The Chronicles of the Kantai Musume (Kancolle)

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
Hello again everyone. Just when you though I didn't have enough on my plate as it is, I add more too it. However, I won't be starting the IC thread for this one until I get a reasonable amount of people. So that might take a week, a month, Heck, this RP could die before its born if I don't get enough interest. Hopefully, I do. I'm looking for at least ten people, with a nominal amount @ 36 people. So please sign up.
Here are the rules:
Respect Others
Listen to the GM
Please post OOC in OOC thread
Don't try to be overpowered
Be Believable
Follow Military Protocol whenever possible (while staying in character) (Radio)
When Creating a character, please follow these three simple rules
Rule 1: Only Real life ships will be accepted. So use them
Rule 2: I will accept destroyers more often than capital ships
Rule 3: Please be realistic
PCs must be PCs. I'm not accepting self inserts for this (If SI is your thing, look at my other Kancolle RP, Souls from Beyond)

Character Sheet (Please follow the Rules)
Ship Class:

Ship Name:
Appearance: (Pictures are fine)

Reference Pictures

Fleet Composition with 36 people (Ideal/Original Inspiration)
4 BB
4 CV
4 CA
6 CL
18 DD
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Might have to make a sheet here later, after I manage a post for your other RP.
Nickname: Sara
Ship Class: Lexington-class carrier
Ship Name: USS Saratoga (CV-3)

  • Protective of allies and innocents, with an attitude befitting a caring older sister.
  • Feels useless if she's sidelined, such as if she has to stay at drydock. She could have been there for her sister during Coral Sea. She could have helped Yorktown and the others at Midway...
  • Gentle and soft-spoken, but has that inner strength about her.
  • Reluctant to retreat, feels that she could keep on fighting. She could have done more to help Wake Island...
  • A team player. Carrier coordination is how strike forces win battles.
  • Is calm under fire. Panic leads to rash decisions with poor results.
  • Has an accepting attitude towards Operation Crossroads. She had lived a full life and had done her duty, and now, she passes the torch onto the next generation of carriers, to continue what she started. It's her time to move on, and their time to shine.
  • Is patient with others. Being a training carrier filled with young, eager students taught her that.

  • Puts emphasis on submarine and air defense. She'd rather not get caught by sudden torpedoes and suicidal planes this time around.
  • Is conscious about damage control. She'd rather not have to spend time limping back to base, or worse, go through what happened to her sister.

History: USS Saratoga, as a warship, was there from the very beginning, as one of the US Navy's pioneering carriers, all the way to after the end of the war.
  • Was supposed to be a battlecruiser, but was modified to be a carrier as per the Washington Naval Treaty. Her belt armor and torpedo protection were remnants of her original purpose.
  • Took part in most of the Fleet Problems, large-scale training exercises which developed the navy's carrier doctrine. Some of those scenarios were simulated attacks on Pearl Harbor, with her as one of the aggressors, and her forces were successful each time.
  • Was at San Diego during the Japanese attack on Pearl, and visited that harbor a week after.
  • Tried to help defend Wake Island, but was forced to withdraw due to heavy airstrikes and landings.
  • Was temporarily sidelined after being torpedoed by a submarine. She was given both repairs and upgrades.
  • Participated in the offensive at Guadalcanal, sinking an enemy light carrier, Ryuujou, in the process.
  • Was torpedoed by a submarine, again, and had to be repaired at Pearl.
  • Supported multiple campaigns, from New Georgia to the Marshall Islands to attacks in the Indian Ocean alongside the British.
  • Was given refits before being used as a training ship.
  • As a night fighter carrier, joined the attack on Iwo Jima, only to get damaged by kamikazes and be forced to return to the US for repairs. She resumed duties as a training ship afterwards, being specially modified for that role.
  • After the war, helped in transporting American troops overseas back to their homeland, in an operation known as Magic Carpet.
  • Lastly, was one of the many target ships used during the nuclear bomb tests at Bikini Atoll. She survived the first one, an airburst called Test Able, before being sunk by the second one, an underwater explosion called Test Baker.

Likes: Her fairy crew, her friends, her sister, taking walks.

Dislikes: Losing friends and allies, being unable to help, enemy surprises, failure to protect others.
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I can barely keep up with most of the RPs im in so lets make it even more difficult for myself!

Nickname: Zui Zui
Ship Class: Shokaku-class Aircraft Carrier
Ship Name: Zuikaku
Personality: Headstrong and brash
Quirks: She either dislikes Kaga or has a massive crush on her. No one will ever know
History: Known as the Auspicious Crane, Zuikaku was one of the last Carriers of the Japanese navy, she was sunk at the Battle of Cape Engaño
Likes: Kaga, Shokaku-nee, her adorable escorts.
Dislikes: Kaga, Turkeys, Americans and anyone who looks at Shokaku-nee wrong.

I really dont know if I should be doing this lol
Nickname: Ilaria
Ship Class: Littorio-class Fast Battleship
Ship Name: RN Impero

  • Serious, determined and calm.
  • Stiff, formal and professional. While this is a part of her personality, a large part is an act to counter Italy's poor performance in WWII.
  • Reluctant to retreat. She was never complete and her sisters never performed up to par historically, she feels she has something to prove.
  • Pushes herself hard. Once again related to her never being complete and Italy's mediocre performance.
  • Puts emphasis on submarine and air defense. All 3 of the completed Vittorio-class ships were torpedoed and/or bombed at least once in their life, with Roma being finally sunk by a Frtiz-X bomb.
  • Is conscious about her main guns. The Vittorio-class' main guns, despite a mediocre 15'' caliber, hit hard and had a range that rivaled the Yamato's 18'' shells. Unfortunately this came at the cost of excess wear-and-tear and mediocre accuracy.

History: Spent most of her life going from one dock to another in search of safety from allied bombings. Was never fully completed and only had a smattering of AA and light guns mounted at the most. Was taken by the 3rd Reich with the intention of being scrapped but was utilized as a target ship. Post-war she raised and scrapped, a process that started in 1948 and ended in 1950.

  • Training - 'Iron within. Iron without.'
  • Sharpshooting - 'My guns have impressive range. Mediocre accuracy? Sure, thats why we practice.'
  • Escorts - 'With the dominance of Carriers, the little ones are the best way to screen ourselves.'
  • Being an Escort - 'With the dominance of Carriers, it's all we battleships are good for.'
  • Discipline - 'It separates a rabble from an army.'

  • Laziness - 'Lack of training guarantees death.'
  • Unescorted Capital Ships - 'You're a prime target for subs and bombers! Get back into formation!'
  • Losing - 'Its unfortunately what we have a lot of experience with.'
  • Terrible Admirals - 'You waste lives with such strategies.'
  • Bullying - 'You cannot force esprit de corp.'
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