The Conspirators (Culture Universe)

Mak Taru

Stop hugging me
This is an attempt to tie together many of the plotlines of the different books.

What if there was a single organization that was responsible for all of the following:

- Infiltrating the Idiran civilization and pushing them to become more expansionist, and encouraging the Culture to go to war with them
- Giving effector technology to the Empire of Azad in order to try to stop the Culture's attempt to reform their society
- Giving the Affront control of the Pittance Fleet
- Helping the Chelgrians in their attempt to assassinate the Masaq Orbital Hub Mind
- Many other incidents, including acts of terrorism, rebellion, assassination, triggering wars, etc.

The actual name of this group, if it even has one, is unknown, so they are simply known as 'The Conspirators'. They have been around for thousands of years, and their aim is to subvert, sabotage, and destroy the Culture and other Involved civilizations with similar philosophies.

They are not limited to any one race, polity, or area. They have no central hierarchy and operate in countless cells across the galaxy, with agents in every advanced civilization. This makes it very difficult for them to coordinate with each other on large - scale projects, but it also makes them very good at covering their tracks. One of their favored tactics is to plant a type of memetic virus in the minds of their agents, so if they are exposed, their thoughts and memories are rewritten so they believe that they were working alone. In-universe, their existence is considered a myth, much like the Illuminati on modern day Earth.

Any given human, alien, drone, or Mind could be a Conspirator, and there would be no way of knowing until it was too late.

I think a group like this would serve as the ultimate enemy for the Culture. If Iain Banks hadn't died, he could write a book with this premise, where the Conspirators are trying something more audacious and dangerous than they ever have before, and the narrative follows groups of Culture and non-Culture citizens trying to stop them. It would obviously be filled with intrigue, paranoia, backstabbing, and the fate of the galaxy at stake. I'd try to write it as a fanfiction, but I'm not confident in my ability to pull it off.

This is just a rough outline for the concept.
Also, I don't believe I explained their motives enough. The main idea is that they are strongly opposed to the Culture's tendency to interfere with and manipulate other civilizations, and they think it does far more harm than good. They would instead favor a more 'Prime Directive' style non-interference policy to be the standard for the galaxy. Even though their various schemes have caused wars and killed billions, they consider it a necessary evil to grant 'freedom' to other civilizations.
As far as I understand (Excession isn't an easy book) the Affront were aided by the Interesting Times Gang, which is a group of Minds that pulled strings in the Culture for a long time.
Also, if I remember correctly, the Chelgrians did get help from someone who is equiv.-tech, but it's not really clear who.
The Idirans, meanwhile, while not being spurred to expand by a conspiracy. quite explicitly had equiv.-tech support from the Homomda because of the Homomda's own interests.

So I think that tying those together would require some... creative reinterpretation of what we already know about the Culture-verse.
Well in Excession there was a mysterious conspiracy that included the Attitude Adjuster, and during its death its last thoughts were that it was convinced that someone else was pulling the strings, but it couldn't remember who.

You would have to take into account that the Conspirators would have agents in the Homomda as well. They are basically everywhere.
Well in Excession there was a mysterious conspiracy that included the Attitude Adjuster, and during its death its last thoughts were that it was convinced that someone else was pulling the strings, but it couldn't remember who.
That would be the Interesting Times Gang, yes. It's the ships whose emails you see scattered around the book (for the most part).