The Empty Crusade (Horus Heresy)

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The Gods of Chaos attempted to scatter the primarchs but the Emperor would not allow them. So upon the heart of Terra the four gods battled with the peak of mankind. However even with aid he was not powerful enough to best them in combat. That day gods died and an emperor was slain. One child remained in a broken lab and the rest were scattered.

How can one have a great crusade with an empty helm.
The Lord of Terra 1
The Sigillite touched the burnt remains of his eyes focusing his mind beyond the images of his friend fighting the manifestations if the immaterium. The sounds of scilence as the remaining Custodians worked to stabilize their injured kin and clean up the remains of the blank soldiers that had been desperately brought to fight the intrusion. His friend lay broken perpetual soul shattered by the forces of the immaterium.

Those things had not made off easily, two of their kin slain in so much as their kind could be said to die. The red and blue things, names he would not even think lest it give them a speck of power to return from their own scattering. The green and pink had retreated early on abandoning the fight and whisking away most of the Emperor's work. He could not close his eyes for they no longer existed he saw the battle begin again. And likely would for the rest of his life the psychic imprint of that battle having killed blanks with its shear power.

Valdor moved to his side the leader of the Custodians looking broken. Though it wasn't his damaged armor or missing arm so much as his face a look of dispare for the Emperor had died before the crusade could even finish earth. "Is he really gone?" The commanding voice had gone from demanding attention of all to sounding broken and hollow.

"The battle destroyed him, the Emperor is no more I am afraid." He could see how the heart of his labs are torn apart sure that the damage is worse then it was as the battle raged. He had not been idle in the battle but he didn't dare to draw to close, now the Sigillite couldn't help but wonder if the Emperor would have survived if Malcador had focused less on containing the battle and more of aiding his friend in the combat directly.

"We were too weak, all was lost." The ancient guardian of knowledge shook his head.

"We still have the thunder warriors, remains of his research onto the astartes, and one was left." The Sigillite gestured to the only remaining status pod the only not torn away into the maelstrom that had torn through the lab.

Moving over he ran his hand over the pod feeling the numerals of ancient Terran script imprinted onto the metal. "All is not lost."


Assuming that they will become somewhat alike to what they were in canon Guilliman is the best bet to steer things forward in a reasonable manner

Who better to reforge the emperors shattered plans than the master smith, and most importantly. To learn to e tips, tricks and how to dos of being a perpetual.

Edit: the 2 primarchs I feel can be the biggest wildcards for either side is Vulkan and Magnus, the first for his ability to understand and build tech on par with DaOT relics without any demon enhancement so with being raised in the place with a bunch of relics on hand to study, reproduce and fix, not to mention any emperor research. Magnus because he is the best chance to replace Emps psychic wise and if there is any notes from emps left he could be the best foil for future demon enhanced primarchs. Everyone else has their foil really except these 2 I feel Girlyman-Horus for example.

Edit2: the reason I go with Vulkan right now is in one word, Mechanicus, right now we have no compacts or treaties with them and every year we have to spend subjugating them by force means more tech lost, time spent not looking for primarchs, and if a treaty is had one not as in the empires favor. Vulkan represents the best shot at having another Omnisiah or maybe a son of omnisiah moment that would sway the Mechanicus without big E there to swing his mechanical dong around.
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Who better to reforge the emperors shattered plans than the master smith, and most importantly. To learn to e tips, tricks and how to dos of being a perpetual.

Edit: the 2 primarchs I feel can be the biggest wildcards for either side is Vulkan and Magnus, the first for his ability to understand and build tech on par with DaOT relics without any demon enhancement so with being raised in the place with a bunch of relics on hand to study, reproduce and fix, not to mention any emperor research. Magnus because he is the best chance to replace Emps psychic wise and if there is any notes from emps left he could be the best foil for future demon enhanced primarchs. Everyone else has their foil really except these 2 I feel Girlyman-Horus for example.
I think you are not considering what Big Es death will have on the nascent imperium, it will literally need a Unifications of Terra 2.0

Terra needs an competent administrator, an competent military man, and last of all it needs a unifying force, all of which Guillliman can accomplish and do, not someone who will most likely spend most of his time tinkering away when there are more important issues to deal with
Valdor:Birth of the Imperium said:
In the beginning, there had been no High Lords. The empire, in its earliest days, had only required generals, and few enough of those. The Emperor had always been present, and He was the central star around which all else revolved. For many, the Emperor and the Imperium were virtually synonymous, the one a reflection of the other. That was a simplification, but it captured one essential truth – that without Him, there were no substantial differences between this new power and all the other ones that had briefly risen to prominence before. In the language of the old logicians, the Emperor was a necessary component of the Imperium, though hardly sufficient.

Edit2: the reason I go with Vulkan right now is in one word, Mechanicus, right now we have no compacts or treaties with them and every year we have to spend subjugating them by force means more tech lost, time spent not looking for primarchs, and if a treaty is had one not as in the empires favor. Vulkan represents the best shot at having another Omnisiah or maybe a son of omnisiah moment that would sway the Mechanicus without big E there to swing his mechanical dong around.
It does not mean a mutually beneficial treaty can be made, and right now Terra needs to be held in check and made into something that will not devolve into a warlord infested hell scape, again
And the Mechanicus maybe tech obsessed but with the right incentives they will join up, the OG joining up due to the Emperor being the Omnissiah just smoothed things over and the real price was 6 Navi houses and them holding their Sovereignty

Edit: Guys, half the reason Guiliman is the way he is is due to being raised on a semi-peaceful world, and being able to learn logistics, administration and leadership. Guiliman, or any other primarch we choose, will not get the same opportunities they did in canon, so there's no guarantee they'll turn out the same.
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I always wondered what precog like Curze could do if he reached full potential without his usual hobbies and torments