The Festival Of Blood (IC Thread)


Victoria comes to a stand and stares at the creepy crawlies for a moment. She would rather take the monotony over that. But running away and going around them would waste a bunch of time. Her gut says she can take them, so she will give it a shot, if with a heavy sigh.

Grasping her gladius tightly, Victoria carefully advances forward. Some glass cracks under her boots, the sound distinctly different to the crunch of sand. There is no higher ground in the area to use, nothing to funnel them into. But they are not that fast.

Ready to intercept any surprises, Victoria slows and prepares to fall back. She will let the bugs come to her now, then kill them one by one in a fighting retreat. And if they do catch her, she can use her power to ram her way out of any encirclement.

Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage is enough to one-shot any of the basic bugs

Plan: kite the group and take swings to whittle them down, Intercept any potential Spitters in the group. Use charge for speed boosts out of any encirclement.
Omen cedes initiative. Bugs go first.

The bugs advance towards Omen, who slowly backs away as they get closer. Three of the bugs, greener than the rest, spit a foul smelling liquid at her.

(Insectoid Bile: 150 Base Damage, +4 dice, +30 Swarm Mentality = 184 Total Damage

Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage, +137 dice, +20 Foul Creature! = 557 Total Damage
184vs557- Gladius Lumen Wins!
Gladius Lumen: 373 Base Damage, +160 dice, -50 Distant Target = 483 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter A: 25 Base Resilience, +4 dice = 29 Damage Reduction
454 Total End Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter Health A: 300-454=-154
Bile Spitter A dead!

Insectoid Bile: 150 Base Damage, +5 dice, +30 Swarm Mentality = 185 Total Damage

Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage, +63 dice, +20 Foul Creature! = 483 Total Damage
185vs483- Gladius Lumen Wins!
Gladius Lumen: 298 Base Damage, +34 dice, -50 Distant Target = 282 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter B: 25 Base Resilience, +1 dice = 26 Damage Reduction
256 Total End Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter Health B: 300-256=44

Insectoid Bile: 150 Base Damage, +2 dice, +30 Swarm Mentality = 182 Total Damage

Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage, +78 dice, +20 Foul Creature! = 498 Total Damage
182vs498- Gladius Lumen Wins!
Gladius Lumen: 316 Base Damage, +66 dice, -50 Distant Target = 332 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter C: 25 Base Resilience, +5 dice = 30 Damage Reduction
302 Total End Damage
Wasteland Bile Spitter Health C: 300-302=-2
Bile Spitter C dead!)

Omen keeps her eyes out for any ranged attackers as she waits for one of the bugs to get close, just in case. This caution is immediately rewarded when three of the bugs hocked a load of boiling spit at her. Her Gladius cut through the first, a great blow that cleaved the air between them, cratering its body into the sand, which then blew up into a bunch more of that bile. The second found the same response, a swipe that held less power as she had to move further to get in into position. The last swing of her sword was just barely enough to beat down the third spitter. Unfortunately, she could see the second one stumble forwards towards her still. She eyed the two slightly larger bugs racing towards her ahead of the pack. She readied her blade.
Round Two

(Insectoid Bile: 150 Base Damage, +3 dice, +30 Swarm Mentality = 183 Total Damage
Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage, +110 dice, +25 Foul Creature! = 535 Total Damage
183vs535- Gladius Lumen Wins!
Its Dead, Jim

The last spitter proved its madness by lobbing another blast at her. This time, it was almost cleaved in two from the impact. Omen smoothly pivoted to stab at the intruding pouncer.

(Gladius Lumen: 400 Base Damage, +92 dice = 492 Total Damage
Wasteland Pouncer A: 25 Base Resilience, +3 dice = 28 Damage Reduction
464 Total End Damage
Wasteland Pouncer A Health: 300-464=dead)

Omen cuts out its eye, its upper jaw, and parts of its brain with one simple stroke. She eyes the others.

Dumb bugs bumrush the blender, all die. Warriors die to with a halfway decent MM roll, so they don't mean much. Omen stands before a sea lot of gore.

Warning! EXP Hidden and cannot be spent!
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Angel stares at Howl for a moment, then grins.

"Your words are true, else the light would burn you. I bid you welcome and ask forgiveness sister, I pray we can move past this in better accord." Howl is lifted so she can climb onto Angel's back.

"Unfortunately I can't leave yet, this den of filth must be cleansed to ensure we're not flanked. We've a full day to take the fortress, let's use the time we've been given to it's fullest and ensure the enemy can't blindside us with cheap tricks."
Howl scoffs and shakes her head. "Unnecessary timesink. Bugs are bugs, hard to get rid of but should mind their business unless you poke their nest." She points. "Facility is that way, guarded. Two others, maybe human, that way and that way, moving inward. Should intercept before they walk into a patrol and die."
Just like Victoria thought, there was something off. Ranged enemies were always a priority. But more than that, she realised between bouts of violence....
Dumb bugs bumrush the blender, all die. Warriors die to with a halfway decent MM roll, so they don't mean much. Omen stands before a sea lot of gore.
These bugs almost mindlessly threw themselves into her, even when she could squash them with a single stab each.

By the time it is done and her adrenaline fades, she stands before and partly in insect guts and blood. Victoria cringes back, almost dropping her bloody sword.

"Again, ewww!"

Shuddering at the grisly sight, she steps out of the carnage and jogs around it toward her goal. A quick drop of her transformation and following retransformation later, the splatters that made it onto her dress are cleaned. Her gladius is pristine once more and she can leave the whole matter behind.

Now that she knows there are bugs, she eyes the ground a bit more worriedly. Bugs can dig, meaning they can appear at any moment. Victoria will have to trust her gut on where to tread.
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Death Flame shakily rises to her feet, blazing fury evident in her eyes. "Y-you... piece of shit! How fucking dare you! I'll turn you to ash!"

(Arsonist's Touch: 3,000 Base Damage, +278 dice, +500 RAGE!, X2 Kingdom = 7,556 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: Not enough
??? Total Damage

Wasteland Charger Health: ???-???= Dead)

The charger is bisected by a swing of Death Flame's blade, the insides instantly cauterized by the heat. Death Flame laughs to the air, relishing her inevitable victory over these weaklings.

She is interrupted once more by the emergence of more pests from underneath the sands.

Another savage grin cracks her face. "Well, what are you waiting for? I'm waiting!"

Bequeath runs across the blasted desert, running from the clown making her way to the objective, when she notices a group of about ten large, human sized insects patrolling the wastes. One is larger than the others and looks much tougher.
When Bequeath spots the bugs she almost trips over her feet, but maintains her footing with just a loss of speed. After a moment if dithering, she accelerates once more. She knows from some friendly spars and her few proper sorties that she's actually pretty durable, so she should be fine? This is okay, right?

...It'd be really nice if Team Wagyu were here.

Bequeath directs her charge at the biggest of the problems before her. The crowns that had faded while she fled burst back into existence, four above her head and three of ghostly thorns and vines above the largest opponent.

Entwining her fingers through the Warding Veil, Bequeath arcs it into an overhead swing to bring it down on the creature's head.

7 Crowns assigned
4 to Bequeath
3 to largest bug​

1 weapon attack to largest bug
1 in reserve for Heirloom to defend against largest bug​
Howl scoffs and shakes her head. "Unnecessary timesink. Bugs are bugs, hard to get rid of but should mind their business unless you poke their nest." She points. "Facility is that way, guarded. Two others, maybe human, that way and that way, moving inward. Should intercept before they walk into a patrol and die."

"We won't know how much of a threat these creatures are, or what their nature is until we force them to act. None among us but God can say for sure how this arena works, and how it's element interact. Carelessness is an effective teacher, but the price of it's lessons is high, we can't just leave this here and expect nothing to come of it. Those eggs are too many to count, if left alone we'll surely be drowned in a sea of chitin and claws, we need to strike now while we hold the advantage. God set us on this path together for a reason sister, so please help me." Angel's glow brightens as she channels her power to grant Howl a blessing.

"We are stronger together."

Empty Howl gains 1 Blessing!
Health: 750 -> 1,013
Base Damage: 180 -> 243
Base Resilience: 175 -> 236
For some reason, falling into a blasted wasteland and listening to some integer to try and sell her a wish if she survived nine trials wasn't what she'd wanted to do today. Granted, neither was waking up to a news report about the police still searching for her transformed form for something she'd done when chasing down Odd a couple of days ago. "Yo, integer! Cut down on the purple prose next time! That axiom you're spouting sounds like it could use a couple of proofs to back it up! Drown in the sea of Imaginary Numbers, I am Magical Girl Imaginary Perfect!"
After all, she was Imaginary Perfect! If that integer of a giant clown thought she'd be easily stymied by a little wasteland, then it would have another thing coming. A quick glance around confirmed her assumption; The facility wasn't anywhere in sight. The assumption that this was an arena led to an excellent first step in solving the problem, which she immediately put into action: jog in the direction that led to the crowd noise getting quieter. She had plenty of attention to go around for monitoring her surroundings anyway.
When Bequeath spots the bugs she almost trips over her feet, but maintains her footing with just a loss of speed. After a moment if dithering, she accelerates once more. She knows from some friendly spars and her few proper sorties that she's actually pretty durable, so she should be fine? This is okay, right?

...It'd be really nice if Team Wagyu were here.

Bequeath directs her charge at the biggest of the problems before her. The crowns that had faded while she fled burst back into existence, four above her head and three of ghostly thorns and vines above the largest opponent.

Entwining her fingers through the Warding Veil, Bequeath arcs it into an overhead swing to bring it down on the creature's head.
Bequeath has 4 Crowns; Ablative Pool Health: 1,568.

Bequeath steels herself, then brings down the Veil.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +43 dice, +25 Surprise = 318 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x3): 318+190=508 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +23 dice, -50 Didn't See It Coming = 123 Damage Reduction
385 Total Damage

Wasteland Charger Health: 1,500-385= 1,115)

The Veil slams into the Charger's side, cracking the carapace, but otherwise dealing little damage. It turns towards her, as the smaller ones at its heels begin to shake and screech in place.

"We won't know how much of a threat these creatures are, or what their nature is until we force them to act. None among us but God can say for sure how this arena works, and how it's element interact. Carelessness is an effective teacher, but the price of it's lessons is high, we can't just leave this here and expect nothing to come of it. Those eggs are too many to count, if left alone we'll surely be drowned in a sea of chitin and claws, we need to strike now while we hold the advantage. God set us on this path together for a reason sister, so please help me." Angel's glow brightens as she channels her power to grant Howl a blessing.

"We are stronger together."

(Projectile Vomit: 425 Base Damage, +18 dice, +30 Surprise, X2 Ordnance = 946 Total Damage
Empty Howl: 243 Base Resilience, +26 dice, -25 Didn't See It Coming = 240 Damage Reduction
Angel of Darkness: 718 Base Resilience, +34 dice, -50 Didn't See It Coming = 702 Damage Reduction
Howl: 706 Total Damage
Angel: 244 Total Damage

Empty Howl Health: 1,013-706= 307)
Angel of Darkness Health: 2,870-244= 2,626)
Burn applied to Empty Howl and Angel of Darkness.

Howl's instincts flare, warning her of the threat an instant before it hits, as she manages to brace for the impact-

A giant torpedo of some acidic liquid slams into Angel and Howl, exploding on impact. Howl is left with severe burns across most of her body. The bile washes over Angel's Blessed defenses and leave her mostly unharmed, though covered in ick.

For some reason, falling into a blasted wasteland and listening to some integer to try and sell her a wish if she survived nine trials wasn't what she'd wanted to do today. Granted, neither was waking up to a news report about the police still searching for her transformed form for something she'd done when chasing down Odd a couple of days ago. "Yo, integer! Cut down on the purple prose next time! That axiom you're spouting sounds like it could use a couple of proofs to back it up! Drown in the sea of Imaginary Numbers, I am Magical Girl Imaginary Perfect!"
After all, she was Imaginary Perfect! If that integer of a giant clown thought she'd be easily stymied by a little wasteland, then it would have another thing coming. A quick glance around confirmed her assumption; The facility wasn't anywhere in sight. The assumption that this was an arena led to an excellent first step in solving the problem, which she immediately put into action: jog in the direction that led to the crowd noise getting quieter. She had plenty of attention to go around for monitoring her surroundings anyway.
After a few minutes, Imaginary Perfect sees a group of white and orange bugs bearing down on her position with mandibles bared.
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Bequeath has 4 Crowns; Ablative Pool Health: 1,568.

Bequeath steels herself, then brings down the Veil.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +43 dice, +25 Surprise = 318 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x3): 318+190=508 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +23 dice, -50 Didn't See It Coming = 123 Damage Reduction
385 Total Damage

Wasteland Charger Health: 1,500-385= 1,115)

The Veil slams into the Charger's side, cracking the carapace, but otherwise dealing little damage. It turns towards her, as the smaller ones at its heels begin to shake and screech in place.

(Projectile Vomit: 425 Base Damage, +18 dice, +30 Surprise, X2 Ordnance = 946 Total Damage
Empty Howl: 243 Base Resilience, +26 dice, -25 Didn't See It Coming = 240 Damage Reduction
Angel of Darkness: 718 Base Resilience, +34 dice, -50 Didn't See It Coming = 702 Damage Reduction
Howl: 706 Total Damage
Angel: 244 Total Damage

Empty Howl Health: 1,013-706= 307)
Angel of Darkness Health: 2,870-244= 2,626)
Burn applied to Empty Howl and Angel of Darkness.

Howl's instincts flare, warning her of the threat an instant before it hits, as she manages to brace for the impact-

A giant torpedo of some acidic liquid slams into Angel and Howl, exploding on impact. Howl is left with severe burns across most of her body. The bile washes over Angel's Blessed defenses and leave her mostly unharmed, though covered in ick.

After a few minutes, Imaginary Perfect sees a group of white and orange bugs bearing down on her position with mandibles bared.
Howl hisses, half in rage half seething anger, whirling her head about to find the source of the sudden attack.
Nest was within cone of vision.
Pain of acid greater along side of body.
Probable trajectory... There.
Single large target, numerous smaller support.
Prioritize artillery.
Howl vanishes from Angel's back, and halfway to the horizon the largest appears to rip itself in half. As the smaller vermin spin about to find the source of the destruction, Empty Howl straightens at the end of the 12 foot furrow her arrival had carved, shaking the last few chunk of the spitter's skull from her claws. She turns, fingers flexed, and bares her fangs.
Secondary priority: Exterminate.
Angel wipes the slime from her face and summons her scythe.

"Those who strike against God's children have no place in this world. Word Of Judgement: Guilty!"

A ray of golden light and surges from Angel's hand, bringing holy fire to it and every bug standing too close to .

Word of Judgement: 200 base damage + 11 dice = 211 total damage.

"Hang on sister, I'm coming too!" Angel grips her scythe with both hands and flies at the nearest insect as another blessing is bestowed on Howl.

Holy Scythe: 718 * 2 + 197 dice * 3 Crush = 4,899
Holy Scythe: 718 * 2 + 149 dice * 3 Crush = 4,755

Empty Howl Blessing count: 2
Health: 750 + 70% = 1,275
Base Damage: 180 + 70% = 306
Base Resilience: 175 + 70% = 298
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The Veil slams into the Charger's side, cracking the carapace, but otherwise dealing little damage. It turns towards her, as the smaller ones at its heels begin to shake and screech in place.

At the sight of almost cosmetic damage, Bequeath suspects that she may have erred. Maybe a different angle will go better? Maybe it just has a really hard head. Now with something vaguely like a plan in mind, she skirts to the left to circle around the beast in hope of a soft spot.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +44 dice, +??? Softer Backside? = 294+??? Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x4): ???+???=??? Total Damage)

7 Crowns assigned
3 to Bequeath
4 to Wasteland Charger​

1 weapon attack to Wasteland Charger, as close to the rear as Bequeath can manage
1 in reserve for Heirloom to defend against Wasteland Charger​
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After a few minutes, Imaginary Perfect sees a group of white and orange bugs bearing down on her position with mandibles bared.
New variables to account for, new equations to solve, and a shift to jog perpendicular to the bugs. Her visual count builds up the new equations as she notes the bugs one after, stopping when she gets to there being at least seven. Which means some of them are redundant, and can be cancelled out of the equations en masse. As she preparing to dodge the bugs attacks, Inverse Matrix forms into a flat depiction of the Imaginary Number Plane. If they get too close, a quick i Flare should remove them from the equation.

Focus on maintaining distance and dodging, fire an i Flare at the first to get too close using Multi-Caster to charge it with 1 cast of Laser and 1 cast of Mana Charge.
i Flare: 124 Base Damage 248 Laser, x 2d4 Boost By Modifier = At least 496 Total Damage
Howl hisses, half in rage half seething anger, whirling her head about to find the source of the sudden attack.
Nest was within cone of vision.
Pain of acid greater along side of body.
Probable trajectory... There.
Single large target, numerous smaller support.
Prioritize artillery.
Howl vanishes from Angel's back, and halfway to the horizon the largest appears to rip itself in half. As the smaller vermin spin about to find the source of the destruction, Empty Howl straightens at the end of the 12 foot furrow her arrival had carved, shaking the last few chunk of the spitter's skull from her claws. She turns, fingers flexed, and bares her fangs.
Secondary priority: Exterminate.
Angel wipes the slime from her face and summons her scythe.

"Those who strike against God's children have no place in this world. Word Of Judgement: Guilty!"

A ray of golden light and surges from Angel's hand, bringing holy fire to it and every bug standing too close to .

"Hang on sister, I'm coming too!" Angel grips her scythe with both hands and flies at the nearest insect as another blessing is bestowed on Howl.

I'm not doing Howl's math.

One moment, Howl is attached to Angel. The next, she rockets into the Bile Spewer at speeds faster than the eye can track. The artillery bug explodes.

(Reactive Compounds: 300 Base Damage = 300 Total Damage.
Empty Howl: 298 Base Resilience, +2 dice, -100 Inside The Bomb = 200 Damage Reduction
Empty Howl Health: 307-100=207)

Howl is caught in the blast zone, showered in acidic guts, leading to more burns across her body. She turns around, prepared for violence, as the bugs screech and shake. They die before the fury of a traumatized cat.

The target of Angel's spell dies before she can cast it, but she cleaves two of the surrounding into two orange mists.

At the sight of almost cosmetic damage, Bequeath suspects that she may have erred. Maybe a different angle will go better? Maybe it just has a really hard head. Now with something vaguely like a plan in mind, she skirts to the left to circle around the beast in hope of a soft spot.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +44 dice, +??? Softer Backside? = 294+??? Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x4): ???+???=??? Total Damage)

Bequeath strikes once more, this time on the unarmored orange side.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +44 dice = 294 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x4): 294+235=529 Total Damage

Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +31 dice, -100 Soft Backside = 81 Damage Reduction
448 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger Health: 1,115-448= 667)

The Veil has a far more pronounced effect, slamming into the soft abdomen of the charger and pulping it. The charger roars its displeasure to the sky, as the crowd screams out for more. The charger lowers its head and slams into the girl, throwing her through the air.

(Organic Ram: 550 Base Damage, +17 dice, +150 Small Target = 717 Total Damage
Bequeath: 250 Base Resilience, +69 dice, +125 Stemma, +4000 Heirloom = 4,444 Damage Reduction
0 Total Damage
Crown of Flowers Health: 1,176-0= 1,176)

Bequeath casts her spell just before impact, nullifying the charger's headbutt. As she raises herself off the ground, she sees the other nine bugs cover her view.

(Slicing Claws (x9): 1,620 Base Damage, +61 dice, +324 Swarm Mentality = 2,005 Total Damage
Bequeath: 250 Base Resilience, +36 dice, +125 Stemma = 411 Damage Reduction
1,594 Total Damage
Crown of Flowers Health: 1,176-1,594= -418
Bequeath Health: 1,960-418= 1,542
Minor Wounds applied!

They bite and scratch and pierce her flesh as her Crowns shatter, agonizingly loud enough to be heard over the cacophony of screeching and pain, as the girl suffers wound after wound. Through the gaps between them, she sees more pests arise from beneath the sands.

New variables to account for, new equations to solve, and a shift to jog perpendicular to the bugs. Her visual count builds up the new equations as she notes the bugs one after, stopping when she gets to there being at least seven. Which means some of them are redundant, and can be cancelled out of the equations en masse. As she preparing to dodge the bugs attacks, Inverse Matrix forms into a flat depiction of the Imaginary Number Plane. If they get too close, a quick i Flare should remove them from the equation.

Focus on maintaining distance and dodging, fire an i Flare at the first to get too close using Multi-Caster to charge it with 1 cast of Laser and 1 cast of Mana Charge.
i Flare: 124 Base Damage 248 Laser, x 2d4 Boost By Modifier = At least 496 Total Damage

The hunters rush forwards, intent on turning Imaginary Perfect into mincemeat. She targets one, preparing to fire.

(i Flare: 124 Base Damage 248 Laser, x7 Boost By Modifier = 1,736 Total Damage
Wasteland Hunter A: 35 Base Resilience, +13 dice, +750 Dodge Attempt = 798 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter B: 35 Base Resilience, +6 dice = 41 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter A Health: 600-936= -336
Wasteland Hunter B Health: 600-1,695= -1,095

As the field of imaginary numbers begins to violently destabilize, the closest hunter dodges out of the way. Unfortunately for it, the blast radius is larger than it anticipated. So large, it caught another as well, which is also vaporized. Perfect eyes the next runner up, backing away as fast as she can.

Into the bug that suddenly appeared behind her.

(Leaping Jaws: 360 Base Damage, +13 dice, +72 Swarm Mentality, +360 Rouges Do It From Behind = 805 Total Damage
Imaginary Perfect: 200 Base Resilience, +93 dice, -100 holyshitwhatthefuck = 193 Damage Reduction
612 Total Damage
Imaginary Perfect Health: 1,115-612= 503
Major Wounds applied!
Lame x1 applied! APT: 3 -> 2

Its jaws tear into her back, leaving a lasting wound that slows her down. Perfect screams out in pain, before turning around just as the bug fades away.

She can hear more, all around her.

The giant clown claps his hands together, with his face in a concerned expression. "Oh my, it would seeeeem like a few contestants are in trouuuuble. I do hope they don't die this early into the challenges. That would be quite tragiiiiiic."
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The hunters rush forwards, intent on turning Imaginary Perfect into mincemeat. She targets one, preparing to fire.

(i Flare: 124 Base Damage 248 Laser, x7 Boost By Modifier = 1,736 Total Damage
Wasteland Hunter A: 35 Base Resilience, +13 dice, +750 Dodge Attempt = 798 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter B: 35 Base Resilience, +6 dice = 41 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter A Health: 600-936= -336
Wasteland Hunter B Health: 600-1,695= -1,095

As the field of imaginary numbers begins to violently destabilize, the closest hunter dodges out of the way. Unfortunately for it, the blast radius is larger than it anticipated. So large, it caught another as well, which is also vaporized. Perfect eyes the next runner up, backing away as fast as she can.

Into the bug that suddenly appeared behind her.

(Leaping Jaws: 360 Base Damage, +13 dice, +72 Swarm Mentality, +360 Rouges Do It From Behind = 805 Total Damage
Imaginary Perfect: 200 Base Resilience, +93 dice, -100 holyshitwhatthefuck = 193 Damage Reduction
612 Total Damage
Imaginary Perfect Health: 1,115-612= 503
Major Wounds applied!
Lame x1 applied! APT: 3 -> 2

Its jaws tear into her back, leaving a lasting wound that slows her down. Perfect screams out in pain, before turning around just as the bug fades away.

She can hear more, all around her.

The giant clown claps his hands together, with his face in a concerned expression. "Oh my, it would seeeeem like a few contestants are in trouuuuble. I do hope they don't die this early into the challenges. That would be quite tragiiiiiic."
"GAH! I'll factor that into my calculations next time." Inverse Matrix flickered to form underneath her, the depiction of the Imaginary Number Plane crackling with magical energy as she began casting once more. "Let's see how you like this!" The spell formed around her, a thin shell stabilizing the internal field of Imaginary Numbers, as she charged up the spell and waited. Waited for a disturbance, any disturbance, to see exactly what happened next.

Not a listed soft mechanic because she's trying this for the first time, but she's basically using the shell of Imaginary Numbers as a crude detection mechanism. Since charging up the spell means she has to contain it, she can feel when that containment is disturbed like say... by a Wasteland Pest. It's visually obvious that's something's happening, but unless they are all rush in at once during her first ApT, getting both of her ApT into it is going to make this a big blast.

If the bugs come in during her first action of charging, she's got 2 laser charges and no mana charges. If the bugs come in after that, she's got 3 laser charges and 2 mana charges. Either way, the bugs should get a bonus to their defensive strings because the spell itself isn't being actively directed aside from just 'away from her'.
During the first action: 124 base damage 248 Laser, x 1d4 Boost By Modifier
After the first action: 124 base damage 372 Laser, x 3d4 Boost By Modifier
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The giant clown claps his hands together, with his face in a concerned expression. "Oh my, it would seeeeem like a few contestants are in trouuuuble. I do hope they don't die this early into the challenges. That would be quite tragiiiiiic."
Victoria slows down a little as the clown's voice reaches her. She can not help but look around in wonder, as if she could spy any of those other contestants.

"So there are others," she muses, now at walking speed for a minute. At least that question is answered. "But it's not like I can help them from here, can I?"

She does not have superspeed or teleportation. Well, unless someone tries sniping her with a pebble or something. So Victoria rather keeps going toward the goal. She reasons that she will meet them on the way sooner or later.
The give in the creature's shell and its pronounced reaction both firm up Bequeath's confidence in overcoming this. Even her subsequent ragdolling didn't damper her spirit, the bug's attack completely neutered by her Heirloom.

And then the swarm hits her.

Oddly enough, the bugs' outrageous size had largely dampened the instinctive squeamishness that a person would typically have for creepy crawlies. As they rip and tear at her, almost climbing over each other for the chance to eat her alive, that fear returns with a vengeance. It doubles over into terror when her crowns shatter and their jaws finally start to dig into her flesh. Then, she spots more bugs clawing their way out of the sand.

A raw scream echoes out as she begins thrashing her Warding Veil about. The graceless flailing does little more than brush the bugs back a bit, but it's enough. She bolts away, seven circlets blooming above her head once more, no direction in mind but away from here. She almost doesn't hear the clown over her own hyperventilation.

"Oh my, it would seeeeem like a few contestants are in trouuuuble. I do hope they don't die this early into the challenges. That would be quite tragiiiiiic."

His mocking doesn't even register to her. All that matters is that there are others in this evil place. The thought helps her beat back the encroaching panic attack. She begins to scan the land before her for any sign of benign life as well as she can while running, her attention split by the need to guard her back from bugs.

7 Crowns assigned to Bequeath

1 in reserve for Heirloom
1 in reserve for Warding Veil Intercept​
Howl rises from her perch atop the corpse of the last bug and flicks her eyes to the horizon. Then she is gone, arriving next to Angel the same instant.

Claws alight and every sense of overdrive to catch attacks before they reach her, she drops into the nest.
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Angel looks over to Howl and calls out.

"To the depths it is then sister!" She dives into the hole after Howl, ready to deliver judgement with magic and steel.

"Word of Judgement: Guilty!" Angle directs her spell at the largest concentration of bugs in sight, then charges at the two closest bugs to Howl.

Word of Judgement: 200 + 32(dice) = 232 total damage(AOE)

Holy Scythe: 718 + 69(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,361 total damage
Holy Scythe: 718 + 69(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,361 total damage

Holy Scythe: 718 + 29(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,241 total damage
Holy scythe: 718 + 29(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,241 total damage

A Faint Light: 350 total damage(AOE)
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"GAH! I'll factor that into my calculations next time." Inverse Matrix flickered to form underneath her, the depiction of the Imaginary Number Plane crackling with magical energy as she began casting once more. "Let's see how you like this!" The spell formed around her, a thin shell stabilizing the internal field of Imaginary Numbers, as she charged up the spell and waited. Waited for a disturbance, any disturbance, to see exactly what happened next.

Not a listed soft mechanic because she's trying this for the first time, but she's basically using the shell of Imaginary Numbers as a crude detection mechanism. Since charging up the spell means she has to contain it, she can feel when that containment is disturbed like say... by a Wasteland Pest. It's visually obvious that's something's happening, but unless they are all rush in at once during her first ApT, getting both of her ApT into it is going to make this a big blast.

If the bugs come in during her first action of charging, she's got 2 laser charges and no mana charges. If the bugs come in after that, she's got 3 laser charges and 2 mana charges. Either way, the bugs should get a bonus to their defensive strings because the spell itself isn't being actively directed aside from just 'away from her'.
During the first action: 124 base damage 248 Laser, x 1d4 Boost By Modifier
After the first action: 124 base damage 372 Laser, x 3d4 Boost By Modifier

Imaginary Perfect lies in wait, keeping her more esoteric senses sharp. Her ears hear the scuttling of chitin across the sands. Her nose smells the salt and the arid air.
Something disturbs the containment field. She holds, it isn't enough. Another, and another, yet still she waits. It is only when the fifth disturbance occurs does she releases the power being contained.
(i Flare: 124 Base Damage 372 Laser, x4 Boost By Modifier = 1,488 Total Damage
Wasteland Hunter (x8): 35 Base Resilience, +4 dice = 39 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Stalker (x2): 45 Base Resilience, +17 dice, +250 Dodge Attempt = 312 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter Health (x8): 600-1,449= -849
Wasteland Stalker Health (x2): 750-1,176= -426

A massive explosion ruptures the earth and rends the sky. The eight hunters evaporate under the effects of colliding numerical opposites. The pair of stalkers attempt to leap to safety, but they are too slow and the blast wave too fast. They too disintegrate. Imaginary Perfect stands alone.

The give in the creature's shell and its pronounced reaction both firm up Bequeath's confidence in overcoming this. Even her subsequent ragdolling didn't damper her spirit, the bug's attack completely neutered by her Heirloom.

And then the swarm hits her.

Oddly enough, the bugs' outrageous size had largely dampened the instinctive squeamishness that a person would typically have for creepy crawlies. As they rip and tear at her, almost climbing over each other for the chance to eat her alive, that fear returns with a vengeance. It doubles over into terror when her crowns shatter and their jaws finally start to dig into her flesh. Then, she spots more bugs clawing their way out of the sand.

A raw scream echoes out as she begins thrashing her Warding Veil about. The graceless flailing does little more than brush the bugs back a bit, but it's enough. She bolts away, seven circlets blooming above her head once more, no direction in mind but away from here. She almost doesn't hear the clown over her own hyperventilation.

His mocking doesn't even register to her. All that matters is that there are others in this evil place. The thought helps her beat back the encroaching panic attack. She begins to scan the land before her for any sign of benign life as well as she can while running, her attention split by the need to guard her back from bugs.

Bequeath, terrified, bolts from the emerging army before her. While the bugs give chase, only the charger is quick enough to keep pace with a sprinting magical girl. Like a speeding van, its terrifying visage runs her down.

(Organic Ram: Heirloom is more, doesn't matter.)

A split second of light keeps Bequeath from harm. Unfortunately, she is sent sprawling, but she continues fleeing as quick as she can pick herself up.

This continues for a bit. Charger doesn't have enough attacks to get through Heirloom, Bequeath isn't fast enough to get away.

Howl rises from her perch atop the corpse of the last bug and flicks her eyes to the horizon. Then she is gone, arriving next to Angel the same instant.

Claws alight and every sense of overdrive to catch attacks before they reach her, she drops into the nest.

Angel looks over to Howl and calls out.

"To the depths it is then sister!" She dives into the hole after Howl, ready to deliver judgement with magic and steel.

Howl hurtles into the nest, cutting everything she sees to ribbons. The nest is series of tunnels, winding and convoluted. The bugs cover the walls, and she sees entire tunnels dedicated to housing eggs. She sees a tunnel leading up, but no light emerges from it. Ah, she realizes, there is something there. Something big. And it is leaving the nest.

The carnage she left behind has taken its toll on the nest's structure. Cracks form throughout the tunnels, and they begin to cave in.

Angel begins her decent to the ground. Her aura instantly leaves most of the swarm dead, and her spell mops up what was left, eradicating them. Her scythe falls on the emerging bugs, cutting them down before they even get a chance to react.

Then the big one emerges from the largest entrance, almost exploding from beneath the ground, spraying sand and glass and rocks everywhere. A pebble plinks off of Angel's temple.

The titan is ten meters tall, and covered in armor. Acid drips like a waterfall from its mandibles, as the larger bugs swarm before like a vanguard.

Howl has yet to emerge.

Blood Wing's quiet journey is disrupted by the twelve flaming whirlpools dancing across the wasteland. They just appear around her, randomly moving about in indeterminable patterns. Then, a massive fucking explosion erupts in the distance.

What the fuck.
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Angel begins her decent to the ground. Her aura instantly leaves most of the swarm dead, and her spell mops up what was left, eradicating them. Her scythe falls on the emerging bugs, cutting them down before they even get a chance to react.

Then the big one emerges from the largest entrance, almost exploding from beneath the ground, spraying sand and glass and rocks everywhere. A pebble plinks off of Angel's temple.

The titan is ten meters tall, and covered in armor. Acid drips like a waterfall from its mandibles, as the larger bugs swarm before like a vanguard.

Howl has yet to emerge.

Angel stares at the bug and speaks quickly
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial. For having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to all who love Him. So come monster, and know the Lord's judgement!"

Astra flies at the giant bug and raises her scythe, ready to cut the thing to ribbons.

Holy Scythe: 718 + 41(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,277 total damage
Holy Scythe: 718 + 41(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,277 total damage

Holy Scythe: 718 + 185(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,709 total damage
Holy scythe: 718 + 185(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,709 total damage

Holy Scythe: 718 + 42(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,280 total damage
Holy Scythe: 718 + 42(dice) * 3(Crush) = 2,280 total damage

A Faint Light: 350 total damage
A split second of light keeps Bequeath from harm. Unfortunately, she is sent sprawling, but she continues fleeing as quick as she can pick herself up.
Between the receding panic, scanning ahead for any sign of others, and the giant bug punting her around like a kickball, it takes an embarrassingly long time for Bequeath to realize that the rest of the swarm has fallen behind.

It's become obvious that she can't get away from this thing. With the others away, this is the best chance she's going to get. Digging her heels into the sand, Bequeath reverses her direction and charges the monster once more.

Once she finally deals with this, she can pretend certain parts of this encounter never happened. At least the clown is the only witness; he doesn't seem like he would have any friends to tell.

Having learned from their last clash, Bequeath goes to flank the bug right off. She wants to make it hurt.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +20 dice = 270 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x6): 270+324=594 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +??? dice, -??? Soft Backside = ??? Damage Reduction)

7 Crowns assigned
1 to Bequeath
6 to Wasteland Charger​

1 weapon attack to Wasteland Charger, as close to the rear as Bequeath can manage
1 in reserve for Heirloom to defend against Wasteland Charger​
Blood Wing's quiet journey is disrupted by the twelve flaming whirlpools dancing across the wasteland. They just appear around her, randomly moving about in indeterminable patterns.
Having spent what feels like hours without seeing a single soul, Wing takes this latest development as a sure sign she's going the wrong way.
Then, a massive fucking explosion erupts in the distance.
And that cements, she definitely needs to be going that way.
New destination set she starts running again.

...all the way over

She's actually beginning to miss Blue Moon.
Imaginary Perfect lies in wait, keeping her more esoteric senses sharp. Her ears hear the scuttling of chitin across the sands. Her nose smells the salt and the arid air.
Something disturbs the containment field. She holds, it isn't enough. Another, and another, yet still she waits. It is only when the fifth disturbance occurs does she releases the power being contained.
(i Flare: 124 Base Damage 372 Laser, x4 Boost By Modifier = 1,488 Total Damage
Wasteland Hunter (x8): 35 Base Resilience, +4 dice = 39 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Stalker (x2): 45 Base Resilience, +17 dice, +250 Dodge Attempt = 312 Damage Reduction
Wasteland Hunter Health (x8): 600-1,449= -849
Wasteland Stalker Health (x2): 750-1,176= -426

A massive explosion ruptures the earth and rends the sky. The eight hunters evaporate under the effects of colliding numerical opposites. The pair of stalkers attempt to leap to safety, but they are too slow and the blast wave too fast. They too disintegrate. Imaginary Perfect stands alone.
"Hah... hah... hah..." Imaginary Perfect makes herself stand up straight, before releasing her and reapplying her transformation. "Looks like the natural numbers in this set have magnitude to them! I'll have to factor that into my calculations going forward." With there no longer being a gaping hole in her back, she takes a look around. She wasn't jogging for that long, but the bugs had been coming from essentially straight ahead of her. She'd just listen for the crowd noise, and calculate a new vector away from the loudest source of it.
Imaginary Perfect has a Type 2b Transformation. This means that her transformed state is created new each time she transforms. Body modifier and health from transformed state reset.
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Angel stares at the bug and speaks quickly
"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial. For having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to all who love Him. So come monster, and know the Lord's judgement!"

Astra flies at the giant bug and raises her scythe, ready to cut the thing to ribbons.

Across the arena, one can see the clown manifest a violin and begin playing... music?
A Faint Light activates!
Angel Full Health
Empty Howl: 207+350=557
Bile Titan: 15,000-350=14,650 health
Various bug deaths

(Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, +41 dice, X3 Crush = 2,277 total damage
Holy Scythe:
718 Base Damage, +41 dice, X3 Crush = 2,277 total damage
4,554 total damage

Storied Might: 4,554+2,732= 7,286
Wasteland Bile Titan: 750 Resilience, +36 dice, +250 MY FUCKING HOUSE!, -50 Overwhelming Opposition = 986 Damage Reduction
Large Enemy(50%): 3,150 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Titan Health: 14,650-3,150= 11,500

Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, +185 dice, X3 Crush = 2,709 total damage
Holy scythe:
718 Base Damage, +185 dice, X3 Crush = 2,709 total damage
5,418 total damage

Storied Might: 5,418+3,250= 8,668
Wasteland Bile Titan: 750 Resilience, +11 dice, +250 MY FUCKING HOUSE!, -50 Overwhelming Opposition = 961 Damage Reduction
Large Enemy(50%): 3,853 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Titan Health: 11,500-3,853= 7,647

Holy Scythe:
718 Base Damage, +42 dice, X3 Crush = 2,280 total damage
Holy Scythe:
718 Base Damage, +42 dice, X3 Crush = 2,280 total damage
4,560 total damage

Storied Might: 4,560+2,736=7,296
Wasteland Bile Titan: 750 Resilience, +45 dice, +250 MY FUCKING HOUSE!, -50 Overwhelming Opposition = 995 Damage Reduction
Large Enemy(50%): 3,150 Total Damage
Wasteland Bile Titan Health: 7,647-3,150= 4,497

Stream of Acid: 1,500
Base Damage, +8 dice, +300 Full-Auto, +300 Full-Auto, +300 Full-Auto, +300 Full-Auto, +300 Full-Auto, +750 MY FUCKING HOUSE!= 3,758 total damage
Angel of Darkness: 718 Resilience, +125 dice, -25 EWW = 818 Damage Reduction
Storied Might: 2,940-1,764= 1,176
Angel of Darkness Health: 2,870-1,176= 1,694
Melt applied!)

Angel's scythe slams into the monster, cracking its armor and crushing its bones and inciting its rage even further. Her second blow causes chunks of chitin to fall to the ground below, crushing any unlucky pests beneath them. The third drives to stumble, clearly feeling the monstruous wounds laying across its body. However, it will not be deterred from its wrath. A stream of acid spews from its jaws into Angel, engulfing her in its internal fluids. Her skin boils and melts, the substance eating away at her even as her magic tries to heal it.

Meanwhile, muffled sounds of extreme violence emanate from the tunnels.

Howl has too much atp and inhuman skill. The bugs cannot group up enough to deal enough damage to meaningfully hurt her. She is rapidly emptying the hive and will probably finish next turn.
Howl Health: 557-28=529

Between the receding panic, scanning ahead for any sign of others, and the giant bug punting her around like a kickball, it takes an embarrassingly long time for Bequeath to realize that the rest of the swarm has fallen behind.

It's become obvious that she can't get away from this thing. With the others away, this is the best chance she's going to get. Digging her heels into the sand, Bequeath reverses her direction and charges the monster once more.

Once she finally deals with this, she can pretend certain parts of this encounter never happened. At least the clown is the only witness; he doesn't seem like he would have any friends to tell.

Having learned from their last clash, Bequeath goes to flank the bug right off. She wants to make it hurt.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +20 dice = 270 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x6): 270+324=594 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +??? dice, -??? Soft Backside = ??? Damage Reduction)

Once more, Bequeath fights a bug the size of a van by herself.

(Warding Veil: 250 Base Damage, +20 dice, +25 Just Die Already = 295 Total Damage
Crown Of Thorns (x6): 295+649=944 Total Damage
Wasteland Charger: 150 Base Resilience, +30 dice, +50 I Refuse -100 Soft Backside = 130 Damage Reduction)
814 Total Damage

Wasteland Charger Health: 667-814= -147)

The Veil slams into the charger's abdomen, and it ruptures, spilling precious fluids all over Bequeath. The charger goes limp, hitting the ground face first and tumbling over onto its side. A pause brings no movement.

It is dead.

Bequeath smells roasting flesh and sulfur coming from the south, along with what sounds like faint maniacal laughter.

Warning! EXP Hidden and cannot be spent!

Having spent what feels like hours without seeing a single soul, Wing takes this latest development as a sure sign she's going the wrong way.

And that cements, she definitely needs to be going that way.
New destination set she starts running again.

...all the way over

She's actually beginning to miss Blue Moon.

"Hah... hah... hah..." Imaginary Perfect makes herself stand up straight, before releasing her and reapplying her transformation. "Looks like the natural numbers in this set have magnitude to them! I'll have to factor that into my calculations going forward." With there no longer being a gaping hole in her back, she takes a look around. She wasn't jogging for that long, but the bugs had been coming from essentially straight ahead of her. She'd just listen for the crowd noise, and calculate a new vector away from the loudest source of it.
Imaginary Perfect has a Type 2b Transformation. This means that her transformed state is created new each time she transforms. Body modifier and health from transformed state reset.

Imaginary Perfect and Blood Wing continue along until they see each other in the distance.
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Angel grits her teeth as the acid burns into her skin, and takes a hand off her scythe in a vain attempt to wipe it off.

"He is my shepherd, He is my general, He is my father. While I follow His will, I AM INVINCIBLE!!" Angel screams at the Bile Titan as she swings her scythe again, he body and spirit aflame with pain and righteous fury.

A Faint Light: 350 total damage/healing

Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 148 Dice = 866
Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 148 Dice = 866
866 * 2 = 1,732 * 1.6% Storied Might = 2,771 Total Damage

Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 95 Dice = 813
Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 95 Dice = 813
813 * 2 = 1,626 * 1.6 Storied Might = 2,602 Total Damage

"I send you to the Lord's judgement now creature, may He cast you into the fires of Hell!" Angel tears her hand from her face and grips the scythe with both hands as she flits beside the monster's head and swings upward, aiming to decapitate the Titan.
Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 75 dice * 3 Crush = 793
Holy Scythe: 718 Base Damage, + 75 dice * 3 Crush = 793
2,379 * 2 = 4758 * 1.6 Storied Might = 7,613 total damage
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