The Head of the Storm (Age of Sigmar Lady Celestant Quest)

[X] An Examplar Chamber
[X] Steady Advance
[X] Yes, my battle name is-
-[X] Avalanche
Vote Tallied
Adhoc vote count started by RaptorusMaximus on Aug 24, 2017 at 7:36 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.
Lots of Paladins and the whole 'nigh-unstoppable juggernaut' thing :cool:
Introduction Pt. 5: Who You Met
Your first battle was a hard-fought victory, as the ranks of your Exemplar Chamber ground through the hail of gunfire the Skaven fired towards you, shockbolt bows returning fire from behind the shieldwall while your Lady-Relicator Triaan summoned mighty bolts of Lightning from teh clouds overhead to smite the foe, until your warriors got close enough that, with a mighty blast of her warhorn, Knight-Heraldor Kayyla brought the gatehouse crumbling down.

They would take the names Lightbringer and Fortbreaker respectively.

Even as stone, wood, and Skaven were falling you led the Paladins into the breach, sweeping into battle on the arcane winds summoned by Knight-Vexillior Penelope, who would take the name Windrider at the battle's conclusion.

The Axes of the Decimators cleaved great swaths through the massed ranks of infantry, sending heads and limbs flying in great arcs of blood, while the hammers of the retributors pounded Stromvermin and Rat Ogres to ash with lightning-fueled strike. The Protectors wove glowing trails of death with their glaives as they hewed through the masses before veritably disassembling the Hell-Pit Abomination that was released in a last-ditched effort to stop you, expert strikes cleaving hunks from the mutated abomination as the bulky warriors seemed to dance around the monster, long-hafted weapons spinning all the while.

Behind this vanguard came the Shieldwall, Liberators mopping up the few clusters of survivors from your viscious assault while Judicators continued to pour fire into the Skaven on the walls, who were also harassed by the Prosecutors swooping overhead, led by the Knight-Azyros Angella, who veritably danced through the green trails of the warpstone rounds fired her way, and Knight-Venator Lilith, who calmly continued to put arrow after arrow into the eyes of problem foes, from Champions to Weapon Teams to a Grey Seer who tried to use it's magiks to turn the tide back in it's favor.

The two Angels of Sigmar would claim battle-names as well: that of the Skydancer and the Eyepiercer.

And throughout it all, you were at the forefront, steadily marching forward, your round shield turning aside blows as your runeblade carved bloody lines through your foes. You walked, slowly, purposefully forward, never once taking a step back as you hewed your way through the horde of vle ratmen. You were like an oncoming storm, an unstoppable tide, a lava flow...

Like an Avalanche.

And when the last rat was cleaved in two in the depths of their tunnels by Lady-Castellant Hennrietta's Halberd, and the Gnawhole sealed by the combined light of 2 holy lanterns and bolts of Lightning, you knew what your Battle Name would be.

You were Sigmar's Avalanche: unstoppable, unbreakable, forrever grinding forward until the Great Enemy was at last defeated.

You are Mirial Avalanche. And this chamber?

They are your Earthshakers.

But not one battle does a warrior make, and you would have many more before Sigmar decided that it was time for his Storm to break upon the Mortal Realms.

And in the course of these battles, you have made Allies, made Friends and companions who have sworn their blades, axes, claws, etc. to your aid, should you ever require it.

Who are these Allies, these Friends? (Choose 2)

[] The Aelf Lord Rulcat Warshard, commander of the 'Blackscales' Drakespawn Knights company.
[] The Duardin Guren Vericson, head engineer of the Ironwald Arsenall's 223rd Artillery Corps.
[] The Human Heinrich Steinhause, Witch Hunter of the Order of Everlasting Light.
[] Frienz, a young Phoenix.
[] The Aelf Wanderer Vyhali, leader of a band of Waywatchers.
[] The Duardin Dakhi Kegbrace, Ironwarden of a battalion of Irondrakes
[] The Human John Shetland, elder Battlemage of the Collegiate Arcane.
[] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.

In addition, you formed a close bond with one of your fellow Celestants. Who is it?

[] Vandus Hammerhand of the Hammers of Sigmar
[] Zephacleas of the Astral Templars
[] Thostos Bladestorm of the Celestial Vindicators
[] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
[] Victrian Cyrocco of the Royal Victrians
[] Write In

More Stuff! Who wants to make some Frinds?!
[X] The Human Heinrich Steinhause, Witch Hunter of the Order of Everlasting Light.
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.
[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
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[X] The Duardin Guren Vericson, head engineer of the Ironwald Arsenall's 223rd Artillery Corps.
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.

Dorf Arty is Best Arty, and it's always good to be pals with a dragon :)

[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights

No idea who any of these Celestants are, so let's go with the one that sounds like they might have a more mobile force to compliment our heavy infantry-focused force.
[X] The Duardin Guren Vericson, head engineer of the Ironwald Arsenall's 223rd Artillery Corps.
[X] The Aelf Wanderer Vyhali, leader of a band of Waywatchers.
[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.
[X] The Aelf Wanderer Vyhali, leader of a band of Waywatchers.
[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights

Gardus is a stupidly noble and really nice guy who survived a dash through the Garden of fucking Nurgle while an Exalted Great Unclean One which might very well have been one of THE seven gardeners chased him.

He beat multiple regular Great Unclean Ones himself.
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Neither of you did. He took a pair of iron candelabras and beat a bunch of skinstealers to death before being felled, and you took a Scalpel and Syringe to the throats and eyes of a dozen Bloodreavers before taking an axe to the torso.

You'd make a cute couple, I think.
QM has confirmed ship, commence the handholding and cuddling
[X] The Duardin Guren Vericson, head engineer of the Ironwald Arsenall's 223rd Artillery Corps.
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.

[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.
[X] The Aelf Wanderer Vyhali, leader of a band of Waywatchers.

[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
The Mother choice doesn't guarantee that you'll have decendants or surviving children. The only option which guarantees surviving relatives is Champion, as your home city was able to be evacutated and a few family members escaped to the Realm of Azyr. There's probably been a few hundred years between you being chosen and the start of Sigmar's counterattack. Your decendants could well be dead, or have turned to Chaosnto survive.
Of course they could still be alive as well, but your direct children most likely are not. Human lifespans and all that.

Could be "fun", just like Cadoc Kel's descendant turned out to become a deathbringer... though the difference between the two is the paintjob and the amount of armor to be honest XD

[X] The Duardin Guren Vericson, head engineer of the Ironwald Arsenall's 223rd Artillery Corps.
[X] Saphira Brightscales, a riderless Dragon.

[X] Gardus of the Hallowed Knights
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Vote Tallied. Update may be up tonight, more likely tomorrow.

Edit: I kinda figured the Dragon would get picked.
Adhoc vote count started by RaptorusMaximus on Aug 25, 2017 at 7:19 PM, finished with 13 posts and 7 votes.
Introduction Pt. 6: Where you first fall.
It has been centuries, maybe even Millenia since you were snatched from the brink of death by Sigmar and remade into the commander of his warriors. That time has been spent fighting to make Azyr a safer place when you and your chamber are training in the Gladatorium. You have been purging tribes of Orks, rooting out Cults, and hunting Chaos-Corrupted beasts in the wilds beyond the great city.

Over the course of these battles, you have made allies and friends as your path crossed with that of like-minded people and creatures. The first of the two most notable is Guren Vericson, a Duardin engineer for the Ironwald Arsenal who you helped to test out a new, man-portable version of the Hellblaster volley gun. You did this by luring a horde of Spiderfang Grots into a dead-end pass with your chamber serving as the bait, while Guren waited on the upper ledges with his artilery and his new toy.

The Hellblaster proved to be a bust (which the Dwarf's human assistant learned in a rather explosive manner) but Guren apparently had a grand time regardless, and promised that if you're ever in need of big guns, he'd be there to help out.

Your other ally you have made is quite different than Guren, and quite a bit larger as well: a blue-scaled dragon, by the name of Saphira Brightscales. Her rider and bondmate, an Aelf Noble named Eragon, was slain while the pair was trying to hunt down a pair of Manticores in the Smothered Peaks. You and your chamber traveled to those shrouded and damp mountains with the Dragon, and together slew the monsters and got vengence for the fallen Aelf. Saphira thanked you for your aid, and swore her service to you and your warriors on her, on her Oath as a Dragon, until the life passed from her limbs or the Stars went dark.

(Saphira and Guren can assist you on missions where you have access to a secure Azyr realmgate, but there is a chance they may be killed)

But beyond the mortal beings of Azyrheim, you spend a great deal of time with your fellow Stormcast in the halls of Sigmar's palace. As a Lord-Celestant, you are the primary link between your chamber and both other chambers of the Daughters, like the Banehammers warrior chamber led by Morticia Daemonbane, and with chambers from other Stormhosts, through your relationship with their Celestants.

While you manage to keep a decent relationship with the Celestants you meet (though you often want to smack Thostos up the back of his head) you do develop a closer friendship with one in particular.

Gardus of the Hallowed Knights, called the Steelsoul by some.

The night sky was clear as usual when you look up at the stary void above the Great Pattio. The millions of points of soft starlight are a fitting counterpoint to the angry red glow of Mundus, the core of the World-That-Was which sits in the sky above Azyrheim.

But the view is not why you came here this night.

That reason would be the Stormcast clad in gleaming silver armor who is standing at the edge of the massive ledge, staring out over the massive, gleaming city.

You quietly walk up behind the man, garbed as well in your grey and emerald sigmarite armor.

"A little late to be out stargazing, do you not thing, Gardus?"

The man turns at the sound of your voice, and his homely face breaks from it's melancholy expression as a soft smile makes an appearance. "Ah, hello Miriel. I heard your chamber was chosen for the next deployment. Congratulations."

It was true: after all these years, all this training, Sigmar's Storm of Vengence had broken at last, and Chambers were being cast into the eight realms on a near daily basis to begin the long task of taking back the lands lost to Chaos. You were set to be cast down into battle on the morrow, and you wanted to say goodbye to Gardus before you left.

"Thank you, Gardus. I came to say goodbye before we departed, but it seems I've found you at an...inconvenient time."

"No, no, I am fine." The celestant says quickly. "I was just...thinking."

You tilt you head slightly and your eyes soften a bit, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Gardus, we have been friends for a long time, have we not?"

He nods in agreement.

"Then please, tell me what troubles you."

He looks away, then sighs. "I supose...with the Battle beginning once again, the conflict we have been training so long for, I fear...I fear that I will not meet Sigmar's standards. That I will fail, and through my failure a great loss will be suffered."

His voice got quieter still. "I fear I am not good enough."

You are quiet for a moment, then snort. "That is what concerns you?"

Gardus gives you an incredulous look, and you hurry to correct yourself. "Gardus, every single one of us worries about failing Sigmar, failing the Duty we have taken up. I do, Thostos does, Vandus does. But if anyone's actions will make Sigmar proud of his decision to save them, it will be you. You have trained and fought tirelessly to become among the greatest of all of us Celestants. Whatever you face when the Steelsouls are cast into the realms, you will perservere, and you will make Sigmar proud."

Gardus nods slowly, and his smile creeps back on his face. "Thank you, Miriel." He said. "You know, that's about what Zephacleas said to me earlier."

You chuckle. "If me and that braggart are agreeing on something, then we must be right. Have faith in yourself, Gardus, and faith in your men. They will not fail you, and you shan't fail Sigmar." A grin splits your face, and you hold out your arm. "For who shall be victorious?"

Gardus grins back. "Only the Faithful." he says, grasping your arm in a warrior's shake. "Until you return, Lady Avalance."

"I expect you to have a war-story for me when I get back, Lord Steelsoul. Farewell."

With that you turn and make for the Muster Chamber, feeling content that you helped your friend gain some self-confidence.

And there is another feeling you can't quite identify...something hazy, like your memories of the Time Before...

Eh, probably nothing.
(+4 Piety, +2 Diplomacy from your frindship with Gardus, and from that regular interactions with Lord Zephacleas)

Your first mission, your first strike against the Hordes of Chaos is imminent. What are the details of the first blow your Earthshakers will inflict upon the Mortal Realms?

What task has Sigmar set to you?

[] Elimination
-There is a powerful leader rising among the enemy-a Warlord, a Sorcerer, a Shaman, a Priest-who is gathering forces. This cannot be permitted. Kill them, and return here either via Realmgate, or Death.

[] Establish a Beachhead
-We want to open up a new front on the war. Deploy and find a Realmgate back to Azyr. The rest of the chamber will be deployed when the Gate is found. Then hold that position and help build up a settlement around the gate for a set amount of time.

[] Break the Siege
-Allies, either Mortal or Stormcast, require aid. You are Exemplars. Deliver them from the foe.

[] Making Ties
-Sigmar has discovered potential allies within one of the realms to aid in the war against Chaos. Find them, and secure their cooperation however you need to.

[] Purgation
-There are foes in this area, far to many for Sigmar's taste. Strike in the center of enemy teritory, and fight your way back to a friendly position, slaying as many enemies as you can, and destroying what foundries, forts, and camps you can. Do not fear defeat: for this task does not rely on your survival. But if you must fall, make sure you sell your lives dearly.

Where are you to be deployed?

[] Chamon
-Potential Allies: Kharandron Overlords, Duardin Disposessed
-Potential Enemies: Clan Skyre Skaven, Warbands of Desciples of Tzeench

[] Ghyran
-Potential Allies: Sylvaneth Wargroves, Aelf Wanderers.
-Potential Enemies: Nurglites (both Mortal and Daemnic), Clan Pestilence Skaven

[] Hysh
-Potential Allies: Unknown, for the gleaming light of Hysh blinds even Sigmar
-Potential Enemies: Unsure, possibly roving bands of Slaaneshi worshipers and Daemons, searching for their God.

[] Ghur
-Potential Allies: Fyreslayer Lodges, Aelf Scourge Privateers
-Potential Enemies: Orruk Bonesplitter and Ironjawz clans, Beastclaw Raiders.

[] Ulgu
-Potential Allies: Unknown, for even Sigmar's Sight cannot pierce the shadows of Ulgu
-Potential Enemies: Unsure, possibly Clan Eshin Skaven

You can only take half your chamber with you for initial deployment, including your command staff. Who will you bring with you?

[] Lady Relicator Triaan Lightbringer (Long-Range healing and support Via Lighting Strikes, also limited anti-magic abilities)
[] Lady Castellant Hennrietta (Close-range buffing allies and damaging foes, expert in defensive battles)

[] Knight-Heraldor Kayyla Fortbreaker (easier order comunication, can damage and destroy fortifications)
[] Knight-Vexillior Penelope Windrider (Moral Boost, Pennant allows a units to be moved deep into enemy lines while damaging foes with high winds at the same time)

[] Knight-Azyros Angella Skydancer (expert scout, good melee combatant, guides down reinforcements, has a wide-area Anti-Chaos attack)
[] Knight-Venator Lillith Eyepiercer (Very mobile and accurate sniper, has a 1-shot arrow that can instakill most heroes and badly wound monsters)

NOTE: Until I next post in this thread, any votes made will not be counted. Let's see some discussion on what to do and who to bring into this first battle.
Voting will open up in about 12-15 hours or so.

Also, if anyone wants to expand on Miriel's meetings with Saphira and Guren, or her interactions with other Celestants (including any you guys may have) feel free to write something up. If it's good, it may be Canonized.
Alrighty than.
[] Break the Siege
[] Ghyran
[] Lady Relicator Triaan Lightbringer (Long-Range healing and support Via Lighting Strikes, also limited anti-magic abilities)
[] Knight-Vexillior Penelope Windrider (Moral Boost, Pennant allows a units to be moved deep into enemy lines while damaging foes with high winds at the same time)
[] Knight-Azyros Angella Skydancer (expert scout, good melee combatant, guides down reinforcements, has a wide-area Anti-Chaos attack)

I want to head out to the one ally that's fairly reliable that we know about, and come prepared to fight plague shit.

Bonus points if we're sent to help Gardus.
Hmmm, i think that securing those Realmgates is immensely important for increasing the Stormcast's ability to deploy forces, and would be the best choice for our first mission.

I'm really leaning towards going for Chamon, because DorfDorfDorfDorf :D

As for who to take, all the choices look great, so I can't really decide right now.
Thematically I'm leaning a bit towards 'break the siege' myself. If only for the image of some free city somewhere getting rescued by a gleaming warhost descended from a storm.
[X] Break the Siege
[X] Ghyran
[X] Lady Relicator Triaan Lightbringer (Long-Range healing and support Via Lighting Strikes, also limited anti-magic abilities)
[X] Knight-Vexillior Penelope Windrider (Moral Boost, Pennant allows a units to be moved deep into enemy lines while damaging foes with high winds at the same time)
[X] Knight-Azyros Angella Skydancer (expert scout, good melee combatant, guides down reinforcements, has a wide-area Anti-Chaos attack)