Vote tally - The Final Frontier - A Stellaris Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on May 27, 2024 at 8:34 PM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Alucard Vampiry
The Final Frontier - A Stellaris Quest
Post #48
Post #55


  • [X] Plan progress
    -[X] Military
    --[X] Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20
    -[X] Industrial & Public Matters
    --[X] Adaptive Bureaucracy: Further refinements of our bureaucratic means can help further advance the Empire, as resources can move more rapidly with less red tape to impede them. DC 45
    --[X] Autochthon Monuments: Monuments dedicated to our glorious rise. In these monuments, the people gather and be awed by the acts of the ones who fought and bled for their current lives, creating a sense of unity, of shared purpose to honor said sacrifices. Or at least that what the Minister tells the Emperor what she thinks will happen. DC 10
    -[X] Science Engineering
    --[X] Zero-G Refineries
    -[X] Science Physics
    --[X] Administrative AI
    -[X] Science Society
    --[X] Genome Mapping
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Ludilles
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
    --[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30
    [X] Plan no time to waste
    -[X] Military
    --[X] Void Drills: Now that the expanse into space has begun, it is undoubtedly probable that someday there will be a battle in space, while we currently lack dedicated military spaceships our Starbase could serve for drills in how a battle would happen. DC 20
    -[X] Industrial & Public Matters
    --[X] Autochthon Monuments
    --[x] Research Labs
    -[X] Science Engineering
    [X] Powered Exoskeletons: Wearing a powered
    -[X] Science Physics
    --[X] Administrative AI
    --[X] Genome Mapping
    -[X] Exploration
    --[X] Ludilles
    -[X] Construction
    --[X] Shipyard: A dedicated shipyard, with this we could build vessels more easily than without. DC 30
    --[X] Solar Panel Network: A massive network of solar panels receiving energy from our sun, enough energy to not only power the Starbase but also have enough excess to feed planetary energy needs. DC 30