the cast from Rwby were in the league of legends?


Another word for a Trenggiling is Pangolin.
I don't know about you, but when I watch Rwby I can't help but think...
"Wow they look like they crawled out of summoners rift!"
Is it just me? or does anyone else think so too?

Also if they were league champions then what would their power sets be?
I have played around with this thought experiment, and it's actually a lot of fun!

So I challenge you to make your favorite Rwby character into a champion worthy of the fields of justice!
Here are the rules.

1: You must give them a passive, and 4 abilities.
(Special character-specific items are optional.)

2: These abilities need to thematically fit the character.
(So no, "I am Weiss! I have MIND CONTROL!!!")

3:They must also be relatively balanced with the other league members.
(You can discuss how powerful remnant, and runeterra are compared to each other separately from the challenge.)

You don't have to use exact numbers, but it would be nice if you used little descriptions like "a small amount of damage" or "a ton of damage" rather than just saying "it deals X damage"
Ruby would be a AD jungler/assassin with an emphasis on harassment and AoE melee.

Passive: Sharp Scythe - Ruby's auto attacks hit other nearby targets, applying a portion of her damage as a bleed over five seconds. additional attacks reset the duration and increase the damage up to a cap.

Q: Arcing Swing: Ruby whirls her scythe, gaining dealing damage around her and adding one charge of Red Like Roses.

W: You Came Back!: Ruby dashes to a nearby friendly minion or champion, gaining a brief speed buff

E: Snap shot: Ruby makes a skillshot with her rifle, slowing enemies hit.

R: Red Like Roses: After a short windup, ruby fills a large area with a think cloud of rose petals, blocking vision and attacking anyone caught in the area with a number of strikes equal to the number of charges on Red Like Roses.
Some what role would each member of RWBY need to take to help their team the most?

Purple bottom team
Ashe can be DPS
Orianna is support? AP carry? Other?
Gnar - I haven't seen this thing's videos. Ranged AD DPS?

So can Blake be a tank?
Weiss as a support or AP?
You are thinking about it to hard...
I only really know Dota, is that heresy?
No you are entitled to like whatever you want.
I mean I have no idea what dota is (I think it may be a Moba?)

Oh wait... I was probably supposed to reply with some snarky comment...
'Dota fan voice' League of Legends is the dumbed down lowest-common-denominator friendly version of DOTA, thus allowing it to win over the slavering masses of idiots that is the general population, thus winning it the largest playerbase of any game around despite being a total rip-off with no originality. Pointless complexity and unexplained nonsensical rules are integral to good gameplay. Though the most offensive aspect of League of Legends is that it believes in some kind of lame hugbox of civil and friendly discourse, rather than everyone being misanthropic asstards who make xbox live CoD kiddies look like figures of geniality. Some people just can't appreciate greatness. 'Dota fan voice'
'Dota fan voice' League of Legends is the dumbed down lowest-common-denominator friendly version of DOTA, thus allowing it to win over the slavering masses of idiots that is the general population, thus winning it the largest playerbase of any game around despite being a total rip-off with no originality. Pointless complexity and unexplained nonsensical rules are integral to good gameplay. Though the most offensive aspect of League of Legends is that it believes in some kind of lame hugbox of civil and friendly discourse, rather than everyone being misanthropic asstards who make xbox live CoD kiddies look like figures of geniality. Some people just can't appreciate greatness. 'Dota fan voice'
Okay? o_O

(Are you being sarcastic? or...)
I played DOTA2 once.


Eff that place with a chainsaw, I have better things to do than get verbally abused by assholes.

Honestly, I think that LoL is the better game just from a mechanics standpoint.
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Let's try to not go down that road because that way leads to endless repetition of turn rates, counterplay, anti-fun. :p