The Blacks and the Reds: An ISOT Story

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The setting of this story are the events that occurred with The Blacks and the Reds, an ASOIAF...
Chapter 2: As High as Honor

Arryn had been enjoying his new name, after changing it from a number that seemed rather mathematical. His favorite house from AWOIAF, he was satisfied. Then, the event occurred. He recalled nothing, only that he woke up sitting on a chair, dressed in strange clothes, in a rather cold room. As he looked around, it looked as though he were in a castle, stone walls, wooden floors, and a fire going in a nearby fireplace. He stood up quickly, and trying to figure out what happened.

"What place is this" he said, more of an observation than a question. He searched for his phone, for any of his belongings, but he found nothing, aside from what looked to be a sort of pack sitting on a large bed.

"This looks to be some type of castle" as he said those words, and noticed his clothes again, he started to wonder if he had traveled through time. Before he could give further thought to that, he heard a knock at the door. He did not know whether to respond or not, but there was another knock, this time followed by a woman's voice.

"Robar, are you alright?" asked the woman. "A servant thought she heard you fall."

Robar, thought Arryn. He had come to the realization, but still not wanting to believe it. He quickly rushed towards the nearest window, which further caused him to believe what he had thought.

As he walked away from the window, he saw a glimpse of his reflection on a glass that was on a small table. He picked it up to take a closer look. The face looking at him was not his, but yet, somewhat familiar to him. It was then he knew who he was.

"Are you alright, I am coming in" said the woman's voice again.

"I am alright" he said, interestingly enough, the voice in which he spoke was sort of like his. He then turned to the bed, and opened the pack. Strangely enough, maps which he had made on his own, were now there in a type of old fashioned paper.

A map of the Seven Kingdoms, he thought, and another map, of the known world.

"I am alright, and shall join you soon, Rhaena", he tried to sound natural, speaking to Robar's, or rather his, wife.

Chapter 3: The City of Lys

Texan had finished checking again his game. It was tough running a game, especially one with such a reputation that came with AWOIAF settings. As usual, he listened to some music, set his phone on his desk, and went to bed. When he got up, he noticed there was something different. He looked around, the room was not his. This caused him to stand from his bed, which he noticed felt different, and furthermore, his own clothes were different.

He quickly rushed to the window. "What is this place" he said to himself, taking note of the large city that he was now in. He then noticed another thing, everything looked as though it came from the middle ages. "When is this" he said. He began to think of the various scenarios which he had played, but those were just a game.

He then walked past a nearby mirror, he looked the same, aside from his clothes.

Then, as he walked around the room, wondering about what had occurred, he noticed a pack next to the bed he was on. He opened it, and saw a large map, on a strange type of paper. As he looked at it, he soon realized where he was, but still was not sure how he was there. "This should not be possible" he then looked outside again, and then at the map "but it seems to be so".

Going by the map, he appeared to be in the game, sometime in the middle of it. How this had occurred, he did not know. Going by the appearance of this city, this must be Lys, he thought, although not really sure if he was in that city.

Then there was a young man who walked in. "Greetings, it appears as you are the new master of this manse. We apologize for not being here when you first got here."

The language, it was not English, but he understood it. He was not sure if he really was the master of this place, mansion, as it seemed to be. Still, he thought to answer, "yes, I just got here". Somehow, he could speak their language as if he were fluent in it.

The man bowed, and left the room. Texan did not know whether to talk a walk around his new surroundings, or to stay there. He figured to look over the map again, along with some of the other things in the pack. As he did this, he also wondered, who else might have been transported into the world of the game.

Chapter 4: A Tully Returned

It had been a usual day for Eliud. He was on SV late, checking out for any new posts. Suddenly, he felt tired, and then it was as though a bright light flashed in his room. The next thing he knew, he was sitting on a large chair by a fireplace. He struggled to straighten himself, and as he looked around the room, quickly stood from his chair.

Where is this place? He thought to himself, as he looked around the room. The place was cold, and it looked as though he was in a castle. He walked towards a window, to see if he could figure out where he was. As he did this, he felt somewhat different. He looked at his arms, and then touched his face. To his surprised, those were not his features. As he reached the window, he could notice the walls were thick, with a distinctive look to them. It was then he noticed he was in a tower, but he could not tell much from his vantage point, aside from it certainly being a castle he was in.

There was a knock on the door, with a large voice "Ondrew, you awake still?"

Ondrew, he thought, then came the thought, Ondrew Tully, then this must be Harrenhal.

He had both excitement, but also worry, how did he get to Westeros? It might have had to do something with that light. Not wanting to cause some suspicion, he answered, "here, come in".

A young man, and then a slightly older one, walked in. They had a tough look about them, yet to Eliud, also seemed somewhat familiar. As though the characters he had thought about for the game were standing in the same room as him. He could not think much about it, for he needed to play his role, as Ondrew Tully.

"It seems like you had much to drink, perhaps we should take these somewhere else" said one of the men, holding a bottle in one hand and cups in the other.

"Aye, even a Tully raised Beyond the Wall can have enough to drink" joked the other.

Somehow, the conversation made Eliud smile, finding the setting just about how thought when writing his posts.

"There could be another cup still to drink" he said, finding his voice somewhat similar to his own, but with a different accent. Perhaps he could use the drink, and later he could think about what had occurred to place him in Westeros, as the character he created and built the way he liked.

A drink is needed to be able to think about this, he thought, as he began a drink with his new friends.
Chapter 5: A Knight at Whitewalls

A steady player in the ASOIAF scenarios, Kronz had switched from faction to faction, depending on how active he could be. Most recently, he had been working on the Starks. We would find himself on a comfortable bed, and just like the others, was surprised at his surroundings. He quickly got to his feet, and walked around the room. He opened to heavy, wooden door, to find a long, but quiet hallway. The walls were stone, and there were a few tapestries that hung along the walls.

What is this place, this is strange. It was all he thought, as he began to pace in his room. His clothes appeared to him as sort of from the middle ages. To his interest, he saw a sword leaning against a nearby chair. He looked at it, and as he again looked around the room, he began to consider if he might have traveled through time.

"This cannot be, it is not possible" he said, and he began going through some things that were on the table.

"What, can it be" he said looking over an emblem which he had found. It bore a sigil which he knew, that of House Butterwell.

He sat back in his chair, thinking over what it meant. Surely, he could not have been transported into the books. Then he began to think, that perhaps, he could have also been transported into the game which he had been playing.

Feeling the need to take a walk around this castle he found himself in, he put on some boots he found nearby. While doing that, he noticed that his figure was different. Considering his size, he guessed he was not Ambrose, but perhaps, he was another member of the Butterwells, possibly Jon. This was rather strange for him still, but he still felt the need to look around at his new surroundings, while he continued to think how he got there.

Chapter 6: A Wonderer in the North
As someone who enjoyed playing The Blacks and the Reds, Louis could not post as often as he would like. Still, he put effort into the posts he did make. As he was about to write something one night, he saw a flash of light, something similar to what Eliud had seen. Then, he felt as though he was sitting down, which he soon realized, he was sitting on the ground leaning against a tree.

Surprised, he quickly stood, and realized his clothes were different, then again, his whole surrounding was different. He started to think if someone played a joke on him.

"Anyone there?" he said, but not that loud, as he was not sure who was around.

It was cold, but he also noticed he was wearing a thick cloak over some strange clothes. He saw next to him was a large pack. He began going through it, but finding none of his things there. He did find some maps, and what looked to be old books.

"A map, perhaps this can tell me where this is" he said as he opened the rather old looking map. As he opened it, the map did not actually look to be that old, just the paper was different. He did not recognize any features or names at first, but then, he saw one name which let him drop the map.

"It cannot be, this has to be a joke" he said, and got the map in his hands again. "This is Westeros" he said, wanting to shout, but he did not. Soon, he was thinking of many things, such as how he got there, how it was possible, and then, where in Westeros was he.

Going through the pack, he saw there was some food, and interesting, some type of liquor. He also realized there had been a sword next to him, which he quickly got, along with the pack, as he began walking. As he took note of his surroundings, mostly trees and a few hills, he began to think he might be in the North. This might also be why it was cold.

He would soon find a road, and figured it was better to find someplace to stay so he can think about the strange situation of having been transported to Westeros.

Chapter 7: The Red Lion

It had been a regular day for Lucienz, who was looking forward to getting on SV to check out any new posts, and to make some of his own. Having joined the game after it had begun, he had been an active poster, and already had some new ideas to for his characters. After making his posts, and satisfied with having further advanced the Reynes, he went to bed. When he got up, he realized he was in a different room. After some initial confusion, he slowly stood from his bed. As he looked around, he realized his room was actually a large tent.

Another thing he quickly noticed, his clothes were different, he was wearing some strange type of shirt and pants. He also felt different, and would startle himself when he placed his hands through his hair. He then placed them over his face. He was older, and not only that, but it seemed his hair was a different color.

"What did happen?" he asked out loud, and tried to look for a mirror. The best thing he found was some polished armor. Although thinking the armor cool, he first focused on why his appearance changed. The look seemed familiar to him.

"What a minute, I know what that is" he said to himself, looking over the armor, and a shield that was next to it. Suddenly, he looked around the tent, and then made a glance through one of the tent flaps. The surroundings looked tropic, and it appeared as though he was in a military camp.

He then realized, he somehow was not only transported into the world of the game he had been playing, he was now Victor Reyne. His confusion soon turned to a sort of excitement. Suddenly, all of what he wanted to do, and accomplish, he could do. All the resources Victor had, and all of the knowledge he had from playing the game, he now had several ideas of what to do.

He quickly got dressed, and stepped out of the tent as King Victor. He had plans, but first he needed to know when in the game was he transported to.
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Chapter 8: The Greyjoy that Sow's

After some hard work, Numby had gone straight to bed. However, when he got up, he thought there was a storm. Then, as he looked around his room, he realized it was not his room, but some cold, damp looking place. He quickly got up, unable to say anything, but he quickly rushed to the door, only to see a hallway which did not look familiar. As it was cold, and his clothes looking rather strange, he went to find some shoes to wear. It was then that he noticed he felt different. His hair somewhat longer, his hands look worn, and then, he realized, he was older.

He found some boots that he quickly put on, and found what sort of looked to be a jacket, to wear over a rather loose shirt he was wearing. The clothes were strange, the place was strange, he just wanted to find out where he was so he could leave.

Walking quickly out of his room into the hallway, he encountered what seemed to be servants, but dressed in a fashion that began to look familiar with him. "It can't be" he said to himself, as he kept walking. What was further strange, is that these people were bowing to him.

Finding a door, he walked out only to be met with rain. To his surprise, he appeared to be in a castle, that was on an island. He walked out, his clothes starting to get wet from the rain, and there he saw his answer.

"It cannot be, but it is" he began to say, "Pyke". He had realized he was on Pyke, and somehow, he was now Victarion Greyjoy, going by his clothes, and his appearance.

He stumbled inside, without saying anything, as his servants tended to him, bringing him a dry shirt and taking him to the great hall.

Chapter 9: The Archon of Myr

Being relatively late to join The Blacks and the Reds, Emperor Casey was still someone who was considered a regular when it came to AWOIAF scenarios. However, when he got up after having felt rather tired the night before, he noticed he was in a different place. Much like the others, he would quickly walk around the room, trying to find some clue as to where he was. Also, like the others, he would realize he was in a different place.

For Casey, however, he would notice he was not alone in the room which he was in. For, walking in from a side room, was a woman, looking somewhat elegant, in clothes that seemed like from a different time.

"Talion, you got up quickly. I did not know you had somewhere to go." The woman spoke as she walked closer to Casey.

He wondered who she meant, and why she thought he was someone called Talion. He also thought that the language she was speaking was not English, but he understood it anyway.

"Who?" is all he managed to say, realizing he could also speak the language.

The woman laughed, which confused him again. Then, he realized he knew that name. "This cannot be, all this was just in a game, from a book" he said.

"What is from a book?" asked the woman, whom Casey guessed to be the wife of the man he now was.

He was not sure how to proceed with his new role, but tried, "nothing, it is alright". He did not know what he could say, but instead he continued to think how he got there, and how he could return to where he came from.

Chapter 10: The Archon of Tyrosh

While not as active as others, and also having joined the game late, Mrmastro had put some effort into his characters. He had plans to rival the powerful banks already established in the game. Then, like the others, he would find himself in a strange looking room, and one that seemed rather luxurious. He noticed something different when he saw his own hands, as he moved to stand. He was older, which surprised him.

What is going on, what is this place. As he thought to himself, wondering how he got there, he, like Casey, noticed he was not alone in the room.

Who is that woman? He looked at her, a woman about the same age as he now felt he was. There should be something that says where is this place.

As he rushed around the room, he had a look outside from the window. He was in a large city, an old city, as there were large walls surrounding it. From what he could notice, the city was along a beach.

"Viserys, you are up. You should get the servants to bring some food" said the woman, apparently not noticing he was someone else. Then again, from what he thought, he was this Viserys. The name, however, let him think.

He quickly rushed to find something he could see his reflection on. Finding a mirror, and somewhat to his relief, he was not the Viserys he first thought about. Still, that name began to give him some answer. Perhaps he was transported into the world of the books. Where he was, he still did not know. He wanted to go out and see, but he was also not sure who he was, or what was his position. He figured he would just wait, and talk to the woman who apparently was his wife. That way, he would feel better informed about who this Viserys is.
Chapter 11: Robar II

It had been a few days since the event, and Arryn was still getting used to his surroundings. Being King Robar was just as difficult as it was when he was the one playing as him. So far, he had not figured out what year it was, and he did not want to ask anyone. What he could gather was that the Seven Kingdoms, or rather Six Kingdoms without Dorne, were mobilizing for war.

If only I actually knew when that war occurred, he thought to himself as he walked towards the great hall. The Gates of the Moon was actually a sizable castle, and more impressive than any drawing he had ever seen of it.

"There you are Robar, I had thought you had gotten lost" Rhaena smiled at him, apparently waiting to for him so she could eat.

"You do not have to wait, just eat" replied Robar. To him, it was strange being married, and for the past few days found some reason to sleep in another room. At the same time, he sometimes felt it rather cool being married to a Targaryen.

"Your uncles send word, most of the banners have been mobilized" said the maester. To which Robar nodded.

"I shall be sending out instructions soon" as he knew how the war went, he had every I intention of making the Vale look good in the coming campaign. It is then he thought of another issue, his, or rather, Robar's uncles. "Have them come here, I need to speak with them" to which the maester nodded and left.

Arryn was not sure if the scene he had written between Robar and his uncles had occurred. However, he had no intention of having that occur now that he was Robar.

"You should eat something" Rhaena said, distracting Robar.

"Yes, I suppose" he was not that interested in the food, knowing food standards were lower than where he was from. Which reminded him, he should speak with the kitchen staff.

Chapter 12: The Wanderer II
Louis had managed to make his way to White Harbor. It was to his slight disappointment, as he was thinking the road he was on lead to Winterfell. The city itself was crowded, and there did not seem to be a place to stay. In fact, it was his second day in the city, and the night before he had to make camp just outside the city walls.

As he walked through the crowded streets, he found his way inside a tavern.

Food shortages, harsh weather, and foreign occupation. Those were words he heard spoken by many people there.

You guys totally messed the North a bit much, he thought about all the war plans and events he had made relating to the Stark civil war, and the resulting invasion of the North.

"A drink" he said to the barkeep, although he had no idea what would be served to him.

"Are you a maester?" A man's voice asked.

Louis turned to see a young man sitting next to him, looking him over. He himself was still not sure who he was supposed to be. His clothing might make him look as though he were a maester, but then again, he also had a sword, and some equipment that could have made him a sort of warrior.

"Not necessarily, were you looking for one?" he said, noting the man's disappointment.

"There are several people from my village who could use food, and a heeler. A maester would certainly be useful" said the man.

"I can go with you, as I have plenty of knowledge that many maesters do not have" he said with confidence. The man looked unsure, but he also looked as though he had no other plan.

"Alright, many of the men in our village are camped outside the city walls, looking for food to bring to our village" he said.

As they walked, Louis began to think of good places they could take food from. After all, it was a component of the situation he had written about for the North.
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