The Golden King- Joffrey Insert post Robert's death.

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A man who has read A song of Ice and Fire books long ago died and was reincarnated into the illustrious King Joffrey Lannister.
As luck would have it, he is inserted after Robert's death, right before the start of war of five kings. Let us witness our ambitious self Insert try to avoid his characters fate of being hated by all and dying a virgin.
Note: This is not a self-insert. It is an insert of someone, like a friend-insert.
Prologue/ Intro
King's Landing-298 AC:
Dissonance is a novel concept. It means each component individually makes sense, but the combination does not. Right now, I feel dissonance with everything around me. I can understand small pieces like the walls covered by red carpets, the spacious room, and some lady dressed in medieval garb in front of me. But I cannot perceive the complete picture that these small things painted.

Dissonance makes the person feel minutely threatened. And when a person feels threatened, he goes into flight or fight mode. In this mode, every essential process in the body functions like there is no tomorrow. And when you find yourself in an unfamiliar setting without knowledge of the change, the brain works doubly hard to piece together the memory fragments. So in a few seconds, my mind made an acceptably complete memory.

I was driving down the street. The board of directors denied new funds for my department again. My department was a new addition to the corporate structure. It was my brainchild. I spent much of my time building it from scratch. I brought together many missed talents in the company and made our first real impact last quarter.

I indeed poached them from other departments, but these were overlooked employees. Employees who pissed off the wrong people or did not stand up to take necessary credit for promotions. I used some scrap funding from my original department to build a foundation. New funds are required to pay the employee bonuses and get new blood. With our results, I expected the funds would be easy, But the other department heads took notice of my subordinates' talent and felt greedy. They wanted them, so they lured them by offering them better pay. Some left, but most of them stayed.

Without funds, I had to forgo monthly bonuses for two months. I could not fulfill the promises made to my subordinates when they switched departments. I could not justify the long work hours that I demanded from them. The board always had justifications for denial, chief among them being the lack of proper structure in my department.
They wanted a piece of the pie; they wanted their cronies in the department to check my rise. They detest me, and that extends to my new department. I submitted my advance notice after the board meeting. I met with my team and suggested they take the offers. I was defeated and found no reason to keep fighting. I have made the department, so I would prefer its dissolution to its perversion.

I took my car and left for the suburbs of the city. I found the spot where I used to get drugs during college and involuntarily stopped there. I waited for some time, keeping my car running. A hooded young man showed up near my window. I slightly lowered the window to pass on a few bills. I got a packet in exchange. The whole transaction was silent and efficient. It seems you always relapse after a sufficient period of time. I sighed once again and got back to the highway. I called up a lady friend to see if she was up for some fun. I was still on the call when I felt something slam into my car.

My car went out of control. The car turned, and I caught a glimpse of a teenager in the car freaking out and trying to control his car as my car toppled to the side. My head whipped around. The car skidded to a halt, but I could feel darkness engulfing the edge of my vision. I could feel the blood leaving my body. I felt too weak to fight the darkness.

My last thoughts were about my brother. I should have made up with him. Now he will find me strapped to a bed, jobless, and with a felony on my record. This time, I may need his favor. The darkness truly engulfed me, and the next was blurry. I saw a man in a suit, a white room, and a few last words with my brother, and then it was blank.

So I died. Huh,that was sobering enough to snap me out of my recollection. I sat down on something and just stared ahead.
New memories started to play in my head. Memories of a beautiful woman spoiling me. Her eyes shone like emeralds, and her hair had the same golden hue as mine. I remember seeing people wearing old court clothes, with occasional servants attending to my whims. I remember the same beautiful woman who called herself my mother telling me that I am a lion and that I will be king someday. I remembered a strong man with a dark mane and bright blue eyes, always drinking from a goblet and laying hands on different women. I remember trying to make him proud by showing him my first kill, just as he showed off his after his hunting trips. I remember the slap and the sheer betrayal I felt from that. I snapped out of the recollection when I felt my emotions starting to stir with those memories.

Whatever is happening, I will not allow myself to change. I will not replace my mother with some blonde bimbo. Though I longed for a father, I will not consider a drunkard who beats children, my father. The disentanglement from those memories allowed me to see small things in them. The names Lannister and Baratheon and the symbols of Lions, wolves, and dragons took me back to a series of books I read long ago.

I am in Planetos, the world of Ice and Fire. And from looking at some of my memories, I realised that I am Joffrey Baratheon, the incestuous bastard who became the King of Seven Kingdoms and ended up dying at his own wedding. I immediately began searching those memories for any important details to ascertain where I was in the timeline. This time, I made sure to be distant from any feelings associated with them.

I am not sure how long it took, but I 'saw' the entire life of one Joffrey Baratheon, and let me tell you, he is insane. I mean, who the hell derives pleasure from making his brother cry? The fault also lies with his parents. His father is drinking, so maybe he should also drink. His father shouts at people to get his things done, so maybe he should too. His mom tells him he is the little lion, and he can do whatever he wants. Oh, then I will hurt others, and they should take it because I will be King one day.

With thoughts like these and parents like Cersei and Robert, I can at least understand why he became a psychopath. But this is all unnecessary. Most importantly, I found out about my position, and it is not good. Robert Baratheon went on a hunt in the morning. It could be one of his regular hunting trips, but Ned Stark is in Kingslanding, and the last time Joffrey saw him, he was limping. There was a distinct lack of Joffrey's 'Uncle' Jamie Lannister for the past two days, and Cersei and Robert fought a lot during these days. Everything points out the fact that this will probably be Robert's last hunting trip ever.

And that means I, as Joffrey Baratheon, soon to be First of His Name, King of Andals, First Men, and Rhoynar, Lord of Seven Kingdoms, am royally fucked.

Hello, This is my new fic for an insert into Joffrey. I know there are a bunch of these fics, but I hope to make something unique.
Eddard I
The light of dawn and thunderous hoofbeats woke me from my brief, exhausted sleep. I lifted my head from the table to look down upon the yard below. Men wearing crimson cloaks are riding down mock warriors, and their swords are ringing in the morning air. I noted the Hound driving an iron-tipped lance through a dummy's head. Canvas ripped and straw exploded as the remaining men cheered while some cursed. Is this the Queen's warning to me?" I wondered. If so, She is even more foolish than I thought. Why can't she understand? I gave her more chances than I could count to escape. I looked up at the morning sky. It was grim and overcast, reflecting my state of mind. I broke my fast with my daughters. Arya wolfed down everything in front of her while Sansa was staring at the food, refusing to eat.

"Syrio says we have time for one last lesson before we leave," Arya started. "Can I, Father? I have already packed all my things."

Okay, but make it brief. I want you to be ready to leave by midday." The girl eagerly agreed and left to meet her master.

Sansa looked up from her food "Can I visit Prince Joffrey to say Farewell?" She asked hopefully.
"I will stay with her and make sure she doesn't miss the Ship, my lord." Septa Mordane came to reinforce her plea.
"It is unwise for you to visit now, Sansa. I am sorry." I denied her request.

"But why?" Sansa asked as tears filled her eyes.
" Sansa! Your father knows what is best for you." Septa chided," You cannot question your lord father. "
"It's not fair." She knocked over her chair and ran from the sun, weeping.
Septa rose to follow her, but I gestured for her to leave her be. I will explain to her everything after we reach the safety of Winterfell.
After an hour, Grandmaster Pycelle entered with drooping shoulders.

"The King is gone, my lord." He said, "May he rest in peace."
"No, Robert hated rest. May the gods give him love and joy of righteous battle." I felt something dying within me as I said those words. I would want nothing more than a moment to weep over my friend's death. But I am Robert's hand, and I will make sure his throne is secure.

"Grandmaster, Be good as to summon the members of the small council here to my solar." The tower of the hand has been made secure by his men, but he cannot say the same for the council chambers.

"My lord?" Pycelle hesitated."Surely, the affairs can wait until we grieve our losses."

"I am afraid not. We must convene immediately." I said in a quiet but firm tone. Pycelle bowed and ordered a few of his servants to do his bidding. I offered him a chair and a cup of sweet beer. He thanked me and took his seat, waiting for everyone to gather.

Ser Barristan came first, in his white cloak and enamelled steel. Littlefinger followed next, garbed in blue velvets and the mockingbird cape he wore yesterday night.
"My lords", he said with his signature smile, sitting before turning to me. "The task you set me is accomplished, Lord Eddard." I gave a small nod.

Varys entered next, his steps making little to no sound. "The birds sing a grievous song today." He said this while seating himself. "The realm shall weep tonight. Shall we begin?"

"We wait for Renly," I said.

"I am afraid Lord Renly has left the city," Varys said in a sorrowful tone.

"Left the city?" I was bewildered.

"Yes, my little birds saw him leaving through postern gates in the waning hours of dawn. He was followed by Ser Loras and the retinue of knights from Reach." Varys explained. I could scarcely believe that. How can he abandon his own brother? So much for his promise of a hundred swords. But there was nothing I could do about it. I took out Robert's letter.

"The king called me to his side last night. He commanded me to record his last words. Lord Renly and Grandmaster stood witness as the King sealed the letter to be opened after his death." I said, passing the letter to Ser Barristan.

"King Robert's seal, Unbroken." He said this before breaking the seal and reading the letter.
" Lord Eddard Stark is hereby named regent until his heir comes of age. " Coincidentally, his heir is of age. I thought but did not give voice to it.
Varys and Pycelle are not to be trusted. Ser Barristan would be honor-bound to defend the boy, whom he thought of as the new King. The deceit left a bitter taste in my mouth. But I must tread lightly here. I need to play the game until I am firmly established as the Regent. When Arya and Sansa are safe in Winterfell, I'll have to wait until Stannis comes to the capital with full force. Then, the new King will appoint his new hand.

"I would ask the council to confirm me as the new regent," I said, watching their faces. I wondered what thoughts lay behind Pycelle's half-closed eyes, Littlefinger's half-smile, and Vary's nervous fluttering fingers.
The door opened while Fat Tom entered. "Pardon me, my lords, but the Royal steward insists..."

The steward entered and bowed. "My esteemed lords, the King ordered his small council to be present in the throne room." I expected Cersei to strike quickly, so this summons came as no surprise to me.
"The king is dead," I said, "But we will follow you nonetheless. Tom, arrange an escort if you would."

I took Littlefinger's arm to go down the steps. Ser Barristan, Pycelle, and Varys followed me closely behind.
A double column of men-at-arms wearing chainmail and helms was waiting outside. Eight strong. They marched us across the yard, their grey cloaks snapping in the wind. There were no Lannister men barring our way, but I was reassured by the dozens of Gold Cloaks guarding the entrance. Janos Slynt stood outside the Large oak doors in his Black-gold armour with a helm under his shoulders. He saluted me as we were led into the Throne room.

The steward announced, "All hail, King Joffrey Baratheon, Lord of Seven Kingdoms, King of First Men, Andals, and Rhoynar." The throne room is desolate, with the boy sitting on the Iron throne. The remaining Kingsguard stood in a crescent, guarding the base. Cersei and her children stood behind the king's guard. The Hound sat at the base of the narrow stairs leading to the throne. About twenty red cloaks stood at a distance behind the throne. The prince sat atop the throne amidst the barbs and spikes in a golden doublet and satin red cloak. It took me a long time to cross the throne room, and by the time I reached close to the throne, my leg was blazing in pain. I took support from Littlefinger to stand straight.

This close, I could see the boy king. His emerald eyes held a distant gaze, and his face was set in melancholy. When he met my eyes, they saw a brief pity.
I hesitated for a moment when I saw him grieving about his 'father's' death. But I soldiered on for Robert. Cersei wore a sea green gown with myrish laces the colour of foam. She wore a red Ruby ring and a matching Tiara.

"Lord Varys, would you be kind as to show my lady Lannister this?" I said, producing the letter
Varys glided over to the Queen, the Kingsguard allowing the harmless eunuch to pass through. Cersei took the letter and read it. "Protector of the Realm? You think this piece of paper will be the shield?" She said with a frown and in a mocking tone. She was about to rip the paper when the boy king spoke.

"Mother, let me see the letter," the boy said, standing up. His red cloak, woven with fifty golden lions and stags, bellowed in the wind. He motioned for the Hound to retrieve it. Cersei was confused and hesitated, but she gave the letter to the hound, who followed his master's order. The people in the room were surprised by the tone of his voice. It was a far cry from his usual petulant whine. The hound gave the paper to the boy, and he read the letter, giving a pause to the tension in the room.

"This is not my father's writing." He said after a while. "His grace was indisposed to writing, so I wrote while he dictated." I said defending the letter.
"And you have written exactly what the King said?" He questioned. "Yes," I said, hiding a small twitch. "And who was present at the time to vouch for it?" He continued the questioning. All the people present are surprised by his unusually calm demeanour. "Lord Renly and Grandmaster Pycelle were present to witness the king signing and sealing it." I said as I suddenly noted that Renly has left the city and the Grandmaster is the Queen's man. I felt a slight dread pool in my gut after noting that. Everyone turned to the grandmaster, awaiting his response.

"His grace, King Robert, called us inside to witness the sealing, and I obeyed his order to witness his grace sealing it." The Grandmaster surprisingly told the truth, but his shoulders almost dropped to the floor.
"So no one was present to witness the discussion." The boy whispered to himself, but the whole room heard it. My broken leg started to itch, and I felt uneasy, but I was reassured by the advantage I had.

"I was told I could trust in Lord Stark's honour." The boy continued in his normal voice. "As my father's heir, I do not wish to counter his final orders. Lord Stark, you'll pay me fealty, and you shall indeed be made my regent." The boy tried to put some steel into his voice, but his age betrayed him.
I hoped it would not come to this, but if he forces the issue, I have no choice. "You have no claim to the throne on which you sit; Lord Stannis is Robert's true heir."
"So even you can be corrupted by power, huh?" the boy said. "Ser Barristan, seize this traitor."

The Lord Commander did not hesitate to draw his blade, but in a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by my men, bare steel in their mailed fists.
"Now your treason moves from words to deeds." Cersei spoke for the first time in a while. "Do you think Ser Barristan stands alone, my lord?" With an ominous rasp, the Hound unsheathed his sword, and he was followed by the Kingsguard and the red cloaks.
"I command you to arrest them all," the boy shouted from the throne.

"You leave me no choice," I said to Cersei, briefly glancing at the boy who now sat on the throne. He became composed again and was leisurely watching. I called out to Janos Slynt. "Commander, take the queen and her children into custody. Do them no harm, but escort them to the chambers and hold them there until King Stannis returns to decide their fate."
"Men of the Watch!" Janos shouted, donning his helmet. A hundred gold cloaks levelled their spears and closed.

"I want no bloodshed." I told the Queen. " Tell your men to lay down their arms and no one needs-" With a single thrust, a gold cloak pierced Tomard's back. Fat Tom's blade dropped from his lifeless hands as the spear burst out through his ribs, piercing leather and mail. He was dead before his sword hit the ground.

I shouted, but it was far too late. Janos himself slashed open one of my other men. One of my men reacted immediately and launched a flurry of blows at the gold cloak nearest to him. For a moment, it looked like he might cut his way through, but the Hound was upon him. Sandor's first blow cut his sword hand, the second drove him to his knees, and the third gutted him.
As I watched my men die around me, I did not notice Littlefinger grabbing my dagger from it's sheath. He shoved it under my chin. His smile was apologetic.
" I did say not to trust me. " He said so, and I regretted trusting him.

"Take Lord Stark to the Dungeons. He shall await his fate there in a dark cell." The boy now stood up as he commanded the watch. A few gold cloaks held me as I surrendered, having no other option. I was marched out of the room when I heard the boy's order to bring the Stark girls. I tried to get free after hearing him threaten my daughter's safety, but a mailed fist put me to sleep.
I prayed to the gods, wishing my daughters had left Kings Landing safely.
Cersei I
Royal Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast:

"Your grace, Ser Meryn Trant, is requesting to present himself." A young maid spoke as she bowed without meeting my eyes. The maid's family had been working in the castle for a long time, and she had learned how to deal with royalty. She never tried to win their favour. Royal favour is a fickle thing. It can give you riches or bury you six feet down. So she never tried to curry favour, and that is the reason I made her my maid. That, and she never tried to sleep with my royal husband. That bastard willingly had maids in his lap despite the three stones of weight and drunken stupor. And that reminded me of the whore from a brothel. I heard she had a daughter with dark hair and blue eyes. I should have her taken care of, lest someone like Eddard go poking around.
I will do anything to keep my son safe and on the throne.

Joff has changed since his 'father's' death. He became quiet and withdrawn. He should have been angry when the Stark denied his claim, but he laughed sardonically before commanding the Kingsguard to arrest him. His laugh and his gaze held so much sadness. I did not know that Joff loved that man so much. I tried to talk to him, but he avoided me and locked himself in his room after leaving the throne room. But, as his mother, I know how to lift his spirits. When Joff was down, I used to give him whatever he asked, and this time he asked for the Stark girl and her dancing master, so she will give him that. Maybe he will feel better when he gets what he asked for.

The creaking of the door brought me out of my thoughts. The door opened, and a fully armoured man in white, chased with gold, let himself in. He kneeled before her and removed his tall helm with a golden sunburst, showing a middle-aged man with droopy eyes and a red beard. Ser Meryn Trant had been an invaluable ally. Though the man was a stormlander, he was wise enough to understand who he should serve. Out of the useless Kingsguard, she considers him the most useful. That is the reason she sent him along with a couple of red cloaks to apprehend the Stark girl and her dancing master.
I was eagerly waiting for him to deliver the young Stark girl.

"Your grace, I apologise." Ser Meryn started in a low voice. I know that voice. "The guards tried to arrest them as you ordered, but the dancing master fought back and killed the guards before I arrived. The girl fled while I had to kill the master."
No sooner had the knight finished, I threw the goblet in my hand at him. He evaded, and the goblet broke against the chamber's wall. I wanted to strangle the man if I could.

"You'll have me believe a dancing master killed four Lannister guardsmen?" I said, trying to hold back my anger. "Don't deny your incompetence by weaving fanciful tales, Ser."
"No, your grace, I swear by the seven; I do not know what happened, but when I reached, there were bodies of guardsmen, and the dancing master stood with a sword. I asked him to surrender, but he refused and came at me. I had to kill him when I noticed the Stark girl slipping by. I followed the girl as she ran into the kitchens and buttery. I saw her reach the turret bridge. I sent some of the guards after her, as I could not catch up with her in my armor, and they lost her."

I paused at his explanation. He was a sly one, and he might have mixed in some lies, trying to put all the blame on the guards while absolving himself of any. But it must be true that the dancing master killed the guards. How incompetent are those guards to die to a fucking dancing master? I was about to give him a piece of my mind while contemplating disposing of him when the guard outside her door announced a steward.
The steward, whom I remembered assigning to Joffrey, bowed perfectly before me.

" Your grace, his grace King Joffrey called on the small council to the tower of hand and invited you."

Why would Joff call on the council in the hand's tower so late?

"I see; I will attend the meeting." I said, dismissing the steward. "By your leave," he said, bowing once again and leaving the chambers.
I turned to see that the Trant was still in my chambers. I decided to deal with his incompetence later.

" Ser Meryn, You can go and guard Sansa. Don't let her out, and if another Stark girl escapes under your watch, you might lose your head." I warned
The king's guard bowed once again before leaving the room.
I ordered the guards to send maids to clean the goblet and help her dress up for the council meeting.

Four old maids bowed before me and, upon my nod, moved on to different tasks.
I had ladies in waiting once, but Robert's advances led me to remove them. I had to replace them with married maids and mothers with children. They are often loyal and did not seduce Robert. The oldest of them moved towards me, holding a couple of gowns. They are both black, with one having rubies embroidered and the other having golden accents. I chose the later, as it had a golden lion outlined in red. I need to show the small council and the stewards the power and riches my name holds.
"Senelle, Bring me that emerald necklace and the matching tiara." I said to the youngest of them.
Senelle is the daughter of one of my old nursemaids. She was born here in Red Keep but took her mother's life. She was raised as a maid from birth, but the other maids spoiled her.
Her head is always up in the clouds, and it falls on me to discipline her. She carefully brought out the emerald necklace and the matching tiara, keeping her head bowed. I wore the ring while one of the old maids put on the tiara for me.
Another maid brought out a silver-looking glass.
I gazed upon my reflection, noting the wrinkles forming at the corners of my eyes. I frowned at this.
"Until a younger and more beautiful queen would cast you down and take all that you hold dear."

A maid opened the door of her chambers, and Cersei was met with the sight of a king's guard waiting at the entrance to her chambers. Upon close inspection, she noticed the golden leaf that clasped his cloak. She reckoned he must be the one who replaced Ser Alton. Ser Arys Oakheart is the youngest son of Lady Arwyn Oakheart of Old Oak. I remember he was appointed at the suggestion of Renly.
He removed his helm, revealing a rather comely face with wavy brown hair.
" Your grace." He greeted her with a bow, holding his helm under his left shoulder, his right arm upon his heart, and a slight bend of the knees. With his immaculate posture and silky white cloak upon white enamelled scale armour, he gave off the aura of a young and dashing knight.

" Ser Arys, it's a delight to see a dashing knight such as you waiting for me at chambers." Cersei said, with a pleasant smile and a light husk in her tone. The young knight couldn't stop a hint of red in his cheeks. She noted this and noted that he was still green and weak to compliments. He wouldn't have been a Kingsguard if that sword swallower hadn't interfered. He seems weak to womanly charms; maybe he could be made into a useful tool.

"His grace, King Joffrey, has dispatched me to accompany your grace to the council chambers." He said it courteously, composing himself
"Aww! My sweet Joff was so thoughtful to send a fine knight like you to protect me in the midst of the chaos." Cersei responded with a genuine, if slight, smile.

"It appears so, your grace," the knight replied.
She laughed and told him to lead her to the chambers.
Ser Arys walked in front, a hand on his sword, keeping a sharp eye out for any turns or shadows. Cersei walked slowly behind him, close enough for him to smell her scent but far enough away not to run into him. He is a vigilant knight, as she noted.
Cersei mused at the elder Stark girl as their footsteps echoed down the corridor leading to the council chamber.

"Do you know how the Stark girl is doing in her room, Ser Arys?" The poor girl must be confused about the whole affair. I will call on her later to explain everything to her."

"Young Sansa kept asking to meet you and his grace. She began to cry after a while. I came across one of her companions and sent her to the room to keep the young lady company."

"A companion, you say?" Cersei inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity.

" Yes, your grace, some girl called Poole or something. She claimed her father was Lord Stark's steward, and I have seen her with Sansa on occasion. Lady Sansa then stopped crying and remained silent."
Cersei narrowed her eyes. Sansa is to be kept alone. She cannot let her know anything about what happened with Starks. My words should tell her everything. It will be much easier to manipulate her this way. I need to take care of this right away.

"Ser Arys, I cannot have Sansa fretting needlessly; the gods only know what sort of tales this girl has been filling Sansa's head with." Cersei said.

" Send this Poole girl to Littlefinger; he will take care of her." She ordered Ser Arys after thinking about it for a while. Ser Arys nodded as they approached the chambers. A couple of Lannister men at arms stood guard at the entrance. They all bowed when they saw me, and one of them opened the door for me. As I walked into the chambers, I nodded to them.

Council Chambers:
The chamber doors opened, and Cersei appeared in her regal robes. She quickly glanced around the chambers. Varys appeared bored as the grandmaster dozed off. Littlefinger is the only one who seems interested in the upcoming meeting. She motioned for the stewards in the corner to move the chair to the right of the main seat so she could sit in it. The position of the King's hand. The only response this elicits is a slight raising of the brows, but they held their tongues.

The distance between you and the seat of power represents your own power. It demonstrates your proximity to the person in power. Cersei understood this, and as the king's mother, she is the person closest to him. The councilors were aware of this and wisely chose to remain silent. One of her stewards poured the queen a decanter of wine. Cersei accepted it and drank the fine Arbor Red. She peered over the rim of the goblet at the other councilors.

Pycelle bowed his head slightly, expressing his devotion to the Lannister name. Varys caught her eye. She had the impression that the eunuch was close to the Stark. She did, however, agree that the eunuch was skilled in his position. Other than her intuition, she found no evidence for this. And she knew better than to act solely on instincts in politics. The Master of Whispers knew a lot and was far too valuable an ally to throw away on a whim.

She turned her attention to Littlefinger. A lord of nothing more than a hovel on the outskirts of Vale rose to the rank of Master of Coin. She remembered how he helped turn Eddard Stark's plan against him. She was grateful for that, as the city watch had outnumbered her men in the throne room. But she can never trust the man who callously turned on another for his own benefit. However, he poses no threat to her authority. She set the goblet on the table and looked around for her beloved Joff.

She had barely finished when the council doors opened, allowing Joffrey to enter. He wore a black shirt with red rubies inlaid. He wore the same cloak as he had in the throne room.
King Joffrey's eyes were red, and his runny nose showed that he had been crying. His downcast eyes and the frown on his full lips gave him the appearance of a sad hero who had lost all.

He went ahead and took the main seat. He took a glance around the councilors before pausing at the empty chair at the end.

"Your grace, Ser Barristan, stands vigil in the Sept of Baelor for his grace, King Robert." Varys spoke. Joffrey made a small frown but ignored it.

"My lords," he began, his voice low. "With the untimely death of my father, King Robert, the realm requires a new ruler. I would normally require a regent because I have not yet reached the age of majority. Since the last regent, Lord Eddard, whom my father chose, had become drunk on power and plotted treason, I have thought of doing away with it. " He paused, surveying the room's occupants. Varys' eyebrows raised, and his smile faded. Cersei frowned as Littlefinger assumed a serious expression. There was a subtle change in her son's manner of speech. Nevertheless, his portrayal of Eddard as a power-hungry man will make it easier for the nobles to be convinced.

Pycelle had woken from his half slumber and his face showed surprise. He moved to say something, but Joffrey cut him off.

"However, after careful consideration, I have decided to name my mother the Queen Regent. Cersei smiled at this. She intended to declare herself Queen Regent by persuading the council at this meeting, but her son saved her the trouble.
"Thank you, son; I appreciate your trust in me," she said, expressing gratitude. Her son nodded and continued with a determined expression.

Baelish cleared his throat and began after a brief period of silence following her son's announcement.
"Your grace, I pledge my loyalty and vow to serve you faithfully if you will include me on your council." From her vantage point, she could see Joffrey frown slightly at his declaration. It quickly faded away, and a smile replaced it.
"I accept it, Lord Baelish. You proved to be quite valuable when my father needed coin, and your service to the crown is greatly appreciated." Baelish bowed and appeared pleased. Cersei wondered if Littlefinger understood the hidden meaning, implying his active role in Robert's extravagant spending.

Varys continued shortly after. He rose from his seat and bowed, folding his hands beneath the long sleeves of his robe. "My birds and I are always prepared to bring realm matters to his grace and the queen regent. I will make sure the enemies of the realm and traitors are brought to your attention."
Cersei felt a smile form unintentionally as the spider pledged his loyalty to her, alongside her son.

The grandmaster was the last, as the old man tried but failed to stand up. He bowed his head while seated. "This frail old man will faithfully and competently guide your grace with my knowledge and suggestions. I am at the service of the royal family."
Joffrey promptly nodded. "Despite your age, you have served under four kings, and your experience will be extremely valuable to a young king like me." Cersei could tell the grandmaster was pleased with that.

"I am aware that I am young and therefore inexperienced in ruling. It is also well known that my father rarely attended council meetings, but I intend to meet with them on a regular basis to learn about running the seven kingdoms." He paused and gave the council some time to mull over his declaration. It is a good thing Joff is not following in the footsteps of her idiot husband. Her father always reminded her that a lord must always supervise his subordinates. And these regular meetings will help her keep track of everyone on the council.

Joffrey's expression turned serious and he said, " I thank you all for your service and loyalty to my family and I hope you remain loyal and competent. "

'And if you don't' is left unsaid, as the fate of the previous hand is a good example. His sudden maturity and cunningness are a welcome surprise for her. He needs to be decisive to fight against his uncles. Cersei had no doubt that Stannis, who was brooding on his deary island, would oppose her rule. It is also concerning that the youngest Baratheon brother quietly escaped the city instead of helping Eddard.
Sansa I
The morning light filled her chambers through the window slits high on the wall. Sansa lay curled up on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Her hair is disheveled, and tear stains run down her cheeks. She had cried herself to sleep last night, afraid of her unknown fate.

She had been locked in the chambers for the last three days. The first day was bad. Despite the stout walls of Maegor's holdfast, she could hear the sound of steel beyond the closed doors of her chambers. She had grown up accustomed to the sound of ringing steel every day in her yard. But knowing the fighting was real made all the difference. There were sounds of angry curses, grunts of pain, shouts for help and moans from the dying men. In all the songs she knew, none mentioned the knights screaming or begging for mercy.

She pleaded through the door for the men guarding her to tell her what was happening. On the evening of the first day, the door opened and her friend Jeyne was pushed into the chambers. They're killing everyone, her friend shrieked at her. She then went on and on. The Hound had broken down their door with a war hammer, she said. There were bodies everywhere on the stairs to the hand's tower. The steps were slick with blood. Sansa dried her tears to comfort her friend. They went to bed together, cradling together like sisters.

The second day was even worse. From the windows of her chambers, she could look at the closed portcullis and the raised drawbridge. The fighting stopped and a grave like silence settled in. She saw Lannister men in red cloaks making rounds with their spears and crossbows.
She tried looking for any of her father's men but found none. In the afternoon, they brought them hard cheese and a roast chicken to eat. The maids also brought her things and some of Jeyne's things. She tried talking to them, asking about either the queen or her father. The maids were silent to her inquiries and left them as quickly as they had come.
Jeyne silently wept in the corner. " I am sure your father is fine." She tried to console her friend. " I will talk to the queen about it ." Jeyne looked at her and continued her whimpers and sobs. In the early hours of the night, a great bell began to ring. Its tune was deep and somber. After a while, the bells were answered by another set of bells from the Great Sept. The loud and deep sound filled her with dread. Jeyne asked her what those bells were.

"The King is dead." Sansa immediately replied. She could not say how she knew that but she felt it.

Was that the reason for the fighting? Did someone assassinate King Robert? Was her father alright? Did that mean her Joffrey was king ? Will she be his queen?

She tried asking the guards outside her door. They refused, as always, to let them go outside. " Please, I need to speak with the queen again. " She told them as she told everyone else. " She would want to speak with me. Tell her I want to see her. If not the queen , then Prince Joffrey, if you would be so kind. We are to be married when we are older. " There was no response and just when she was about to give up, the doors opened and a Kingsguard knight entered. He was a knight she did not recognize. He had darker skin and light brown hair. He was handsome and comely in his white woollen tunic, like those knights from the songs.

He had given her a cursory glance and a slight bow before he went ahead and held Jeyne by hand. Her friend, shocked by his action, started to cry. The knight gave her no mind and began to lead her out of the room. The steward's daughter resisted by thrashing and kicking but to no avail. Sansa stood before the door and asked the knight, " Ser knight, what are you doing ? Where are you taking my friend?". The Kingsguard stopped, looked her in the eye and replied.

" The Queen has asked for her. " Sansa stilled at that. The knight simply crossed her. She watched as the doors closed, leaving her alone in her chambers.

That night, she lay curled up on her bed alone. She thought of her father and how she disobeyed his orders by meeting with the queen and told her everything about her father's plan to send her back to Winterfell. Queen Cersei consoled her and assured her that she would not go back to Winterfell.
She then thought about her sister Arya, whom she started to miss. And she started wondering why the queen asked for Jeyne. Did she displease the queen in some way and was she considering Jeyne for the prince? Jeyne was certainly pretty, as even Theon said so. The thought left her anxious and with no one to answer her question, she assumed worse and cried herself to sleep for her lost love.

In the morning , a Lannister man at arms guarding her door came in to inform her that she should get ready to meet the queen. The information brought respite to her and when the maids came in with her breakfast, she quickly ate it and got to make herself presentable. She chose a simple dress of dark grey wool, plainly cut but richly embroidered around the collar and sleeves. Her fingers felt thick and clumsy as she struggled with the silver fastenings without the benefit of her servants. She arranged her disheveled hair in a pleated braid. She washed her face to clean up the tear stains.
After a while, Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard came to escort her to the queen. Ser Boros is an ugly man with short, bandy legs and a square chest. His nose was flat, his cheeks were baggy with jowls and his hair was brittle and grey. He wore a simple white tunic fastened with a lion brooch.
" You look handsome this morning, Ser Boros." Sansa greeted him. She could feel that her voice had become a bit rough from all the crying. But a lady always remembers her courtesies and she was resolved to be one.
" And you too, my lady," Ser Boros replied in a flat voice. "Her grace awaits. Come with me."
Sansa followed as the knight led her out of Maegor's holdfast. At the drawbridge, she saw a couple of workers slowly lowering a man to the dry moat. She looked below to see a body impaled on the large iron spikes. She quickly looked away, praying it was not anyone she knew.
They found Queen Cersei in the council chambers, seated at the head of a long table littered with papers, candles, and blocks of sealing wax. She stared in awe at the carved wooden screen and the twin sphinxes that sat beside the door. "Your Grace," Ser Boros said when they were ushered inside by another of the Kingsguard, Ser Mandon, of the curiously dead face. "I've brought the girl."
She had hoped her prince, Joffrey, would be there. Her prince was not there but three of the King's councilors were present. Lord Baelish sat on the Queen's left hand, while Grandmaester Pycelle sat on her right at the end of the table. Lord Varys hovered around them, smelling flowery. She then noted that all of them wore black. The queen wore a black satin gown with many small red rubies embroidered around her neck, cut in the shape of tears. It looked as if the queen herself was crying bloody tears.
Cersei smiled at seeing her. Sansa could tell it was the sweetest and saddest smile she ever got. "Sansa, my sweet child," she said. " I know you have been asking for me. I am sorry I could send for you sooner. Matters have been very unsettling and I have not had a moment. I trust my people have been taking care of you well?"

" Everyone has been sweet and kind to me, Your Grace," she said politely. " But no one will ever tell me what happened."

"Sit down, Sansa. I need to talk to you," the queen said gently as she patted the seat beside her.
Sansa sat beside the queen. Cersei smiled again at her but she felt more anxious. She caught Lord Varys giving her a look of pity in the corner of her vision. She caught Lord Baelish staring at her. The way the little man stared at her, she felt as if she had no clothes on. Goosebumps pimpled her skin.
" My sweet Sansa," the queen said, laying a hand on her wrist. "Such a beautiful child. I hope you know how much I and Joffery love you."
" You do ?" She asked breathlessly. Littlefinger was forgotten. Her prince loved her. Nothing else mattered.
" I almost think of you as my own daughter. And I know the love you bear for Joffrey. " Cersei said with a weary smile. " I am afraid we have some grave news about your father. You must be brave, child."
The queen's quiet words gave her a chill. " What is it? " She asked almost in a whisper.
" Your father is a traitor, dear. " Lord Varys said suddenly. In the corner of her eyes, Sansa could see the queen narrow her eyes but she remained silent. She wanted to ask the queen but the ancient voice of Grandmaester Pycelle came first.
" With my own ears, I have heard your father promise King Robert that he would look after his children. But the moment the king died, Lord Eddard called the small council together to steal King Joffrey's rightful throne. "
"No," Sansa blurted. " He wouldn't do that . He wouldn't!" She looked at the queen to convince her that there must have been a mistake.
The queen took out a letter. It was crumpled around the edges and the seal was broken. But Sansa can see her father's dire wolf on it.
" This is something we recovered from one of your father's men. " the queen said as she held the letter. " It is a letter from your father to my late husband's brother, Stannis. inviting him to take the throne. "
" No, my father would never write such a letter." Sansa pleaded as sudden panic made her dizzy. " Please send for my father, he will tell you. He was a friend of King Robert."

" Robert thought so too. "the queen said in a bitter tone. "This would have broken his heart. The gods are kind that he did not live to see it. " She sighed. " Sansa, you must understand that this puts us in a difficult position. You have not done anything wrong but how can I let my son marry the daughter of a traitor?"

"But I love him". Sansa wailed as confusion and fear set in the bottom of her heart.

What have they done to her father? What did they mean to do with her? It was not supposed to happen this way. She was to marry Joffrey, he was promised to her, she always dreamt about it.

" I know that well , child. '' Cersei said in a kind voice. " Why else would you come to me to tell me all about your father's plan on that fateful day. If not for love? "

" It was for love," She said in a rush. " You have to let me marry Joffrey. I'll ever be a good wife to him. You'll see. I'll be a good queen like you. "
Cersei gave a helpless sigh and looked to the council. " My lords what do you say to her plea? "

" A poor child," Varys murmured. " A love so true and innocent, Your Grace. It would be cruel to deny it.. and yet what can we do ? Her father stands condemned. " He said in a helpless distress.

" A child born to a traitor will find that treason comes easily to her. " the grand maester said. " She is a sweet thing now. But what about in ten years, who can say what she may plot in ten years? "

" I'll never." Sansa said as desperately. " I love him and I'll always be faithful to him. I swear it. "

" So touching" said Varys . " And yet blood is truer than oaths. "

" I think she takes after her mother more than her father. Look at her. She has the same eyes and hair as that of Cat at the same age. "

" Sansa, child" the queen looked at her troubled. " Why nothing would please me better than to marry you to my son Joffrey but Grandmaester and Lord Varys have the right of it. Blood shows, Why I remember how your sister set her wolf on my son. "
" I am not Arya", she again blurted. " I am good ,ask septa Mordane. I'll be a loving and loyal wife to Joffrey. "

Cersei looked at her intensely, and then addressed the council." My lords, what do you say? It seems to me that if the rest of her kin remain loyal in these tiring times, it would go a long way to assuage our fears. "
" Lord Eddard has three sons. " The grand maester supplied.
" Mere boys, " Little finger replied. " I would be more worried about their mother and the Tullys. "
Cersei held her hands and asked , " Child, do you know your letters?"
She nodded. She could write her letters better than any of her brothers though she was hopeless with sums.
" I am happy to hear that. Perhaps there might still be chance for Joffrey and you .."
" What do you want me to do?" She asked quickly.
" Well my dear you should write letters to your mother and your brother eldest, what is his name again ? "
" Robb," Sansa said.
" The word of your father's treason will reach them soon. I think it would be better if comes from you. You must tell them Lord Edward betrayed his king. " Grand maester said.
Sansa wanted to marry Joffrey desperately but she couldn't help but feel as if she was doing something wrong.
" I.. I don't know, Your Grace " she said. " I wouldn't know what to say. " she confessed.
"We will tell you what to write, child, '' the queen said. "You must urge your brother and lady mother to keep the King's peace. "
" It will be bad for them if they don't" Grandmaester said. " You must urge them to walk the path of wisdom. "
" And when your brother pledges his loyalty to Joffrey. Then we can be sure that your blood carries no taint. Then you can wed the king in the Great Sept of Baelor. "
"Wed the King " Sansa felt her breath hitch at the thought.
" But my father he wouldn't... " Sansa
murmured. She then turned to the queen." Your Grace, if I could talk to my father about .."
"Treason ?" Lord Varys cut her off before she could finish.
Cersei's eyes hardened , " You disappoint me, Sansa. We have told you of your father's crimes. If you are as loyal as you say then why would you want to talk to your father? "
" I do not mean.. I.. " Sansa could feel her eyes go moist. " Please… He is not hurt. Is he ? Or.. ? "
" Lord Eddard has not been harmed. " The queen assured her.
" What is to happen to him? " Sansa asked.
" That's for the king to decide. " Grand maester replied.

The King! Yes, Joffrey was the king now. Sansa thought as she blinked back her tears. Her handsome prince would never hurt her father. He will have to punish him for the lord's would expect him to. If she pleaded with him, he'd listen. He loves her, even the queen said so. Father could be sent back to Winterfell or he might be exiled to some Free City. It will only be for some years. By then, Joffrey and her would be married. She would be the Queen. She could persuade him to let father return. Yes, but only if Mother and Robb pledge their allegiance and do not do anything treasonous like calling the banners, it would go all wrong. Joffrey is kind but a King must be stern with rebels. She must persuade them. She had to!

" I.. I'll write the letters. " Sansa told them.

Cersei gave her a smile like the sunshine. " I know you would, " she said as she kissed her gently on her cheek.
Sansa then wrote four letters. One for her brother Robb at Winterfell, One for her mother and the other for her aunt Lysa at Vale and also for her grandfather at Riverrun.

" You are so brave, my child. " The queen said after she wrote the letters." Joffrey would be so proud when I tell him about the courage and good sense you have shown today. "
She felt so happy hearing that. She even forgot the stiffness of her wrist and cramped fingers stained with ink. She watched as Lord Varys used her fathers seal to stamp the letters with the Direwolf of House Stark.

Ser Mandon, of the curiously dead face escorted her back to her chambers.
When she was left alone in her chambers, she felt they were colder than the north despite the fire burning in the corner.
She curled up in the bed and tried to sleep thinking about her marriage to the king, of Florian and Jonquil, of Aemon, the dragon knight and his failed love for his brother's Queen.
As she was drifting off to sleep, it occurred to her that she did not ask about her sister Arya or her friend Jeyne.

Hello everyone! This is mostly a intermediate chapter. It's mostly canon. In fact, I have used the original text most of the time. I deliberately used that to show how close it is to the canon. As story progresses, you will notice the change in the writing as it becomes more au.
Next chapter will be the Hound POV. We will see what our si is been upto during this time. Prepare to get disappointed.

Until next week !!
PS: I really need to edit the previous Cersei chapter. I completely ignored her in favor of the council and even the council did not discuss much.
This is very good! XD it does make me question what the Main Character is up to...
You essentially have a continent spanning rebellion breaking out. With like five sides, the crownlands and westerlands, the north, the stormlands, dragonstone and the Iron islands. Not to mention Daenerys and her murder boner, or the dornish and their hatred of your only allies.

Varys and little finger are also actively damaging the kingdom and subverting the MC's orders for their own goals. Though they have no idea what they're doing and greatly overestimate themselves. Seriously they're basically bashing cymbals together in a dragons lair and are suddenly wondering why nothings going their way.

Not to mention Cersei she's ten times worse then Varys and little finger put together, because she doesn't even attempt to think things through.
I see no future where the MC survives.

I mean if he had acted as soon as he realized when he was, he would have been able to resolve some of it somewhat easily but it's to late for that now. (Then again my idea was to off eddared, myself with like poison blame Varys, publicly execute Varys for treason and say he wrote the letters. Then marry Sansa, but I don't think I would have the stomach for it. To late for anything like that now, alot of dead people make it so no one would believe you.)