[X] Plan: Theoretically Useful Plan
-[X] Speak with Brown: Brown had questions, plans, needs...and your organization has the same. There's plenty of opportunities to get him alone and have a chat. Choose up to two topics.
--[X] Brown's leadership. First Among Equals, the foundations of communism and anarchism are not in one man being held above all others. We respect the man, his ideals, and his actions, but elevating him too highly feels like putting a man between us and god, it would be best if there was a way to setup an... inner council one could call it. One where uptimers and downtimers can potentially have an equal voice, and fair representation in set up to account for that.
--[X] Religious matters. Liberation Theology is, to quote wikipedia, a Christian theological approach emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed. In certain contexts, it engages socio-economic analyses, with "social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples". In other contexts, it addresses other forms of inequality, such as race or caste. 'Converting' John to this way of viewing God and his Word may be crass, but as the majority of the downtime population is religious, they could use a preacher who understands liberation on a spiritual level, not just physical. This should help alleviate any fears we are Anti-Religious, because no, we are only Anti-Uptime-Church. We're sure John Brown can understand that.
-[X] Meetings to be Had. History is full of people of importance. Meet figures from the past, people you read about, and seek their aid in your struggles.
--[X] The Haudenosaunee tribes in Western New York still hope for self-determination, we can provide them support and coordinate with them for the events of the following months, possibly giving them an opening to free themselves as we free the slaves. Approach them and offer them what we can spare.
-[X] All About Chemistry. The factory has a small workshop nearby, kept carefully away from the main buildings, for experimentation and chemistry production. Currently, all its produces is some thermite, but there are other possibilities worth exploring. -[x] Action [Rebecca]
-[X] New Designs. Right now, the factory mostly produces rifles. Good rifles, better than anything else in 1859, but that is all, or nearly so. (There is a small workshop for Gatling Guns, and another for grenades, but both are slow.) The weapons made will be invaluable, but perhaps there are other types that could be produced.
-[X] Factory Theory. The workers at your Troy factory enjoy the benefits of being worker-owners and having the ability to manage their own hours, but while they will probably fight to defend those privileges, or extend them to others like them, they are still undeniably chauvinistic. Expose them to theory, see what comes of it.
-[X] Appalachian Contacts. The mountains of Appalachia are full of potential allies against the planter hegemony, but they are unaware of your existence and are unlikely to enjoy meeting you if it starts with an army. So come down to make some deals and find some friendly faces among the folk of the mountains in advance.
-[X] The Railroad Below. Harriet Tubman has joined your company and introduced you to some contacts among the Underground Railroad, although even she does not know the entirety of the network. Distributing small quantities of weapons, ammunition, and most importantly information will help the network prepare for when the upcoming war begins.
-[X] Businessmen Doing Business. The more money you invest in your factory, the larger it will grow. Perhaps you could even diversify it to a degree, and start creating new products. Or you could create associated services, such as a cafeteria or daycare for your laborers. The new machines coming out of the time machine have already proved invaluable, but you will need some funding to properly set up the new divisions for different sorts of labor. -[x] Action [Alexander]
--[X] Setup a cafeteria, and find a nurse for the factory. Machinery is never fully safe, and this is the 19th century, someone is going to get hurt. Being able to do basic first aid will go a long way to keeping workers healthy and able to provide for themselves and their families. And a cafeteria on the other hand will provide them a bit of food security, even if it might be a small monetary drain on us, the uptime gold should help keep it running. Also while the workers eat we can have someone read to them leftist theory or lead them in debates, if we have someone with the spare time to in the organization. It could be a rotating position of whoever is handy for that meal time.
-[X] Good Steel. You have made the introduction of a rather brilliant young man who historically transformed the American steel energy. It might be worth cooperating with him to do so once more. He's willing to spend some time in North Elba for now, although he might leave to take what's he gleaned already if it ends up not being worth his time. He seems to have big plans...
-[X] New Weapons. The comrades from uptime have begun their various tasks, but one of the most important still needs work: the men (and a very few women) who will begin the slave uprising need to be trained on the modern weapons, on semi-automatic hunting rifles and lethal but mobile mortars. It also needs to be determined how they should be integrated into the strategy for war, especially given the restrictions on the "production" of ammunition. -[x] Action [Malcolm]
-[X] Propaganda Campaigns. The slave-ocracy in downtime America has immense political power, further backed up by the casual racism and white supremacy heavily integrated into the culture and economy of the nation. Using the immense uptime printing capacity and various downtime resources, it is time to begin launching an attack on this, on capitalism, on all the evils of hierarchy. Propaganda, posters, public speaking, all are avenues in this war of belief.
-[X] Uptime-Downtime Integration. The organization as it is currently made is not meant to handle such an influx of uptimers. While some of them have departed on their specific missions, others remain, and have begun their various tasks...and encountering various conflicts, personal, cultural, political, and more. Some attention must be given to this concerning trend. -[x] Action [Floyd]