[X] [Goetrin] Disgrace. Graf von Saponatheim will be sending a representative to the town, and you expect they will be eager to be seen 'cleaning up' the town. Goetrin will likely be stripped of command and sent home in disgrace, tarnished with this failure in the eyes of his peers.
[X] [Goetrin] Retirement. You will speak privately with the captain, and offer him a chance to bow out with some honour. He will appoint a replacement of your choosing, someone of integrity, and then take an early retirement to pursue some harmless interest.
[x] [Goetrin] The Pyre. You will lay charges of conspiracy and blasphemous intent against the Captain, proclaiming that he willingly assisted a cult of the dark gods. He will likely be found guilty, regardless of his actual involvement, and sentenced to burn at the stake.
[x] [Edel] Incompetent. You will make the necessary reports through the cult hierarchy to make it clear to the Arch Lectors the scale of Edel's failure. Likely he will be quietly 'promoted' to some forgotten corner of a distant abbey and a more appropriate high priest appointed. Perhaps Sigiwalt would like the job.
[X] [Edel] Heretic. Whether knowingly or through ignorance, Edel lent significant aid and guidance to a cult of the dark gods, and Bögenhafen nearly paid the price. You will publicly condemn and prosecute the man, and damn all warnings of his friends and patrons.
[X] [Edel] Humbled. You will speak privately to Edel and make it clear how thoroughly you can ruin him, and how closely you will be observing reports from your local sources. He will seize this chance with desperate hands and lend his weight to all of your other actions, now and in the future.
[x] [Teugen] Repaid. You will have a quiet word with the councilman, and make him see the wisdom of burying the hatchet. His wealth, and his connections among the nobility of Reikland and beyond, will be of great help to you and your agents in the future.
[X] [Teugen] Replaced. You will speak with Graf von Saponatheim, or whoever he sends to represent him, and make it clear that the Cult views the current situation in Bögenhafen's leadership as responsible for this mess. The Graf will likely clean house, dissolving the council entirely and assuming a more direct rule over the town.
[X] [Teugen] Recalled. You will not resort to the courts for this, but make it publicly known to all Bögenhafen what Teugen did and what the consequences almost were. Merchant families depend on their good reputation more than coin; likely, he will lose his job on the Council and his entire house will face very hard times until they can redeem their good name.
[X] [Other] Return to the High Temple of Sigmar and spend some time praying for your god's guidance. You came face to face with a formidable servant of the Great Enemy and perhaps came out not unscathed. Clear you mind, find your focus, reflect. Fortify your soul to face the trails ahead. Maybe now, with you holy duty complete you will find a semblance of peace and answers.
[X] [Other] Return to the High Temple of Sigmar and spend some time praying for your god's guidance. You came face to face with a formidable servant of the Great Enemy and perhaps came out not unscathed. Clear you mind, find your focus, reflect. Fortify your soul to face the trails ahead. Maybe now, with you holy duty complete you will find a semblance of peace an