The Giant Has Not Yet Fallen (Or Frankish Merovingian Self Insert)

The Giant Has Not Yet Fallen (Or Frankish Merovingian Self Insert)
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Is it not better to do something than do nothing what happens if after your untimely death you woke up when you expected nothing as blood of clovis to see the great work of you forefathers crumbling into dust the frankish giant on its knees and vultures everywhere and to be rambert as do nothing king why of course to do something
The Royal Blooded Heir Of Merovich


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
To Do Something Is Better Than To Do Nothing

When one thinks of french kings they think Of The Sun King Louis XIV Or far more likely for average person Louis XVI And If Person has great Interest in history Charlemagne Just Saying His Name Leave's An Bitter Taste In My Mouth

He who was or will be the greatest Of
Peppinids(Karlings) the thieves who undermined and In future stole And desecrated Our Sacred Kingdom Of Frankia truly a terrible future Or perhaps If God Is good And willing It will never come to pass

I sighed and looked at my reflection no longer I possess brown hair And green eyes but perhaps it was not to terribly of fate i am not above admitting that now i was Quite the looker now no longer was there reciding brown hair no in its place my head was decorated with long thick black corls my eyes looked similar to shining sapphires

For clothing i had chosen to wear an rich red tunic with golden heightligths and right where my heart was located an heladry of golden lilies and An golden chalice with precious gems on red field It was sown together by my request when i had asked for it i was met with confusion before i explained that i wished to make it ny heraldry it was meet with same reaction I sighed before i explained that i wished to make

It my symbol to help nn battle both so that my soldiers didn't attack eachother in confusion and also be an lucky charm the servants didn't looked convinced but i was quite good to them and even if wasent i was still blood of the king it was even partially the truth in realty i always loved heladry
And when i had the chance to create it for my self and wear it even If it would have not appeared for couple of centuries but I did not care i loved it

The palace that I resided in was quite not like the one that was made famous by Hollywood it was not made off stone as movie's would have people believe but made off wood or not it was quite large and far larger then my previous two story house
It was also sourronded by solid wooden wall that was fifthteen feet high and teen feet wide

my room was far more larger then in previous life it only had one entrance a solid oak heavy door that could be locked I had it changed to suit my needs I had large soft bed and during day ligth shoon from the glass window an rare luxury but what I was must happy about was the large pine bookshelf it was full but compared to one I had befour it felt wholly empty

my armor was also near my bed I was Quite paranoid about my safety from any possible attack by mayor with my armor there was my round shield and sword but my favourite weapon was the long ash spear to use from the horse back I was an quite gifted equestrian in both lives and using the spear just felt rigth
It Should Be Know That This Is My First Ever Story And I Wrote It While Unable To Sleep So Their Exist Some Problems Of Grammar Until I Have Time To Fix Them I should have second chapter for ether tomorrow or late today

To be quite honest writing for first time is terrifying but I enjoy franks and if my terrible writing brings joy to somone that is an good bonus this story will be about late frankish kingdom(kingdoms) about political intrigued and of course violence about finding your

Surrounded by impossible odds and yet still not loosing hope anyway that was little bit of rant thank all of you who have become interested in this little story of mine I hope to not disappoint