The Core of Our World Is Magic And The Internet Ruined It (Original Setting Quest)
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IN A WORLD... Where magic has always existed, but was only made public thanks to the internet making it impossible to hide it any longer... You wish to learn about the wonders that this world offers. What will you achieve with such grand knowledge?
The inevitable reveal of magic to the public came hand in hand with the growing popularity of the internet. It had been attempted many times throughout the centuries, always squashed by vigilant magic users with liberal use of various types of memory-altering abilities.
It became harder to do so in the last few decades with the advent of public portable video recording methods. Having many fingers deep into the media pies made it difficult, but doable and even those that made it through were seen as hoaxes or conspiracies, much like those who had made it through the cracks for the ages that the practice had been done.
The incident that finally tipped the scales and made it impossible to do a mass memory wipe, because a video of it made it to the internet before the long process was completed, was caused by a billionaire called Thaddeus Lerringway in early September of 2001. The man had contracted a team of magic users to go to Hades' realm to steal as much treasure as they could. Naturally they failed, but much more troubling than their failure was the fact that they escaped with Cerberus on their heels.
Unfortunately, their escape route led them through the Acheron river towards Athens, which only attracted more eyes to the hunt of the thieves.
Luckily for the locals, a different group of magic users was nearby and capable enough to subdue the hound of Hades before the casualties became too severe.
Normally even an incident such as this would have been swept under the rug. Mass memory erasure of the last few hours, a sweeping search of any recordings and repairs of damages. But before the process could be even started a young teenager vacationing in the area by the name of Kurtis Lapann uploaded a short recording of it to the internet, followed by a myriad of pictures taken from just the right distance to be safe while catching as much of it as possible.
The recordings were spread on the web like wildfire, making the secret impossible to keep any longer, at least its existence. Many communities hidden in pocket dimensions or nearly impossible-to-reach places remained isolated, but the truth of the magic that coursed through the universe was unleashed and it could no longer be kept from the masses.
This revelation changed less than many feared, but more than others had thought. The lives of most civilians did not change beyond being able to see what had always been there. Most kept their heads down and tried to ignore it, but from all over were people looking to learn the arts of magic and their own mystical potential.
It's been over a decade since then and you are at the start of your journey into this mad world we now... No. That we have always lived in.
So... What year is it exactly?
[ ] Write-in any year between 2012 to 2018
And who are you?
[ ] Write-in Plan Name
Alright! Welcome to my quest on a weird ass setting I've been working on for years.
So for your character we are gonna need a few things! This is going to be a point-buy system with 15 points to use in total.
We are going with letters for how good each stat is. These aren't super precise cause they are mostly for me to have as a reference of a person's capabilities instead of it being something actively mechanical.
G (Child), F (Average Person), E (Peak Human), D (Superhuman), C (Awesome), B (Heroic) A (Epic) and EX (Beyond Scaling)
Since we are a normal person starting off we can at most have stats at E (Peak Human). Furthermore each rank of stat is 1 more than the last so G is worth 1, F is worth 2 and E is worth 3.
Second, we are going for D&D Stats for this so Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. But we are adding one extra for your Magic Stat, which since at this point you haven't unlocked yet will be for how rare the type of Inherent Magic you have is.
As such let me explain the kinds of inherent Magic you can get!
-If you put 0 points into Magic you get the first of the two types tied for most common which is just... Ooops! No magic! Badass Normal is your way to go.
-If you put 1 point into Magic you get the other most common! Control over one of the basic elements, which are Wind, Fire, Earth, Water and Lightning.
-If you put 2 points into Magic you get powers a bit more uncommon, 2 elements or the ability to modify your own body in a specific manner (Be it hardening, size or shape-shifting or something else).
-If you put 3 points into Magic that's where you get to the rarer things. More than just 2 elements, Psychic powers and Animal Transformation (Can be a single animal for easier mastery or a theme) become your options.
-And finally if you put 4 points into Magic you get Esoteric powers! The rarest and weirdest. Think of them like Paramecias from One Piece. The sky is the limit as long as they aren't conceptual bullshit.
Except for badass normal which would be built over time YOU have to choose what your Magic IS. So say you put 1 point you have to choose your element. If you put 2 you have to choose either how your body can change or what 2 elements. If you put 3 you have to choose what 3 or more elements you have, what's your psychic power like or what animal or theme of animals you can turn into. And if you put 4 you have to choose what weird power you want. It'll start at it's logical weakest, no matter what you choose.
So... Let me give you an example of a character sheet!
[+]Plan Chavo Del Ocho
Name: Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Raffaelo Guglielmi
Age: 8
Appearance: Little kid that looks like an old man (Use description or face claim)
Backstory: Little kid that lives inside a barrel
Strength: G (1 Point)
Constitution: F (2 Points)
Dexterity: F (2 Points)
Intelligence: G (1 Point)
Wisdom: E (3 Points)
Charisma: F (2 Points)
Magic: Esoteric (4 Points) - Ability to turn the inside of wooden barrels into houses
That's just an example, please don't try to make any fictional characters here. I just thought it'd be funny to use El Chavo as an example.
Appearance: A scruffy kid, with hair that seems to cover his eyes.
Originally born as Pedro Rafael ???, he was orphaned at a young age and has been moved around by the system for most of his life, tired of it he has run away multiple times over the years but is often caught and put with a new family.
One of his earlier adoptive families decided to legally change his name because they thought it'd sound fancier.
Has problems with manipulative authority figures.
Strength: F (Adult) Constitution: E (Peak Human) Dexterity: F+ (Adult+) Wisdom: F (Average) Intelligence: F (Average) Charisma: F (Average) Magic: E (Peak Human)
Magic (Animate):
Capable of bringing to life a few objects at a time, with simple commands or mental control.
[X] Plan: The Snot Witch Dreams of A Castle Life
Name: Samuel (Sammy) Gavin
Age: 12
Appearance: a small, blonde haired girl with silver eyes and pigtails. Likes to wear poofy dresses and plastic jewelry.
Backstory: Youngest child to a family of Glassmakers. Has always dreamed of being a magical princess and owning a vast kingdom. Unfortunately, her magic is unsuited for "girly" endeavors so she is often mocked by other children. But she isn't ready to give up! She will be the bestest Magical Princess Ever!
Strength: G (1 Point)
Constitution: G (1 Point)
Dexterity: F (2 Points)
Intelligence: E (3 Points)
Wisdom: F (2 Points)
Charisma: F (2 Points)
Magic: Esoteric (4 Points)- The ability to manifest and control mucus.
Don't ask me where this idea came from, I have no clue. But I like it.
[X] 2012
[X] Plan Dragooner
-[X] Name: Salazar Flame
-[X] Age: 20
Backstory: A man who took an interest in magic right from the moment it became a thing. However, the circunstances of his awakening were tragic, costing the life of his fiancee. He looks to control his magic, to never wound anyone close to him again. -[X] Stats:
Strength: F (2 points)
Constitution: G (1 points)
Dexterity: F (2 points)
Intelligence: E (3 points)
Wisdom: F (2 points)
Charisma: G (1 point)
Magic: Esoteric (4 points). Name: Dragooner. For a short period of time, the user turns into a dragonlike being, possessing great abilities over fire. However, the user also lacks any drop of control over this power.
Ok, heard that I shouldn't recreate characters, so don't consider my previous sheet. Instead, here's one for the token Badass Normal.
[X] 2012
[X] Plan Street Samurai
Name: Michiya Sakamoto.
Age: 24
Backstory: Descendant from a lineage of honorable samurai, Michiya moved to America with his family when he was only five years old. However, the elders of the family knew of magic since before the events of the day that the masquerade fell, so he's a bit savvier than most. However, now that he's a fully fledged warrior, he looks to make his mark in the world...and maybe some cash on the way.
Strength: E (3 points)
Constitution: E (3 points)
Dexterity: E (3 points)
Intelligence: F (2 points)
Wisdom: F (2 points)
Charisma: F (2 points)
Magic: 0, lul.
[x]Plan: Bad Future
-[x]Name: Alnico Silver
-[x]Age: 17
-[x]Backstory: A child that was never loved for who he was, he spent his life wishing he was like others. The mages that trained up their spells, the heroes that saved the day, the gods that granted their blessings and calamities with their own divine powers. And what irony it is that when he was able to finally unlock his magic, he is still as far away from being those he wanted to become as when he was a boy, for it wouldn't be he that would accomplish the tasks of those he looked up to, but rather his mechanic clones of those very same people that will take the spotlight.
-[x]Strength: F (2 Point)
-[x]Constitution: F (2 Points)
-[x]Dexterity: F (2 Points)
-[x]Intelligence: E (3 Point)
-[x]Wisdom: G (1 Points)
-[x]Charisma: F (2 Points)
-[x]Magic: (3 Points) - Making robot clones of other people/creatures, case in point Metal Sonic or Mousers from TMNT.
[X] Plan:let's make Gunpla! Then Gundam!
-[X] Name: Pietro Raffaelo Philologer
-[X] Age: 14 year old
-[X] Aspect: A scruffy kid, with hair that seems to cover his eyes.
-[X] Backstory: Orphan that lives in small spaces, like barrels; likes to build small toys.
-[X] Stats: Strength G(1 point) Constitution F(2 points) Dexterity G(1 point) Intelligence F(2 points) Wisdom F(2 Points) Charisma E(3 points) Magic Esoteric (4 Points) Toymaker: can bring inanimate objects to life, starts capable of binging toy sized things to life, can reinforce beyond what the materials should handle.
[X]Plan Putting the "Ink" in Incantation
Name: Belle "Freefall" Holiday
Age: 26
Appearance: A punkish woman with a thin frame, copious amounts of tattoos, and hair that seems to be dyed a different color every day.
Backstory: Formerly a very responsible straight-A student, the revelation of magic caused her to question her religion, which caused her to question authority, which caused her to question everything, and suddenly, magic seemed the only truth that could be confirmed. The only truth that mattered. Aimless and intense rebellion followed shortly. Somehow, in the aftermath, Belle has found all her relationships broken, all her bridges burned, and herself no closer to finding any answers to her many questions. But hey - she has a tattoo parlor now! That's something.
Strength: F (2 Points)
Constitution: F (2 Points)
Dexterity: F (2 Points)
Intelligence: F (2 Points)
Wisdom: F (2 Points)
Charisma: G (1 Points)
Magic: Esoteric (4 Points) - Tattoo Harbor: By touching a non-living object, Belle can turn that object into a tattoo on her skin. By touching that tattoo, Belle can either turn that tattoo back into its object or - assuming she has enough magical energy - create a copy of that object, should she so choose. (Objects copied this way are notably fake; even people who have no idea that this power exists will notice copied objects are not the real thing at a glance. In all other regards, the copies remain as functional as the originals.) Larger objects take up more space on Belle's skin, and if there is not space for an object to become a tattoo, Tattoo Harbor will not work.
[X] Plan Storm King
-[X] Name: Alexander (Alex) Stewrt
-[X] Age: 13
-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Backstory: A young boy that grew up out in the country side who loved to play around in the vast grassy fields. With magic having been a known thing all of his life, he always wanted to learn some, thinking it was something cool.
-[X] Stats
--[X] Strength: F (2 points)
--[X] Constitution: F (2 points)
--[X] Dexterity: F (2 points)
--[X] Intelligence: F (2 points)
--[X] Wisdom: F (2 points)
--[X] Charisma: F (2 points)
--[X] Magic: E (3 Points): Wind Magic, Water Magic, and Lightning Magic
Yes yes, I'm aware I'm not making any 'interesting' magic, but I think that we would have a lot of versatility and options with this, and it would provide more broader ranges of things than an Esoteric: Storm Magic would.
[X] Plan Storm King
-[X] Name: Alexander (Alex) Stewrt
-[X] Age: 13
-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Backstory: A young boy that grew up out in the country side who loved to play around in the vast grassy fields. With magic having been a known thing all of his life, he always wanted to learn some, thinking it was something cool.
-[X] Stats
--[X] Strength: F (2 points)
--[X] Constitution: F (2 points)
--[X] Dexterity: F (2 points)
--[X] Intelligence: F (2 points)
--[X] Wisdom: F (2 points)
--[X] Charisma: F (2 points)
--[X] Magic: E (3 Points): Wind Magic, Water Magic, and Lightning Magic
Originally I was going to do Wind and Water Magic 2 point magic. But then rereading the Char gen thing, I noticed three magics were possible with 3 points and went "Well, he's the STORM King so why not?"
1. This has elements that would help lead to the robotic Gunpla idea in the current leading plan and lets us start old enough that we won't have a PC that would most likely be led around by others. Unlike being 14 and an orphan whose probably been dealt a bad hand.
2. Think a PC having 'Learn Magic' as a goal is kinda vague but leaves room for development at least once we get past the soft goals and into who they want to be as they go through life.
[X] Plan:let's make Gunpla! Then Gundam!
-[X] Name: Pietro Raffaelo Philologer
-[X] Age: 16 year old
-[X] Aspect: A scruffy kid, with hair that seems to cover his eyes.
-[X] Backstory: A runaway kid that lives in small spaces, like barrels; found about his powers animating an old thrown away toy that became his friend, likes to build small toys to create new friends, has problems with manipulative authority figures.
-[X] Stats: Strength G(1 point) Constitution E(3 points) Dexterity G(1 point) Intelligence F(2 points) Wisdom F(2 Points) Charisma F(2 points) Magic Esoteric (4 Points) Toymaker: can bring inanimate objects to life, starts capable of binging toy sized things to life, can reinforce beyond what the materials should handle.
Originally I was going to do Wind and Water Magic 2 point magic. But then rereading the Char gen thing, I noticed three magics were possible with 3 points and went "Well, he's the STORM King so why not?"
And I have zero problem with a 3 point magic, so long as the magic picked isnt stupid. Its just the barrage of 4-point "supa speshul kewl unique" magics that grinds my gears. But this might be mostly a "me" problem and people will want what they want.
And I have zero problem with a 3 point magic, so long as the magic picked isnt stupid. Its just the barrage of 4-point "supa speshul kewl unique" magics that grinds my gears. But this might be mostly a "me" problem and people will want what they want.
I mean…if said "supa speshul kewl unique" magic wasn't common enough for people to have then it probably wouldn't have been an option at all don't you think? It's not even like it's a power deal, it's just someone having natural magic that manifests differently from the norm.
It's meant to be a wacky world, having people who just do weird things with tattoos, bring rocking horses to life, etc isn't any more absurd as someone being able to call infernos or glaciers on tap.
To quote, one of the 'non 4 point' plans your voting for involves making robotic clones of things.
I mean…if said "supa speshul kewl unique" magic wasn't common enough for people to have then it probably wouldn't have been an option at all don't you think? It's not even like it's a power deal, it's just someone having natural magic that manifests differently from the norm.
It's meant to be a wacky world, having people who just do weird things with tattoos, being rocking horses to life, etc isn't any more absurd as someone being able to call infernos or glaciers on tap.
You are mostly not wrong. I did say that this might mostly be a "me" problem, and its mixing with my aversion to just jumping 110% into the "unique"/"hard mode"/"special mechanic" that happens so often in quests. It "feels" like jumping straight into Blue Mage, Calculator, or Beast Tamer classes in Final Fantasy instead of spending time with Fighter, White Mage, or Thief. Ignoring the tried and true staples in favor of the hot new thing strolling in.