The Collapse: OOC Thread

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Title: The Collapse (tentative)
Year Game will Begin: 2120 (100 years after the Exchange)
US East Coast
Title: The Collapse (tentative)
Year Game will Begin: 2120 (100 years after the Exchange)
Tech Year: 1950 (technological regression..)
Region: Europe
Time Progression: 3 months a day.
Set Up:

100 years ago, the Exchange happened, a war that destroyed global civilization. Only in Europe did some semblance of order survive in the form of the European Confederacy, a EU on steroids. The EUCON provided peace and stability..though at great cost to civil liberties. As the years went on, resources became scarce, shortages became common and the EUCON became increasingly draconian, enacting a military-first policy. The EUCON morphed into a totalitarian hell, analogues to the worst parts of the Soviet Union or North Korea, only on a much more massive scale. Technology regressed. Europeans were forced to work en masse on poor farms or in crumbling factories, just to keep the EUCON going a little while longer. The alternative was chaos and apocalyptic horror. At least according to government propaganda.

After a while, the first real insurgencies and rebellions started against the EUCON. Most of them were kept in check by EUCON's conscript armies with aging military vehicles. Eventually a group of officers decided enough was enough. During V-Day...Valkyrie-Day, they attempted to coup and take over the government in Strasbourg. They failed, but the government was killed to a man, leaving the EUCON completely without leadership. Across Europe, insurgencies have begun to claim territory and former EUCON Generals have turned warlord...The Collapse is imminent.

As discussed in the Ideas thread:
-Players are Warlords/Rebels/Insurgents/Coalitions/Nationalists/Whatever rebelling against a paralyzed superstate
-Exact claim size will be discussed later, but expect small, with quick expansion.
-You do not start with 100 tanks and 50 fighter planes. More like 5 tanks, 20 APCs or IFVs, 75 technicals and 15 cessna's. The EUCON ran out of spare parts for advanced vehicles a long time ago.
-Population will be as OTL, though territory you control will not be as developed. Expect Eastern bloc shortages.

Main/God: @KingOfPenguins
Claims: @KingOfPenguins
Map: @FPSlover (for now, if someone wants to do it, its fine by me)
Tech: @FPSlover

If you wish to help out with the modding, e.g. Events, wars, NPCs and such then just message King and myself

Interested players: @comped, @comradepitrovsky , @Mrmastro, @Bevillia, @Gunther
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So, just how do we go about submitting an actual application?

Secondarily, 3 months a day as in 3 months IC for every day OOC?
Claims thread will be put up when there is enough interest. As for the ratio, three months to one IRL day is correct.
Any idea as to how long a given turn will be? Three months is a yuuuuuuuuuuge amount of time in a post-apocalyptic scenario for a lot of things, but I'm just wondering at what scale to be planning on.
Any idea as to how long a given turn will be? Three months is a yuuuuuuuuuuge amount of time in a post-apocalyptic scenario for a lot of things, but I'm just wondering at what scale to be planning on.

Its three ingame months equals one IRL day. Reports are posted within a day of plans being received. It actually moves quickly despite it being four IRL days to one ingame year. You can get much more done in a single year to compensate for the less quick year progression.
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What kind of numbers are you looking for before starting claims?

Also, what period in the OTL are we looking at for population? There's a pretty big difference between 1950 levels (~550m) and 2016 levels (~740m), not to mention the effect of the apocalyptic scenario that led to the EUCON.
What kind of numbers are you looking for before starting claims?

Also, what period in the OTL are we looking at for population? There's a pretty big difference between 1950 levels (~550m) and 2016 levels (~740m), not to mention the effect of the apocalyptic scenario that led to the EUCON.
Population will be at 40s/50s levels
Just to let you know, I'm going on vacation for a week. By next sunday I should be home ;)
We need more then just than the two people who posted on here to play. We need at least six or so to put up the claims thread. So those of you who are reading this thread and want to join, please post you are interested!
Probably a group of people who mostly maintain and improve on pre-collapse technology. Kind of like the Adeptus Mechanicus, or Word of Blake or the Brotherhood of Steel.

Interesting. Maybe could work as a EUROCOM group whose leaders took V-Day as a sign to rebel with the rest of them.? Not sure how your backstory would affect you ingame though.
Any idea what you plan in playing?

Going to hijack this question to draft my own ideas. I've got two main ones, and I'm not sure which to go for.

The first would be a relatively 'standard' revolutionary group, though exactly what their drive is would depend on specifics of the EUCON. I'm assuming they didn't call themselves communist, despite the Soviet Union analogue, so that might be an idea ('The New Worker's Revolution'?). That would give me a pretty strong core message, though could be lacking somewhat in adaptability once I settle for a core message.

The second, and the one I'm leaning towards, is a faction looking to 'restore the rightful monarchy of X', with the faction leader being some charismatic leader who has ancestral links to the last monarchy of wherever I start. It does limit me a bit in terms of where I could start, but I think it has a lot of potential. It's also pretty adaptable, since there is all sorts of governments that could fall under the 'monarchy' banner.
The second Idea is the one i went with for the Original game. I had a new Prussian Monarchy :p

Well, I'm probably going to be looking further west. I'm thinking about somewhere in Britain or Iberia, if I could. They have monarchs in power today, so it's a bit of a more recent link than some places.

What kind of polices were/are in place in the EUCON in regards to local rule and religion? Are the current local governments descended from the pre-EUCON ones, or were they redesigned with the new government?
Going to hijack this question to draft my own ideas. I've got two main ones, and I'm not sure which to go for.

The first would be a relatively 'standard' revolutionary group, though exactly what their drive is would depend on specifics of the EUCON. I'm assuming they didn't call themselves communist, despite the Soviet Union analogue, so that might be an idea ('The New Worker's Revolution'?). That would give me a pretty strong core message, though could be lacking somewhat in adaptability once I settle for a core message.

The second, and the one I'm leaning towards, is a faction looking to 'restore the rightful monarchy of X', with the faction leader being some charismatic leader who has ancestral links to the last monarchy of wherever I start. It does limit me a bit in terms of where I could start, but I think it has a lot of potential. It's also pretty adaptable, since there is all sorts of governments that could fall under the 'monarchy' banner.

Either could work, thought as someone who did the second option myself in the game on AH, I am more partial to number two. Number one though could be interesting, especially if you try and get territory by forcing revolution in NPC's and players.

Also everyone tell anyone who may be interested about this so we can have a decent number of players and start claims today or tomorrow.
Gather my congregation! We will remind these heathens of the power of true faith!!!

(I'm leaning towards a Protectorate of Menoth esque religious group.)
Sounds interesting. Never tried one of these games before but you have to start somewhere.
Duchy of Normandy here we come.
Its three ingame months equals one IRL day. Reports are posted within a day of plans being received. It actually moves quickly despite it being four IRL days to one ingame year. You can get much more done in a single year to compensate for the less quick year progression.

Currently inclined towards a German Worker's Party-type organization, focusing on heavy labor and machinery and a focus on both infrastructure and construction.