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The Dominion of Men
"Lady Undómiel, the hour is indeed hard, yet it was made even in that day when we met under the white birches in the garden of Elrond, where none now walk. And on the hill of Cerin Amroth when we forsook both the Shadow and the Twilight this doom we accepted. Take counsel with yourself, beloved, and ask whether you would indeed have me wait until I wither and fall from my high seat unmanned and witless. Nay, lady, I am the last of the Númenoreans and the latest King of the Elder Days; and to me has been given not only a span thrice that of Men of Middle-earth, but also the grace to go at my will, and give back the gift. Now, therefore, I will sleep."
King Elessar Telcontar
The Fourth Age of the World dawned with the crowning of Elessar Telcontar, King of Gondor and of Arnor. King Elessar ruled the Westlands of Middle-Earth in peace and wisdom for one hundred and twenty years of the sun. Elessar restored the rule of the Dunedain to the North and expanded the borders of Gondor; south to the Harnen, north to the eaves of Mirkwood, and east to Gorgoroth (though men did not dwell there). He was also accepted as the Overlord of Dale, whose kings swore fealty to Minas Anor, and of Dorwinion, whose princes gave tribute to Gondor.
Upon the death of Elessar, the crown passed to his able son, Eldarion. Eldarion ruled also for long years, until his death in 221 FA. With the death of Eldarion, son of Elessar and Undomiel, the gift of Numenor dwindled. The sons of Eldarion and the House of Telcontar soon lived and died in the length of mortal men and the last memories of the Elder Days passed beyond the sea or in the memory of the deep wood or mountain.
In these later days, the Dominion of Men strengthened, but the power of Gondor and Arnor was challenged. In 294 FA, a new power emerged to threaten the West, the Great Khan of Rhun. His great cavalry and spearmen marched west beyond the Sea of Rhun and assaulted the northmen of Rhovanion. Gondor was thrown back south and west to the Anduin. It was at the battle of Belegant, when the Great Khan was near to sacking the capital of Dorwinion, that the King of Dale defeated the Easterlings with a combined army of Dalesmen, Beornings, and Vinemen. Still the Great Khan was not expelled from the lands west of the Sea of Rhun until many more wars, when Gondor dealt the final victory in 334 FA, killing the Khan. Gondor was no longer able to claim dominion over Rhovanion though, and the Kings of Dale and Princes of Dorwinion no longer swore fealty to the White Tower.
While challenges remain, the Dunedain are the mightiest realms of men. But in these latter days, a growing threat emerged within the hearts of the Dunedain themselves. The Kings, beset by foes east and south, did not notice it until it was too late. A new shadow, a cult of Dunedanic dominion and worship of Melkor as the God of Men known as the Dark Tree, appeared and grew in strength. The Lord of Nurn fell under its power and most of that land's nobility. Many of the nobles and people of Gondor also fell under its shadow and became its adherents. In 349 FA, Calmacil of the House of Telcontar and cousin to the King publicly converted to the Dark Tree and took the name Adunakhor, "Lord of the West." The Lord of Nurn and the Shadow Cult declared him the King of Adunabar, the West-Kingdom. He quickly seized the fortresses of Gorgoroth and the lands north of Mordor and east of the Anduin.
In 355 FA, King Adunakhor and his sons led an army south through Ithilien and smashed the army of Gondor sent to oppose them. They seized Minas Ithil by storm through the use of a secret passage through the Ephel Duath. The Prince of Ithilien went forth to meet the Adunakhor on the field but was bested and fled through the ruins of Osgiliath over the Anduin. Now, Emyn Arnen is besieged and the fortress of Cair Andros threatened. In Arnor, the King's second son, Imrazor, commands a cultic army that has roused orcs in their service from the Misty Mountains and seized the lands of Rhudaur, as well as the House of Elrond in Rivendell.
Now the Dunedain spill their own blood and the Western lands of Middle-Earth are driven to war.
Welcome to the Dominion of Men, a grand strategy roleplaying game where players will take command of the realms of Men in the Westlands of the World as the years of the Fourth Age grow long. The memory of the Elder Days fades and the Heirs of Elessar are challenged. It will be your part to lead the lands of men through these troubled times. Old alliances may prove true, but in these days there is no single Shadow nor Free Peoples, but only the shifting allegiances of peoples and kings.
Players will submit orders each turn describing the things that they will do. The order has a maximum of 400 words and can include any number of actions, but the greater the number of tasks that a ruler and his court sets out to do, the less focus and attention he will be able to place on each of them.
Players should apply for their top three choices from the available factions below. Please order your applications by preference and do not include any that you do not want to play (if that number does not go up to three, just limit your application to one or two choices).
The West-Lands of Middle-Earth in Fourth Age 356
Special thanks to @triyon33 for making this wonderful map!
Special thanks to @triyon33 for making this wonderful map!
Playable Factions:
The Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor
The Kingdom of Adunabar
The Kingdom of Tharbad
The Kingdom of Dunland
The Kingdom of Rohan
The Kingdom of Vale and Wood
The Kingdom of Dale
The Principality of Dorwinion
The Kingdom of Rhovanion
The Khanate of Rhun
The Chiefdom of the Suhalar
The Khanate of Khand
The Principality of Harondor
The Empire of Harad
The Emirate of Athanacras
The Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor: The Heirs of Elessar rule the North and South Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor. Gondor, always the greater of the two, is the true capital of the realm. The lands of Anorien, Lebennin, and Belfalas with their capitals of Minas Anor, Pelargir, and Dol Amroth are home to the largest number of peoples descended from the Dunedain of old. The North-Kingdom is much weaker, consisting of small towns and fortresses centered around the rebuilt city of Annuminas and the bustling city of Bree. Trade with the Shire and Tharbad keeps the North-Kingdom alive.
The Reunited Kingdom remains the most powerful realm in the Westlands of Middle-Earth, but it is beset by the rising power of Adunabar. The realm of the Dark Tree has seized Nurn and Mordor from Gondor and assailed them in Ithilien. In Arnor also, Adunabar makes war on the Reunited Kingdom. The aging king, Elendur II, has sent his son and heir, Cemendur, to defend Annuminas while he commands the war in the south. While the lords of the Dunedain prosecute this civil war they must also not forget their ancient foes which are growing in might and power, the men of Rhun and Harad.
Ruler: King Elendur II
Capital: Minas Anor (Gondor), Annuminas (Arnor)
The Kingdom of Adunabar: The Kingdom of Adunabar is a Dunedanic realm governed by the Dark Tree, the Shadow Cult of the new era. The Kingdom's origins are in the land of Nurn, given to the enslaved folk of Mordor following the defeat of Sauron. Under the reign of Elessar these lands came to be ruled by Gondorian nobility, especially those soldiers and captains who had been captured and enslaved during the reign of Sauron. The influence of the Shadow remained in the lands, quietly building. However, resentment grew against the Reunited Kingdom during the late third century and fourth century as Gondor failed to defend the region from Easterling invaders. The Lord of Nurn, from his capital of Lond Nurnen, seized control from Gondor and converted to the Shadow Cult.
Since the conversion and crowning of Adunakhor, cousin of King Elendur II, as King of the West-Kingdom, Adunabar has seized the initiative against the Reunited Kingdom both in the South and the North. All of Mordor now is under their power, including many lands to the north of the mountains and east of the Great River. Recently the King has stormed into Ithilien, dealt many defeats to Gondor, and seized the city of Minas Ithil. Now the King besieges the great city of Emyn Arnen and his lieutenants assail Cair Andros. In the North, the King's son, Imrazor, has taken Rivendell and Rhudaur and set his eyes upon a conquest of the North-Kingdom, to rule in his father's name.
Despite the growing power of Adunabar, they are surrounded by mighty enemies. The Reunited Kingdom is not spent and the Heirs of Elessar are building their power. To the east there is little to stop the Easterlings to invade the heartlands of Nurn once again, while in the South the Emperor of Harad seeks to contend with the Dunedain for the leadership of Men.
Ruler: King Adunakhor
Capital: Lond Nurnen
The Kingdom of Tharbad: King Elessar knew that the North-Kingdom would never be secure unless the bridge and city of Tharbad were rebuilt and placed under his rule. To repopulate the key lands about the Greyflood, Elessar promoted migration to the area by Gondorians and Rohirrim, as well as many Dunlendings. They joined the local populations of Cardolan and Minhiriath to form a composite land. This land was distant both from Gondor and Arnor and slowly took on more of its own identity.
With the beginning of a full-scale war between the two factions of the House of Telcontar, the merchant families and nobility of Tharbad have declared independence and crowned Camlost of the House of Achardir, a descendant of Gondorian nobility, as King of Tharbad. King Camlost has declared neutrality between the Reunited Kingdom and Adunabar for now and seeks mainly to secure the trade routes that Tharbad relies upon.
Ruler: King Camlost
Capital: Tharbad
The Kingdom of Dunland: The Dunlendings are a people who have long suffered. In days of ancient memory the straw-haired folk of Eorl the Young drove them from the lands of Calenardhon, now called Rohan. The Dunlendings were robbed of that fertile land and driven to the hills of eastern Enedwaith, now called Dunland. These people are the true indigenous inhabitants of the lands of Gondor, Rohan, and Western Lands. They suffered during the War of the Ring as well, for their service to Saruman and the White Hand earned them the enmity and suppression of Elessar and Rohan.
In the last century the Clan of the Wolf has secured dominion over the other clans and secured the kingship. The folk of Dunland now look abroad from their borders, having seized from Rohan the fortress of Dol Baran and the Treegarth of Orthanc. Now the Dunlendings threaten to cross the Isen. Has the time come for the people of the Land to return to the land of their fathers and drive the northman back over the Limlight? Dunland may have allies or enemies in the new powers of Tharbad and Adunabar.
Ruler: King Watol
Capital: Dunhold
The Kingdom of Rohan: The House of Eorl rules still in the Riddermark and the line of Eomer Eadig keeps the faith. The Rohirrim have long dwelt in peace through their alliance with the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor. Now, the borders of Rohan are threatened. The Reunited Kingdom faces an existential threat in the form of Adunabar, a rising power guided by the Shadow Cult. Already Adunabar borders Rohan, both sides watching tensely over the Anduin. Meanwhile in the west, the Dunlendings are increasing in strength and power. Already they have seized the Fortress of Dol Baran, built by King Eomer to guard the Gap of Rohan and the Treegarth of Orthanc. What will be the fate of the Rohirrim now, in this new age?
Ruler: King Folcwine
Capital: Edoras
The Kingdom of Vale and Wood: In the Elder Days when Bilbo Baggins walked the Earth there was a man named Beorn. A mighty shapeshifter, he and his sons led the Valesmen and the Woodmen in the War of the Ring. Since those days the House of Beorn have ruled as Kings of Vale and Wood. They are a mighty people, though not given to craft. The Beornings have long preferred to dwell in small communities along the Great River or in Greenwood the Great. Still, the Elves who once dwelt in that forest and protected it dwindle and fade more and more as the memory of the Elder Days fade and the Dominion of Men begins. In these later days it is possible that competition and power will make enemies of once dear friends.
Ruler: King Galm
Capital: Aldburg
The Kingdom of Dale: The greatest power of the North, the city of Dale lies within the arms of the Lonely Mountain, where still dwell the Dwarves of Erebor. The Men of Dale and Esgaroth are ruled by Kings of the line of Bard the Bowman, who slew Smaug in the days of old. The Bardings have learned many things from their long friendship with the Dwarves and are the greatest smiths of men outside the lands of the Dunedain.
Today the Bardings rule a large land, from Framsburg in the west to the confluence of the Celduin and Carnen in the east. The men of Dale are valiant warriors, excellent archers, and clad in bright mail. Perhaps they shall now be masters of the Northern world.
Ruler: King Arnbrand
Capital: Dale
The Principality of Dorwinion: The lands of Dorwinion, bounded to the north by the Celduin and the east by the Sea of Rhun, have long been inhabited by a people of northmen. The lands of Dorwinion are renowned in the West-Lands of the world for their wine, which is of the highest quality that is found in the north. The Prince of Dorwinion, who rules the wealthy city of Belegant is a powerful lord, but the Principality is surrounded by greater powers and new dangers.
For many years the independence of Dorwinion was guarded by the Reunited Kingdom, but their power in Rhovanion has waned. Dale rises as a mighty kingdom to the north and the young Kingdom of Rhovanion expands in the west, while the Easterlings of the Great Khan and Chief of the Suhalar threaten Dorwinion's easter lands. It is the task of the Prince to secure his realm and Dorwinion's prosperity in this new era.
Ruler: Prince Vinithara
Capital: Belegant
The Kingdom of Rhovanion: One of the newest independent realms of the West-Lands of Middle-Earth, the Kingdom of Rhovanion formed in the aftermath of the 4th century Easterling invasions of Rhovanion. Gondor's ability to protect the Northmen of the region had been shattered and there was little love among the people of the area for Dale and Dorwinion, who had looked after their own borders in those days. Therefore, Asvald of Rhovanost gathered the nobles of the plains of Rhovanion and held a moot. They elected him King and placed the horse hair crown upon his head.
Rhovanion is a new and growing realm, but still weak compared to the mighty powers which surround it on every side. Even worse, the region boasts no natural barriers to the passage of armies, save perhaps Greenwood the Great. The King of Rhovanion must be shrewd and careful, lest his new realm be subjugated before it has taken root.
Ruler: King Asvald
Capital: Rhovanost
The Khanate of Rhun: The East is the first home of Men and Men dwell there still. The greatest power of the East is the Great Khan who dwells in Tham. The House of the Dragon rules over a great empire of clans. The nomadic and settled peoples of the lands have bowed to the Great Khan and gave obeisance to him.
Already in this century the cavalry of the Dragon banner have swarmed into Rhovanion and Nurn, seizing treasure, tribute, and slaves. Though Gondor and Dale have driven the Khan's armies back, they still gather strength. Now with the Dunedain of the South-Kingdom riven in civil war, the time of Khan Ishbulat's dominion may yet be at hand. Now the West shall bow before the mighty East.
Ruler: Khan Ishbulat
Capital: Tham
The Chiefdom of the Suhalar: When the Dragon of Tham subdued the clans of Rhun, only the mighty Suhalar resisted. They left their ancestral home and seized the lands north and east of the Sea of Rhun from the weak men and Dwarven stragglers who dwelt there. The Suhalar are famed for their great two-handed axes and hardy life.
The Suhalar are raiders and a great threat to the men of Dale, Dorwinion, and Rhun, but they must tread carefully for each of these powers alone might crush the last of the Free East.
Ruler: Chief Ulwarth
Capital: Gargaul
The Khanate of Khand: The men of Khand dwell in a precarious land of steppe between mightier powers. In the Elder Days they were servants of Sauron and dwelt ever in the shadow of his Power in Mordor. Since those days they have been squeezed between the Great Khan of Tham and the Emperor of Umbar, dominated in turn by either great power of the East and South.
The men of Khand are excellent horsemen, known for their archery and sharp axes. The Khan rules from the city of Acharn, the only true town of Khand, for the rest of their people are nomads upon the steppes. Khan Batbayar must now deal with many threats but also many opportunities.
Ruler: Khan Batbayar
Capital: Acharn
The Principality of Harondor: The lands of Harondor are the fertile plains that lie between the Poros and Harnen rivers. In the days of old, when the Ship-Kings ruled Gondor in its ancient splendor, it was named South-Gondor, and this name survives. Truly, it is a land between, influenced greatly by both Gondor and Harad. The people of the land too are a mixed folk, though mainly of Haradrian race and culture, there is much influence both in blood and culture from the Dunedain and the folk of Gondor.
Before the crowning of Elessar the folk of Harondor were under the power of Sauron and Harad, but were then ruled for long years by the Reunited Kingdom. Elessar, not wishing to impose unjust laws upon a foreign people appointed a Prince of Harondor from the local population, from a family of mixed Gondorian and indigenous extraction.
For centuries the Prince of Harondor dutifully aided Gondor and helped to defend it against Harad, whose Emperor often raided the lands of Harondor, causing a lasting hatred and enmity of the Black Serpent. However, with the Easterling invasions of the 4th century the Prince became more and more independent of the policy of Minas Anor. With the rise of Adunabar and the threat to Ithilien, Prince Harathir has torn down the few remaining Trees and Stars and forsworn any allegiance to the White City. The Golden Sun of the House of Malthanor, the Princely House, shall not bow to Tree, White or Dark, nor Serpent again.
Ruler: Prince Harathir
Capital: Harn Gond
The Empire of Harad: Though the Black Serpent fell upon the Pelennor Fields by the sword of Theoden, King of Rohan, his heirs survived. Though they were subdued by the might of the Reunited Kingdom they rebuilt the power of Harad during the reign of Elessar. Then, in 195 FA, they had united enough of the tribes of the Haradrim to march upon Umbar. The Black Serpent threw open the gates of the Haven and the greatest city of the South was now in his hands.
Thus was the Empire of Harad founded and the Black Serpent once more rose in defiance of the Tree and Stars. Since those days the Emperor has contended with his foes north, south, and east. Far Harad was brought to heel and Khand made tributary to Umbar, while the Haradrim raided freely in the lands of Harondor, only loosely held by Gondor.
But then came the reign of Minastir who slew the Emperor in Harondor and Harad became weakened. The Khan of Khand threw off the Haradrim yoke and the great trading city of Athanacras has raised the banner of rebellion, gathering much of the nomads of Far Harad to the Emir's power. Emperor Mutamid the Black Serpent commands a mighty realm and rules a great city, but he must prove to be shrewder and more skilled than all of his fathers should he wish to at last throw down the ancient enemies of the Southrons.
Ruler: Emperor Mutamid
Capital: Umbar
The Emirate of Athanacras: In Far Harad there is a great city in an oasis, a shining spike of ivory amid the sands. From this tower rules the Emir of Athanacras, the jewel of the desert. The people of Far Harad are a nomadic folk, who bear the trade from the northern Haradwaith beyond to the south where dwell kingdoms of men whom the Lords of the West know naught of. The clans of Far Harad do not suffer the rule of foreigners lightly, nor do they even wish to be ruled by their countrymen. They are a warlike race, concerned with commerce and treasure.
Long have they been dominated by the Black Serpent but no more. Now in the desert a new prophet has risen who has travelled the world and seen the traditions of the lands. He claims to have seen the libraries of Minas Anor, to have studied the stars of farthest South where the Belegaer turns east and rounds the cape of lands, and to have traversed the Red Mountains where even the Dragon of Tham holds no power. And he says that God, whom the Dunedain call Eru, has spoken to him in dreams and signs. He declares that there is but one God and that the laws of God have been defiled by the powers of Shadow and Elvenesse in Elder Days.
Now Emir Jalut of Athanacras has sheltered this prophet and defends his flock. And the Emir has said that God does not wish the folk of Umbar to rule over the faithful, nor to tax their trade, nor to command their coming or going. And so he has gathered the tribes and clans and rides upon swift horses to harry the Imperial tax collectors and garrisons. The black flag of revolt has been raised in the South and the Emperor in Umbar quakes in rage.
Ruler: Emir Jalut
Capital: Athanacras
The Reunited Kingdom remains the most powerful realm in the Westlands of Middle-Earth, but it is beset by the rising power of Adunabar. The realm of the Dark Tree has seized Nurn and Mordor from Gondor and assailed them in Ithilien. In Arnor also, Adunabar makes war on the Reunited Kingdom. The aging king, Elendur II, has sent his son and heir, Cemendur, to defend Annuminas while he commands the war in the south. While the lords of the Dunedain prosecute this civil war they must also not forget their ancient foes which are growing in might and power, the men of Rhun and Harad.
Ruler: King Elendur II
Capital: Minas Anor (Gondor), Annuminas (Arnor)
The Kingdom of Adunabar: The Kingdom of Adunabar is a Dunedanic realm governed by the Dark Tree, the Shadow Cult of the new era. The Kingdom's origins are in the land of Nurn, given to the enslaved folk of Mordor following the defeat of Sauron. Under the reign of Elessar these lands came to be ruled by Gondorian nobility, especially those soldiers and captains who had been captured and enslaved during the reign of Sauron. The influence of the Shadow remained in the lands, quietly building. However, resentment grew against the Reunited Kingdom during the late third century and fourth century as Gondor failed to defend the region from Easterling invaders. The Lord of Nurn, from his capital of Lond Nurnen, seized control from Gondor and converted to the Shadow Cult.
Since the conversion and crowning of Adunakhor, cousin of King Elendur II, as King of the West-Kingdom, Adunabar has seized the initiative against the Reunited Kingdom both in the South and the North. All of Mordor now is under their power, including many lands to the north of the mountains and east of the Great River. Recently the King has stormed into Ithilien, dealt many defeats to Gondor, and seized the city of Minas Ithil. Now the King besieges the great city of Emyn Arnen and his lieutenants assail Cair Andros. In the North, the King's son, Imrazor, has taken Rivendell and Rhudaur and set his eyes upon a conquest of the North-Kingdom, to rule in his father's name.
Despite the growing power of Adunabar, they are surrounded by mighty enemies. The Reunited Kingdom is not spent and the Heirs of Elessar are building their power. To the east there is little to stop the Easterlings to invade the heartlands of Nurn once again, while in the South the Emperor of Harad seeks to contend with the Dunedain for the leadership of Men.
Ruler: King Adunakhor
Capital: Lond Nurnen
The Kingdom of Tharbad: King Elessar knew that the North-Kingdom would never be secure unless the bridge and city of Tharbad were rebuilt and placed under his rule. To repopulate the key lands about the Greyflood, Elessar promoted migration to the area by Gondorians and Rohirrim, as well as many Dunlendings. They joined the local populations of Cardolan and Minhiriath to form a composite land. This land was distant both from Gondor and Arnor and slowly took on more of its own identity.
With the beginning of a full-scale war between the two factions of the House of Telcontar, the merchant families and nobility of Tharbad have declared independence and crowned Camlost of the House of Achardir, a descendant of Gondorian nobility, as King of Tharbad. King Camlost has declared neutrality between the Reunited Kingdom and Adunabar for now and seeks mainly to secure the trade routes that Tharbad relies upon.
Ruler: King Camlost
Capital: Tharbad
The Kingdom of Dunland: The Dunlendings are a people who have long suffered. In days of ancient memory the straw-haired folk of Eorl the Young drove them from the lands of Calenardhon, now called Rohan. The Dunlendings were robbed of that fertile land and driven to the hills of eastern Enedwaith, now called Dunland. These people are the true indigenous inhabitants of the lands of Gondor, Rohan, and Western Lands. They suffered during the War of the Ring as well, for their service to Saruman and the White Hand earned them the enmity and suppression of Elessar and Rohan.
In the last century the Clan of the Wolf has secured dominion over the other clans and secured the kingship. The folk of Dunland now look abroad from their borders, having seized from Rohan the fortress of Dol Baran and the Treegarth of Orthanc. Now the Dunlendings threaten to cross the Isen. Has the time come for the people of the Land to return to the land of their fathers and drive the northman back over the Limlight? Dunland may have allies or enemies in the new powers of Tharbad and Adunabar.
Ruler: King Watol
Capital: Dunhold
The Kingdom of Rohan: The House of Eorl rules still in the Riddermark and the line of Eomer Eadig keeps the faith. The Rohirrim have long dwelt in peace through their alliance with the Reunited Kingdom of Gondor and Arnor. Now, the borders of Rohan are threatened. The Reunited Kingdom faces an existential threat in the form of Adunabar, a rising power guided by the Shadow Cult. Already Adunabar borders Rohan, both sides watching tensely over the Anduin. Meanwhile in the west, the Dunlendings are increasing in strength and power. Already they have seized the Fortress of Dol Baran, built by King Eomer to guard the Gap of Rohan and the Treegarth of Orthanc. What will be the fate of the Rohirrim now, in this new age?
Ruler: King Folcwine
Capital: Edoras
The Kingdom of Vale and Wood: In the Elder Days when Bilbo Baggins walked the Earth there was a man named Beorn. A mighty shapeshifter, he and his sons led the Valesmen and the Woodmen in the War of the Ring. Since those days the House of Beorn have ruled as Kings of Vale and Wood. They are a mighty people, though not given to craft. The Beornings have long preferred to dwell in small communities along the Great River or in Greenwood the Great. Still, the Elves who once dwelt in that forest and protected it dwindle and fade more and more as the memory of the Elder Days fade and the Dominion of Men begins. In these later days it is possible that competition and power will make enemies of once dear friends.
Ruler: King Galm
Capital: Aldburg
The Kingdom of Dale: The greatest power of the North, the city of Dale lies within the arms of the Lonely Mountain, where still dwell the Dwarves of Erebor. The Men of Dale and Esgaroth are ruled by Kings of the line of Bard the Bowman, who slew Smaug in the days of old. The Bardings have learned many things from their long friendship with the Dwarves and are the greatest smiths of men outside the lands of the Dunedain.
Today the Bardings rule a large land, from Framsburg in the west to the confluence of the Celduin and Carnen in the east. The men of Dale are valiant warriors, excellent archers, and clad in bright mail. Perhaps they shall now be masters of the Northern world.
Ruler: King Arnbrand
Capital: Dale
The Principality of Dorwinion: The lands of Dorwinion, bounded to the north by the Celduin and the east by the Sea of Rhun, have long been inhabited by a people of northmen. The lands of Dorwinion are renowned in the West-Lands of the world for their wine, which is of the highest quality that is found in the north. The Prince of Dorwinion, who rules the wealthy city of Belegant is a powerful lord, but the Principality is surrounded by greater powers and new dangers.
For many years the independence of Dorwinion was guarded by the Reunited Kingdom, but their power in Rhovanion has waned. Dale rises as a mighty kingdom to the north and the young Kingdom of Rhovanion expands in the west, while the Easterlings of the Great Khan and Chief of the Suhalar threaten Dorwinion's easter lands. It is the task of the Prince to secure his realm and Dorwinion's prosperity in this new era.
Ruler: Prince Vinithara
Capital: Belegant
The Kingdom of Rhovanion: One of the newest independent realms of the West-Lands of Middle-Earth, the Kingdom of Rhovanion formed in the aftermath of the 4th century Easterling invasions of Rhovanion. Gondor's ability to protect the Northmen of the region had been shattered and there was little love among the people of the area for Dale and Dorwinion, who had looked after their own borders in those days. Therefore, Asvald of Rhovanost gathered the nobles of the plains of Rhovanion and held a moot. They elected him King and placed the horse hair crown upon his head.
Rhovanion is a new and growing realm, but still weak compared to the mighty powers which surround it on every side. Even worse, the region boasts no natural barriers to the passage of armies, save perhaps Greenwood the Great. The King of Rhovanion must be shrewd and careful, lest his new realm be subjugated before it has taken root.
Ruler: King Asvald
Capital: Rhovanost
The Khanate of Rhun: The East is the first home of Men and Men dwell there still. The greatest power of the East is the Great Khan who dwells in Tham. The House of the Dragon rules over a great empire of clans. The nomadic and settled peoples of the lands have bowed to the Great Khan and gave obeisance to him.
Already in this century the cavalry of the Dragon banner have swarmed into Rhovanion and Nurn, seizing treasure, tribute, and slaves. Though Gondor and Dale have driven the Khan's armies back, they still gather strength. Now with the Dunedain of the South-Kingdom riven in civil war, the time of Khan Ishbulat's dominion may yet be at hand. Now the West shall bow before the mighty East.
Ruler: Khan Ishbulat
Capital: Tham
The Chiefdom of the Suhalar: When the Dragon of Tham subdued the clans of Rhun, only the mighty Suhalar resisted. They left their ancestral home and seized the lands north and east of the Sea of Rhun from the weak men and Dwarven stragglers who dwelt there. The Suhalar are famed for their great two-handed axes and hardy life.
The Suhalar are raiders and a great threat to the men of Dale, Dorwinion, and Rhun, but they must tread carefully for each of these powers alone might crush the last of the Free East.
Ruler: Chief Ulwarth
Capital: Gargaul
The Khanate of Khand: The men of Khand dwell in a precarious land of steppe between mightier powers. In the Elder Days they were servants of Sauron and dwelt ever in the shadow of his Power in Mordor. Since those days they have been squeezed between the Great Khan of Tham and the Emperor of Umbar, dominated in turn by either great power of the East and South.
The men of Khand are excellent horsemen, known for their archery and sharp axes. The Khan rules from the city of Acharn, the only true town of Khand, for the rest of their people are nomads upon the steppes. Khan Batbayar must now deal with many threats but also many opportunities.
Ruler: Khan Batbayar
Capital: Acharn
The Principality of Harondor: The lands of Harondor are the fertile plains that lie between the Poros and Harnen rivers. In the days of old, when the Ship-Kings ruled Gondor in its ancient splendor, it was named South-Gondor, and this name survives. Truly, it is a land between, influenced greatly by both Gondor and Harad. The people of the land too are a mixed folk, though mainly of Haradrian race and culture, there is much influence both in blood and culture from the Dunedain and the folk of Gondor.
Before the crowning of Elessar the folk of Harondor were under the power of Sauron and Harad, but were then ruled for long years by the Reunited Kingdom. Elessar, not wishing to impose unjust laws upon a foreign people appointed a Prince of Harondor from the local population, from a family of mixed Gondorian and indigenous extraction.
For centuries the Prince of Harondor dutifully aided Gondor and helped to defend it against Harad, whose Emperor often raided the lands of Harondor, causing a lasting hatred and enmity of the Black Serpent. However, with the Easterling invasions of the 4th century the Prince became more and more independent of the policy of Minas Anor. With the rise of Adunabar and the threat to Ithilien, Prince Harathir has torn down the few remaining Trees and Stars and forsworn any allegiance to the White City. The Golden Sun of the House of Malthanor, the Princely House, shall not bow to Tree, White or Dark, nor Serpent again.
Ruler: Prince Harathir
Capital: Harn Gond
The Empire of Harad: Though the Black Serpent fell upon the Pelennor Fields by the sword of Theoden, King of Rohan, his heirs survived. Though they were subdued by the might of the Reunited Kingdom they rebuilt the power of Harad during the reign of Elessar. Then, in 195 FA, they had united enough of the tribes of the Haradrim to march upon Umbar. The Black Serpent threw open the gates of the Haven and the greatest city of the South was now in his hands.
Thus was the Empire of Harad founded and the Black Serpent once more rose in defiance of the Tree and Stars. Since those days the Emperor has contended with his foes north, south, and east. Far Harad was brought to heel and Khand made tributary to Umbar, while the Haradrim raided freely in the lands of Harondor, only loosely held by Gondor.
But then came the reign of Minastir who slew the Emperor in Harondor and Harad became weakened. The Khan of Khand threw off the Haradrim yoke and the great trading city of Athanacras has raised the banner of rebellion, gathering much of the nomads of Far Harad to the Emir's power. Emperor Mutamid the Black Serpent commands a mighty realm and rules a great city, but he must prove to be shrewder and more skilled than all of his fathers should he wish to at last throw down the ancient enemies of the Southrons.
Ruler: Emperor Mutamid
Capital: Umbar
The Emirate of Athanacras: In Far Harad there is a great city in an oasis, a shining spike of ivory amid the sands. From this tower rules the Emir of Athanacras, the jewel of the desert. The people of Far Harad are a nomadic folk, who bear the trade from the northern Haradwaith beyond to the south where dwell kingdoms of men whom the Lords of the West know naught of. The clans of Far Harad do not suffer the rule of foreigners lightly, nor do they even wish to be ruled by their countrymen. They are a warlike race, concerned with commerce and treasure.
Long have they been dominated by the Black Serpent but no more. Now in the desert a new prophet has risen who has travelled the world and seen the traditions of the lands. He claims to have seen the libraries of Minas Anor, to have studied the stars of farthest South where the Belegaer turns east and rounds the cape of lands, and to have traversed the Red Mountains where even the Dragon of Tham holds no power. And he says that God, whom the Dunedain call Eru, has spoken to him in dreams and signs. He declares that there is but one God and that the laws of God have been defiled by the powers of Shadow and Elvenesse in Elder Days.
Now Emir Jalut of Athanacras has sheltered this prophet and defends his flock. And the Emir has said that God does not wish the folk of Umbar to rule over the faithful, nor to tax their trade, nor to command their coming or going. And so he has gathered the tribes and clans and rides upon swift horses to harry the Imperial tax collectors and garrisons. The black flag of revolt has been raised in the South and the Emperor in Umbar quakes in rage.
Ruler: Emir Jalut
Capital: Athanacras
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