The Gerudos Path Of Wisdom (LOZ-BOTW)

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Second person pov quest where you are an inhabitant of Breath of The Wild.
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Choice 1- Paths and Origin

Flutters Is Shy

Light the fire, it's time to write!
Land of Ze Governator; In Perpetuity
It was generally a pretty good day. Whatever little critters ran and hopped to and fro had nary a care in the world, but you knew better.

The demon was stirring.

The horrific red beast of twirling miasma, endlessly circling the log neglected castle. Wailing out its cry to any and all that were foolish enough to draw within earshot. And even with the roaming mechanical beasts that guarded Hyrule field, you had once in your past heard its call.

It ignited a spark in your chest, a tremendous beacon of purpose in your soul. You knew it without a doubt, you had heard the harried mutters of the elders in your village.

It has been one hundred years since the great fall of the Hyrule. An ever constant reminder to any and all who had the gumption to go out and look from a high enough vantage point. One hundred years... And yet there was still hope. A prophecy, told in whispers and half truths.

Once a century has past, the hero will rise.

You knew, you were that hero. The hero who woulda save all of hyrule from the great evil beast.

If only you could figure out how to start.

You are a-

[]- Goron.

Strong of body and hardy of spirit, you know your strength will carry you through any challenge. As long as that challenge doesn't include swimming. You like the idea, but no matter how you thrash your limbs you can never seem to rise up off the bottom of the nearby stream. Must be something wrong with water. With the recent events of the Divine beast causing havoc with Death Mountain, you have decided to put a stop to its careless rampage.

[]- Zora.
An absolute terror in any watery domain, you swim with the greatest of ease. Your fins are hardy enough to use as blunt clubs, even if you haven't figured out the elusive legendary technique of the Boomerang Fins. You think that might have just been a cruel prank someone somewhere told you to make them leave you alone... You love the idea of a desert, but you have trouble picturing the idea in your head.

[]- Korok.
Oh god, why is everyone everywhere so large? No one told you that even Hylians were giants! it all seems like a horrific prank, but you won't let it get you down! Weak of body, but strong of will. People seem to ignore a Korok if they use just a bit of the Great Dekus magic... You've never been out of the lost woods, but you know you'll find your way if you persevere. It can't be that hard to read a map, can it?
Note, Korok acts as its own gender option (genderless woods spirit) and doesn't stack with the 'male/female' choice.

[]- Hylian.
Arguably the most balanced of the hyrule races, but lacking of traits the rest hold as fundamental truths. You should be able to rise to any challenge due to your flexibility, but you know that there are better tools for any specific job and task. Get a Goron to move a boulder, ask a zora to fetch a piece of jewelry from the bottom of a stream. You're resourceful, so get to it!

[]- Gerudo.
Who knew the rest of Hyrule was so unfathomably cold all the time? And water, it just falls from the sky! Randomly! You can't quite understand why that one voe keeps staring at you when you visit the trading post oasis, but you're fairly certain he's planning on mugging you at some point. Why else would he be staring so intently? You'll be ready to knock his teeth in for daring to accost a proud Gerudo warrior!
-Note, Gerudo acts as its own gender option (female warrior) and doesn't stack with the 'male/female' choice.

You are-

[]- Male

Brought up as a humble crafter, you have a sturdy weapon you made from the pure elements of iron/wood yourself. Your parents are against your heading out to combat evil, but you'll show them your spirit and determination. Moblins and Bokoblins beware, your sword/bow/other awaits in their future!

[]- Female
Brought up as a simple jewelry maker, your capabilities towards the finer arts of war are unfortunately lacking. But unbeknownst to your parents, you have been learning simple magic spells from the village hermit. Moblins and Bokoblins beware, a fireball awaits in their future!

You are 18 years of age, a legal adult in the eyes of your chosen background. While there will be those that argue against your quest, you will not be forbidden from such a decision.

Your main goal is-
(please note that this choice will decide on the title of the quest, being placed within the 'To Be Determined' header.)

[]- The Path Of Courage-
You know you can prevail, through any hardship. Your goal is to defeat the beast of hyrule castle, and nothing more. People are languishing in fear, and you can't stand by and bare to watch that degradation in your fellow kinsman.

[]- The Path Of Wisdom-
You know you can't win alone. Your goal is to gather a likeminded group of individuals who can help you stop the rampaging divine beasts, and finally once and for all silence the harrowing cry of the beast of Hyrule castle.

[]- The Path Of Power-
You know that power is everything. Your goal is to gather everything and anything to you to make yourself stronger. If it's a blade, a tome of knowledge, or even a gaggle of slaves (ahem, legally gathered mercenaries) to wield arms against your foes... Anything is allowed in your forward path to ultimate power.
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Important Information; Cross Contamination of Votes
Please note, despite the fact that this quest has been started on SB, SV and QQ at the same time, I do not see these three stories as staying very similar beyond the first couple of choices. If you feel the desire to cross vote, please pick different selections between the sites, in order to make it more fun!

Obviously, votes will only be tallied on the site they were originally posted. A vote made on SpaceBattles will not be counted on Sufficient Velocity, and so on.
2- Setting Out
Voting is Closed.
Winning Tally is-
[11] Gerudo

[12] Wisdom

Looks like you start off as a Gerudo in the intelligently named Gerudo Town. You've lived in the desert for your entire life, but you know you can make it out in the big wide world.

Your name is Estan, and you've been running the town based section of your families shop for as long as you can remember. You haven't even been allowed to take your sisters place in the Kara Kara Bazaar out of town in the nearby oasis, but you wont let that get you down. Before you decided on ending the threat of the divine beasts and saving all of Hyrule, your greatest desires were to travel Hyrule and discover every kind of meat you could get your hands on. You've certainly moved up in the world, in your opinion.

With your trusty carving knife as well as a smattering of magic lessons, you're sure you have the starting point of a good start. You'd like to upgrade to an actual sword instead of just this knife, but best to start with what you know, right? Your mother has an extra shield she never uses but you know that without proper training you might as well strap a weight to your arm and throw yourself at your enemies feet.

The closest problem for you to deal with is that confounded Naboris. But you know you wouldnt even be able to get close due to the cursed sandstorm and lightning that the divine beast keeps firing off at anyone would dares to get close.

What do you do?

[]- Ask around, figure out who knows something important about dealing with the Divine beast Naboris.

Knowledge is power, and accruing more of it will never be an act of folly.

[]- Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you're currently properly equipped to handle Naboris. Gear/Train up!
Shoring up the areas you have lacking is surely a wise one. Ask that Rito lass Frita who frequents your stall if she'd be willing to give you a refresher course on wind magic she's been helping you with, as well as if she might have any leads on getting proper equipment you don't have access to.

[]- Borrow the Thunder Helm.
Thunder comes before the lightning, which is a grand expression of why it trumps and mere forces of lightning. It would handily defuse any problems with getting close to Naboris, allowing you to perhaps find a way onto the divine beast! Surely if you asked the great Risu politely on bended knee, she might say yes? It would be for the benefit of all Gerudo, after all.

[]- Get Swole.
A healthy mind resides in a healthy body. It is unfortunate, but you know you've been neglecting your training in favor of your magical studies. You know a member of the guard who would be more than willing to introduce you to their taskmaster. If anyone can get you in shape in short order, it would be them.
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3- A Friend Indeed
Three marks for training up.

You thought the Rito were supposed to be soft... softer than Gerudo, anyway. It seems Frita has been going easy on you in previous lessons, upon your declaration that you needed a bit of a cram session to help you get on top of things she set right to putting you through the ringer. By the time noon rolled around, you were sweating up a storm from the amount of magic you'd used up. But did Frita let you rest on your laurels? Only for half an hour for you to rest, drink some water and have a bite or two of a hydromelon. Then it was right back with your nose to the grindstone.

Twice you had been asked to move your activities due to the high concentration of wind magic you had been practicing, followed by what Frita demonstrated as a 'proper gust'. Goddess but the Rito are relentless! There were three furrows at least an arrows cast long to the east, west and south where Fritas' and your wind had blasted the landscape. You were also 'politely requested' to take such practice elsewhere outside of the town boundary if you intend to continue in the future.

Your mind is aching, your palms are windburned, and you can't seem to catch your breath. You feel amazing!

You bet with your new handle on wind magic you could send even a boulder flying! Why don't more people learn this stuff if its so useful?

"Most do not possess your ox headed tenacity," Frito snarks at you, making you realize you stated that last part out loud. "A fair few would have quit in the first hour, and even more would have been forced to admit defeat by the suns' high."

You admit you don't understand what she's getting at. It's not stupidity to admit you don't know something. If you never ask questions, how would one gain more information with which to learn?

"Most Gerudo have absolutely no affinity for wind magic. Blessed be, it's even rare among mine own tribe," she admitted in a flustered tone. "Its rare to find a single soul who can fling even the slightest ball of flames, the rhyme of magic has fallen since the days of yore."

'Fallen?' you find yourself asking. You had initially found delight in the bare strings of magic that your favorite customer brought to your fingertips, not giving a single thought to if your actions were anything of note.

"A century ago," Frito started, staring off at the slowly darkening sky as points of sparkling light glittered from on high. "Before the calamity... There were singers. Those that wove the delight of magic into every aspect of their lives. A Hylian could drift among the clouds with any Rito through the help of wind spirits, a Goron could glide among the waves as easily as any flotsam drifting peacefully. Your own champion Urbosa, from the tales she bore the fury of the naked storm in her very fingertips."

She sighed, a sad sound the petered out among the slowly chilling air.

"But those days have gone. I have only borne mine fruit through the efforts of mine mothers, and mine mothers mothers memories. Even then, our talents have wavered with the passing moons."

'But I can do so much already!' you claim defiantly. the words she's speaking are impassioned, but they don't add up in your mind.

She gives you a light smile, a sight you still aren't completely sure how the beaked Rito manage. "You are an eagle amongst the sparrows, a true talent that shines in the dark."

It doesn't make sense to you. How could such knowledge be lost? You've treasured every small bit of information you've gathered, like a miser hoarding green rupees to their chest. In these trying times, such knowledge was needed more than ever.

Frito startles you, plopping down a heavy haversack next to you. It has what appears to be thicker clothes than you're used to wearing, alongside what might be a sleeping sack covering several odds and ends. Metal mealware? Firestarters? Along with what appears to be...

"A feathered edge," Frita confirms, as you draw the impossibly light blade from its sheathe. It is an odd blade, a slight triangle of pointed metal that joins the handle in a grand elegant sweep. "I realize you Gerudo are used to much weightier weapons, but you can depend on such a blade as this with your life."

But... would Frita not need it?

"No, no," Frita denies, gesturing demurely with her feathered arms. "It is a spare holdout I carry, I can easily do without Until I return home. Most problems one such as I will face on the road are those that any Rito can safely take to wing and be away. Mine bow will guard mine feathers. It is surely the will of Medli. I hope this blade will guard thee well, even though it is not of Gerudo make."

It's true, you'd probably have a predisposition towards our own races craft but... This gift is just that. A gift. She didn't have to grant you this blade, but she did so regardless.

You clutch your new feather covered pillow to your chest, Frita letting out a squawk of distress at the sudden action, but slowly and surely she returns the gesture of affection.

As you stare off into the distance, you swear you could see a glimmer of starlight falling from the heavens.

Choice One- Possible Compainion
[]- Ask Frita to join you on your journey.

You are only one Gerudo, one blade against the oncoming horde, ever raised by the cursed red moons light.

[]- Don't ask her to join you.
She's just a common traveler, in the end. There's no guarantee she'll even say yes to begin with, and even then she might not be a good fit as a shield at your back.

Choice Two- Immediate/Future Action
[]- Follow The Falling Star

Who knows the whims of the great Goddesses, maybe this is a literal sign from on high?

[]- Turn In For The Night
You're tired. You've been throwing mana across the very sands, it would be wise to recover from your effort.
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