Vote tally - The Game of Crusading Thrones, Self-Insert Edition (GoT CK2)

Adhoc vote count started by notbirdofprey on Oct 17, 2019 at 6:44 PM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Game of Crusading Thrones, Self-Insert Edition (GoT CK2)
Post #28
Post #32


  • [X] Plan: Winter is Coming
    [X] Guard Training: The Winterfell Guard consists of about 300 men. Brandon wants to increase the amount of time they spend training and turn them from adequately skilled professionals to true warriors. And weed out any who can't keep up while he's at it. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 200 gold. DC: 35/70. Reward: More elite Winterfell Guard.
    [X] Watchtowers: Ravens and riders are all well and good, but neither is as reliable as Brandon likes. He wants to build and man a series of watchtowers equipped with beacon fires and bronze mirrors, stretching from Moat Caitlin to Winterfell. To start with, anyway. Time: 3 seasons. Cost: 2000 gold. DC: 40. Reward: Watchtower chain from Moat Caitlin to Winterfell.
    [X] Find an advisor: There are lots of letters to write and read for this sort of thing and very few of them are worth the parchment they are written on. So you are going to find someone to help deal with it. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: Varies. Reward: Diplomacy advisor, additional action.
    [X] Taking Stock: You aren't exactly sure how much is on your land. How man farmers, how many craftspeople…you don't even really know how many villages there are. Send men out to get a count of what's there and how much of it there is. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 100 gold. DC: 40. Reward: You know who's on your land.
    [X] Expand the Granaries: The granaries of Winterfell are vast, but you still almost ran out last winter. Poole wants to dig the granaries and root cellars deeper, although then preservation becomes a problem. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 1000 gold. DC: 30. Reward: Can store more food.
    [X] Woodwitches and Midwives: The Citadel supposedly knows everything about healing, but Maester Brynden disagrees. He wants your leave to seek knowledge among the midwives and woodwitches and other hedge healers in and around Winterfell. Time: 2 seasons. Cost: 50 gold. DC: 45. Reward: Maester Brynden is better at healing.
    [X] Seek Help: Maester Brynden is an old man, and some of his duties tax his body. He wants to send for help from the Citadel, which will come in the form of an acolyte or two, maybe someone just starting their chain. Time: 1 season. Cost: 250 gold. DC: 40. Reward: More learned men in Winterfell
    [X] Ask the Old Gods: The Old Gods are the gods of your people and ancestors and vassals, and if you desire answers you shall find them in the face of a heart tree. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: Varies. Reward: Follower of the Old Gods as piety advisor, +1 action.
    [X] Finding Sneaks: If you can find someone to help you spy, things will go so much smoother. Finding someone sneaky won't be hard. The trouble is finding someone sneaky you can trust. Time: 1 season. Cost: 50 gold. DC: Varies. Reward: spymaster, +1 action.
    [X] Reconcile: Having two sets of thoughts in your brain is beginning to become a strain. Spend some time meditating and work things out. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: You feel better, ??
    [X] Family Time: You have a daughter, a wife, and two sons. Even though Torrhen remembers them, you don't. Time to fix that. Time: 1 season. Cost: 0. DC: 50. Reward: You feel better, your family feels better.