The Finest Warrior of Mewni (SVTFOE / Star VS The Force Of Evil - OC/SI)

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They shall be my finest warriors, these men and women who give themselves to me. With magic I shall mould them and in the glory of war forge them. They will be invincible and legendary. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest weapons will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no weakness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and magic such that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the monsters. They are the Defenders of Mewni. They are my Solarian Warriors and they shall know no fear or mercy.

-Solaria Butterfly, 28th Queen Of the Kingdom of Mewni
Wake Up And Live A New LIfe!
AN: SVTFOE/Star VS The Force Of Evil don't belong to me but only to Disney. If it was mine i will change MANY things, BUT IS NOT! Belong to Disney!

AN2: I know exist some kind of book about SVTFOE and his universe but i NEVER read it, i see only the show and this story is written by the show so.....i'm sorry if i dissapoint you.

AN3: Some characters, location and the history will be different by the show but this is a VERY HEAVY AU so don't be too harsh with me for your favorite characters....please.

AN4: I just want to thank Pro-man, Ideas-Guy and LiamOfOrmonde with their stories "Green Scar" "Going Native" and "Long Way Round" has strongly inspired me to make this story and to lead me to be a writer.


Waking up has always been the hardest part of the day, especially when you get up at the crack of dawn, especially for a girl of twelve. It doesn't matter if I followed this rhythm all my life, I NEVER got used to it. Getting out of bed and grabbing my frayed, patched dress, I get ready for the day.

A quick pass in front of a mirror with a broken piece and I notice my appearance. A pretty pretty girl with green eyes and straight purple hair had appeared in the mirror. Mum always said I was beautiful but every time I looked at myself in the mirror I felt strange ... as if a stranger was observing a familiar face, ignoring that annoying and familiar feeling I fix my hair and turn my straight hair into two ponytails long and use wooden branches to keep them in place.

A quick glance at the other bed in the house shows that it was empty, surely Mom had gone to the cornfields for her daily shift. There wasn't much in our house, it was just a room with two beds at one end, a small extinguished bonfire at another end with a pot on it, a very small table in the center with three wooden chairs made with a knife by myself and a bow and quiver full of hunting arrows which I took immediately before leaving.

Coming out I notice that the mood was better today than you have in the past few days, it doesn't surprise me. since the Princ-NO! Queen Skywynne took the throne, her kingdom was thriving under her leadership, and border villages like mine were finally connected with roads that guaranteed trade with the kingdom's cities and neighbors.

Sure, the monsters were still a serious problem, they kept attacking villages like mine and continued with their pointless raids on the cities hoping to steal their grain but they were always stopped by the royal guard and our allies like the ponyheads who helped us. watching the forsets and the paths from the sky and alerting us if there were any problems, in fact right now I surrender two of them who dart around the perimeter of the village doing their duty. I give them a quick hello and immediately head to my first goal.

"Hey butcher! Are you home?" I yelled at our butcher's house, his house was on the edge of the village so that the noise and the smell of his work never disturb the other inhabitants. And although the road was long I had to make this trip every day because it was my job, to hunt animals and stock the pantry.

It was an idea that came to me when I was ten, in fact, many things have become .... strange to me when I have turned ten and this is just one of many. I laugh when I think back to that moment, for some strange reason it occurred to me that selling rags would be a good job but luckily I'm here now and I have to admit ... I love to hunt. For some strange reason it satisfies me to enter the forest and kill. Sometimes it happens that I have to stay overnight in the forest and in that case I eat the animals I have killed, light a fire and relax under the stars. It was a good life if someone asked me.

"Yes Mina, I'm here! I'm always here, you don't need to scream at me every time." The grumpy old voice from the butcher's house distracted the girl, now known as Mina, from her thoughts.

The woman who came out of the house looked older than she seemed, with gray hair, dark skin full of wrinkles, a hoarse voice and hands full of calluses that led her to believe that she was about to reach eternal rest. Mina knew this was the woman in front of her who was almost her mother's age but her appearance surprised her every time.

"Hi Petunia, ready for a new and beautiful day at work? The sun is shining and my bow is ready!" The Butcher, now known as Petunia, responded by simply twirling his eyes

"You're late Mina" was the weightless accusation in Petunia's voice "The belly doesn't fill up by itself, you know? Come on and bring me the meat I got a request directly from one of the Butterfly Kingdom nobles and I need four invisible goats within tonight. Don't be late! .... and remember to say goodbye to your mother before you go. "

Mina greeted the woman with a smile and decided to follow her example as she passed through the cornfields. Mina arrived at the fields and when she fixed her gaze on a purple-haired head she smiled fondly.

"Hi mom!" a greeting followed by an 'eep' from her mother made Mina laugh at her, her mother was always so focused on her work that she forgot everything else about her. Turning instantly and looking at her daughter with a mix of shock and indignation from her mother she put a hand to her heart to calm down.

Had it not been for the clear difference in height and age, the two women would have passed as twins. Her mother was my exact copy .... or am I the copy of her? Whatever! after calming down her mother smiled at her daughter. To an outsider this smile would have seemed normal but to me it seemed that the sun was lighting up my face, my mother was the most beautiful and kind person I had ever known.

"Mina, you know you shouldn't be behind me. Why didn't you call me?"

"I've done it. Six times. But you were too focused on work .... again" With a tone that exuded condescension and a pinch of malice I replied to my mother whose only answer was a snort "Why is everyone working today ? " I said observing the field and seeing dozens of villagers working the land, it was not normal, they usually preferred to work in day and night shifts to avoid getting too tired "did something happen? the monsters?"

"No, Mina." beginning of her mother, now completely calm "A noble from Butterfly Kingdom has requested a large amount of corn and we have to get to work immediately or we risk being late"

"You too?" my surprise must have been obvious because my mother was looking at me like I didn't know something obvious "Petu-er the butcher said he had orders from a noble for large quantities of meat, don't you find it strange that a frontier village gets so many orders? "

It was weird but I was also happy with that, he meant more corn in their pockets. After all, trade could only be good, right? Her mother's giggle took her away from her thoughts

"Mina ... I thought you knew more than me" Now the confusion was even bigger and more evident because the giggles only increased and stopped for an instant "You who love the crown more than anyone else in the village should know that today it is the day of the coronation of the new queen "Ok now I was definitely confused

"B-but isn't the queen the queen?" more giggles from my mother followed by a small smile and a wink on my hair "Well sure she is" early mom "But first she has to be crowned to make it official. that's how it works for queens"

Removed my hand from my head, now that everything was clearer to me, I too smiled with glee knowing that my work would go straight to Queen Skywynne's table. After a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek I decided to go into the forest passing through the fields, usually there were many goats near the fields.

As I ventured into the forest, I didn't know that that day for me, for Mewni, and for many others, things would change in ways that NO ONE could foresee.

And here's what is the story I love the most and one of the few stories on SVTFOE, it's a shame there aren't more.

I don't know why but I love Mina, after Marco and Star she is my favorite character.

He is a soldier, A MAGIC SPACE MARINE!!!! how can you not love something like that? especially for someone like me who loves both Warhammers !?

Well I hope you like it, see you next time!
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History Lesson - 01
The Tyrant of Mewni

Many believe that the legend of Mina Loveberry begins in the Solarian Warriors, many believe that Mina Loveberry was a farmer until the day Solaria Butterfly made her her first Solarian Warrior and starting to create the most powerful army of all universes.

This has always been a common but strongly mistaken belief.

It is understandable that not many know the true story of Mina Loveberry as in recent times her reputation has dropped dramatically due to her racial, political and social ideologies regarding monsters and the Butterfly Empire.

But we must never forget history. For better or for worse our story is what brought us here! And it is what we went through, lived and chose that she created the world we live in today.

But I'm digressing! forgive me dear reader but when I speak of Mina Loveberry I can not help but think about what is happening in recent times.

What were we talking about? Oh yeah!

The legend of Mina begins exactly where no one expects.

The Underworld

Or better say 'The Skywynne Butterfly's revenge war'.

To better understand what I am saying we need to take a small step back my dear reader .... at least 500 years back.

Our kingdom, still discovering our world at the time, decided to create a series of corn fields south of the lands of CornLand (Today known as Butterfly City) a territory apparently devoid of claims and extremely fertile.

It was one of the largest economic ventures ever created in the history of Mewni (and will remain so until the arrival of Mina Loveberry), more than enough to feed the population of the time and allow a significant export to other kingdoms and distant worlds.

It was starting to be a golden age thanks to that corn. Hunger and poverty began to be a thing of the past and thanks to the huge demand for labor in the corn fields virtually everyone was able to find work. It was for this reason that, at the time, most of the settlements and just over half of the population of Mewni decided to settle in those lands.

But obviously this couldn't last forever. One day a chasm appeared in the center of this earth and a gigantic demon emerged from it. At the time we did not know of the existence of demons, as I have already said we were still discovering our world.

Despite the frightening appearance and the considerable size this did not frighten the people and they decided to say hello to the creature. The creature introduced himself as FuryBone Lucitor, king of the underworld and lord of all demons and, despite his appearance and title, he was very kind and friendly to the people.

Everything seemed to be going well, once the shyness of the stranger had been overcome, the demon and the local peasants all together decided to have a small welcome party for the friendly giant stranger.

But, as I said, it couldn't last. Eventually the demon king decided to proclaim why he had come. He wanted tributes!

He said that the land belonged to him and that everything they had cultivated belonged to him by right and that, in his infinite kindness, he would allow the peasants to continue to work if they paid a tribute of 200 billion kilos of wheat a month. .

200 billion. It was an absurd figure, just over half of the entire monthly harvest, they knew that if they accepted the hunger she would return to their kingdom.

In short, dear reader, Lucitor was not happy with the refusal and decided to destroy all the cornfields and kill the entire population by sinking the ground into the underworld.

Despite what happened, Queen Lila Butterfly could not do anything for her people since in that period the first invasions of the monsters began and the queen, due to the lucitors, lost almost all her army and more than half of her people, forcing the queen to use magic to support her troops on the battlefield.

To save what was left of Mewni she had to abandon the part already lost. A sad and painful decision but it is in these moments that a queen is needed.

But I'm digressing .... again.

This painful loss and humiliation marked the beginning of the relationship between the Lucitor and Butterfly families. Ironic if you see it today don't you think my dear reader?

It took a century until Skywynne Butterfly arrived for the Lucitors to stop bullying Butterfly Kingdom and take revenge for the tragedy that happened.

And it was here, my dear reader, that strange as the legend begins.

At the time Mina Loveberry was a royal guard at Butterfly Castle and her days were the constant monotonous surveillance of the castle and the royal family. As this happened, Queen Skywynne and the Butterfly Kingdom generals and war veterans decided how to act against the Lucitors. Butterfly Kingdom had been waiting for a century to take revenge and Skywynne was eager to please her people and her generals for what happened a century ago.

But let's make it shorter my dear reader.

At some point in the war the losses and psychological wounds inflicted on the royal army of Butterfly Kingdom by the demons were so great that all the officers who had not been killed decided to flee in the night leaving the Mewnans army alone.

Few officers decided to stay but none had the strength to command the men and women of the army anymore and, obviously, the demons knowing of this decided to goad the survivors of the Butterflyies army by throwing small forces against them in an attempt to further erode the their sanity and their courage.

The demons had grown lazy and arrogant, pleased with their successes and the countless prisoners who had become their playthings. The Butterflyies knew they could not escape, they were alone .... doomed to die without hope.

And it was here that Mina made her appearance, not as a guard but as commander of the Butterfly army.

Mina Loveberry, a simple royal guard to assert the queen's authority, decided on her own initiative to take command of the remnants of the Butterfly army and personally executed anyone who decided not to follow her orders .... or whoever had foolishly decided to contest it.

Today we are used to seeing the Butterflyies army as extremely disciplined, well armed, well equipped, and equipped with countless military tactics for any type of situation. But it is precisely for this reason, my dear reader, that I tell you that the legend of Mina Loveberry begins here.

At the time, the royal army was like all armies of the time: primitive.

I'll spare you the details, my dear reader. I only tell you, thanks to the laziness of the demons, Mina has managed to transform the rabble of Man-at-arms from Butterfly Kingdom into the first true legion of Butterfly Kingdom, the first stone of Butterfly Empire.

At that point the Butterflyies, tired of the constant abuse, decided under the command of Mina to attack the demons.

The demons, who now expected an easy and effortless victory, were taken completely by surprise when they saw the royal army was not breaking up under their defense and, to general disbelief, the Butterflyies were gaining ground against an army 60 times bigger than theirs and slaughtering every demon in their path starting to win a battle with a loss of only 93 soldiers.

Perhaps, my dear reader, I will tell you more about the Underworld War one day. There are an incredible amount of stories, legends and cultural transformations thanks to that war.

But for today you will have to make do with this. However, I want to tell you something very important, my dear reader.

Regardless of what is said today about Mina Loveberry, after that war she became a true symbol for demons. Apparently Mina has been so efficient and terrifying to demons that even today they see her as an example of the perfect warrior and, to honor her memory, Lucitor royal guards wear purple cloaks, like Mina's hair, and armors similar to those of the Butterfly royal army of that time.

Upon her return to her homeland, Skywynne Butterfly, amazed by the young girl's exploits, decided to give Mina the red cloak of Butterfly Kingdom, a symbol of heroism, courage, valor and nobility, one of the greatest awards anyone can have.

But I didn't play this title, my dear reader.

In the days that followed, Skywynne learned of the cowardice of her officers and the mutation Mina made to the survivors of the army.

Queen Skywynne was so impressed with her young guard's ability to command, zeal and loyalty that she decided to promote her to Tyrant of Butterfly Kingdom.

I learned that the word Tyrant has a different meaning in other cultures, so I'll allow myself to explain.

The Tyrant in the culture of the Butterflyies is the supreme commander of all the military forces of the Butterfly Kingdom. The Tyrant's authority is so high that he can literally override any other authority in the kingdom ... except the queen of course.

The Tyrant is not only the commander of the army he is also a politician who can speak on behalf of the queen in her absence and, always in her absence, the Tyrant has a duty to keep the kingdom standing and to defend it from any possible threat.

it is a great power and the fact that Skywynne created this title for Mina should be more than enough proof to understand how much Skywynne valued Mina. Obviously the Tyrant has limitations but it is not necessary to expose them, my dear reader. This is a little history lesson after all.

But surely you are wondering 'why call The Tyrant of Mewni if it is The Tyrant of Butterfly Kingdom?'. Well my dear reader, this is a story for another time. After all, the legend of the great Mina Loveberry does not end there.

Maybe we'll meet again my dear reader and maybe I'll tell you more.

- General Meteora Loveberry Butterfly

Guys! Guys!!!!!!! I'm so sorry making you wait so long! three months! three fucking months! and I only gave you this teaser.

As you may know, this is my first fanfiction .... but I didn't know it was that DIFFICULT to write a fanfiction. I really hope that the second chapter of this story will be able to put it in soon.

Please let me know in the comments what you think, if you have any ideas for the story or constructive criticism.
