The Birth of a House Peer of the Empire (Space Opera)

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The Birth of a House: Peer of the Empire (Original Setting/Space Opera)

The year is 3204 and...
The Birth of a House: Peer of the Empire (Original Setting/Space Opera)

The year is 3204 and the Great Gromian war has just ended.

The borders of the Empire has been devastated, with many Noble Houses lost and destroyed their citizens and retainers scattered to the winds. The Rim, by far the largest and most populous part of the Empire has been bled dry losing an entire generation of young men and women. The Core, by far the oldest part of the Empire has had its immense coffers drained as the Great Houses poured money, blood and treasure into defending the realm.

But despite the cost, the Empire has emerged victorious gaining a generous land concession by the Gromians. While inconsequential to the Gromians, it is a substantial plot of land for the Empire. While many in the Empire are happy of the victory, others believe that the concession is merely a way for the Gromians to stretch the already exhausted Empire even thinner.

However in an effort to settle the newly acquired concession dubbed the Fringe and the former border worlds, the Emperor has elected to elevate a number of individuals as Peers of the Realm and grant them territory within the Fringe. Due to your actions during the war, you Benjamin Grafton have been selected for ennoblement.

Before joining the Imperial Navy what were you?

[x] You were a Scion a Noble House. Being third born, you strove to make a name of yourself outside the shadow of your older siblings and instead of taking a commission in your house forces, opted to join the Imperial Navy.

Effect: +3 Diplomacy (+6 when dealing with other Houses) 30% Bonus to Starting Resource Points

[x] You were a Navy brat. Service in the Imperial Navy runs in your blood for generations and you were no different. You joined partly due to tradition but for a chance to prove yourself worthy of your family's reputation.

Effect: +3 Diplomacy (+6 when dealing with the Imperial Navy), +3 Naval Combat

[x] You were a member of a poor working class family. Your parents saved the life of a member of the planetary aristocracy on your homeworld during a hunting accident. As a gesture of thanks she sponsored your admission into the Imperial Naval Academy.

Effect: +3 Administration Skill, +3 to Reputation

What was your main accomplishment during the War?

[x] You were the Executive Officer of a Third Rate Ship of the Line when the war started. As time went on you rose to the rank of Rear Admiral where you were put in charge of a Battle Squadron. In the Battle of Sleydiz Prime your Battle Squadron managed to maneuver and destroy a Gromian force three times your size with little loss of life on your own side and capturing the enemy flagship, a Gromian 120 Gun First Rate.

Effect: +3 to Naval Combat skill, +3 Reputation, 20% Bonus to starting Resource points

[x] You were the newly promoted Captain of a Fifth Rate Frigate. Sent to the border to patrol and hunt down pirates, you were stuck behind enemy lines during the initial invasion. Not waiting for orders from higher command and taking the initiative, you adopted the tactics of the very same pirates that you once hunted and began attacking the enemy's supply convoys in earnest. You became a tale of terror and legend amongst the Gromian Merchant Marine and tied up forces that would have been sent to lines. By the time the war ended, although you were still a Captain you racked up a large amount of prize money.

Effect: 50% Bonus to starting resource points, +3 to Naval Combat and +3 to Administration.

[x] While you went to the Naval Academy, instead of donning the Black and Silver of the Imperial Navy, you donned the Red and Gold of the Marines. You were stationed on board a ship of the line during the beginning and fought through all the war's major battles serving in boarding actions and repelling them. You quickly rose to the rank of Colonel where you were put in charge of your own Regiment. During the liberation of Talassa, when General Al-Fayeed's dropship was destroyed you took command and not only prevented a route but achieved a victory when others would have faltered.

Effect: +3 to Reputation, +3 to ground combat, +3 to Diplomacy

Other than your deeds what are you known for? (Pick three)

[x] You have a way with people. You can just as easily make conversation with the a Peer of the Empire as a commoner. (+4 Diplomacy)

[x] In order to advance one must master the art of self-promotion without seeming as a braggart. You are one of these people. (+4 to reputation)

[x] Amateurs study tactics, experts study logistics. You have taken this lesson to heart. (+4 to Administration)

[x] You are considered to be one of the finest Naval minds in your generation. (+4 to Naval Combat)

[x] While the Empire has untold millions of men to throw at the enemy, you have a way of using them wisely. (+4 to ground combat)

Skills are a mark of how good you are at the various aspect of running a Noble House. Your base stats are 3s in each category.


Diplomacy is the skill at which you are able to work with other Imperial factions including but not limited to other Houses, the Imperial Navy, the various Knightly Orders, the Blackwatch and the Solarian Guard.


Administration shows how well you are at managing the affairs of your newly established house and all that comes with it. It is a measure of how well you are able to collect taxes for your subjects, build additional settlements and the like.


Reputation is the amount of prestige and renown you have. While diplomacy affects the skill at which you excel at dealing with people, Reputation calculates whether or not they will talk to you or even know of you.

Naval Combat

Naval Combat marks how well you know how to fight in Space. As a peer of the realm, you are expected to not only govern your territory but defend it or do so in a manner in which the rest of the Empire can come to your aid.

Ground Combat

Ground Combat determines how well you are are commanding regiments on the ground. While the majority of the fighting is done in space, one must send troops down to the surface in order to truly conquer it.

[x] You were a member of a poor working class family. Your parents saved the life of a member of the planetary aristocracy on your homeworld during a hunting accident. As a gesture of thanks she sponsored your admission into the Imperial Naval Academy.

[x] You were the Executive Officer of a Third Rate Ship of the Line when the war started. As time went on you rose to the rank of Rear Admiral where you were put in charge of a Battle Squadron. In the Battle of Sleydiz Prime your Battle Squadron managed to maneuver and destroy a Gromian force three times your size with little loss of life on your own side and capturing the enemy flagship, a Gromian 120 Gun First Rate.
[x] You have a way with people. You can just as easily make conversation with the a Peer of the Empire as a commoner. (+4 Diplomacy)

[x] Amateurs study tactics, experts study logistics. You have taken this lesson to heart. (+4 to Administration)

[x] You are considered to be one of the finest Naval minds in your generation. (+4 to Naval Combat)
[x] You were a member of a poor working class family. Your parents saved the life of a member of the planetary aristocracy on your homeworld during a hunting accident. As a gesture of thanks she sponsored your admission into the Imperial Naval Academy.

Effect: +3 Administration Skill, +3 to Reputation

[x] You were the newly promoted Captain of a Fifth Rate Frigate. Sent to the border to patrol and hunt down pirates, you were stuck behind enemy lines during the initial invasion. Not waiting for orders from higher command and taking the initiative, you adopted the tactics of the very same pirates that you once hunted and began attacking the enemy's supply convoys in earnest. You became a tale of terror and legend amongst the Gromian Merchant Marine and tied up forces that would have been sent to lines. By the time the war ended, although you were still a Captain you racked up a large amount of prize money.

Effect: 50% Bonus to starting resource points, +3 to Naval Combat and +3 to Administration.

[x] You have a way with people. You can just as easily make conversation with the a Peer of the Empire as a commoner. (+4 Diplomacy)

[x] Amateurs study tactics, experts study logistics. You have taken this lesson to heart. (+4 to Administration)

[x] You are considered to be one of the finest Naval minds in your generation. (+4 to Naval Combat)
Guys right after posting this, I realized that this isn't ready for prime time as I've seen a lot of possible refinements that can be made. I'm going to try to get it ready sometime within the next two weeks. I'm so sorry. :(