The Gerudos Path Of Wisdom (LOZ-BOTW)

[X]- Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you're currently properly equipped to handle Naboris. Gear/Train up!
[X]- Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you're currently properly equipped to handle Naboris. Gear/Train up!
3- A Friend Indeed
Three marks for training up.

You thought the Rito were supposed to be soft... softer than Gerudo, anyway. It seems Frita has been going easy on you in previous lessons, upon your declaration that you needed a bit of a cram session to help you get on top of things she set right to putting you through the ringer. By the time noon rolled around, you were sweating up a storm from the amount of magic you'd used up. But did Frita let you rest on your laurels? Only for half an hour for you to rest, drink some water and have a bite or two of a hydromelon. Then it was right back with your nose to the grindstone.

Twice you had been asked to move your activities due to the high concentration of wind magic you had been practicing, followed by what Frita demonstrated as a 'proper gust'. Goddess but the Rito are relentless! There were three furrows at least an arrows cast long to the east, west and south where Fritas' and your wind had blasted the landscape. You were also 'politely requested' to take such practice elsewhere outside of the town boundary if you intend to continue in the future.

Your mind is aching, your palms are windburned, and you can't seem to catch your breath. You feel amazing!

You bet with your new handle on wind magic you could send even a boulder flying! Why don't more people learn this stuff if its so useful?

"Most do not possess your ox headed tenacity," Frito snarks at you, making you realize you stated that last part out loud. "A fair few would have quit in the first hour, and even more would have been forced to admit defeat by the suns' high."

You admit you don't understand what she's getting at. It's not stupidity to admit you don't know something. If you never ask questions, how would one gain more information with which to learn?

"Most Gerudo have absolutely no affinity for wind magic. Blessed be, it's even rare among mine own tribe," she admitted in a flustered tone. "Its rare to find a single soul who can fling even the slightest ball of flames, the rhyme of magic has fallen since the days of yore."

'Fallen?' you find yourself asking. You had initially found delight in the bare strings of magic that your favorite customer brought to your fingertips, not giving a single thought to if your actions were anything of note.

"A century ago," Frito started, staring off at the slowly darkening sky as points of sparkling light glittered from on high. "Before the calamity... There were singers. Those that wove the delight of magic into every aspect of their lives. A Hylian could drift among the clouds with any Rito through the help of wind spirits, a Goron could glide among the waves as easily as any flotsam drifting peacefully. Your own champion Urbosa, from the tales she bore the fury of the naked storm in her very fingertips."

She sighed, a sad sound the petered out among the slowly chilling air.

"But those days have gone. I have only borne mine fruit through the efforts of mine mothers, and mine mothers mothers memories. Even then, our talents have wavered with the passing moons."

'But I can do so much already!' you claim defiantly. the words she's speaking are impassioned, but they don't add up in your mind.

She gives you a light smile, a sight you still aren't completely sure how the beaked Rito manage. "You are an eagle amongst the sparrows, a true talent that shines in the dark."

It doesn't make sense to you. How could such knowledge be lost? You've treasured every small bit of information you've gathered, like a miser hoarding green rupees to their chest. In these trying times, such knowledge was needed more than ever.

Frito startles you, plopping down a heavy haversack next to you. It has what appears to be thicker clothes than you're used to wearing, alongside what might be a sleeping sack covering several odds and ends. Metal mealware? Firestarters? Along with what appears to be...

"A feathered edge," Frita confirms, as you draw the impossibly light blade from its sheathe. It is an odd blade, a slight triangle of pointed metal that joins the handle in a grand elegant sweep. "I realize you Gerudo are used to much weightier weapons, but you can depend on such a blade as this with your life."

But... would Frita not need it?

"No, no," Frita denies, gesturing demurely with her feathered arms. "It is a spare holdout I carry, I can easily do without Until I return home. Most problems one such as I will face on the road are those that any Rito can safely take to wing and be away. Mine bow will guard mine feathers. It is surely the will of Medli. I hope this blade will guard thee well, even though it is not of Gerudo make."

It's true, you'd probably have a predisposition towards our own races craft but... This gift is just that. A gift. She didn't have to grant you this blade, but she did so regardless.

You clutch your new feather covered pillow to your chest, Frita letting out a squawk of distress at the sudden action, but slowly and surely she returns the gesture of affection.

As you stare off into the distance, you swear you could see a glimmer of starlight falling from the heavens.

Choice One- Possible Compainion
[]- Ask Frita to join you on your journey.

You are only one Gerudo, one blade against the oncoming horde, ever raised by the cursed red moons light.

[]- Don't ask her to join you.
She's just a common traveler, in the end. There's no guarantee she'll even say yes to begin with, and even then she might not be a good fit as a shield at your back.

Choice Two- Immediate/Future Action
[]- Follow The Falling Star

Who knows the whims of the great Goddesses, maybe this is a literal sign from on high?

[]- Turn In For The Night
You're tired. You've been throwing mana across the very sands, it would be wise to recover from your effort.
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[X]- Don't ask her to join you.
[X]- Follow The Falling Star

Gather information! Let's find out if this falling debris is a reason to run away or an opportunity worth protecting.

I think that Estan's previous note about her mother's shield is worth remembering for this vote. Will Estan find someone worthy of carrying her family's shield? Will she hamstring herself by wielding a shield without any training? Will she lose the shield or something else precious in an upcoming conflict (remember the durability issue with Breath of the Wild equipment)?
Wow... Did I... not write Frita as all that likable? I would have expected at least one vote for her...
Wow... Did I... not write Frita as all that likable?
Ehh, its not that she isn't likable. For me at least, she just doesn't stand out like a companion character. I mean, she clearly has her own personality and wants but we don't really know her. Why is she visiting the Gerudo? What does she do for living? Has she friends/family?

That, combined with this being us asking her to join us without any unified purpose just makes it feel unappealing. If we knew her better or if she was asking to join us due to a reason of her own, she'd probably be much more welcome.

[X]- Don't ask her to join you.
[X]- Follow The Falling Star
Frita just seemed too cautious for me. I'd lean towards reckless adventuring options over character drama. We want Estan to be the party leader, after all, rather than her mentor figure.
Sorry about not having a new entry in so long, working on it.

Just realized today that I completely forgot about having Rito as a possible character choice. Obviously we aren't going to be changing the character race at this point, but I'd still like to know. If Rito had been available as a choice would you have picked it over what you did select?
Are Korok the same as Deku Scrubs?

I have not played the more recent LoZ games.....
Eh... Not really sure. Consensus is that the Korok are the current state of the kokiri 'children' from OOT. No giant nose tube like most Deku scrubs are shown to have (even Deku Link had the snot bubble propelling proboscis), but they do seem to have a completely wood and leaf derived biology.

Common traits among the Korok seem to be
1. Invisibility- Most Korok are shown to have varying levels of invisibility magic at their disposal. Anywhere from being completely invisible until the player completes a puzzle at which point they appear in a burst of leaves and glitter. Another variant (which might simply be an intentional limitation to attract people to play) leaves the Korok mostly invisible save for a trail of sparkling leaves in their wake.

2. Conjuration- For some of the puzzles shown in BOTW, a Korok seems to be able to summon hot air filled balloons for the player to shoot, or even a circle of glowing light for the player to race to.

3. Plant Growth/Manipulation- They are plant people, this is kinda expected. Some puzzles consist of wandering over a sapling, waiting for that sapling to disappear, and then walking over to where it has reappeared. This would suggest either another limited form of conjuration, or the more thematically plausible plant manipulation required to make said plant disappear from one location to another.

4. Flight- A majority of Korok shown are light enough (poor, poor Hestu...) to lift themselves in the air via magical plant life derived propellers.

5. Magic Sap Generation?- When you complete a task for a Korok, they might give you a 'golden seed'. When you find all 900 'seeds' for Hestu, he gives you what looks like a giant golden turd. So it's probable that these 'seeds' are a form of crystallized sap the Koroks produce naturally.