Look to the Left

Back from the Void
The Case Files of Seven Bizarre Individuals and the dead lady.

This takes place 1896. In a rural town of Canopy. In that town was a rather large mansion.

There was once a living lady in that mansion. A lady that was known to be divisive in the community she lives in. Insulting to the local church and preferring pagan religions, she often puts down Catholics and all offshoots of it. On her good side however she is anti-slavery and is a well known member of the suffrage movement and writes literacy that denounces all notion that women are "silly creatures that have little place on the shoulders of giants". She supports Charles Darwin's theory of evolution but rejects the natural observations of Aristotle. Her name was Florence Stoniness, she's age 27, an auburn hair, lithe body with a deceptively cheerful appearance and full of raging passions (in the field of science and in the bedroom). She was a sight to behold in person and many people find it hard to be in her prescience because of her many flaws and quirks. She lives with only one person, a seemingly bored yet beautiful maid named Alice Shootings that had cared for her mistress since childhood.

One day feeling bored in her mansion she decided to invite people from across Europe to a party. Many of whom had reasons to both like her and hate her guts or maybe one of those or something along those lines. Seven in all actually bothered to go to her party. At first it went well but an argument over what wine was better between two of the guest devolved into a shouting match with all seven guest until the lights cut out for a full 10 seconds before someone found a lamp and found Florence dead, thus setting the stage for the most bizarre case of a murder of a prominent yet polarizing figure and the seven guest that were invited there.

Da Rules
  1. Be nice to everyone.
  2. No Godmodding.
  3. No stands along the power levels of The Hand or Killer Queen.
  4. No "I can making any crime unsolvable stands" and no "I can solve any crime stands."
  5. All final decisions goes to the GM.
  6. You must practice basic grammar and spelling to even be in the RP.
  7. Not a first come first serves RP, anyone can apply but the last day to submit is March 29th.
  8. All submission must be to the PM, your title must be "Case File: -user name-", any other submission other than this will be ignored.
  9. No meta gaming.
  10. This is a mystery, you're expected to be logical.
  11. A murderer will be chosen among you, don't get caught.
  12. This is a serious RP, you die, you stay dead.
  13. Have fun.
Anonymous system:

If a player chosen as the murderer goes to post something is fearful of that post incriminating them on the meta level, then they can talk to the GM and have them posted by the GM himself.


Please note that stand users are not the only ones I allow, vampires, cyborgs, spin users and hamon users are allowed too.

Name: (Nicknames are optional)
Age: (In years)
Date of Birth: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Gender: (Male/Female)
Appearance: (Written description, make it nice and lengthy if you can - images are optional but writing is mandatory)
Hobbies: (Gotta have some)
Favorite Food: (Delicious)

-spoiler this-
Personality: (Really important)
Why you would kill Florence:
Your Alibi:
Method of murder:

Notable Skills: (What your character is good at that could help in a fight or other form of conflict. Optional.)

Name: (The moniker of the Stand, which must be shared with a song or otherwise have some sort of thematic naming.)
Song: (A link to the lyrics of the song in question. Do not use any video embeds by linking to sites like Youtube, as they will cause stuff to lag.)
Type: (Spirit, Object, Ability, Autonomous, Combined, ACT) (Use slashes to denote multiple categories, such as Object/Autonomous or Spirit/Evolved)

Destructive Power: -
Speed: -
Durability: -
Precision: -
Learning: -
Range: -

(A description of one of the Stand's functions, its uses and limitations.)

Another Power: (A description of one of the Stand's functions, its uses and limitations. Optional.)

Some More Powers: (A description of one of the Stand's functions, its uses and limitations. Optional.)

And So On: (A description of one of the Stand's functions, its uses and limitations. Optional.)

You are free to post.
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For those wondering about spelling mistakes, I made this on a school computer that doesn't have auto correct for some reason. Also added some new rules.
You know guys I noticed that a good chunk of the sheets sent to me have a similar method of killing Florence with "throw something at her really fucking fast."
Just makes it harder to figure out the murderer XD.

Dude: My stand power is to throw things really fucking fast!
Guy: Me too!
Dude 2: Me three!
Sexy Asian Gal: Me four!
Scary Old guy: Me five!

Spectacle man: Is my stand the only stand that doesn't throw things really fucking fast?

Dude: I guess so, what does it do?

Spectacle man: Makes inanimate objects into pizza.

Dude: That sounds like a dumb power.

Spectacle man: Get stranded on a island for five months and tell that to my face again after you've done that.
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You know guys I noticed that a good chunk of the sheets sent to me have a similar method of killing Florence with "throw something at her really fucking fast."
Surfing Safari only did it moderately fast, and kicked it. Also had the advantage of being a weapon that hid itself after the murder. But anyway, that was the one that didn't make the cut. Working on a sheet for Long Dream's user now.
So who else fully expects to find a stash of recreational drugs somewhere in the house? Because it was not uncommon for writers of the time to get together, get high on something and then start throwing around ideas for books.