The Crownless again shall be king

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Build a new kingdom in the Third Age of Middle-Earth
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The Crownless Again Shall Be King
The time is the year 2957 of the Third Age. Sixteen years ago the world thrice rejoiced. Smaug the Golden, last of the great dragons was felled by Bard of the people of Dale and the Dwarves reoccupied their ancient seat of Erebor. Armies of Orcs and Wolves were destroyed by the alliance of Dwarves, Men and Elves and it was good even if Thorin Oakenshield of the line of Durin died and now rest with the Arkenstone upon his brow. Perhaps more importantly Sauron the Deceiver was ousted of his fastness at Dol Guldur by the White Council and for a time peace came to the eaves of Mirkwood. Yet what are these victories but scratches in a long defeat. The land is fallen and deserted. Dale and Erebor are reborn from the ashes but now who remembers the ancient land of Lindon where Gil-Galad ruled? Now who remembers the land of Arnor where tall kings ruled in cities of stone before the Witch-King came out of Angmar to burn them? Who remembers indeed the wonders of Khazad-Dum whose halls are now swarming with Orcs and monstrous things come from the roots of the mountains?

Yet who dare say the world is condemned to slow decay? Kingdoms die but they can also be reborn for the lines who held them are still strong. The White Council has split in disagreement but its members are interested in the downfall of Sauron and messages are sent even as the walls of Dol Guldur are raised anew and war brews on the horizon. Messengers are sent indeed even to those the Gondorians call the Men of Darkness for long have these people groaned under the yoke of the Shadow and they could very well become potent allies in the fight against the Abhorred.

Who shall you be?

[] Arnor: Former Kingdom of Elendil, these lands have long lingered under the Shadow. The heirs of Numenor have become Ranger and fight the Wild who encroaches against civilization yet there are many who remember their oaths. You are Aragorn of the Dunedain and five years ago your foster father Elrond has imposed to you a terrible bride-price for the hand of his daughter Arwen Undomiel. You are to gather your dispersed people and rebuild the ancient houses of the king. Then shall Sauron tremble for he has not forgotten the sword of Elendil. The rebirth of Arnor should also be an occasion to claim the throne of Gondor as you are the only heir to their own royal lineage as well.

Pro: Heirs of Ancient Numenor: The Dunedain descend from the Elf-friends of old and most of your nobility has been fostered in Rivendell by your kinsman Elrond. Few foes of Mordor are as mighty as you for you are of the line of Beren who took the Great Jewel from the crown of Morgoth and of the line of Isildur who took the Ring from the hand of Sauron: Bonus to Intrigue and Learning: Dunedain Characters have better stats on average than other Men.

Cons: Deserted Lands: The war who saw the destruction of the Northern Kingdom involved more than mere mortal armies. Plague and wight and monstrous beasts haunt the fallen lands of Arnor. The Wild has taken the corpses of cities and prospered on the ruins. The Dunedain maintain havens and protect villages but they are far from mastering their land: You are surrounded by foes. The land will react to the rebuilding of Arnor.

[] Lindon: During the Second Age the kingdom of the High Elves spread from the gulf of Lhun to the Misty Mountains. It fell with the death of Gil-Galad on the slopes of Mount Doom. Still you are heir to their lineage for you are Elrond Half-Elven son of Idril Celebrimbal daughter of Turgon son of Finarfin and from your mother Elwing you descend from Thingol of Doriath. You have sent the pride of your old age in quest to be worthy of your daughter but you will not remain inactive. It is time for the Firstborn to establish a last kingdom in Endor, to see the might of Sauron broken and leave the world when the ills of the Lord of the Rings shall be banished forever.

Pro: Valor of the Firstborn: The might of the Elves is not constrained by their body. The power of your spirit shine for your people are of the Calaquendi who have seen the light of the Two Trees ere sun and moon shone in heaven. Few can stand against them when their wrath is aroused for they have power over both Seen and Unseen: Characters are more powerful than other races. Units are strongest in combat. Unique Options

Con: Fading Light: The Elves are not long for Middle-Earth. The Younger Days are gone and with them the Firstborn take the road westwards to Aman and the Undying Lands. Few still remain in the land of their birth and there will be less each year. Moreover as mightiest foes of the Shadow, the Dark Lord hates you with a passion and will surely concentrate his forces to strike at you: Very small population. More attention from Sauron.

[] Khazad-Dum: In Moria in Khazad-dum begins the song and you are ready to take it to a new verse. For you are Balin son of Fundin of the line of Durin and your heart is sad even in the great halls of Erebor. Your birthright, the greatest hold of your people lie in enemy's hands. The Orcs dwell in the tombs of your fathers and they dig in search of mithril. You will not suffer this. With the support of Dain Ironfoot you arm an expedition to go and reclaim Khazad-Dum.

Pro: Company of Heroes: This is not your first adventure and with you come some who have been part of the Company of Thorin. Mighty heroes and powerful craftsmen they shall help you in your quest. You are also accompanied by some of Erebor's best troops, veterans of the Battle of the Five Armies and the promises that colonists shall be sent once you establish a beachhead. Even the Beornings and the Elves of Mirkwood are ready to offer contributions: Begin with a team of characters and allied troops.

Cons: Dark Pit: Not only Khazad-Dum is still in Orcish hands, even if they are less numerous now that many have died following Bolg in his assault of Erebor, but you don't control it yet. You must first travel some not small distance to the East-Gate and retake it room by room. There are also these tales about the death of Durin VI and his son Nain: Kingdom in enemy's hand. Varied and powerful foes.

[] Harad: They call you Suladan the Serpent Lord and you have accessed the throne of your fathers in the dune of Harad. You have no love for the people of the West who long came to your coasts to take people for the altars of Melkor but you have no love either for the power of the Black Land whose servants enslave you just as readily. More than anything else you loathe the lords of Umbar who are your lieges. You would see the city pay for all it has done for your people and now is the time. After all alliances change like wind in the red desert.

Pros: Ancient Wisdom: Your lands are harsh but beautiful and the tribes have long preserved lore from the rising of the sun. You reserve surprises even the cult of Sauron ignore and you confer with beautiful and dangerous spirits. Your armies include the mighty mumakils and you are in contact with the southern continent and its riches and warriors. Secure location and unique options

Cons: Men of Darkness: The west dislike you and often they have warred against you for they hold sacred the memories of your enslavers and their empire. You have long warred against Gondor, notably the princedom of Dol Amroth and many will scoff at an alliance with the Haradrim. More importantly you are for the moment vassals of Umbar and the Lord of the Rings will not let you escape easily. Few alliances, more powerful neighbor is your liege and in thrall to Mordor.

[] Dunland and Enedwaith: Long ago you were of the people of Haleth, second House of the Edain but you have forgotten it like everybody else. You are Froca son of Folca and you are chieftain in the hills of Dunland. Your kin lives also to the west in the lands of Enedwaith whose forests were felled by the Numenoreans to build their great fleets. Your lands were taken by Gondor to be given to the Rohirrim when they rode to the fields of Celebrant. Yet this did not keep the relationships between your people to be sometimes fruitful and peaceful. The Istar Saruman the White has approached you with a dream of a great kingdom, it is tempting.

Pro: The White Hand: You are the proteges of Saruman of the Istari and he has intrigued on your behalf. Your lands are somewhat secure to the North and the South and you can consider the circle of Isengard as a fortress of your people. This is not the only source of secret lore you have for of your people were the builders of the Paths of the Dead and their knowledge wait to be discovered

Cons: Poor Lands: Your lands are poor and you have not benefited from the lore of the Numenoreans or the Elves. Your castles are of woods and simple stone, your most precious weapons were taken from the ruins of Gondorian fortress or through raiding and your lore in matters arcane is inexistent. Still your arms are strong enough to make your foes forget it. Diplomatic penalties, Poor technological levels
[X] Harad

"Ahaha, and now the Haradrim armies shall-" "Uh, my Lord Sauron, they're attacking us." "Who?" "Uh, the Haradrim, sir."
*Screams in fire and eyeballs*
[X] Dunland and Enedwaith

As much as I like the idea of Arnor and Lindor, this is the best I think.
[X] Arnor

There are a lot of dwarf quests and a couple running right now and I like Arnor but I am fine with Lindon too as I like Tolkien elves too. Plus in another quest kinda like this that ganonso is doing it is dwarves so having them do two dwarf quests that are pretty much the same at the same time is a no no for me.
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[X] Harad

Although I would enjoy Dunland and Enedwaith as well. It would be cool to play as some of the less explored factions.
There was a quest that explored Dunland as a fraction?
I've never seen one hell I've never even seen a quest explore tolkien elves or Arnor, I've only seen a couple of orc quests. Wait nvm there was a quest set in Arnor that you did but that never got past the city level.
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[X] Harad
Though I would have loved to either go Arnor or Khazad, I would love to see a usurper type of campaign from a group of peoples we have never seen much of.
[X] Dunland and Enedwaith

This would be a very interesting start and something that is unseen so far. Plently of quest for the others more or less but the men of darkness are more likely to be taken down by both sides.
[X] Dunland and Enedwaith

This would be a very interesting start and something that is unseen so far. Plently of quest for the others more or less but the men of darkness are more likely to be taken down by both sides.
Not denying it wouldn't be interesting but I haven't found any quests exploring tolkien's elves, gondor, rohan, harad, or the rhun either.
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