The City At The Center of Mars (Red Planet Rising)

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Scheduled vote count started by TheMaskedReader on Sep 21, 2022 at 12:38 PM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.
Spaceport Strike! - Part Four: The Captain's Conspiratorial Confession!

Spaceport Strike!

Part Four: The Captain's Conspiratorial Confession!

As you head towards the local Garrison's headquarters, you also draw closer to the Spaceport itself. This part of the district has far more clearly seen heavy fighting from the Unification War and Great Game, unlike the further outskirts you were in before. Many buildings lie in rubble and ruin, not yet rebuilt, and even those not destroyed display bullet holes and broken windows. The signs of life are more frequent, but also more cautious - Civilians walking the streets make sure to stay out of your way, and display deference to you with reserved nods and glances instead of friendly waves and words of greeting. The signs of the Laborers of the Martian League are more prominent as well. Graffiti dots the walls of buildings, decrying the Watson Council and 'scabs'. At one point, your intended route is blocked off by an unmanned barricade - You can't tell if it was raised by the Laborers or if it's a remnant from the Great Game that simply hasn't been cleared out yet. Still, getting around it is a simple endeavor.

Still, eventually, you reach the building housing the Garrison - Or, rather, the perimeter surrounding the block that holds the Garrison. Stadium militia, dressed in red, guard an open gate that seems to have been temporarily erected, fencing off much of a block. Inside, civilian personnel and militia hustle to and fro alike, entering tents and buildings bearing signage that says things like "BARRACKS", "MESS HALL", and "CELLS". There's at least one game of street football ongoing in an alleyway to the side, which seems to be casual rather than competitive. The atmosphere almost seems relaxed, were you not familiar with Stadium's operating procedure - The guards are standing at attention and are on alert. The militia moving to and fro are not purposelessly on break, but are actively readying weapons and checking uniforms. Couriers are moving in and out of the gates, as well, which comes to a slight halt as you approach.

Your uniforms seem to ensure that the guards don't point their weapons at you, but they certainly take a moment to examine your badge and glance over everyone's uniforms. However, rather than allowing you free leave through the garrison's camp, a set of additional guards are called over.

"Conductor Beriel, we're to escort you directly to Captain Hellas upon your arrival. Your companions can stay here." The militiawoman saying this makes it clear with her tone that this isn't a question, much to the visible disgruntlement of most of your party. Janice seems to take it largely in stride, though, simply settling in by the gate. You've no choice but to oblige, and so without further fanfare, you're quickly shuffled through the camp, not getting much of a chance to see into anything. You catch sight of some of the garrison's vehicles, though, which appear to be undergoing checks and maintenance, much like the weapons and gear of the infantry. It's nothing special, just some trucks and APCs, but it gives you enough clues to guess as to why the Garrison is preparing - They seem to expect military action in the near future.

Still, these are mere suspicions. Your escort leads you into a building handily marked as holding the command post and storage. You head up several flights of stairs until the militawoman holds open a door that looks like any other. "He's waiting in there, Conductor." You step in, seeing the figure of a man standing behind a desk, staring out into the street below. He hasn't turned around as the door opens, so you step inside and cough to draw his attention. Your escort closes the door behind you, even as the man finally turns around, revealing a somewhat boyish face - A young man, he can't be older than his mid-twenties. "Captain Hellas, at your service, Conductor. Or would you prefer I call you Rosalind?" He strides forward, offering a hand for you to shake.

You slowly shake his hand. "Conducter Beriel is fine." He nods, returning to his position behind the desk. "Please - Take a seat. I've heard about your travels through my district thus far - I see you've visited the Free Labor Association. I'm pleased that you chose to come to me, after that. I'm sure that the lovely Syrtis sisters didn't lie to you about what occurred, and so I'll take it as a show of trust that you came to me after learning what's happened to those poor people - As well as learning about some of the things I've left out of my reports." You wouldn't necessarily say that. However, you're not one to interrupt someone when they're talking - Especially when they're giving you information.

"I'll get into the meat of things right away. We face a major problem, not just materially, but ideologically, within the district. It is controlled by what we might consider not to be unions or governments, for as much as we have prettied them up with such titles, but by two rival cartels. And their product is labor - So to speak. They seek to claim total dominion over the labor of this district and thus the extremely powerful task of its reconstruction, as well as what the fruits of said reconstruction are turned to. This clash of cartels, with the MPA's interests-" Interesting that he'd phrase it that way. "-caught in the middle, is what has led us to this point, where these groups, little better than gangs of criminals, are at each other's throats." Hellas speaks with confidence and certainty. While this may not be an accurate representation of what's happened - It does seem to be what he believes.

"The Laborers started it, of course." He waves his hand dismissively. "They halted work. The installation of the Watson Council as government by my superiors in Stadium, falsified allegations of corruption by my militiamen, refugee labor slowly filtering in and being handled by either us or the Council depending on their status - It threatened their stranglehold on skilled labor in the district, and thus, their power over it. They demanded exclusivity on their work - They demanded elections to happen before the district was stable, so that they could intimidate and bribe their way into winning." He sighs, as if what he's about to say next pains him.

"So, I tried to call their bluff. The FLA was the perfect group with which to do such. If they were threatened with replacement, the breaking of their monopoly on the Spaceport, they'd need to come to the table - Return to work, with minor concessions, perhaps some assurances about elections soon. If only the Council hadn't interfered, trying to drive out the FLA - I could've done it, too. But now, the FLA won't move either, for fear of the Council." You frown, your mind working internally. Eva implied that the Laborers had entrenched themselves before the Council had acted against the FLA. A potential contradiction? "Unfortunately, I had to disguise what I was doing on the reports - A harmless omission. The centralized hierarchy cannot understand the needs of those at the bottom, in the field." This is, apparently, turned into a confession. A validation of much of what has been said about the Garrison.

"Regardless - This is something of a moot point. It's all gone to hell and what's done is done, is it not? And now, we are left to pick up the pieces. I will make no excuses about my actions, bar that I committed them under what I thought was right - I consider the Council and the Laborers to be two sides of the same coin, and I think neither of them ought to have control over Watson. While I am a Red - I am a Red because I am of the belief that it is the most efficient way in which new Stadium territory can be governed and integrated, not because I am of the belief that local independence is viable in the long-term, as some of my comrades are. We must merely gaze upon how quickly such local powers crumbled to Central, how the MCPD kept their reign of terror for nearly a hundred years before being ended by our alliance, to see the fruits of such…sloth. No, for a place such as this, until reliable socialists can be counted on - It will require a guiding ideological hand to ensure strong and loyal local governance. One which the current governing structure does not include. It is under this principle which I have acted - And it has backfired quite tremendously. I do not believe that hope is yet lost, though - There can still be a favorable resolution to this without bloodshed." He turns towards the window for a moment in silence, then back to you.

He looks into your eyes, the stare of a man possessed with fervor. "And you are the person through which that goal can be achieved. While you would be within your remit to strip me of my command for what I have told you, it would do nothing to solve the ongoing tensions and indeed, only exacerbate them, as the two cartels would only be emboldened by my removal. We merely must force the Laborers back to the table without sparking a war in Watson, and weaken the Watson Council enough to accept further MPA oversight. With your assurances, the FLA will follow MPA orders, and we will have the leverage we need to break the power of these gangs upon the district, bringing about a truly socialist future for these people…and one most amenable to the MPA's interests in the region. What do you say, Conductor?"

You have a moment to think to yourself. This man is clearly operating from a military perspective, not a civilian one. He mistrusts the people of this district, he mistrusts their organizations, and he is clearly bearing a chip on his shoulder from either the War or the Great Game about their sincerity. You have no doubt he believes every word he's spoken. You have no doubt he believes that every action he's taken is necessary for the cause of socialism and for the good of the district. However, he is also essentially trying to get you to help him essentially puppet the theoretically democratic government of this district, as well as break the power of the pre-eminent labor organization within it, due to his belief that they are irreparably corrupted. And they very well may be. His actions have likely caused this entire situation - But in many ways, it was the reaction to those actions that wound up escalating things. If this is revealed, it legitimizes the grievances of the Laborers, for good or for ill - It also provides fuel for any independent sentiment in the Watson Council. This is a mess - But you're being called upon to make a judgment. If what he did was excusable in your eyes, then you are almost obligated to side with him to prevent damage to the MPA's reputation in the region. If what he did is not excusable, then you are actually obligated by your position to see him face justice for the multiple crimes he has just admitted to your face. Of course, you could simply choose to put off the decision until you can see the story of all sides involved...but that provides more time for Hellas to act independently.

What do you decide?

[] "...I suppose you've left me little choice in the matter, given the fallout that would occur if your behavior was exposed - The MPA will support you in this matter."
  • This will change your Secret MPA Objective to: Ensure that the outcome is most favorable to the Stadium Garrison and breaks the power of the Watson Council and Laborers of the Martian League.
  • Captain Hellas and his resources will be fully at your disposal.

[] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."
  • He will expect an answer…later.
  • Captain Hellas will continue to act independently.

[] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
  • ???
  • Captain Hellas will be imprisoned, and the Garrison will neither act independently or be at your disposal as they sort out the new chain of command.

QM's Note: Thank you for reading! Voting is open, and I will be here to answer questions. I suspect there will likely be contention over the last option, and so I would like to pre-emptively offer reassurance - That ??? does not mean if you pick that option, I will game-end you by having the Captain try to kill you, or ordering his men to kill you. I do not include trap options - It is referring to the long-term consequences of the arrest on the power dynamics in the region, which at this point in time you cannot know.
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[X] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."

I think he should be arrested for his actions, but I also think that he is right, that removing him now would complicate the situation.

My hope is, that we can (partially) resolve the situation and then arrest him, when it wouldn't be as destabilizing.
[X] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."
The middle option is the obvious thing to do, being the least drastic option when we're still missing a lot of info, and I was leaning towards it at first (mainly just because I felt unsure). OOC, it's also the option that leaves the most independent parties at odds with each other, and don't we want to see what shenanigans the QM has planned for us?

But (and I'm a little surprised to be saying this) maybe just arresting him is actually the better idea! It would be the clearest demonstration that we actually care about the MPA's laws and ideals (he's given us a confession and is trying to rope us into his crimes!), and what could make it clearer to the LML that we're on the side of the workers? After all, while officially our goal is to "Resolve the labor dispute in a way that is satisfactory to all parties", our real purpose here is to "Ensure that whatever resolution is reached adheres to MPA values and that all parties involved are adhering to said values as well".

Also, from a factional politics standpoint, I can't imagine we're going to join him in his crimes, so leaving him as an independent faction working against us may just be more trouble for our team.

[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
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[X] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."
[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
[X] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."
[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."

I really would like to simplify the situation, while also removing a problematic element that's at risk to see any sort of negotiating tactic as some sort of corrupt power grab. By sidelining him, we legitimize whatever response/system we eventually come up with to resolve this mess, while also limiting this conflict to 2 actors whose reactions can be more easily modeled (ie the qm can get up to less shenanigans).

Seriously tho, when we eventually arbitrate this mess, I would like our organization to have the legitimacy to make a decision without it being second guessed as more factional politics, but with us as a new player in the region. I want this whole operation to seem like a proper investigation and dispensation of justice to the common man (belonging to any of the factions)

Edit: spelling
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[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."

The post above makes a persuasive argument, as does seeker.
[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
[X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."

I think this could go wrong, but it'd be interesting in a way!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TheMaskedReader on Sep 23, 2022 at 11:18 AM, finished with 13 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes."
    [X] "I understand the urgency of the situation, Captain Hellas, as well as the complexities of it - But I need more time to see the situation on the ground here, as you said, before I can make a fully informed decision."
Spaceport Strike! - Part Five: We Shall Make No Excuses!

Spaceport Strike!

Part Five: We Shall Make No Excuses!

You take a deep breath. "This is madness, Captain! You are acting against the principles of the MPA - More than that, you are doing so in such a way that you have caused this entire situation! You have admitted to lying on your reports, attempting to break the strike of a legitimate labor organization with the usage of scabs, and to conspiring to subvert the political structure of MPA associates - You are hereby stripped of your position and rank, by the authority invested in me by the MPA. You will be held until transit can be arranged to Stadium for you to stand trial in front of a Referee for your confessed crimes." Your declaration is met with stunned silence on the part of Captain Hellas - Which quickly fades to defeated resignation.

"I understand, Conductor. I hope you understand all I have done was for what I thought was for the best - And I hope you see reason before it is too late. I trust that the Referee Corps, and the events that will occur, will vindicate me and my beliefs." He stands, and moves to the door, opening it as you follow him. The militiawoman who escorted you is standing outside, clearly having been waiting for you two to finish. "Militiawoman Batson! I have been relieved of my command and placed under arrest by the Conductor. I must ask that you escort me to the cells, and alert the remainder of the command that they will need to convene the Garrison to hold a new election for Captain." The militiawoman is stunned - Whatever outcome she seems to have been expecting, it was not this.

"Uh-Sir, are you, uh-" She glances between you and the ex-Captain. You nod, firmly, and Hellas does the same. "I…Alright, sir. Please come with me, then?" She phrases it like a question, still clearly bewildered and off-balance. You follow the pair of them as they walk downstairs, the militiawoman clearly trying to avoid doing anything disrespectful to the ex-Captain as she walks him to the cells. It's only a short walk, but you three get some odd looks - Perhaps because of the resigned defeat on the face of Hellas, or the still apparent shock and discomfort on the face of Militiawoman Batson.

When you get to the cells, the jailor there, a militiaman, looks up from the book he's reading. "Captain Hellas! Millie! Oh, and, uh, Conductor-" He nods respectfully to you. "What can I do for you three today?" You all glance at each other, and then you speak. "Ex-Captain Hellas has been stripped of his rank and has been detained for holding until a trial can be arranged for at Stadium for the following crimes-" You list off the rather long list of crimes that the Captain admitted to your face, even as the jailor's jaw drops, gobsmacked. Militiawoman Batson's face also returns to an expression of pure confusion and shock, this being the first time she's heard the full list you're accusing him of. The jailor blinks a bit, then slowly closes his book. "Um. Uh. Al…right, ma'am." He stands and nods down the hallway. "I'll, uh, get the Cap-Er, uh-I'll take him to one of our unused rooms, then, ma'am. If that's alright with you?" You nod, and Hellas and the jailor walk down a hallway, vanishing around a corner. You turn to Militiawoman Batson. "Militiawoman Batson! I believe you have an election to arrange with the Garrison?" She blinks and then nods hastily. "I-uh, yes, ma'am! We'll get on that right away! Will, you be, uh, staying with us for the foreseeable future, because, uh, we'll need to set you up with offices and all that-"

You ponder for a moment. "I will not require much, but the setting aside of some bunks for myself and my companions would be appreciated, as well as an office we can temporarily use upon the finishing up of our initial investigations would be appreciated. I and my companions have some other business to conduct, but we ought to return before…" You think about your average speed and the distance between your remaining destinations. "Before night falls. I trust that ought to be sufficient time for patrols to be recalled and for the remaining command structure to be convened in preparation for a full accounting of what has so thoroughly gone wrong?" Militiawoman Batson nods. "Yes, ma'am!" She pauses. "Uh-I, uh, not to say I don't believe you, ma'am, but, uh, did the Captain, er, uh, did Paul really do all those things you said? I mean, we knew he was handling refugee affairs personally, and that the Laborers were getting really irritated about the FLA, but, uh, most of us thought it was a bit of a misunderstanding, not that-" You nod, and she grimaces, biting the inside of her cheek. "Wow, uh. Yeah. I, uh, huh. I…oh boy, this is going to be really messy for us, isn't it?" You nod again, letting your silent grim expression display the seriousness of the situation. "Well, uh, ma'am, I'd better get moving on convening everyone. Before nightfall, you said? We'll have the rest of command ready for you by then, absolutely, no problem." She salutes and then takes her leave.

You return to the gate, noticing how the news has begun to spread around the garrison - People are whispering to each other in huddles, even as the flow of people exiting buildings increases. Quite a few of them are heading towards the cells, though they stop when they see you, and hastily pretend they're going in another direction. With news spreading around the Garrison this quickly, it is unlikely the flow of information will be restricted - Soon, much of the District will have heard that the Captain of the Garrison has been arrested. Much of the Garrison seems to regard you with something of a respectful terror at the moment - While not necessarily a poor state of affairs, it will be one you will have to correct when you return later this evening. Your team has remained by the front gate, chatting amongst themselves and with the gate guards. As glad as you are that they're all getting along at the moment - Even with a few clear divisions amongst the conversations - You all have places to be. Specifically, you think to yourself - You'll be heading to…

[] The Watson Council. The less time they have to plan around the sudden removal of Captain Hellas, the better.

[] The Laborers of the Martian League. You've been putting them off for long enough, and with luck, you being the bearer of the news of Captain Hellas's removal will buy you some goodwill.

Note: Whichever group you do not choose will learn of Captain Hellas's removal before you're able to get to them.

When you and your companions are traveling once more to your next destination, you again take them briefly off to the side for a small break to update them on what occurred. Reactions are…mixed.

"Frankly, I don't think that was a good idea. While I don't agree with the actions of Captain Hellas - Whatever some people may think about Stadium solidarity - This is only gonna lead to the Garrison running around with its head cut off. There's a reason we've got a chain of command, after all! It's crippling them at a time when the District's perched on the brink, and other powers are going to take advantage of that." Bill's tone isn't angry, but it is clearly disapproving. "I was talking with the guards, and he's a popular man - Not just in the garrison, but with some of the district as well, the sorta middle class - People who aren't with the Laborers, but who aren't tied up with the main part of the Council, either. The foremen and guards and such. We might see some serious backlash from this, and not just because of the shitstorm that's going to erupt if his crimes are publicly announced."

Janice speaks up next. "I disagree with Bill, ma'am. You did the right thing. When I was with Internal Affairs, it was never the right choice to let corruption fester amongst the ranks, especially insubordination and disobedience on the scale you're describing. That's what leads to militaries becoming little more than the cliques of petty warlords." Bill scoffs at that, but she continues, unphased. "You've got to rip that sort of sentiment out root and stem. Even if his plan could have worked, he's shown himself to be a thoroughly unreliable commander - Willing to disregard the laws and regulations of the MPA, as well as lie to his superiors about doing so, in service of his own goals. I hope you're prepared to follow up, though - People like that cultivate followers. They'll need to be removed as well. And Bill isn't wrong about public backlash - We'll need to be prepared to handle that once word gets out."

River shakes her head. "I think he was right, at least in part, Conductor Beriel - Where were the Laborers when the MUC was running the Spaceport? Working happily for them. The Watson Council wasn't exactly leading the charge against Central either. They had to be liberated by the MPA, and now they're playing games with the lives of their people because they want power independent of them - Power they didn't fight for when it was the MUC ruling them. He was doing the same thing as he accused the others of, though - Using the refugees as pawns in his game. I don't think he should've been a ruler or whatever he was proposing - But it's not like the Laborers or the Council are any better, at least from what I've heard. Maybe I'll change my mind once we meet them - I doubt it, though. Still, you did the right thing in getting rid of him - He's no better than the people he wanted to get rid of, after all." She shrugs.

Sister Galle tilts her head. "Mm, this seems like a difficult situation, Rosalind! But I think you did your best. From what you said, Captain Hellas didn't care about the, uh, people of the district? He thought he did, because he cared about, uh, the idea of socialism he had in his head, and he thinks that's the best way to do things for everyone. But he didn't talk about the people, right, like River said? The civilians and all that? He didn't talk about how the Council or the Laborers were failing them - He talked about how they were being controlled. Like they were commodities. And his issue with that was that they weren't commodities being used for, uh, his idea of socialism, and that's really like, a fundamental misunderstanding of what socialism's all about, I think? But that's just my opinion. I do think he deserved to be removed even without all that - I mean, he started this whole thing, right? Because he helped organize the FLA to try and break the strike, which is bad. And it's not really their fault - They're trying to just get better lives for themselves and their families, so, the blame naturally falls onto him." She nods. "Yeah."

You listen thoughtfully to all of their feedback and discussion of the events. "Thank you, comrades - I appreciate your honesty. While what's done is done, we are a team - and that means that it's alright to be honest if you disagree with me or my decisions. This also means that if we're trying to come to a decision, I want you to present me with any ideas you might have. You'll never be punished for it, and it'll hopefully help us to ensure that we operate as effectively as possible." They nod, though some are slower to do so than others. "Right, then. Let's continue onwards - We've got two more organizations to introduce ourselves to and interview before the day's out."

QM's Note: Thanks for reading! I'll be around to answer questions, as always.
[X] The Laborers of the Martian League. You've been putting them off for long enough, and with luck, you being the bearer of the news of Captain Hellas's removal will buy you some goodwill.

Let's keep this train rolling(ha) and see what the workers have to say about all this.
[X] The Laborers of the Martian League. You've been putting them off for long enough, and with luck, you being the bearer of the news of Captain Hellas's removal will buy you some goodwill.
Let's keep this train rolling(ha) and see what the workers have to say about all this.
The Union gives me Teamster vibes and I doubt that the Union is anything benevolent.
The Union gives me Teamster vibes and I doubt that the Union is anything benevolent.
I mean yeah, the whole "Martian League" seemed a little off from the start but even if they're a bunch of teamsters I'd like to meet them before the council.
I mean yeah, the whole "Martian League" seemed a little off from the start but even if they're a bunch of teamsters I'd like to meet them before the council.
Remember the Martian league was a even shittier equivalent to the IRL UN and was created by Central in order to not die to UN power armor.That's why I chose them.In addition the Union was set up by Central and was compliant for the entire war, even during the Night of Dust, a event so horrific that that all the Megacorporations,Biodyne cultists and half of the Nomads just straight up defected.These people were so collaboratative with Central they fell under the abysmally low bar of being better than the MBC
Remember the Martian league was a even shittier equivalent to the IRL UN and was created by Central in order to not die to UN power armor.That's why I chose them.In addition the Union was set up by Central and was compliant for the entire war, even during the Night of Dust, a event so horrific that that all the Megacorporations,Biodyne cultists and half of the Nomads just straight up defected.These people were so collaboratative with Central they fell under the abysmally low bar of being better than the MBC
Let's not go that far!

The Martian League was formed before the UN (formally) arrived and announced their presence on Mars. It was a multi-nation attempt to avoid essentially a Martian World War after the Water Wars threatened to escalate into an all out MUC-MPA conflict (which then wound up happening anyways, RIP). As part of the joint efforts of the League to de-escalate and avoid war, a joint space program (spearheaded by University) was established, using the Spaceport, which was under Central control at the time. This space program wound up launching League One...which Central had rigged with explosives and wound up causing Kessler Syndrome. Whoops!

The Laborers of the Martian League were associated with the Martian League, and specifically with all the League's reconstruction efforts on the Spaceport/industry surrounding it (hence why a union was formed at all. Central/the MUC were not huge fans of unions, as you might be able to tell.), as outlined in their introduction. When the League dissolved and war broke out, the Laborers basically just tried to keep their heads down and survive, because Watson District as a whole was one of the major frontlines of the War, being a border between Stadium, Central, and University. There wasn't much opportunity for collaboration in Watson District, frankly, and those few collaborators who did exist got ousted hard during the Great Game. One or two did explicitly defect to the MPA (and they're still basically political poison - As seen by how none of the factions on the Watson Council want to touch them), but those guys got put on the Watson Council - Not in the leadership of the Laborers. During the Great Game and afterwards, they've been compliant with the MPA, to your knowledge (up until this whole work stoppage thing, that is).

Now, the Watson Council has been going "the Laborers are absolutely totally subverted by anti-MPA interests, guys" in their reports, as indicated earlier. So, who knows? (I do, but that's besides the point.)
Let's not go that far!

The Martian League was formed before the UN (formally) arrived and announced their presence on Mars. It was a multi-nation attempt to avoid essentially a Martian World War after the Water Wars threatened to escalate into an all out MUC-MPA conflict (which then wound up happening anyways, RIP). As part of the joint efforts of the League to de-escalate and avoid war, a joint space program (spearheaded by University) was established, using the Spaceport, which was under Central control at the time. This space program wound up launching League One...which Central had rigged with explosives and wound up causing Kessler Syndrome. Whoops!

The Laborers of the Martian League were associated with the Martian League, and specifically with all the League's reconstruction efforts on the Spaceport/industry surrounding it (hence why a union was formed at all. Central/the MUC were not huge fans of unions, as you might be able to tell.), as outlined in their introduction. When the League dissolved and war broke out, the Laborers basically just tried to keep their heads down and survive, because Watson District as a whole was one of the major frontlines of the War, being a border between Stadium, Central, and University. There wasn't much opportunity for collaboration in Watson District, frankly, and those few collaborators who did exist got ousted hard during the Great Game. One or two did explicitly defect to the MPA (and they're still basically political poison - As seen by how none of the factions on the Watson Council want to touch them), but those guys got put on the Watson Council - Not in the leadership of the Laborers. During the Great Game and afterwards, they've been compliant with the MPA, to your knowledge (up until this whole work stoppage thing, that is).

Now, the Watson Council has been going "the Laborers are absolutely totally subverted by anti-MPA interests, guys" in their reports, as indicated earlier. So, who knows? (I do, but that's besides the point.)
Okay that makes more sense.Maybe it might be one or two moles in the Watson council and Union causing everyone this headache
[X] The Laborers of the Martian League. You've been putting them off for long enough, and with luck, you being the bearer of the news of Captain Hellas's removal will buy you some goodwill.
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