that you're there, saving lives, and protecting the peace." She patted Tanya's side. "I wanted you to go into the heroics industry so you could rise to the heights of our society, Tenya. There's nothing higher in this life than being a pro hero. If you follow this road, I will support you, one hundred percent of the way." Her pep talk finished, she started to clear the table, letting him eat in peace.

Yeah… she was an awesome mother.


[Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead]

Sometimes Aizawa wondered what was more unruly and distracted: a class of twenty teenagers, or the literal army of heroes that constituted the staff of UA in a single meeting.

This time was never when the meetings were happening, because there was no doubt at those times. He would really like to blame what he privately dubbed the 'retired' staff members, as in those who are employed by the school but don't do any active hero work, like Ms. Shisu aka the cutting hero, Kusanagi, the homeroom teacher for class 1-J. But he knows in his heart that the reason is because any meeting that those staff members attend involve matters that are purely related to the school, and so his coworkers don't take things at all seriously.

"Play it again!" Crowed Hizashi. Obliging him, Nemuri played the clip. It showed the newest anomaly of the school, completely destroying Todoroki, who was favored by the staff to win the whole thing, in seconds. The boy's fire and ice just… stopped. The ice melted in a second, the fires snuffed out, and four explosions, each rather small by Bakugo's standards, but directed precisely where they needed to go to unbalance and launch Todoroki out of the arena, and fired much faster.

Power Loader, always the reliable skeptic, voiced the question on everyone's minds. "Who is this kid?"

Shisu, the aforementioned problem's homeroom teacher, primly raised her pointing sword to gain people's attention. Wheeling herself to the center of the room, she brought up Deguchiya's file on the big screen. "Deguchiya Tenya, quirk: Mathemagician. He describes something with math in his head, then makes it happen. Temperature, movement, pressure… He can do a lot. When he described it to the class, he said it was only good for party tricks. It's… odd that he'd downplay his raw power." Left unsaid was the usual mantra. Odd meant suspicious.

"It ain't exactly the weirdest thing we've seen though." Interjected Snipe. "Could be lots of things. Didn't want the attention, wanted to surprise the hero course students, or hell, just low self-esteem. Remember that kid with the fire-eater quirk?" There were some scattered nods. "One simple trick learned and he went from mediocre to dead useful. Now he's #74 on the charts, and you know he couldn't imagine that happening when he entered these doors the first time."

"What's confusing me." Grumbled Kan. "Is why he never went through the hero exam. He would've passed, easy. Does he even want to transfer?"

Cementoss slammed a rocky fist on the table. "It doesn't matter. I've seen actual berserker-type quirk users less bloodthirsty than him. We shouldn't let him transfer."

Nemuri shuddered. "His passion… It was exquisite. The cool silent type, but when the blood gets pumping, his inner beast unleashed… That's the kind of thing I like!" After holding her thumbs up pose for a few more seconds, she flounced back into her seat. "But I was down there too, and you're making it into a bigger deal than it is. Yeah, his first few fights may have had a little bit of excessive force, but you saw the replays. He wasn't firing actual projectiles, and he seemed to have a pretty good handle on the power of his shots."

All Might, in his reduced state, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, young Deguchiya's explosions reminded me a lot of another one of the hero course students. Young Bakugo knows how to modulate the power of his attacks without us having to have taught him to do so, and young Deguchiya seems similarly capable. My only question is why the gun?"

Nedzu cleared his throat from his position nestled within Aizawa's capture scarf. "I believe it's for computational reasons. I've been thinking on how he could mathematically express his various tricks, and I think I've noticed a trend." He whipped out a remote and changed the primary screen to the video that was playing previously. "If you pay attention to his fight with Todoroki, the ice near his feet melted before the rest of it, when he landed. I suspect he was defining spaces and manipulating the temperature of that space. He had to stop flying and affecting the space immediately around him before affecting the entire arena and using his gun. He didn't need to do that to fight Ilda or Kendo." Another click and several pictures of Deguchiya in action showed, each one labeled with an effect along with a list of variables. "I suspect that he can only run so many effects concurrently, and how much of his quirk each effect takes up depends on how complex it is. So, instead of creating an explosion at some point within his sight, he uses the firing chamber as a reference point. Instead of creating some kind of barrier to protect himself from the explosion, he reinforces the cement to withstand the explosion. Instead of creating a big explosion, he creates a small one and funnels it through the barrel. Efficiency and simplicity. It's fascinating to contemplate. I had no idea my management students included such a gem!"

Kan grunted, claiming the room's attention. "And that's the thing. He's a management student. Not general studies. It's unprecedented. Again, does he even want to move to the hero course? He refused to even try to fight in the finals."

Aizawa sighed. "After the tournament, Yaoyorozu contacted me. She mentioned that Deguchiya's expressed significant amounts of envy for the hero course, and explained that the reason he didn't fight Midoriya is that he didn't know that Midoriya broke his bones when he used his quirk until right before the match. He refused to fight rather than let that happen. They're friends, apparently."

Recovery Girl snorted. "He certainly seemed to care more about Midoriya's health than the boy himself does." Not like that's a high bar.

Nedzu hummed, waiting patiently for the various side-conversations to end. "Now that we've determined that Deguchiya certainly has earned his place in the hero course, we move on to a followup concern. As he is coming from the management course, it's significantly less elegant than the usual 'demote the worst hero student' plan we usually go with. Nevertheless, let's start with the obvious question. Do we have a hero student to demote?"

Kan went first. "Not really. My students may have embarrassed themselves during the sports festival, there's none of them that won't become fine heroes. I could probably narrow it down to three or four options if I had to, but even then…" He started counting off fingers. "Monoma's hypercompetitive to an unhealthy extent, Kamakiri seems hostile to the concept of friends, Yanagi could use more spine… But they're small problems, especially compared to some of 1-A's personalities."

Humming, Aizawa commenced his own analysis. "None of my students are without potential, or else they'd already be gone. Sure, some of them have some problems, but it's all small stuff, for the most part. Bakugo's too used to being in a small pond, hopefully today will start him on the path to the humility he desperately needs. Mineta's just a horny teenager, when you get right down to it. I'd like to give him a chance to mature before kicking him out unceremoniously, we keep Midnight around after all." Nemuri had the grace to not look offended, merely taking out her compact and checking on her makeup. "Demoting Midoriya or Todoroki would be out of the question, regardless of any problems they have. If I absolutely had to remove someone from the hero course, I'd pick either Ojiro, Hagakure, or Koji. While they're all stable and altruistic, Ojiro's quirk is very weak, Hagakure doesn't take things as seriously as she should, especially her physical training, and Koji could also use some extra courage." Aizawa tapped his hand on the paperwork in front of him. "But we can't exactly move any of them into management." If looked at in the other direction, the list of students he'd be willing to send into Nedzu's clutches was very small. Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, or Iida for sure, anyone else would be iffy at best.

Nedzu nodded enthusiastically. "Agreed! Fortunately, I already have a student in mind for that end. Ugaki Masamoto, nice boy, shark quirk, smart enough but didn't quite make the 60-student cutoff for the management course. Currently in general education, but I'm sure he'll accept movement into the management course."

Well that simplified things… "We still don't have a candidate for demotion." Kan pointed out.

"We can table that discussion for now. After all, it's internship time. And you know what that means." Nedzu's voice took a diabolical cast.

Shizu chuckled. As the heroic statistics/infometrics teacher, she knew this more than anyone else. "40% odds at least one student gets hit with some scandal charge or another, usually vigilantism. Are you suggesting we make an example of a student for breaking those rules?"

Nedzu nodded. "It would make things simple. Can't let people think that breaking the rules will be forgiven if you think you have a good reason. If they're willing to put their careers on the line to save someone, well that's different."

Resolution made, they moved onto the final post-festival matter: vetting the internship offers. "How many different agencies this year?" Asked Hizashi.

Shizu easily replied as Nedzu walked along the table to his actual seat. "10,823 total, but we only need to go over new ones and ones flagged for review over the last year. So, 731." There was a collective groan at the number.

"I'll tell the robots to get us some coffee." Said Power Loader, to universal praise. It was going to be a long night.


[Principal Nedzu]

Something about watching the prodigiously tall Deguchiya Tenya walk dutifully behind his diminutive mother was incredibly amusing. While her presence was not necessary for the discussions taking place today, it did allow for things to be finalized without needing to wait for a signature.

Normally, there would be some extra security measures for her arrival, given the sheer power of her quirk, but he knew for a fact that she had already expended her reserves earlier with a half-shift at her workplace, so no such thing was necessary. Very considerate of her.

The meeting was small, with only Kusanagi and himself present. Eraserhead was sleeping and Vlad King had to attend to some minor crisis with the living situation of one of his students. Less than ideal, but their presence wasn't necessary.

"Welcome, Mrs. Deguchiya. Have a seat, we have much to discuss." Wordlessly, Deguchiya helped his mother into the elevated seat to accommodate her height. He then sat into the larger seat placed for him. "First, let me congratulate you, young Deguchiya, on your performance in the Sports Festival. I don't think anyone saw your victories coming, except perhaps Miss Yaoyorozu. I certainly was, and must I thank you, for I love surprises." Nedzu observed the two humans, assessing their reactions. Mrs. Deguchiya seemed focused, and unperturbed on his appearance, and intrigued when the subject of Miss Yaoyorozu was brought up. Conversely, Mr. Deguchiya has put on a mask of seriousness, doing his best to conceal his thoughts. Black hair, glasses, a suit rather than his uniform, Nedzu realized his fur was starting to stand on end from the sight, and subtly signaled Kusanagi to buy time to calm himself.

"I'm Miss Shizu, Tenya's homeroom teacher. I also teach heroic statistics and infometrics. This meeting is to discuss what is going to happen, going forward, in light of the results of the sports festival." Kusanagi was one of his more reliable teachers, as her injury prevented her from doing anything beyond helping at the school and occasionally lending her quirk for some exercise or another. Mrs. Deguchiya smiled and nodded at her in acknowledgement. "As an overview of the process, at the end of this meeting we'll ask both of you to sign the paperwork that would officiate the transfer into the hero course. Then, Tenya will spend the next week participating in a crash course that will make sure he is up to par on the hero exclusive subjects, such as rescue procedure, civilian interaction, and villain engagement, as well as cover the lessons the hero course students will be learning during that time, particularly the selection of a heroic code name." Both Deguchiya nodded along, murmuring acknowledgement of the information. "The week after, he will be participating in the internship program, either one of the agencies that sent him a specific offer, of which there are 3,708," The elder Deguchiya's eyes sparkled at the high number. "or select from one of the open-ended offers the school has with certain agencies, which would expand that number by about four hundred. At the conclusion of the internship, he will commence normal participation in the hero course. Do you have any questions?"

She nodded. "Yes, do you have the equipment to measure his energy output? I was considering arranging for such a thing myself, but…" She trailed off.

Nedzu nodded. "The backup generators are set up for a variety of quirk inputs. We can easily retool one into a measuring device, and while we usually only test electrical quirks like that, adding it to the week's activities can be done, and we can provide certification for him as well." Mrs. Deguchiya nodded approvingly at the proposal. Power generation certification was an incredibly simple process, and quite handy for emergency service purposes. Perhaps it would be a good idea to call in Todoroki to undergo similar tests while the equipment is ready? Practicing to create a steady heat level would be good to get him started on controlling his neglected fire quirk… bring it up with Eraserhead.

The younger Deguchiya raised his hand, gaining attention before speaking, more softly than Nedzu would expect. Looking at his looming visage sparked another bolt of anger, but he forced himself to look at the boy's eyes. Those blue orbs dispelled the illusion, the uncertainty and worry completely removing Nedzu from his unpleasant memories. "Wouldn't my entrance into the hero course necessitate the removal of someone else? That would throw off class sizes in both the hero and management courses, right? Is that the correct move? Miss Shizu, I respect you immensely as a homeroom teacher, and I would consider it a waste if I was to miss your own classes, Principal Nedzu, your insights expand my worldview every class." As Nedzu stared into the eyes of the student, his thoughts whirled on the possible meanings to his question. As the silence stretched on, Tenya's eyes flashed with fear.

Ah, of course. "I see. Well, your solution is quite elegant, young Deguchiya. There was some concern in the teacher's meeting yesterday about how to shuffle things around, and the heroics teachers were quite reluctant to remove any of their students from the hero course." The boy's eyes relaxed, clearly glad that his request for special treatment could be granted. "You will remain in 1-J's homeroom, and we can accommodate you with a special schedule so that you may participate in both management and heroics programs. I fully believe that with your intelligence, you can easily handle the purely academic management programs alongside your heroics work. Certain projects will need to be adjusted, but here at UA, we believe in Plus Ultra!" Glancing to the smaller of the pair, Mrs. Deguchiya seemed ecstatic at the news.

Gesturing, Nedzu added: "I will need to write up new paperwork, Miss Kusanagi, could you give Mrs. Deguchiya a tour? I'm sure a trip to the cafeteria would be welcome for both of them." Acknowledging his words, Kusanagi wheeled herself out of the room, the two Deguchiyas standing up and following her.

After all the humans had left his office, Nedzu indulged himself in diabolical laughter. A human who feared to violate society's expectations more than he did villains? That was the most human thing he's seen all year. One of the most heroic, too. Deguchiya had what it took to become a fantastic hero, and in his generation, they couldn't afford to just let one go. It's a shame that he couldn't conscript people, but this was the next best thing.

After all, how's an animal like himself supposed to understand all of that complicated 'subtext'? Deguchiya only has himself to blame.


So, Nedzu's just too smart to not realize that Tenya doesn't really want to be a hero. He is, however, kind of evil, and thinks Tenya has a very punchable face. So… Tenya needs to be fully honest in order to escape his fate.

In other words, he's doomed.
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So, Nedzu's just too smart to not realize that Tenya doesn't really want to be a hero. He is, however, kind of evil, and thinks Tenya has a very punchable face. So… Tenya needs to be fully honest in order to escape his fate.

In other words, he's doomed.
HAHAHAHAH! So... does that make Aizawa the Lergen?