[X] Time for Hunt!
-[X] Secondary Weapon
--[X] Slugga
-[X] Mushroom Distribution
--[X] 'Ard Shrooms: All Orks but the Under-Boss gets one, and then the rest stay with the MC.
--[X] 'Zerker 'Shrooms: All Orks with Choppas get one, and then the Under-Boss, then the MC.
--[X] Hidin' 'Shroom: Stay with MC.
--[X] Lucky 'Shroom: All go to the Deathskulls Weirdboy Yoof.
--[X] Shielding 'Shroom: Go to the Deathskulls Weirdboy Yoof.
--[X] Steel 'Shroom: Go to the Runtherd, to be used on a special or unique Squig.
--[X] Fang Stabbas: 1 goes to Under-Boss, 1 goes to Evil Sunz Dok Yoof, 1 goes to Deathskulls Weirdboy Yoof, 1 goes to Runtherd.
-[X] Fighting the Big Beasty
--[X] Orks: Those armed with Shootas spread out and start shooting it. The ones with Choppas try to get to its side or on its back, then start hacking away at it. Choppa Orks use both an 'Ard Shroom and a 'Zerker Shroom. Weirdboy eats a Lucky 'Shroom and Shielding 'Shroom, then tries to do something with the WAAAGH to blast the beast or buff the Choppa Orks.
--[X] Grots: Those with Grot Blastas do the same thing as the Shoota Orks. Those with Stabbas do the same as Choppa Orks.
--[X] Squigs: Runtherd gets the 'Splodin Squigs to charge in before the rest of the Melee Troops, then the Attack Squigs with the rest of the Melee Troops.
--[X] Snotlings: Swarm it and stab it.
--[X] MC: Use the Leapin' Talisman and jump onto its back, then try to cut off its head with the Vorkal Choppa. If that doesn't work, try to shoot its eyes or cut off limbs. And scream WAAAGH when charging at it.