The First Alternate Party Run-Down Thread

Cascadia, USA
The First Alternate Party Run-Down Thread

This is a thread for posting "Party Run-Downs" like on and Sea Lion Press, but in alternate universes.

My first run down here:

Elections On A Small Island: 2003 General Election Aftermath

May 5, 2003

OOC: Note that this is in a slightly different, more realistic universe then the actual Elections On A Small Island one.

That was one heck of a result, wasn't it? Now that they've had the weekend to digest everything, let's see how the parties are reacting:

Major Parties

Socialist Workers: British Ostalgie has peaked! All that hard work during the last decade has finally paid off, and you can see it in their PR materials- red flags and banners everywhere. A Communist Party? (Please don't hurt me) Luckily it looks like they now accept democracy, so no more return to the dark days of Wilson and Roberts-Benn. And besides, they don't even have a majority...

Tory-National Progressive-UKIP "National" coupon: All that talk of possibly merging into a single National Party before the election when Douglas Murray's government was on the ropes appears to be popping up again. They've also congratulated President McCain on "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, and say that if they somehow make government, they wish to have the UK join him there. Luckily, they didn't win...

Christian Workers: Are making a lot of noise about them providing supply and confidence to the presumptive Socialist Workers government. That will be interesting, the religious propping up a Eurocommunist government...

Progressive: No more Independent Tories, mostly! The last Indy Tory that didn't defect to the Green Regionalists in the aftermath of the election has joined the Progressives. To be honest, it was probably for the better that that coupon broke up because the only thing both of them agreed on was not invading Iraq and protecting against mass surveillance.

Green Regionalists: With all those Indy Tory MPs, they've sure really gained! Apparently want to use their extra influence to push for a "net zero immigration policy" and protecting all the green belts created in the 90s.

Minor Parties

Liberal: With 10 MPs, now approaching major party status thanks to their work on preserving civil liberties in the face of the last government. But even bigger news is that Charles Kennedy wants to take advantage of the provision in the Progressives' charter allow members of other parties to run for their leadership to run and win it, and merge the Liberals into the Progressives to push them towards an even more socially liberal and anti-authoritarian direction. If he succeeds, well, that won't go over well with the Progressives who like social engineering...

Common Wealth Labour: Mo Mowlam did one heck of a campaign despite still recovering from brain cancer. Sadly, she didn't gain any seats, but she's still one heck of a woman...

Conservatives: Maddie Marsden keeps proving that her party has zero audience other then her personal vote. They're probably doomed...

Vote Farron: Wow, they somehow managed to win a seat. I guess Farron the telecoms exec who owns Archangel knows how to really campaign with the youth via SMS, or something...

Accelerate!: I don't think Rick Perry has good instincts on leadership (surprising for a former Silicon Valley executive). If he did, why would he pick Nick Land as his deputy leader?


New Wellington Wells: Still pushing drugs. No, I don't care how much you say they "expand the human mind"; that's just silly. How many times does the National Constabulary have to come after you to learn your lesson?

Transhumanists: Still smarting over Rick Perry's dedefecting to them and setting up his own Accerlate! Party instead. But what can they do?

Norsefire: Listen, if you're going to be ultra-bigoted, at least do it respectably and join one of the National coupon parties. Wait, scratch that. They would just probably push them more right-wing...

Plaid Cymru: Has set their website to be solely Welsh today as part of a new campaign for the Welsh language.

Scottish National: The Tartan Tories are starting trying to court the Green Regionalist nationalist vote by campaigning for a Scottish Parliament. Maybe you should have tried that, I don't know, during the election campaign?

Four Freedoms: Want any new government formed to hold another referendum on joining the Euro. Like that's ever going to happen...

Mebyon Kernow: The usual blather about Western England stealing all their land.

Socialist Left: Are saying that the Socialist Workers are too socially reactionary. And to be fair, that is true. But no, no Briton wants to legalize human-animal marriage...

Libertarianz: With every new press release I am more and more sure that there name isn't a PR thing, but a real spelling mistake that they never recognized as one.

51st State: Why, God, why?

Continuity Independent Tories: Look mate, you're not going to make any headway against the Green Regionalists. You need to put aside your saltiness and accept the merger.