The Fanfic Classification Chart


The self is a prison
European Union
What is fanfic? When is a work fanfic?

Of course, the simplest and more open definition is "a work is a fanfic when the author says it's a fanfic"; I personally find it a little too simplistic, and consider that a derivative work should at least have some elements in common with the work it's a derivative of.

But of course, I had to let that go way to far: so behold, the Chart™

What is fanfic? When is a work fanfic?

Of course, the simplest and more open definition is "a work is a fanfic when the author says it's a fanfic"; I personally find it a little too simplistic, and consider that a derivative work should at least have some elements in common with the work it's a derivative of.

But of course, I had to let that go way to far: so behold, the Chart™


When the author thinks it's fanfic:

When the author doesn't think it's fanfic:


EDIT: Now fight me, Vys!
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