The Future Reflected by the Mirror (HappinessCharge Precure Quest)

Recent readers

For several years now, Earth has been under attack by the Mirage Empire and their monsters, the Saiarks. The world's defenders are magical girls known as Precure, and as they battle and purify Saiarks, they give hope to all. Even so, these girls aren't invincible, and there seems to be no end to the tide of Saiarks and Mirage Generals.

It's been your dream to join the ranks of the Precure for years, and when you're finally given a chance, you eagerly jump into the fray. Still, being a Precure isn't just about frilly outfits and flashy battles, and you may be in over your head. Will you find teammates, or go it alone? Will you gather enough cards to make a wish? If so, what will you wish for? Will you ever make progress against the seemingly-infinite Mirage Empire, or will you be defeated and placed in a mirror by Phantom, the Precure Hunter? And will you ever learn why all of this is truly happening?
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Magical girl wannabe
Phoenix, AZ, USA
Hello! This is my second quest. I'm starting it because quests make me happy, and because we need more Precure quests. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to manage both just fine as long as I keep the story parts short and let you guys vote often. Like in my other quest, a lot of votes will be done in this manner:
  1. First, I will ask for write-in votes.
  2. I will then pick the ones I feel would work best or lead to the most interesting possibilities.
  3. Then, there will be a second vote, with the write-in votes I chose becoming the choices in the vote. Whichever write-in wins will be the action that you take.
There will still be multiple choice votes, of course.

Before we begin, we have some things to decide.

Precure, short for Pretty Cure, exist in every country, from Canada to Bhutan. Some work in teams, while others fight alone, but almost all of them are based in cities, which attract more Saiark.

While the identities of the Precure are unknown, their existence is a cultural phenomenon. The idea of school-age girls fighting monsters by beating them down with punches, kicks, and magical attacks is ludicrous, and yet that's what's happening. The politicians are still scrambling to take control of the situation, but the media has done well in glamourising and merchandising the Precure. It helps that a lot of their items look like the sort of toys that little kids would love…

And so it is that you can find Precure figures at the mall, Precure songs on the radio, Precure movies in the theaters, Precure magazines with interviews and special polls, TV shows dedicated to keeping up with the Cures' daily exploits — all that stuff. The world is being invaded, after all, and it's only natural for people to grab whatever hope they can reach and hold it tightly.

The Mirage Empire is still quite mysterious. Its ruler, Queen Mirage, has never once put out a statement or made any demands; instead, her forces attack and attack and attack, causing as much damage as they possibly can. No one knows where these Mirage Empire people came from or what their goals are; although some people claim to recognize certain Saiark users (known as Mirage Generals), they're usually blown off as conspiracy theorists or attention seekers. The Blue Sky Kingdom in northern Europe was the first nation to be attacked, and it fell shortly after, overwhelmed by a massive army of Saiark. According to some sources, one girl managed to become a Precure, but she was too late to stop the horde, and she barely escaped the kingdom with her life.

Nowadays, the Blue Sky Kingdom serves as the Mirage Empire's base of operations, and though no other countries have fallen, things sometimes look bleak.

Still, you're not going to give up hope, are you? You've wanted to be a Precure for years, to defend the ones you love and be the hope of the world. Some might say you have a hero complex, but you just can't see yourself living an ordinary life and never accomplishing anything that really matters. You don't see the point in going to school to prepare yourself for more school, which in turn prepares you for a job you don't like but feel obligated to do, which in turn leads to you "settling down" and having a family, raising your kids to do exactly what you did. You've always figured there must be more to the world than that, and when the Precure first appeared, your suspicions were proven correct. You don't have to content yourself with reading books and wishing you were the hero anymore. You can become the heroine of your own story.

And now, after years of wishing and hoping and begging anyone who can hear to give you a chance, you've finally done it — you've found a crystal, the kind that turns into a PreChan Mirror when a girl with the right potential wishes to protect the things that matter. You know that your legend is right around the corner, and you've got your Cure name worked out already. Now it's only a matter of waiting for the next Saiark attack…

What is your name?
[X] [NAME] Write-In
(Note: it doesn't have to be a Japanese name, since there are Precure everywhere.)

How old are you?
[X] [AGE] Write-In
(Note: you can be any age from ten to eighteen.)

What is your Cure name?
[X] [CURENAME] Write-In
(Note: the format is Cure (X), as in Cure Moonlight or Cure Bloom. You can use any name that isn't already used by a canon Cure in this setting or planned to be used by me. The already-taken names are: Lovely, Princess, Honey, Fortune, Tender, Sunset, Wave, Eagle, Sheriff, Wild, Shelly, Turquoise, Digit, Pixelate, Art, Nile, Continental, Katyusha, Southern Cross, Gonna, Pantaloni, Magenta, Spring, Amer, Innocent, Harmony, Shine, Yonder, Genesis, Light, Mirage, Seeker. I will choose a color for your outfit based on what color your chosen Cure name makes me think of.)

Where do you live?
[X] [CITY] Write-In
(Note: again, there are Precure all around the world, so don't feel limited to places in Japan. Pick a city you find interesting.)

Oh, and I've added some more worldbuilding and legendary Precure to the HappinessCharge setting, so keep a look out for that...
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Illune on Feb 11, 2024 at 9:27 PM, finished with 13 posts and 10 votes.
  • 4

    [X] Curename: Cure flesh
    [X] Name: Cure flesh (American)
    [X] Age: 16(?)
    [X] City: New York
    [X] Name: Viki Vance (American)
    [X] Age: 15
    [X] Curename: Cure Spiral
    [X] City: Moscow
    [X] City: Palikir
    [X] Curename: Cure Garnet
    [X] Name: Roxanne Rodgers (American)
    [X] Age: 16(?)
    [X] City: New York
  • 5

    [X] [NAME] Kyra Guo ( 郭 )
    [X] [NAME] Sara Sorel
    [X] [NAME] Veronica Morelli
  • 5

    [X] [AGE] 14
    [X] [AGE] 17
  • 6

    [X] [CURENAME] Quèqiáo (鹊桥)
    [X] [CURENAME] Cure Vita
    [X] [CURENAME] Cure Qiáo ( 桥 )
    [X] [CURENAME] Cure Dew
  • 5

    [X] [CITY] Singapore
    [X] [CITY] Havana
    [X] [CITY] Venice
Intro Second Vote
Okay, we've got our write-ins! I've picked out the ones that I think would work best in the setting, and I've also grouped them by the user who inputted them instead of doing each task separately, since the names and Cure names and locations seem to go with each other.

[] Vicki Vance, 15, Cure Spiral, Moscow
[] Sara Sorel, 14, Cure Vita, Havana
[] Kyra Guo, 17, Cure Quèqiáo, Singapore
[] Roxanne Rodgers, 16, Cure Garnet, New York

Lots of alliterative names, I see. Gives me Marvel/DC vibes!

Let me tell you guys the theme and color I'd give each potential Cure, if we pick her:
  • Cure Spiral: Drill theme (haven't watched TTGL, but a drill magical girl would be awesome), black and white swirling pattern
  • Cure Vita: Life/healing theme, pink and green
  • Cure Quèqiáo: Bridge/galaxy/magpie theme, dark blue
  • Cure Garnet: Gemstone theme, purple
Hope that helps. I'll hold this final vote for one day.
Vote closed
Final Basic Info Results
Okay, the votes are in! The protagonist is Kyra Guo, age 17, AKA Cure Quèqiáo of Singapore. I'll start writing the first real story post tomorrow, because it's late over here in Phoenix.

Yeah, hope the ones that didn't win still get to show up ^^;
I'm gonna try to work them in, as mentions at least. I really like a lot of the concepts.

Well, nothing says that we're going to try to be a solo act, so there's a chance Vita's concept could transfer to the second cure on this team, because let's be honest, singular cures, let alone duos, do not have the best odds against Phantom and it be foolhardy to attempt that.

Yeah, I'd definitely advise against going solo. Generally, in this version of the setting, only really strong Cures like Cure Tender and Cure Southern Cross have good chances of lasting a while, and even they can be defeated. Still, you guys can try it if you want.

...Also, can someone tell me how Quèqiáo is pronounced?
Our Protagonist: Basic Info
This will be updated as the quest goes on.

Name: Kyra Guo
Age: 17
Location: Singapore

Alter Ego: Cure Quèqiáo
Magical Attacks: None yet
Form Changes: None yet
Cards: None yet
Finisher: None yet

Fairy: None yet

Teammates: None yet

She roughly looks like this in her Cure form.
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Silver Screen
(Note: I apologize, but after looking at Singapore's education system, I've decided that things would be simpler if Kyra was 16, since the postsecondary stuff confuses me. Therefore, I've de-aged her by a year.)

Your local theater is an old place, having seen its glory days decades ago. It's usually passed over for newer ones, and as such, it has found its niche in showing movies that have already left the cinema circuit for a much cheaper price. This still hasn't made it very popular, but you don't mind — that just means you get less of a crowd and a better choice of seats.

You go there pretty often, though not as much as in primary school, and as such, the mostly-elderly moviegoers know you fairly well, as do the workers. You can hear them greeting you as you walk by, and you wave at them half-heartedly. To be honest, you don't really want to be here — you'd much rather be at home, in your room, poring over your crystal — but your mom has been stressed out for hours, constantly on the phone, and so your dad gently suggested that you get out of the house for a little while, so here you are.

The crystal still sits in your back pocket, and you reach back to make sure it's still there every once in a while.

Well, more like once or twice a minute.

Nobody can blame you, right? You've wanted this for four years. From the moment you found out about the crystals, you kept your eyes peeled, looking hard at every nook and cranny one could've fallen into. On one memorable occasion, you reached into the sewer after seeing what looked like one. It turned out to be an earring, and though the lady who'd dropped it thanked you profusely, your parents scolded you, your arm was all dirty, and you were left with nothing but disappointment.

You went to bed late that night, as you did many nights, praying for something to happen. You didn't know if anyone was up there, or who they were if they existed — unlike your father, you've never been particularly religious. Still, you stayed up past midnight begging for a chance.
Two days ago, you were given that chance.

It was a pretty average day, and the thought of becoming a Precure hadn't even brushed your mind, since you were so occupied with worrying about the English test. The test, however, turned out to be easier than you'd expected, and you walked home happy, humming David Bowie songs to yourself.

You'd expected the crystal to be laying on the ground somewhere, or perhaps floating down from the sky, but this one hit you on the top of your head as you walked. For a moment, you thought someone had thrown a rock at you, but when you looked around, there was no one there…and there was a perfectly round crystal at your feet.

The moment you picked it up, it felt so right in your hands, and you knew without a doubt that it was meant to be yours. Your heart was beating so fast; despite all those years of wanting to become a Precure, you felt so unprepared. Quickly, you shoved it into your jacket's front pocket, then hurried home and stayed in your room until dinner.

The crystal has been on your mind ever since. You've examined it many times, but you can't really tell much about it. You spent most of yesterday fantasizing about what your costume might look like; since the crystal was a very dark shade of blue, you know that'll be your costume's main color, but what about the rest? Honestly, you're very, very excited.

You're still not sure how to activate the crystal. You've tried wishing on it, tapping on it, thinking about the people you want to protect as you hold it, even putting it under your pillow while you sleep, but nothing has done the trick so far. Your best guess is that you need to actually be caught up in a Saiark attack, but you've never actually seen one in person; though your school holds Saiark drills all the time, the only time it was a real issue, the Saiark was several blocks away, and you just hid in the gym with the other students until it was defeated by the Precure trio who call themselves the Tiny Dancers.

Even so, things happen for a reason, right? You'll see a Saiark soon enough, and when you do —

"Kyra? Kyra? Hey, Earth to Kyra!"

A hand waves in front of your face, and you realize you're next in line to buy a ticket. Crap. You haven't even picked a movie yet!

The boy manning the ticket stand is easily recognizable as Ishaan. You and Ishaan were never really friends, but you were always on relatively good terms, and sometimes the two of you would work on homework together. He always got amazing grades in every subject, and everyone was expecting him to go on and do something great, and then…

And then his mom got sick, and since his dad had never been around, he dropped out of school to support her. You had no idea what he was up to these days, but you've seen him working several low-skill jobs near you, and now he's working here, apparently.

You neglect to bring any of this up as you buy your ticket. You hadn't actually decided on a movie, so you quickly pick one with an interesting-sounding title — anything to get away before things become even more awkward.

As you turn to leave, having gotten your ticket, Ishaan calls out to you.

"Hey, Kyra!"

You look over your shoulder at him, still fingering the crystal in your pocket. "Yeah?"

He hesitates for a moment, then asks, "How is Seniya doing?"

Clearly, he's asking because you were friends with Seniya's sister Mahsuri, but you haven't exchanged more than a handful of words with Seniya in years, and you're sure Ishaan knows this.

You shrug. "She's…fine. I don't really know. Sorry."

Ishaan's face is impassive. "That's okay. Enjoy the movie."

At this clear dismissal, you go off to buy some popcorn, wondering why he was even asking about Seniya. As far as you know, the two of them have never shared a conversation. Does he have a crush on her, the sort of crush where you don't talk to the girl but stare at her all the time? Maybe. Truthfully, you've never been able to tell what Ishaan is thinking, so you decide not to worry about it.

After buying a thing of popcorn and a drink, you enter the theater itself (the first one on the left, that is). As usual, there aren't many people there, so you have a wide variety of seats to pick from. You choose a seat in the middle row, near the left, and wait for the trailers to end.

As it turns out, you chose the wrong movie.

It's an action movie that must've absolutely bombed at the main cinemas; the dialogue is clumsy and delivered in the most overly dramatic way possible, the special effects are total crap, and the plot seems to consist of cliche after cliche. Eventually, you decide to entertain yourself by guessing the next line of dialogue after each is said, and you're usually pretty close.

You're so busy with your little game that when something nudges your leg, you don't notice at all. It takes two more nudges, then something resembling a headbutt, for you to realize that there's something under your seat.

You bend over, reaching under the chair, and almost let out a yelp when your hand brushes against fur. Did you just touch a rat? Damn, you knew this theater was old, but you thought it was clean…

You're still in that train of thought when two paws wrap around your hand, and before you can freak out, a squeaky voice whispers, "Calm down."

The voice is unmistakably that of a fairy.

Of course. Every Precure team (or solo Precure) is supposed to have at least one fairy helping them. It only makes sense for one to be sent to help you, now that you've found…

Suddenly, something clicks in your head.

"You were the one who threw the crystal at me, weren't you?" you ask quietly, now bent over all the way, so that you're looking upside-down under the seat.

You still can't make much of the fairy out, but she (you're pretty sure it's a she) definitely has the right silhouette, looking like some sort of cross between a panda and a ladybug. "Look, can we have this conversation somewhere else? It's too dark and crowded. Meet me in the bathroom, okay?"

"Right now?"

"Come on, do you really care about seeing the rest of this stupid movie?" Though you can't see the fairy's eyes, you get the feeling she's rolling them as she speaks.

"Okay, point taken," you whisper back, and slowly rise from your seat, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Still, any noise you could've made would be deafened by the pounding of your heart.

You're not sure how, but the fairy beats you to the bathroom.

She's sitting on the counter next to the sinks when you arrive, looking into the mirror with an unreadable expression. Now that it's bright, you can get a good look at her. She's about the size of a small-ish teddy bear, her eyes are wide and black, and she wears a black bow around one ear, but that's not what strikes you as odd.

What makes you worry is the fact that her little hair tuft, dress, and shell are all pink. Aren't fairies supposed to match their Precure in terms of colors? That's what you've always seen on the news. Shouldn't she have a dark blue shell, then? Then again, you don't really know if the color thing is a hard rule. Maybe it's just a coincidence…

…a coincidence that has occurred many, many times.


You shake the thought off as you approach the fairy. "So, um, did you throw the crystal at me?"

She turns, and you realize you probably should've opened with something better, like a greeting, or at least asked what her name was.

Luckily, she doesn't seem to mind. "I did. I've been watching you for a while; I felt the crystal resonate the moment I first saw you. I just had to wait until you were alone, and not inside a house with locked doors and windows."

Oh. You probably should've opened your window at some point. "Sorry," you say, scratching the back of your head. "I guess I should've thought of that."

The fairy shakes her head. "It's fine. Now, I assume you have questions."

"Yeah, hundreds."

She sighs, but she's smiling. "Well, I guess I can't blame you for that, but I can't tell you everything right now. How about we go to your house? Nobody will barge in on us there."

"Well," you answer, "my parents might, but it's still better than here."

The fairy nods. "Fair enough." Pointing to your popcorn bag, she adds, "Empty that out, and I can hide in it."

"Sure," you reply, though you're a bit sad to be dumping out perfectly good popcorn — the bag was still half full!

As you're throwing out the popcorn, you still have your head turned to look at the fairy. You can't believe how fast this is going; two days ago, you were still wishing for something, anything to happen, and now an actual fairy is talking to you!

"My name is Pitch, by the way," the fairy says after a moment of silence.

"I'm Ky—"

"You're Kyra Guo. Like I said, I've been watching you for a while."

For a moment, you picture this little fairy sneaking around your school, hiding in trash cans, peeping at you from behind corners, and you chuckle a bit. You finish dumping out the popcorn and walk back over to the counter, where Pitch is still sitting.

A small smirk lights up Pitch's face. "Hey, wanna see something cool?"

You nod; despite everything, you're still feeling a bit awkward around Pitch, and really, it's only natural — you've only just met her, after all. Maybe some icebreakers will help.

Pitch holds out one paw, and in a flash of hot pink light, some sort of metal tool appears. It's long and thin, branching out into two evenly-sized prongs about a quarter of the way up. Really, it almost looks like some kind of fork. You can't remember what it's called, but it's on the tip of your tongue —

"It's a tuning fork," Pitch explains right before you can remember the name, "and it's how I got my name. These things will resonate at a certain pitch, and they're used for tuning instruments. This one is special, though — it starts vibrating when a Saiark appears, and the closer the Saiark gets, the more it vibrates."

"C-Can I hold it for a minute?" you stammer, a bit awed by the magic brought up so casually right before your eyes. Pitch just straight-up summoned a magical item with a flick of her paw, and she's just a fairy. What will you be able to do?

"Of course!"

The moment you take the tuning fork, you can feel your heart start beating even harder. It doesn't feel any different from a normal object, but you're shaking, you must be, because —

Wait a minute.

You're not shaking. The tuning fork is.

And that means…

Your eyes lock with Pitch's, both of you wearing an almost identical expression — fear mixed with a bit of anticipation.

"I didn't think one would come this suddenly," Pitch murmurs, grabbing the tuning fork back from you. "I thought I'd have more time to explain the situation, but…"

You try to put on a smile, to hide the fact that you really have started to shake. "It's okay. I can do this."

(Can you? Can you really? You don't even know how to transform…)

Pitch looks uncertain, but she nods. "Okay. Do you have your —?"

You reach into your pocket and pull out the crystal, holding it up where Pitch can see it. "Yep."

You've heard the expression about someone's jaw dropping in shock before, but you always thought it was an exaggeration — until you see Pitch's expression, jaw dropped, eyes wide in an almost cartoonish shocked look. If the situation weren't so dire, you'd laugh.

"Why is it still a crystal?" she yelps. Seeing your confused look, she adds, "It should be a PreChan Mirror by now."

All of a sudden, you feel very cold, and you have a feeling it's not from the AC. "But you never told me how to activate it."

"Activate it? It should've transformed on its own, resonated with your feelings. It's been two days, so why hasn't it?" Pitch rounds on you, as if you have an explanation.

Wait… So all that time you spent wishing on it, thinking about your loved ones… Was that not good enough? Wasn't the crystal supposed to be yours?

…Did something go wrong? Were you wrongly chosen?

No, that can't be. You can't be this close, only to have your chance yanked away at the last minute. That would just be cruel.
But then why didn't it transform?

"Was there a mistake?" Pitch wonders out loud, a bit quieter. She's holding your crystal; when did that happen? "I thought you had the potential…"

You don't have the potential, do you?

Of course you don't. You're useless. You're not good at anything, you can't help anyone, can't save anyone.

You barely notice as you bend over, hands on your knees, fingernails digging into your legs to the point where it hurts. It's a good pain, though. It makes the world spin a little slower around your head.


How could you ever think you could be a hero? You always wish you could be like the book characters, but there's so much that they have and you lack. You're not special like they are. You're nothing.

You're vaguely aware of Pitch speaking, growing more and more frantic, but the world is spinning so fast, and you're so cold, and your breaths are getting faster and faster, and you just want everything to calm down


The sudden scream, combined with Pitch grabbing your face, is what snaps you out of it. Startled, you stumble back, and your back hits the wall. The spinning seems to have stopped, at least mostly, so you can look Pitch in the eye.

"Kyra, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. This isn't your fault. We'll work something out together, okay?" Pitch's voice is softer now, more gentle, and you can feel your heartbeat slowing down a bit, no longer pounding way too fast.

This isn't your fault. When was the last time someone said that to you? The first responders, way back?

Did you even believe them?

"Right," you manage to croak out. Your throat feels dry, and you're trying hard to keep the memories from coming back and smothering you.

"Seriously, are you okay?" Pitch asks, putting a paw to your forehead.

You brush it off with a shaking hand. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just get anxious sometimes."

"To be honest, I don't really think you're okay," Pitch replies, "and we're going to talk about the anxiety later, but for now, we have to think of a plan. The Saiark is heading this way. It'll be here before long. I'm going to call for backup, but they might not arrive in time."

Slowly, you rise back to your full height. Pitch floats backward a bit, no longer touching you.

"I can do it," you say.

"But —"

"I can do it."

You have to.

When did you start thinking of yourself as a hero-to-be? This isn't about being a hero. It's about succeeding where you once failed.

"Look," Pitch says, "it's not that I don't think you have the potential, because you clearly do. I just think this might not be your battle. I mean, you just —"

Pitch suddenly cuts herself off, staring down at her paw, where the tuning fork is now vibrating twice as much.


As if on cue, you hear a scream, though you're not sure where it's coming from.

"The first one is just down the street," Pitch says, her voice shaking, "and now a second one has emerged pretty close by. Judging by the vibrations, I think it's somewhere to the east, down by the apartments."

There's a thudding sound, then the sound of something breaking, and the screams are getting louder.

If you let this continue, the destruction really will be your fault.

"I can do this," you repeat, holding your hand out. Your voice sounds surprisingly calm. "Just give me a chance."

For a moment, Pitch looks like she's going to refuse, but then she grits her teeth and drops the crystal in your palm. "Be careful, okay? Nothing reckless."

You're pretty sure that going anywhere near a Saiark is reckless, but you agree anyway.

Pitch gives you a tiny smile, then turns towards the mirror. "I'm going to get backup, and then I'll come find you. See you then, Kyra."

With that said, she jumps into the mirror, and as if it was just water, she slides right through it, leaving nothing but ripples which eventually still.

You grasp the crystal tightly, then rush off.

You can do this.

Which Saiark will you target first?
[] The one down the street
[] The one by the apartments

And there we have it! This feels rushed, even to me, but I've been having a string of bad days, both mentally and creatively, and so I felt like I had to get something out. I'll do better next chapter, with a better choice, too — one that has more context to it.
I'm so sorry.

I thought I wanted to do this quest, but I lost my enthusiasm months ago, and I couldn't bear to even look at the thread. Truth is, I'm currently suffering burnout on the Precure front. I've watched too much of it in too short a time period; it got too repetitive and the fandom got too annoying. I can't do this one anymore, at least not for a while, so I'm putting it on indefinite hiatus.

Really, I want to do something different. There's an idea for a KH quest that won't get out of my brain. Seriously, it's been there for months. I've been busy with so many things lately: the loss of a pet, a trip to the UK, being sick, depression, and then my dad being sick. I know that's no excuse, but perhaps it's an explanation.

Now, though, my dad is starting to finally get better, and I want to focus on writing more, not just making videos. I want to resume my QM duties, but not for this one. I might just do the KH quest (after some more planning and notes), and I definitely plan on updating the HeartGold quest, but I just can't bring myself to continue this one. Not now.

I apologize. I feel like I've let you all down and wasted your time, and for that, I'm really sorry.