[X] Guard Training: The Winterfell Guard consists of about 300 men. Brandon wants to increase the amount of time they spend training and turn them from adequately skilled professionals to true warriors. And weed out any who can't keep up while he's at it. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 35/70. Reward: More elite Winterfell Guard. 1 Season Left
[X] Watchtowers: Ravens and riders are all well and good, but neither is as reliable as Brandon likes. He wants to build and man a series of watchtowers equipped with beacon fires and bronze mirrors, stretching from Moat Caitlin to Winterfell. To start with, anyway. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 2000 gold. DC: 40. Reward: Watchtower chain from Moat Caitlin to Winterfell. 1 Season Left
[X] Speak with vassals (North): Most of your direct vassals are loyal and trustworthy, but it's good to keep an eye on them all the same. And if any of them have trouble, you might be able to help. Time: 1 season. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Vassal relations boosted, aware of problems
[X] The Honor of the Watch: The Watch provides a valuable service, but not everyone sees that. Southron kings send nothing but rapists and rusty weapons to the Wall, and even many in the north don't care much about it. You think that should change. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 35. Reward: Northern vassal relations boosted, reputation boost, Night's Watch likes you.
[X] Expand the Granaries: The granaries of Winterfell are vast, but you still almost ran out last winter. Poole wants to dig the granaries and root cellars deeper, although then preservation becomes a problem. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 1000 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Can store more food. Locked 1 Season
[X] Improve Roads: The roads in Winterfell are little more than mud tracks, and you can quite literally drown in them after a spring thaw. It will take extensive time and lots of gold to make them proper roads, but there's plenty of room for improvement. Time: 1 season. Cost: 1500 gold. DC: 50. Reward: Better (but not good) roads around Winterfell.
[X] Request Books: The Citadel library is vast, and the Winterfell library tiny. Maester Brynden wants to get some books from the Citadel. One of the inner towers is largely empty, and he thinks it will be perfect for the beginnings of a library. Time: 1 season. Cost: 500 gold. DC: 60. Reward: Beginnings of a library in Winterfell.
[X] Grinding Grain: Brynden was apparently born in Riverrun, where they had a giant waterwheel they used to grind grain. He could design and build a similar one for the river by Wintertown. While it's smaller than the White Knife it joins with, it's large enough to rarely freeze. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 400 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Increase to farming income, new stewardship options.
[X] Weirwood Cuttings: Frost wants to grow more Weirwoods. While most castles have a godswood, the common people often have to make do with crude imitations. Let him make a few cuttings and plant them in your lands, and he says the trees will grow tall and strong and be suitable for carving by year's end. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 30. Reward: More godswoods, improved peasant relations.
[X] Recruit Green Men: There are few enough Green Men left in the world. Aside from those on the Isle of Faces, Frost says he only knows of a dozen others. Grant him leave to wander your lands, and he will recruit more. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 50. Reward: More Green Men, improved peasant relations.
[X] Rumors of the North: People hear things, and mention them in passing to other travelers, to farmers, to pretty much everyone but great lords and kings. Pay some men to share what rumors they hear. Time: 1 season. Cost: 25 gold. DC: 20. Reward: Rumor mill (North)
[X] Beyond the Neck: Rivers knows a few people who live down south in the Riverlands. Though the ironborn rule them, they don't pay too much attention to their kingdom except to reave and ruin, so there's plenty of opportunities to learn the specifics of what goes on. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 25. Reward: Rumor mill (Riverlands)
[X] Uplift (Crop Rotation/3 Field System): You recall an invention or system, and try to figure out how it worked well enough that someone else can make it a reality. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: Varies. Reward: New action unlocked
[X] Family Time: You have a daughter, a wife, and two sons. Even though Torrhen remembers them, you don't. Time to fix that. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: You feel better, your family feels better.