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The Dragon's Feast

The dragon's feast never ends. The dragons feast on the corpses of their...


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The Dragon's Feast

The dragon's feast never ends. The dragons feast on the corpses of their slain enemies, conquering and assimilating the globe at its wake. But now they are broken, thrust aside from their world by the sorcerer supreme of their dimension. However, they still bear a remnant of a remnant of their power, god like compared to the mortals of this earth. With their terrifying power, they have thrust it to one particular mortal every millennium.

And it has thrust it to you.

You bearing this tumultuous power, you have became sensational..

Who are you, to become a sensation..

Choose your path..

[X] 11 to 14 (Middle School)
[X] 14 to 17 (High School) Unless you drop out.
[X] 17 to 22 (College Education) If you decide to.
[X] 22 to 27( Straight out of college)

Choose your wealth Class:
[X] Upper Class
of how much [X] Write in
[X] Upper middle class
[X] Middle Class
[X] Lower Middle Class
[X] Poor

Choose Ethnicity:
[X] Caucasian
[X] African American
[X] Hispanic
[X] Eastern Asain
[X] Arabien
[X] South Asian
[X] Jewish
[X] Write in

Choose a religion:
[X] Christianity
[X] Judiasim
[X] Islam
[X] Buddhism
[X] Hinduism
[X] Atheism
[X] Agnosticism
[X] Write in

[X] Narrative (easy)
Things will be mostly resolved through your reasoning, without any dice rolls.
Combat is always narative.
You will be forced to take options.
You cannot fully control your character.
Magic and fighting is easy, your problems are outside these areas.
Gods are not very influential.
Magic is very grounded.
Not Sandbox.

[X] Choose your own adventure (Medium)
Your problems will be resolved through reasoning and dice rolls.
Magic is more potent, with more deities directly affecting the earth.
A mixture of fighting and narrative.
Magic is much more chaotic and dangerous, with more dangerous creatures.
A mixture of the narrative and combat.
Superheroes exist.
Mainly Sandbox.

[X] A True RPG(Hard)
Your problems will be resolved only through dice rolls.
Mainly combat, not much narrative.
Gods are really real.
Everyone acts like a game character, with some people you can only interact with once.
You can conquer the word.
Alignments Exist.
(Honestly most boring)

A dragon's feast will be a very urban fantasy type of setting, with fairies and elves all existing in a fairly modern earth. The dragons are basically have elder scrolls levels of intelligence, with none of their calmness.

The dragons however come from a different world, like most of the supernatural creatures. Quite generic to be honest.

Another thing that matters, you are effectively the reincarnation of the most notorious dragon in the world. Who literally swallowed complete worlds to be satiated, so because of this the second you show your magic in a public space the federal government and the superheroes and the government funded sorcerers, will be on your tail asap. The reason I let you choose your age, is to see how long you have unlocked your powers for.

So a child, will have less raw starting power but more time to conceal and hide it. While an adult fresh out of college, better run asap due to their being no chance to conceal it. Also I made a religious choice mainly for flavour, with a little bonuses to your stats with some parts.

Your social class determines how much starting resources you find yourself with, and may determine if you have a functional family or not. Also, your ethnicity and social class may play an important part with your traits and your starting state. So to say you choose a poor african american you may end up in the "hood" of Compton. Disclaimer I'm not trying to be racist.

To point something else, if you choose say true rpg you may roll high enough to be worshiped by a particular group of misfits. If you choose to start killing government officials, and posting it to social media.

To put it bluntly your social class and ethnicity and religion may determine some of your stats, and general morality

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I have no idea why nobody hasn't voted yet but, here we go:

[X] 22 to 27( Straight out of college)
[X] Agnosticism
[X] Upper middle class

[X] Choose your own adventure (Medium)

Don't care much about the ethnicity

The reason you have so few voters might be because you have given us very little idea how our choices, besides the adventure choices, will affect the quest, and very little context for the quest itself.
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I have no idea why nobody hasn't voted yet but, here we go:

The reason you have so few voters might be because you have given us very little idea how our choices, besides the adventure choices, will affect the quest, and very little context for the quest itself.
I thought it would be pretty self explanatory.
[X] 11 to 14 (Middle School)
[X] Upper Class
[X] Eastern Asain
[X] Buddhism
[X] Choose your own adventure (Medium)
[X] 17 to 22 (College Education) If you decide to.
[X] Upper Class
[X] Eastern Asian
[X] Christianity
[X] Choose your own adventure (Medium)

Willing to switch to Hispanic too, but would be interesting to play a Korean Catholic or a Filipino Catholic.
[X] 22 to 27 (Straight out of college)

[X] Middle Class

[X] Hispanic

[X] Christianity

[X] Choose your own adventure (Medium)