Vote tally - The Embers Crackle (RWBY/CK2-AfterTheEnd)

Adhoc vote count started by King Tharassian on May 5, 2018 at 8:37 PM, finished with 65 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
King Tharassian
The Embers Crackle (RWBY/CK2-AfterTheEnd)
Post #27
Post #91


  • [X] Plan Brilliance in madness
    -[X] The Schnee tribe.
    -[X] The White Castle
    -[X] Dust Studies
    --[X] Faunus Refuge
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves of the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)
    [X] Plan The Fox Knows Many Things
    -[X] Vulpa Clay
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Fox-ears
    -[X] Weapon: A khopesh, a sword shaped like the moon that gives you sight in the darkest nights.
    --[X] It was passed down from one great warrior to the next, its wielders forging great ambitions and leaving greater legacies. It passed through the hands of four tribes and across the sea, each one becoming greater than the last before slowly fading, gracefully giving the blade to a worthy successor. Each one foretold that one day, the sword would bring one tribe to a greatness that would never end. That a worthy leader would bear it through toil and hardship, and emerge as radiant as the crescent it was shaped after. This sword is Elatha, the Moonscar, the Blade of the Crossroads. And you are its wielder.
    -[X] History: You used to be a slave to a human tribe, born from other slaves of the same tribe. Your life was spent toiling on whatever project your masters deemed necessary, and the switch was never far from their hands. During a bandit attack you managed to escape, somehow finding the Schnee tribe before the Grimm found you. (Gain traits: Branded or Clubfooted (Non-inheritable) (Select when chosen, if Clubfooted, gain a trait choice). One tribe considers you their property and wants you back in chains.) Trait Chosen: Branded
    -[X] Traits:
    --[X] Quick-witted
    --[X] Awakened Aura
    [X] Keepers of the Geppetto Vaults
    -[X] Gatherer
    [X] Keepers of the Atlas Vault: Your tribe are descendants of a research institute in the Ruins of Atlas, the buildings bearing the name Geppetto, which is where your tribe gains it's name. Within the Geppetto tribe, however, there exists a divided people. One side, the Keepers, are a caste of scholars who maintain the Vaults and seek knowledge of the Before Times. The second faction, the Warhawks, are a caste of warriors who claim descent from the military of Atlas and serve as the shield against the constant Grimm and Raider attacks. Both sides vie for power and control over the Seven Vaults: long sealed constructs under the research institute. No records remain of their contents, but they no doubt contain objects of great power within. (Tribe instead values Martial Might and Learning, with two factions to manage. Gain Weaponry 2, tribe is located directly in the Ruins of Atlas. Frequent, almost constant, Grimm, Raider and Reclaimer attacks.)
    -[X] You come from the Keepers, who are the ones who should concern themselves with the secrets of the universe, while the Warhawks continue their traditional role. (Bonus to Learning, Penalty to Martial.)