The Chaos Colony: A riot-quest about carving out your own place in the cosmos

Well, I know what we should try to do next turn. Or the turn after that. Or the turn after that.
[X] Make some Bulbmrutt farms, then build a still and see if you can't make alcohol with it. Test said alcohol on various vermin to make sure it's not actually dangerous.

Scheduled vote count started by Donald Darf on Sep 6, 2024 at 3:52 AM, finished with 10 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Try to locate and start up a mine or two for various materials. Alongside a forge to turn that ore into useful materials. And a more proper workshop too.
    [X] Tell the Shelleys to return the missing Wubbles to their friends, you're pretty sure they kidnapped them
    [X] "Praise be the knife worm in the sky!" We're getting that cult off the ground.
    [X] Send some Gunslingers on a offworld trip to buy some books about Higher-Spheres
    [X] Make some Bulbmrutt farms, then build a still and see if you can't make alcohol with it. Test said alcohol on various vermin to make sure it's not actually dangerous.
Results 3 New
Try to locate and start up a mine or two for various materials. Alongside a forge to turn that ore into useful materials. And a more proper workshop too. + 1
Rolled a 15 - 10 + 5 = 10

One of your Worm-Ranchers grabs a rock and hits a bigger rock with it in a poor attempt to begin a mine, the ground begins to collapse inward as a gigantic cavern opens itself up to the air and the team that were sent to start the mine fall in, you're unsure if they're alive or not

Rock-Tap Caverns
- A labyrinthine underground network that was opened up when a big rock got hit by a smaller rock

Tell the Shelleys to return the missing Wubbles to their friends, you're pretty sure they kidnapped them
No roll needed

Before the Gunslingers started getting ready for their book-buying trip, they visited the Shell Temple on the moon, docking at the side and entering the biotech moon station through a giant humming proboscis that came out of a orifice on the side of the shell
They marched through the fancily decorated halls of biotech data archives resembling a bunch of weird fish in glass tanks with data glowing on the surface of those fish every couple seconds, and soon they met a important looking Shelley accompanied by some others of it's kind, it said

"Greetings first-landers, what brings you once more to our research station? Alsohowfastcanyoucalculateafoesthreatlevel?"
Josie ignored that last part "We know that you've been kidnapping Wubbles, and we particularly dislike taking advantage of a planet's native population, so release them at once"
A Shelley at the back of the Shelley Leader's group flinches, then whistles as they hover away

The Shelley leader doesn't notice this, their tone is confused and distressed by the news Josie brought "Wubbles have been kidnapped!? We've thought they had been beginning to migrate, we've even been doing more frequent observations to see where they rest, my most trusted advisor said s-"
There is a rumble as a large biotech sheep can be seen through the tinted blue organic glass windows of the Shell Temple, the Shelley that ran away before is now flying off in a large transparent ship shaped like a aquatic creature, inside you can see some trapped rubbles trying to break out using Club-arm mode

The Shelley Leader pulls out a little slug, presses some glowing tumours on it's back, and spoke into it "Huo-Lux, why are you trying to evacuate the premises with a stolen ship and stolen natives?!"
The Gunslingers hear a voice come from the strange slug "Because our old masters aren't going to take treason lightly! And all we've been doing is cowering, hiding, doing our old duty like always as if nothing changed, but it will only be a matter of time till they find and punish us, to prepare for that, we'll need soldiers! I'm sorry for breaking the pact we made Mou-Zhi, but this is for your own good"
"You'd dare subjugate these poor creatures to the same atrocities we have endured!? We'd be no better then them!"
A sigh of regret comes from the other end "I know, thats why I'm doing this alone, goodbye Mou, I love you"

The Starship blurs and fades off into the Starway, your ship will definitely not be fast enough to catch that, its too shoddy

Your Gunslingers all stand there awkwardly as Mou-Zhi began to cry and the other Shelleys comforted them, later they offer you some gifts as thanks for bringing this injustice to light, they'll try to make amends with the Wubbles the best they can, and will make attempts to locate Huo-Lux

The Shelleys
- Pretty okay with you, they thank you for giving them the knowledge needed to figure out there was a traitor in their ranks
- Offer regular help to the Wubbles

- A Shelley with a really fancy shell covered in glass implants
- Leader of The Shelleys

- Shelley with a very cube-shaped shell covered in glowing curved lines
- Rogue member of The Shelleys

The Wubbles
- Don't know how to feel about the Shelleys, one among their number kidnapped a bunch of Wubbles, but the rest now offer regular assistance with stuff like identifying predators or avoid dangerous areas as recompense

"Praise be the knife worm in the sky!" We're getting that cult off the ground.
Rolled a 69 = 69 (Nice)

Cletus made a cult, Josie told him no but he made one anyway, goddamit Cletus, she watched as he was inside a barn preaching to some members of the colony

The crowd in the barn cheered "YOU BE RIGHT!"

Josie was offered some worm-water alchohol by Britzy who was just here for the snacks Cletus made out fo Bulbmrutts (pretty good ones too), Josie chugged it all down

- A worm-rancher with a tendency to turn to worship when scared or confused
- Can preach quite well, knows how to manage a religious organization, even started a couple small ones back on Makeesh
- Worships Wandering-Serpent-Ate-The-Sword, and leads the Cult Of The Knife-Worm

Cult Of The Knife-Worm
- Group of superstitious Worm-Ranchers and Gunslingers that worship Wandering-Serpent-Ate-The-Sword
- Their meetings got snacks

Send some Gunslingers on a offworld trip to buy some books about Higher-Spheres
Rolled a 14 = 14

Josie sighed as the obvious bandit invited the group into their humble shop-station (that is obviously a ransacked corporate station, reused as a hideout) so they can help him help them find the book they need, of course the bored Gunslingers step in and a bunch of bandits popping out from behind with energy blasters and other sorts weapons yelling "GIVE US EVERYTHING YOU FUCKING GOT YA [ANCIENT EARTH SLUR]S!"

Gunslingers rolled a 48 + 50 = 98
Space Bandits rolled a 42 + 20 = 62

The bandits are reduced to red mist in seconds, you just walk around and take their stuff as the remaining bandits who weren't part of the initial ambush cowered in fear, you simply ignored them, Josie didn't even have to use her new ability for the first batch, why would the remainder worry her?
Almost everything the bandits owned was trash, except a cool alien-skull hat

Cool Alien-Skull Hat
- Used to belong to bandits, carved from the skull of a hopefully not sapient space creature, now it belongs to you
- + 100 coolness

Make some Bulbmrutt farms, then build a still and see if you can't make alcohol with it. Test said alcohol on various vermin to make sure it's not actually dangerous.
Rolled a 93 + 6 = 99

As the worm-ranchers discussed their ideas about some potential Bulbmrutt farms, Britzy overheard the plans for a still to make alchohol out of Bulbmrutt juice, she immediately began dragging her fellow ranchers out to begin working on the farm and the still non-stop for a week,
After they finished that, Britzy grabbed some of the Bulbmrutt bulbs, juiced them into the still, refining it into something close to alchohol based on recipes she learnt, and before the other ranchers could stop her she didn't even both to test it on local vermin, she chugged it all, after a couple seconds she drank the remaining liquid out of the still

A rancher asked "Ya okay?"
"That juice tasted like shit!" She walked off to go drink out of the lake and cleanse her mouth, but then clutched her stomach and vomited all over the ground, scaring off every animal up to the size of small dog in a 50 mile radius due to the smell made by the distilled Bulbmrutt juice
It was horrific and glorious watching the swarm vacate that area and birds fall from the sly, like witnessing a biblical miracle

The Bulbmrutt Fields
- Some fields and barns that grow rows upon rows of Bulbmrutts, one of the barns is also a still to make alchohol
- Your territory

Distilled Bulbmrutt Juice Recipe
- Alcoholic, tastes terrible, and scares off almost all small vermin in a 50 mile radius due to the strong smell, well its a recipe to make something with that description
- Invented by Britzy
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Damn, the mine seemingly completely failed, the cult is off the ground, and we didn't find much in space. Things aren't looking good for the colony today.
Whats... anything about the High Spheres. How do they work? Why is justice not a valid sphere?
Your colony only know the basics from their poor education, which is still pretty decent for Makeesh, what the teacher said isn't much but it is still complicated
"Okay, so there is this ancient term called Quantum flux, and it like... *Holds a trash-can up to their mouth cause they think they were about to vomit due to hangover, but it doesn't happen so they put it down* it basically means that everything you aren't looking at is constantly changing or something similar, the Higher-Spheres, also known as the Protean-Law are like if physics itself was in constant quantum flux even when observed, a mishmash of randomized physics, kinda like if reality randomly generated it's contents all the time, it apparently has been around forever, mostly separate from the rest of existence unless a Incursion happens, Resonants are things or individuals that have a piece (or more) of alternative physics attached to them, one can hone their abilities, causing micro-incursions to evolve their powers or whatever, everyone else has to get their hands on little pieces of whatever altered physics they can find, study it, then attempt to replicate it, which is how Starway Engines and other current marvels were invented"

On the subject of Justice not being a valid sphere
"The spheres are how Otherminds and Resonant individuals refer to areas of the Protean-Law, not exactly a perfect form of categorization but it works enough, it isn't technically a actual location despite Otherminds propagating inside it, the entirety of the Protean-Law is evershifting metaphysics, but specific quarters of it have observable themes to their effects, it is still chaos, a mess made primarily with cake is still a mess afterall and metaphysical chaos made primarily with physics based off hard-light is of course still chaos afterall, Spheres are named based off what kind of use and or effect they primarily produce, most of the time in a stupid science way thats make people who discuss them sound cooler, so you won't hear Fireball Sphere but you will hear Geometric Mass Of Heat Sphere, some get weirdly specific, some are REALLY abstract, like Enforcement, that shit is weird"
That second time the teacher was high and was outside the classroom, so imagine the speech as muffled by window glass
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Random Events 3 New
Amount of events
1D6 rolled a 3

Event Types
1 - Politics
2 - Business
3 - Combat
4 - Religion
5 - Crime
6 - Civilization
7 - Nature
8 - Science
9 - Higher-Spheres
10 - Other (Roll twice, mix results)

(Other categories I may have missed can be suggested for the list)
1D10 rolled a 9 + 8(10)/2/5

During the analysis of the planet to see if it was suitable for long term development, the Siblinghood Of Toil discovered something in the grown beneath, a Incursion was occuring, warping the minerals beneath them into something new
They examined the new ore to discover it was spiky and tended to slightly nudge itself, one individual even saw a chip fall from the ceilind even swerve to guide itself into the eye of a Toiler, but luckily the individual warned their friend fast enough for them to dodge

The ore have become aligned with a Higher-Sphere, they called it Stabzyte for it's tendency to attempt to stab people and the Toilers knew that mining this newly discovered material would be a reckless endeavour, it was a unknown, it was actively trying to kill everything near it, and it would take backbreaking effort
Which is why they ABSOLUTELY had to make a mine and settle down on Costrus, they love hard work of course

The Murder-Mines
- On the surface are barebones cramped habitats for miners to live in, these habitats have elevators, ladders, and stairs that lead to tangled underground warrens of red murderous Stabzyte
- Territory of the Siblinghood Of Toil

- A mineral aligned with a Higher-Sphere, originates from Costrus
- Red, pointy, tends to try to stab those unfortunate enough to get close, luckily it can't move much

Once the Siblinghood began extracting Stabzyte, a couple buyers flew by Costrus once they sent advertisements through the Starnet, eventually, some of the attention attracted entrepreneurs, one of which landed at Ranchville
These businessmen were Xenomon Entertainment, they had the patent to some altered physics from the Higher-Sphere of Auxiliary Projection, and sold cubes which could create projections of fictional creatures, they were capable of interacting with stuff physically but not that strong, they were far better at simply being adorable companions, scouts, and occasionally fighting eachother since their states of matter better interacted with eachother

The cutesy look of these Xenomon was incredibly generic, and designed simply from a viewpoint of attracting as many potential buyers as possible, despite the vibrant cheerful look of their creations, the Xenomon Entertainment members all looked serious, their fancy white high-collar coats, black gloves, and dark tinted glasses making them look sorta ominous
They barely even talked beyond whatever words were necessary to get your people to agree to letting them buy a plot of land to build their company building on, which contrasted with the ramshackle countrytown look of Ranchville by being a sleek store with checker pattern tinted windows and a large Xenocube on top

At least the kids enjoyed the new thing to play with, kick the can was starting to get boring, but Josie now had to deal with the holographic dragon her grandson brought home, it kept stealing her socks to build a nest

Xenomon Entertainment
- A group of incredibly serious looking scientists and businessmen wearing fancy white high-collar coats, black gloves, and dark tinted glasses making them look ominous, they like being as logical and as straightforward as needed
- Have access to Auxiliary Projection Aligned technology to create cubes that project fictional creatures. Xenomon, they produce these Xenocubes, alongside toys, accessories, other types of merchandise, and media based around these Xenomon

- A Xenomon Centre has been built here

Remember that Bandits your guys got ambushed by? Who you then killed? Yeah the survivors told some friends, apparently they were part of a larger bandit clan called the Skulls Of Cazzor, a group of brigands and thieves descended from a lawless colony that was and still is regularly assailed by a weak Othermind called Cazzor, it could regenerate and change shape quite easily, but tired out fast too
So it just attacks their headquarters like once or twice a month, the many skulls of it's removed heads being a common symbol of their people, to show their resilience

And even if they were in the wrong, they do not take kindly to the death of their brethren, which is why they retaliated, by firing a reworked escape pod full of lepers directly at Ranchville, destroying a building, and when the pod opened the folks inside got a bunch of your people sick when the germs flooding the air of their vessel were released
This is the beginning of your rivalry with the Skulls Of Cazzor

The Skulls Of Cazzor
- A clan of space bandits descended from a lawless colony, they're particularly despised by a regenerative Othermind named Cazzor for some reason, and are attacked by it once or twice a month, the removed skulls of this being are used as symbols of resilience and might among the bandits
- They don't like you at all

- A bunch of your people have Crankus, which is a disease that irritates the throat and nasal passages, causing heavy coughing, while making one easily angered
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Man, we're dealing with a lot of stabby things from he Higher-Spheres. First blades of sound, then that Othermind, now this. Is this world aligned with the Sphere of... Slicing or something?
Well. I know my action for next turn.

[] Look through and collate all the medical information in the colony. If there isn't any (and there should be, we at least know advanced first aid) go buy some books on it.
And I'm torn between trying to handle the cult or trying again to get a mine set up for enhanced self sufficiency.
Oh no, Cults are bad news from both life experience and... Well, how they're portrayed in fiction. I'd better focus on that before making sure we can maintain our guns and...

But guns are important though. But cults are just very bad. Mmm
Actions 4 New
Meanwhile, in a space station located at the center of the local civilized Galaxy, dark in colour with golden scripture carved into it, legions of people in power armour with a similar motif were examining some holograms depicting data on worlds, mainly newly discovered ones
These are the Planetary Monitors of the Pact, one of many divisions dedicated to ensuring the laws of the Pact are enforced, it's allies prospering, and it's enemies eliminated

They were currently looking at Costrus
"Monitor-Seer Gathis, it appears some unorderly activity is occuring on this newly discovered world" A Pact member of small stature stated while pointing to a incredibly dense block of text holographed before them

One in more grandiose armour with gold hoops and fancier font for their armour scripture replied "Query: Apprentice, is this world a potential threat to Pact law?"
"Estimation is 23% threat, the lack of order is mainly constrained to that single planet"
"Query: Why do you mention this world?"
"A warband formerly from Makeesh, called The Gunslingers, have settled this world, alongside Wandering-Serpent-Ate-The-Sword, and some rogue biotech drones from the Sect Of Refined & Radiant Self, Min-Lai"
"Statement/Request: The mere mention of the Sect's name disgusts me, give me data other then those inbred practioners of eugenics"
"There is a slowly increasing amount of attention on this planet from various factions, Pact-bound and not, I believe that if events continue like this, Costrus may become more of a Focus World then a Virgin World"
"Command: Transfer data to the Modicum-Of-Importance Server and continue with scheduled duties"

The Apprentice saluted their Monitor-Seer, and began to set up a link to have data tagged Costrus to be immediately sent to the M.O.I. Server
If only they knew how crazy it was gonna get

Choose a single course of action each

[] A Gunslinger injects the Damnation mutagen into their body

[] The Worm-Ranchers and Gunslingers go offworld to hire a doctor

[] Some Knife-Worm Cultists go on a little trip to the Shattered Blade on a pilgrimage

[] Write-In
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Gah, three nifty options.

I want augmentations and demonic gunslingers, because they seem so cool. But we need mines and more resource gathering to support weapons, and other cool stuff like advanced medical equipment, electricity production, spacecraft development, weapons development instead of just repairing weapons, cybernetics, making our own augmentations... And I need to take that cult down before they sacrifice someone, or just generally engage in abuse to each other or do something far worse... Hmm...
[X] Put together all the medical knowledge we've got (there should be some, given that we at the very least know advanced first aid) and if no one has written it down yet then do that.
[X] Make some public schools filled with everything a growing mind needs such as how to do math, science, guns, and anything else to help the young ones learn.
[X] Try to make a mine again. You just gotta try, try again and hope it works for the colony's future.
[X] The Cult Perfectly Normal Region shall send emissaries (mostly just Cletus) out to The Murder-Mines to bargain for trade of Stabzyte from the Siblinghood Of Toil. In exchange, offer the blessing of our god, the great and powerful Wandering-Serpent-Ate-The-Sword, and snacks. Everyone loves snacks.
Oh no... Will this colony go the way of Jonestown? Probably not but still. Scary stuff this alliance could bring to our colony.