First round of claims. At this point, I will be accepting OC claims within reason. If you want to trade with someone else and go for a custom claim, I will also be allowing that.
I have noticed I don't have the Hobbits of Dunland on the map as well and that will be fixed by tomorrow as will troops for the Hobbits in general. Of note, the Orcs under the Witch King get two armies each while Dunedain under Arveleg and Ruthron get one each.
IC Thread will also be going up tomorrow. Turns will be flexible in length but will be one year each while wars are ongoing and stretch to two or three during periods of peace.
@Cambyses – Elrond Half-Elven
@Watercress – Gandalf the Grey
@Yonatan – The Witch King of Angmar
@Ceslas – Domdir the Lord of Tharbad
@Lucienz – King Nain of Moria
@bookwyrm – Lord Thorin II Bronzebeard of Belegost
@Tiberius – Brodda of Trollshaws
@Salbazier – The Hobbits of Breeland
@CommandoHowizter – King Arveleg of Arthedain
@Skrevski – Prince Ruthron of Cardolan
@Dovahsith – The Hobbits of the Angle
@Ghazkull – Ashgarn the Undying
@King Saul – The Hobbits of Dunland
@firepelt 123 – Beriedir the Captain of Amon Sul
@Faust – Ulbad Anghir
@Lukyanova – Cirdan the Lord of the Falathrim
@ChaosTheVoid – Ukrom the Bleeder
@Dadarian – Olrok the Chief of the Gundabad Orcs