The place Shawshank Redemption was in
"War does not determine who is right — only who is left."

The Evrensel Conflict

So what is this RP, or game if you want to call it, about?

Well, easy: The Multiverse is going to war with itself. The laws of physics have been bended to open the boundaries of universes, with roads between worlds so vastly different from each other have somehow been paved. Proof of the multiverse now exists, and for those who knew its existence, the method of traveling between them has suddenly become easier, if they have the means to do so. It's a time of astonishment and intrigue, but also fear, pandemonium, and chaos. No one knows how this has happened, but in its wake, empires have already begun spreading across planets that aren't from their universe, new diseases are crossing the borders between worlds, monsters now infest once lively city metropolises, and heroes meant to protect their homes have been scattered to other worlds to either die or be imprisoned. Least of all, with such an impossible feat comes a cost, as physics of each universe clashing against each other, creating paradoxes so destructive, their damage could be irreversible.

Wars of such a scale have already begun, with sides declaring the other invaders, and culprits of this insanity. But few truly know the one behind it all. Not a god, or a mortal. An AI. An intellgience that wields power unlike anything, and under her command, she lead an army of machines, to clean up the mess of battlefields, when one side wins, or both are unable to continue fighting. Her minions, robots of diverse abilities and powers, make sure there are no witnesses left to tell the truth, and continue to fan the fires. It's a spider-web of deception and trickery, to make everyone believe the other is to blame for this insanity. Keep them all distracted and weaken their defenses, tire out each side so when the AI does attack, they are powerless. She manipulates these wars from the shadows, and those who know of it are being hunted down to keep itself hidden, and continue its deception. Her motive and ultimate goal are unknown, only that she exists, and that the mission is simple: Stop her. The more this chaos ensues, the more death is ensured, and the ramifications of the universes opening will continue unchecked. It must be stopped. Will you join?

So What is it we do in the RP?

Kick Names, Check Ass.

We do lot's, and plan on doing lot's, of different RPs. The main ones obviously revolve around the massive issues of an AI machine trying to kill everyone, but also tell stories of worlds fighting each other, civilians in the middle of the war, and any crazy and wacky stuff we can cram in there so we don't take ourselves too seriously.

The point of the RP is to tell stories in such a setting, not just action set pieces. If you wanna run your own little RP in the setting, we're very open to it! Obviously some discussions would need to happen, but we are very happy to try out whatever seems interesting to do. The RP, while indeed a crossover of various fandoms, isn't fandom based, nor do we consider it one, as the purpose isn't to have these fun characters interact, but be involved in a larger story of epic proportions. It's a tale of heroes battling through the impossible, inhumane actions on a large scale, and good intentions creating chaos on unforeseen levels.

Are there limits to fandoms we can use?

No there is not.

We make sure to keep power levels in balance, so if someone wants to claim Goku, they wouldn't be allowed until we trust them enough to RP with that character fairly. With worlds going to war with each other, it's always power based. No world will overpower the other, if one world has more technological advantages, so you will never see a fantasy world that has medieval weaponry fight against a Star Destroyer from Star Wars. The main group will be diverse, but the worlds that are in battle, they're on equal levels.

Do you only do fandoms?


We allow Original Worlds and original works. If you have your own little world, you may use it. All you'd need to do is sign it up in our 'Original Worlds Creation' thread, and if it's good enough, we'll be happy to allow it in Evrensel for whatever use you want it for.

Obviously, we don't take everything, what we want are universes, or worlds, or kingdoms with enough thought put in it to show you truly care about your creation.

Can I only play canon characters?


You can play whoever you want, be it OCs from pre-existing worlds, ones from their own created worlds or Canonical Characters to play around with. As well, you don't just need to play heroes, villains from any series you like or your own personal creations are more than welcome to be used. It ain't just the heroes we wanna focus on here.

Do you RP on Discord/Sufficient Velocity?

For Discord: No............ Kinda

We don't use our Discord thread for major RP threads like here on Iwaku. Instead, we have spin-offs and 'in-betweens,' channels on our Discord that are made for character interactions when they're too short to be made into a single post, or you want to continue character relationship developments without it interrupted by other posts/major posts that make the story go forward. It's a nice way to RP without needing much detail, quick and easy.

For SV: No

We don't RP on the site anymore, we use Iwaku


1. Respect, Respect, Respect. Respect your fellow RPers and their characters.

2. Do not role play with a character, or make edits to a characters skills/abilities until he/she/they have been accepted.

3. The RP has a power balance. Do not make OP characters far above the norm, until such time as it becomes acceptable for the plot.

4. Keep an open mind about all newcomers! Keep all pre-judging to the absolute minimum. Judge them on their actions. If someone claims Sonic, for example, I'm not gonna judge, because I personally wanna play Kirby. Let's just claim all the Smash Bros characters in this serious RP.

5. There is no limit on canon claims, and all series are accepted for the game. If you wish to discuss using an OW (Original World) for this RP, go to the 'Original Universe' creation thread in our Discord to make your own You may also make OCs from any accepted OW. If you're making a character that's like the Dragonborn from Skyrim, or Shepard from Mass Effect, any personal customized versions of those characters go into OC creation. The vanilla versions go into canon claim.

6. Similarly to the above, posts wherein certain words/letters are extended to an unnecessary and obnoxious length, such that it could mess with that page's UI, are a no-go. Just don't be a dick like that, it adds nothing and only annoys. Basically, don't "REEEE" or "hiiiiii" for any longer than those examples just given.

7. No one line posts. And keep two line posts to an absolute minimum. Aim for three lines or above. This is because it make the RP less stale, and people also enjoy longer posts much more than simple one or two liners. We aren't all expert writers, but if you're joining a forum, you gotta be better than one or two line(s) of dialogue or action. HOWEVER: We are absolutely willing to help teach you to get better if you are willing to honestly try. Most everyone is pretty good about this.

8. Use proper grammar and spelling, even if it takes you longer to post. You'd be surprised how this rule needs to be said.

9. Stay in character when RPing. Canon characters are up to a degree of interpretation, but don't go completely off base.

10. The usual rule when it comes to RP websites that aren't focused on this: Anything that could be called a Lemon or Lime (sexual activities), needs to be in PM. No idea if SF even does this, but just in case.

11. If someone's been gone for over a month without an excuse, their claimed characters will be up for grabs, and if they're gone for more than a few days without notice, any RP they're involved with will move on without them.

12. Keep all non-RP stuff in parentheses (like this), or better yet, go to the Chat. Such spam like that is annoying to people RP'ing on the same topic, and a mod will likely delete it later.

13. Do not have off-topic conversations in things like the Cannon Claim, OC Creation, ect. It will be deleted upon detection. This is more for our Discord server.

14. Combat in this RP, against another Player, works like this: Each attack must be properly described, and movements 'shown'. Your OC does not get an auto-hit, it must be an attempt. Like; "aiming an axe kick for his head," instead of "striking his head with an axe kick." Any status effects, like poison or special effects on a weapon, must be stated to make sure the other Players know about them. If you're foe is an NPC, then you can feel free to auto-hit all day long.

15. We have a minimum of one post per week so as not to have RPs suddenly stop and die off. If you've been gone too long, you will be kicked from the RP, but if you have not posted in the RP after a week, we will move on without you.

16. You must at least speak with someone in the chat before you can decide to leave. We're a very welcoming group, and always looking for new friends.... so don't just accept the rules and then poof- actually talk with someone first!!!

17. Do not just drop your character into an RP without saying anything. If you want to join a chapter or spin-off thread, best to ask the person running it where to join instead of just doing it unannounced.

18. We have a post schedule. One post at least every two weeks, to ensure that the RP doesn't slow to a crawl, but also that if life is busy and don't want to quit, you have enough time to figure out a post.

Credit to a man called Magnificent Demon of Yuletide, with edits by me to fit the various sites I've made Evrensel on/Discord and another fella called Falchion.


So that's Evrensel in a nutshell. Hopefully you find it interesting enough to join us, and If you have questions, just ask away.

Join the The Evrensel Discord Discord Server!
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An example character sheet might be helpful, or other, more specific guidance. After all, the size of your proposal is, ah, not to be sniffed at.

Also, what themes should players expect to explore in this RP? Man vs Monster and the inhumanity of scale seem to be the main ones unless I dearly miss my mark.
Nah, you're the on the mark with the latter point, inhuman scale of it all, and chaos born from good deeds, that type of ordeal.

I have the topic not yet fully complete, because I'm still exploring where certain things would go. For example, OC creation, and if people wanted to claim canon characters, I don't want those two within this thread, but separate, that way I can keep track of things much easier. And yeah, the size and ambition I have for this, been a unique experience in the last three years I've done it, and bringing it to his website as an experiment to see how popular it might be here, I definitely need to work out the kinks for this place
Interested, any other rules we should know about?
Storyteller's Circle, FanFiction (that version is a bad version,) and currently still on Iwaku, so for SF, I'm seeing about making another version, having there be two Evrensel's.

Will that be hell on me to keep track? Possibly, but I have too much free time at the moment, so let's see how stressed out I get from this. Lol
I have two issues right now:

One, I have an already set-up Evrensel Discord, but since that's for the Iwaku group, should we all share one big discord.

And two, where should I put the OC Creation and Canon Claim threads........... You know, I wonder if this was a good idea the more I think about it. Lol
This seems interesting. Although I do have to wonder if you aren't taking too much on your plate... :M

Story of my life. Lol.

I probably am, but honestly, Evrensel has quite a bit of interest from people here, more so than I first expected, and I wouldn't like removing it before giving it a try here. Especially since I'm too stubborn to quit.
I have two issues right now:

One, I have an already set-up Evrensel Discord, but since that's for the Iwaku group, should we all share one big discord.

And two, where should I put the OC Creation and Canon Claim threads........... You know, I wonder if this was a good idea the more I think about it. Lol
I do question the need for multiple threads for what is essentially OOC discussion. I don't know about the forums beyond FUN, but if it's for organisational issue you could use threadmarks, a rather nifty feature of this here site.

That would actually be very helpful! Think at this point, having a Discord would be good for OOC chatter, since I think it's easier than threads like these, and after that, I can start started on making the sheets
To make them yourself, as the OP you should see threadmark as a little blue link next to report by each message. The UI isn't so complex, although using nesting threadmarks instead of just using the catagories takes a bit of learning.

As for an example in practice, well, might as well be a bit self indulgent.

My Hero Academia: Shattered Pillar - OOC

Feel like asking this, because new RP, but are you actually interested in trying this out?

Or just being helpful is all?
Haven't decided, tbh. These sort of RPs aren't really my usual cup of tea, and the last few I did, well, were certainly something.
Haven't decided, tbh. These sort of RPs aren't really my usual cup of tea, and the last few I did, well, were certainly something.

My hope with doing an RP like is just making it good, because I know a lot of stories with crossovers don't exactly have good creators behind them, but for this, my focus is making sure we have a very unique plot, with fun character interactions, and having it be a plot that isn't some fanfiction stuff, rather it's an actual story, with some people's favorite series involved to make it a bit more fun and interesting to play with.
@AIM Leader Wade - Is this RP still going? It looks like the last IC post was over a month ago, so just wanted to check the RP health before jumping in.

What confused said, we moved sites because I wasn't quite that hot with SV after a brief time here, however, the RP is actually still going........ Just on another site.

It's got a very healthy dose of players actively posting, and we're still open to people joining up, however, if you don't feel like jumping sites, I get that, bit of a pain if you don't feel like making a new account on a site you likely haven't heard of before.

If you want to see how we're doing though, here

OPEN SIGNUPS The Evrensel Confict -- Chapter 1: The Only Easy Day was Yesterday