Well, considering I posted a song about War

............ Yeah, I'm still gonna use this until someone tells me not to. XD
We draw closer to the end of our first chapter.

Our heroes are stuck in a prison designed for the 'scattered,' men, women and monsters who ended up on the planet our heroes are currently trapped on. As they try to make their escape, both the prison, outside forces, an alien creatures you might just recognize, are trying to stop them.

While it may be ending, the chance to join hasn't. We're always open for new members, so if you feel like giving us a quick check up, come on over and see what we're like.

And yes, we aren't dead, I SWERVED YOU INTO THINKING WE WERE!

Took longer than expected, but we've finished up the first part of this RP, and we're soon to announce the next chapter to come! They'll be a world to save, villains of all kinds at play, and mysteries left to uncover.

Stay tuned to see what happens next, but in the mean time, if you've not joined us before and have an interest, do come on over! We're always happy to take new members!


Chapter 2A: Brave New World


Chapter 2B: From Ashes

2A will focus on an adventure through space, with a team heading towards the outer regions of this universe to find out where this ripples between universes are occuring. Yet, their first stop seems to already indicate whatever is causing this is not simply bringing people over, but rather, opening the doors so entire universes are now merging together, with massive consequences because of that.

2B will continue to investigate this earth, and find out more about what happened to it..... While, within that same thread, a new group is emerging. One forming from the antagonists of worlds. They need a way off this planet, and they'll charge to the capital to find it. However, will this makeshift alliance become something greater? All depends on what they decide to do once they get off world.

2A will be solely heroes, while 2B will be a combination of both the heroes and villains. Three characters per group, and as always, if you wish to join us, please do! We're entering a new phase of Evrensel, and we're happy to take new people always!​
A new year!

2020, the 2000s are nearing towards legal drinking age in the US! But, while we wait for it to finally drink freely around the globe, this joke is stupid the more I write it out, Evrensel does not slow down! Indeed, we're still kicking ass and taking names, but what has gone on in our little RP?

Well, should you find interest in us, here's a summary of what's happened:

Heroes of different realities were transported suddenly from their home worlds. A flash of neon green light blinded them, and they felt as though they were falling from a great height. When they could feel ground beneath them, they were unharmed, but now placed in the ruins of a destroyed metropolis city. Snow was trickling down from the sky, and the cold was reaching well below zero, with a snow storm creeping forwards. Exploring the city showed they were not the first to arrive, as corpses littered everywhere, each of a different military or race. Monsters of varying sizes stalked the old buildings, and off in the distance, even more bright green flashes could be seen. Some who arrived here were not the friendliest. (Hint: Nazi's.)

While questions continued to build up as to how this world became this way, and why they were brought here, they were ambushed. Squads of advanced soldiers rushed them before they could even defend, acting with such precision timing, using weapons seemingly designed to incapacitate even the strongest among our heroes, the heroes were taken off guard by a force created just for them. They were taken prisoners, and flown hundreds of miles away from the city to a desert surrounded by mountains. Hiding between them was a base, used to contain 'scattered:' a term used by the soldiers for those who came from other worlds. It was a prison, one that went miles under ground, and designed solely for one thing. Experimentation.

The weapons and armor the soldiers used were designed here, made by testing the prison's prisoners. Corpses were burned by the dozen, screams echoed around the halls, guards played sadists with weaker prisoners, and the experiments done to our more powerful heroes left them bloodied and near death, all to see what made them tick, and how to put them down for good. Their stay did not last too long, however, as hours after they arrived in this place, the power shut down. And off in the distance, another bright flash of green light appeared, this time with such a force, it was like staring at a nuclear bomb going off. What came from that flash was a swarm of hundreds of the most dangerous predators one could ever meet face to face.


Soon after they arrived, music began to play over the comms, speakers, anything with a microphone; playing loudly enough to attract the aliens. Without power, and their systems hacked, their defenses were weakened, and soldiers were massacred while trying to fight them off. The aliens soon traveled down into the prison below, but thankfully the cells were opened, and prisoners quickly tried escaping. Our heroes teamed back up again, with healers doing their best to revive the weakened comrades, but their escape wasn't just stopped by the Xenos, but also a suddenly influx of water. The base had suddenly gone into self-destruction, as all air vents were flooded with enough water to drown the whole underground. Exits were shut off, and airstrikes bombarded the base from the skies to kill off the aliens.

Escape seemed impossible. Thankfully for our heroes though, a Doctor came in to help. The Doctor. And not just one, but three, each taking charge to find a way out of the prison before the aliens got them, or the flooding did. By complete accident, when everyone was in the contraband warehouse of the prison, storing the gear of what seemed like hundreds of 'scattered' gear, someone actually managed to find a TARDIS, the famed ship of The Doctor. (Though the man standing in front of the box hiding the TARDIS got knocked out cold when a wall of the box suddenly fell onto his head.) The heroes rushed into the ship, and before the aliens busted in, they were gone. Now out of the fire, our team will now try to find the answer to the questions they arrived here with. Where are they, why were they here, and what was doing this?

To find these answers, the group has split up into two teams: Team 1, 2A is currently investigating the various rifts and tears within this universe. These tears appeared once back in the previous chapter, as a small group of heroes took shelter within a mall as a snow storm came in. However, without warning, they were transported to a tropical beach location, then teleported back to the mall where remnants of the beach came with them, such as salt water, sand, and even palm trees. The three doctors believe these rifts are that of another universe blending into this reality thanks to whatever is caused them to teleport to this world. 11 and 13 agreed to travel to the outer-edges of the universe to see if there were any more rifts to be found, and if it could give them a clue as to how they all arrived here. Not to mention, see if they can either close it, should it be damaging this universe, or reverse it to bring them all back to their homes.

Upon arriving at the farthest solar system that remains closer to the edges of dark space, the two TARDIS' of 11 and 13 were dragged down to an unknown planet by a strong gravitational force, like the TARDIS was no longer able to manipulate space and grvaity anymore. The landing was harsh, but everyone was intact. However, upon leaving the ships, the group now finds themselves within an underground city. It is strange, mysterious, and ominous to say the least. But the biggest omen was how Reegan, the Spriggan, cut off her own legs from whatever power the city had, as it's now messing with her mentally. It is a place of evil to say the least.

The other group, 2B, has now found itself within the last remaining city on the earth in this universe. It is no normal city, but rather a dozen or so large buildings that span up to the sky, with interconnecting roads and railroads that transport trains filled with people and goods to each building. Their mission is to find who's in charge and see if they'll answer their questions. Yet, along the edges of the old world city, several new heroes have arrived, with an old friend coming back to life as an undead. They aren't alone, however, as now, villains have begun to arrive as well. They are grouped together, and seemingly led by one Victor Von Doom

And that's where we are

Once again, should you find interest in joining us, come on in! The link to our Discord is above!
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Ah what the hell.

18 active members, and I feel greedy. Let's see if we can get to an even 20 before I close off any new recruits for now!
We've finished chapter 2!

We are now on our way to chapter three of our multiverse story! We'll be doing things a little differently for this one, but as usual, we're back open to new people joining as we finish up our planning for the new chapter.
Chapter 3 is a go!

We're ending the fallen Earth trilogy, as I call it, and we're doing things different. Chapter 3 is now mission based, so instead of two massive groups, there are now four smaller groups, each with a different objective they need to complete.

The missions include:

Diplomacy with the fallen earth government in hopes of finding out what happened to this world, which'll be hard, because everyone is corrupt to the core.

Hijacking a space vessel created for said corrupt government officials to abandon the planet as it dies out, so the heroes are gonna steal it out from under them and use it to help the people.

Breaking into a prison to free anyone left on this world that isn't from it

And finding a multiverse teleporter before a group of villains do as they invade the last remaining human city.

If you're interested, do come on by!​
We got room for one more person to join, then we're cutting off our recruitment for this RP for now.

Come be the last lad to join our ranks! We have cookies... And hookers, but mostly cookies.
Back again!

Evrensel is still kicking, and room has opened up for more members to come in. If you have an interest in multiverse war and having your lads save worlds, or conquering them if they're a villain, come on in!
Evrensel is currently on a small hiatus, but will return to action at the end of January.

In the meantime, we are doing some restructuring to rules, and planning a sort've soft reboot to help give the place a bit of juice, and help out new players who weren't around for the previous chapters.

The door remains open though for anyone interested!

Yes, after several months of silence, (don't worry, we didn't die off, we were actually just RP'ing,) I return with the good news that we're back to recruitment! We're starting a new set of missions and side-stories within the multiversal war of Evrensel, and this time, we've got space battles, time traveling shenanigans, zombies, massive world destroying behemoths, and something called A WERE-CRAAAAAAAAAAAB!

If you're interested in finding out more and are looking for a group RP, look no further than the Evrensel Conflict!


Depends on what this other site is.


Iwaku is a writing-based roleplay community focused on the most important part of roleplay: creative enjoyment. With a wide variety of personalities in our quirky community, we aspire to be an inspiration and joy for members to interact with. Improve and exercise your writing skills with...