The Arklay Murders (Old Thread)


The Arklay Murders
(Interest Check)

As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all to liberty, equality and justice.

I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to me or to my agency. I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed both in my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the law and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.

I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise for crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force of violence and never accept gratuities.

I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of police service. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. I will cooperate with all legally authorized agencies and their representatives in the pursuit of justice.

I know that I alone am responsible for my own standard of professional performance and will take every reasonable opportunity to enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence.

I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself to my chosen profession…law enforcement.

_____Law Enforcement Code of Ethics,
Raccoon City Police Department

  • Be a Police Officer before the Raccoon City Incident
  • 1998 Police Procedural Drama
  • Survival-Horror, expect Character Death
  • Bio-Organic Weapons and Zombies
  • 5-8 Players
  • Post Every 2 or 3 Days
  • Fate + Discovery Action
  • 4D6 / 4D3, Modified Fate SRD
_____Welcome to the Arklay Murders. Resident Evil games have always been near and dear to me, and despite running survival-horror / zombie games out the nose, I never had the opportunity to properly run one. This is a bit of a side project. I don't expect it to last long, given what the eventual fate of Raccoon City is. I'd like to run a small game with a cast of tight-knit players and basically, have some creepy-crawly action-packed fun. I hope to balance some criminal investigation and actual police work with zombies and B.O.W.s (I intend for that to make up perhaps the last third of the game mainly.)

The Unit
_____After a spree of violence and mysterious disappearances in the Arklay Mountains, local law enforcement collaborated to create a combined task force with the sole purpose of investigating these suspicious events. They have become known simply as the "Arklay Taskforce." Drawing from a number of municipal and state organizations, the taskforce has expanded powers to investigate and target the occupt killings that have been terrifying the citizens of Raccoon City.

_____Rookies and veterans alike have been hand-picked for their skills, intelligence, and backgrounds. The team has to be self-sufficient and free from outside tampering, as giants such as Tricell and Umbrella seem intent on meddling with police investigations. Free from graft and corruption, the new Arklay Team is now the shining hope for terrified citizens, who have long been denied real answers by the city.

_____Wanted Positions:
  • 1 Negotiator, Gang or Cult experience preferred.
  • 1-2 Specialists in Prisoner Transport
  • 1-2 R.P.D. Officers with 2+ Years in Undercover
  • 1 Vice / Narcotics Specialist
  • 1 Medical Professional, preferably unaffiliated with Umbrella Pharmaceuticals
  • 1-2 Hunter or Animal Control Specialists
  • 1 Sniper
  • 1 Vehicle Specialist

New Applicants

Rank: Rank roughly correspons to responsibilities. A police Sergeant is generally a supervisor for several officers, a Lieutenant is in charge of an entire Shift, a Captain supervises a division, and so forth. If you indicate a preference to be a supervisor of some kind this will be noted.
Assignment: What your character normally does as a police officer, or their normal job if they are not law enforcement. You can denote preference here if you would like the GM to decide, or put "Trainee" to start brand new and start later.
Experience: How much work a given character has done, generally years at a given position at a department. Police officers with significant seniority may carry revolvers or older equipment. Note preference here. Place "Trainee" if brand new.
Equipment: Please add any equipment requests to the bottom of the profile.
Aspects: Five (5) in total: High Concept & Trouble + 3 Aspect. Optionally, you can also do a Phase Trio. Your high concept is a "Elevator Pitch" that sums up your character in a few words. Fate Points are used to Invoke Aspects.

Fate Points: 3 (Barring extra Stunts)
Refresh: 2 + 1 Assignment Stunt (Barring extra Stunts)
Physical: Physique-Based
Morale: Will-Based
Wealth: Using Wealth Stress, determined by GM after profile is submitted.
Consequences: 2-4-6. Leave Blank. Physique-Based

Skills: Great (+5 Modified)

Electronics: This is the other half of the Craft skill, which involves electrical repair, tinkering, and electriconic intrusion.

Forensics: Inspecting the recently deceased, blood spatters, decomposition, and analyzing pathology by a variety of means. Can also be used to analyse, and to an extent detect B.O.W.s.

Investigate: Conventional means of investigating crimes, searching a scene, gathering evidence, finding signs of disturbance or struggle. Limited application to basic forensic investigation.

Medicine: Conventional means of investigating crimes, searching a scene, gathering evidence, finding signs of disturbance or struggle. Limited application to basic forensic investigation.

Preparation: This skill is used to determine if a character has made particular preparations, such as stashing special equipment, moving furniture, or positioning a contact / assistant

Survival: Navigation outdoors, use of natural resources, and limited first-aid capabilities.

Physique & Will: Having points here increase your character's capacity for Stress. Physique is for Physical Stress, Will is for Morale Stress. The mechanics behind stress and consequences will be described later on.
1-2 = 1 Extra Slot
3-4 = 2 Extra Slots
5 = 1 Extra Minor Consequence

Stunts: 2 + 1 Assignment Stunt Stunts.
Please also answer the poll posted at the top of the page and include it with your profile:
  • Describe your prior Experience.
  • Describe your current Job.
  • What is your greatest Strength?
  • What is your greatest Weakness?
  • What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
  • Any Special Requests?

[b]Name:[/b] X
[b]Appearance:[/b] X

[b]Age:[/b] X
[b]Rank:[/b] (Provided by GM)
[b]Birthplace:[/b] X
[b]Assignment:[/b] (You can note preference for assignment here.)
[b]Experience:[/b] (What department, what job, how many years, or "Rookie" if no prior experience.)
[b]Aspects:[/b] X
[b]Refresh:[/b] (3 by Default)
[b]Fate Points:[/b] (Same as Refresh)
[b]Physical:[/b] (Based on Physique)
[b]Morale:[/b] (Based on Will)
[b]Wealth:[/b] (GM)
[b]Consequences:[/b] X

[b]Personality & Bio:[/b] X
+4 +4
+3 +3 +3
+2 +2 +2 +2
[b]Stunts:[/b] (2 + Class-Stunt by Default)

I strongly prefer if the profile is posted in its own post and without spoiler tags or quote boxes.

Radio Codes

Code 2
Code 3
Code 4
Code 5
Code 6
Code 7
Code 8
Code 10
Code 11
Code 12
Code 30
Code 37
Code 77
Code 99
Code 100
Urgent — No lights / sirens.
Lights and sirens.
No further assistance needed.
Stakeout — Stay away.
Out of Car, Investigating.
+Requires Assistance
+Suspect is Wanted
+Gang Activity​
Meal Break.
Fire Alarm.
Working fire.​
SWAT Pre-call Up.
SWAT Call-up.
False Alarm
Burglar Alarm (Ringer / Silent)
Vehicle Reported Stolen.
Caution, possible Ambush.
Emergency (Also Code 999)
Position to Intercept.

10-0 - Use Caution
10-1 - Signal Weak
10-2 - Signal Good
10-3 - Stop transmitting/Stand-By
10-4 - Affirmative/Everything is Okay
10-5 - Relay To...
10-6 - Busy
10-7 - Out Of Service
10-8 - In service
10-9 - Repeat
10-10 - Fight In Progress
10-11 - Animal Problem
10-12 - Stand By, Remain Alert, Stop
10-13 - Weather - Road Report
10-14 - Report Of Prowler
10-15 - Civil Disturbance
10-16 - Domestic Trouble
10-17 - Meet Complainant
10-18 - Urgent
10-19 - Return to...
10-20 - Location
10-21 - Phone Number/Person
J1 - At Your Convenience
10-22 - Disregard
10-23 - Arrived at Scene
10-24 - Assignment Completed
10-25 - Report in Person
10-26 - Detaining Subject, Expedite
10-27 - Drivers License Information
10-28 - Vehicle Registration Information
10-29 - Check Record for Wanted
J1 - Misdemeanor Arrest Record
J2 - Felony Arrest Record
J3 - Considered Dangerous​
GM - Known Gang Member
SO - Registered Sex Offender
10-30 - Illegal Use of Radio
10-31 - Crime In Progress
10-32 - Man With Gun
10-34 - Riot
10-35 - Major Crime Alert
10-36 - Correct Time
10-37 - Investigate Suspicious Auto
10-38 - Stopping Suspicious Auto
10-39 - Urgent-Use Light & Siren
10-40 - Tactical Situation
10-41 - Begin shift
10-42 - End shift
10-43 - Information
J1 - Confidential​
10-44 - Request Permission To Leave Patrol For...
J1 - Personal Relief
J2 - Vehicle Service
J3 - Vehicle Wash
J4 - Meal Break​
10-45 - Animal Carcass At...
10-46 - Assist Motorist
10-47 - Emergency Road Repairs Needed
10-48 - Traffic Control
10-49 - Traffic Light Out
10-50 - Traffic Accident
J1 - Minor
J2 - Serious W/ Injuries
J3 - Road Blocked
J4 - Fatality​
10-51 - Wrecker Needed (Tow Truck)
10-52 - Ambulance Needed
10-53 - Road Blocked
10-54 - Livestock On Highway
10-55 - Intoxicated Driver
J1 - Charges will be filed
J2 - Make your own case​
10-56 - Intoxicated Pedestrian
10-57 - Hit and Run
10-58 - Direct Traffic
10-59 - Convoy Or Escort (Bank Deposit Drop-Off)
10-60 - Squad In Vicinity
10-61 - Personnel In Area
10-62 - Reply To Message
10-63 - Prepare To Make Written Copy
10-64 - Message For Local Delivery
10-65 - Net Message Assignment
10-66 - Message Cancellation
10-67 - Clear To Read Net Message
10-68 - Crime Information
10-69 - Message Received
10-70 - Fire Alarm
10-71 - Advise Nature of Fire
10-72 - Report Progress on Fire
10-73 - Smoke Report
10-74 - Negative
10-75 - In Contact With...
10-76 - En Route
J1 - Prisoner
J2 - Female
J5 - To Make Relief​
10-77 - ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
10-78 - Need Assistance
10-79 - Notify Coroner
10-80 - Unit-to-Unit Radio Traffic
10-81 - Prisoner in Custody
10-82 - Confidential/Status
J0 - No cars available at this time
J1 - Beat cars available
J2 - Overlay cars available​
10-83 - Switch to STLCO Channel 8 (Car-to-Car Channel)
10-84 - Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)
10-85 - Arrival Delayed - Will Be Late
10-86 - CAD Computer Down
10-87 - Pick Up...
10-88 - Advise phone number of...
10-89 - Please Reply / Report Status
10-90 - Bank Alarm
10-91 - Pick Up Subject
10-92 - Contract Service
J1 - Beginning Patrol
J2 - Ending Patrol​
10-93 - Blockage
10-94 - Drag Racing
10-95 - Bomb Threat
10-96 - Detain Subject
10-97 - Test Signal
10-98 - Prior Offenses
10-99 - Positive Stolen/Wanted (see J Codes)
J1 - Misdemeanor Wanted or Stolen
J2 - Felony Wanted
J3 - Wanted and Considered Dangerous, May be Armed
10-100 - Police Needed
10-105 - Deceased Body
10-106 - Suspicious Person
10-107 - Check Residence

Police Assignments
[Handgun]: 9x19mm Browning HP w/ SSIII Retention Holster
[Armor]: Second Chance Ultima NIJ II Vest
[Radio]: Motorola HT1000
[Baton]: Monadnock PR-24 Side Handle Baton (+1)
2 x 13-Round HP Magazine
2 x S&W Handcuffs
D-Cell Maglite
Pepper Spray
Folding Knife
_____Fresh academy graduates that have just hit the streets, these trainees are under the watchful eye of a FTO (Field Training Officer) who gives them a crash-course on working the city, understanding the laws and becoming a cop. There are a handful at any given time, day and night. Most will graduate to become police officers in the patrol division, and other specialized assignments from there.
  • Fresh Start :
    You are currently being trained. Later on, you will gain an upgraded version of your Assignment Stunt.
  • Special Equipment: Shiny New Gear
    Trainees generally benefit from receiving brand-new equipment and sometimes newer gear than officers who have been in the system for some time, and this is usually reflected in their given equipment.

Civilian Employee
_____Many of the RPD's officers are uniformed, but non-sworn, meaning they do not carry a weapon, but serve the public in their own capacity, taking reports, responding to non-emergency calls and performing the myriad tasks that keep a police department running.
  • Free Time :
    You have had time to broaden out. You start with an extra point of refresh compared to others.
  • Special Equipment: Personal Item

Police Officer
_____The typical Raccoon City Police officer costs the city $90,000 a year in training and equipment. They are the public face for the Raccoon City government and comprise the first line of defense for citizens, the "thin blue line." Foot beats comprise the largest part of the patrol division, although in recent years the force has been shifting toward a majority of its officers working from behind the wheel of high-tech police interceptors. A small, but growing bike force extends R.P.D. outreach to the rugged mountain trains and nature reserves.
  • Community Outreach (Officer):
    You know your beat like the back of your hand. Once per scene, you may make a special roll to "acquire" equipment or resources through unconventional means. Your experience conducting field searches also means you tend to find more material from a Discover action.
  • Special Equipment: Police Interceptor OR Mountain Bicycle
    The R.P.D. has started a recent "take-home" intitiative in which officers are allowed to bring their vehicles. For the officers, this presents better-maintained vehicles and more flexibility for coming onto shift. Some find the approach is intrusive and forces officers to respond to calls when off-shift. Either way, Crown Victoria Police Interceptors have begun to find homes in the driveways of Raccoon City. Additional equipment may be issued depending on what a given officer is specialized in.

_____Fresh academy graduates dream of becoming police detectives. The many types of detectives in the R.P.D. act as the foil to the sometimes more blunt approach of the patrol officers. They specialize in categories like arson, homicide, vice, or narcotics and work in drastically different conditions than the average officer. Detective work can involve plain-clothes and undercover assignments, which often involve dramatic lifestyle changes, like assumed identities and separation from friends and family.
  • Bloodhound (Detective):
    You have an eye for detail. You gain a +2 at Discovery actions related to your chosen specialty (e.g. vice, homicide, narcotics, cyber-crime). Additionally, you may take a piece of evidence without being detected once per scene.
  • Special Equipment: Job-Dependent
    Detectives can recive a variety of specialty equipment based upon their specialty.

_____As part of a recent initiative to combat violent crime, the R.P.D. has begun offering incentives to police officers whom receive training as an EMT and carry medical equipment in their vehicles. This allows a dual-trained officer to administer initial medical care before conventional EMS moves in. Many police officers trained in this way also work off-duty as paramedics for private companies to augment their pay.
  • First Responder (Paramedic):
    Your training and equipment gives you a +2 to Medicine and Survival. You are adept at treating casualties, and your presence has a calming effect on citizens you may encounter.
  • Special Equipment: Trauma Kit
    This well-stocked portable trauma kit carries medicines and equipment to handle a variety of different injuries and medical conditions on the street, including antidotes to common poisons found in Raccoon Forest and a battery of new drugs on trial from Umbrella Corp.

S.P.F. (Select Police Force)
_____The Select Police Force is the closest thing in the R.P.D. to a S.W.A.T. team, formed to complement the more rescue-oriented S.T.A.R.S. organization. Select Police Force officers typically work patrol with their equipment stowed in their police cruisers, offering more coverage and flexibility than S.T.A.R.S. while retaining a fast response to in-progress situations. They train frequently for active-shooter situations as well as riot control and event security. S.P.F. officers are volunteers and go through a strict interview and recruiting process.
  • Entry Training (S.P.F.):
    You have been trained for maximum aggression and violence of action. You gain a +2 when breaching or smashing down a physical barrier, or tackling an oppoent. Additionally, you always have initiative when breaching a room or firing a weapon at close range.
  • Special Equipment: "Go-Bag"
    This heavy-duty equipment bag carries all the basics for carrying out a search warrant or kicking down a drug lab door. It allows an officer to carry a full set of body-armor, load-bearing equipment, and a long arm with relative mobility and very quickly don their gear when necessary. A typical equipment load may also include flash-bang grenades, restraints, or even a small battering ram, depending on the situation the officer has prepared for. The "Go-Bag" carries a set of armor and a long-arm such as a rifle or shotgun without consuming inventory space.

S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics And Rescue Service)
_____Part search-and-rescue team, part paramilitary organization, S.T.A.R.S. is the innovative powerhouse responsible for numerous successful rescue missions in the Arklay mountains. Established in 1996, the S.T.A.R.S. application process is one of the most difficult in the nation, and recruitment draws heavily from ex-military personnel. They are a small force, with scarcely more than a dozen members, and receive the best equipment and training the department has to offer.
  • Survival Training (S.T.A.R.S.):
    You are an expert in survival. You gain a +2 when navigating unfamiliar or dangerous places, as well as searching for targets. Additionally, your ability to shoot and handle weapons is unimpaired by stress or pain.
  • Special Equipment: "Samurai Edge" 9x19mm Handgun (+2)
    An exceptionally accurate and reliable 9x19mm pistol, based on a Beretta 92FS and hand-built by the Kendo Custom Shop for the R.P.D. Standard issue for all members of S.T.A.R.S. It features a "Brigadier" type slide to handle high-pressure ammunition, has a shortened trigger pull, lightened "D" mainspring and custom checkering. Each Samurai Edge is carefully dehorned for snag-free carry, and features a flared magazine well for easy magazine changes.

Sheriff's Deputy
_____Arklay County Sheriff's Deputies are responsible for the enforcement of law in areas that lack their own municipal police. This includes the small communities dotted along the Arklay Mountains. Sheriff's Deputies are traditionally responsible for the Raccoon City jails, the transportation of prisoners, and the delivery of eviction notices.
  • Jailor (Sheriff):
    Your experience in the corrections system has left you good with your hands. You have a +2 at capturing, and restraining prisoners of all kinds, and you always have initiative in a grapping match.​
  • Special Equipment: Model 26 Taser (+2)
    An experimental, gun-like nonlethal weapon, which fires a pair of electrical probes using compressed air. This can neutralize even the most combative of targets by paraylizing their nerves with electrical shocks.

Law Enforcement Ranger
_____The Arklay Mountains have long made Raccoon City a popular tourist destination. The rugged terrain can sometimes foul even the most seasoned of outdoosmen, and as such the R.P.D. has maintained a small liaison with the State Park Service since its inception. The Law Enforcement Rangers are sworn peace officers with many of the same responsibilities as typical R.P.D. police officers, but are trained to preserve the natural habitats around Raccoon City and keep the foolhardy from harm.
  • Trained Hunter (Ranger):
    Your experience outdoors has left you finely attuned to the behavior of wildlife. You have a +2 at fighting animals and mutants, and are never caught surprised when an animal is involved.​
  • Special Equipment: Survival Kit (+2)
    A "Bug Out Bag" stocked with useful supplies and equipment for a variety of situations. This gives a +1 to a variety of actions, including medical treatment and mechanical repair, for as long as supplies hold out. If empty, it can be refilled with available resources. Additionally, your pack allows you to carry [_]1​[_]2​ additional slots in your inventory.

Arklay Roster

[####] Trainee (Officer Leon S. Kennedy)
Leon S. Kennedy

Name: Leon S. Kennedy

Age: 21
Rank: Trainee
Assignment: Trainee

Aspects:Don't steal my profiles Nep!
  • High Concept: The Rookie
  • Trouble: Worst First Day Ever
  • Young and Idealistic
  • A Sore Breakup
  • A Natural Shot
Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [] [] [] []
Morale: [] [] [] []


Personality and History:
_____Up until Raccoon City, Leon had considered his life very middle of the road. He had made mistakes from time to time, like his ex in the latest breakup, but deciding to become a police officer was not one of those mistakes. After a brief flirtation with college, Leon became fascinate with the prospect of becoming a man with a badge and a gun, protecting the public from evil-doers. He buried himself in the news of the griskly Arklay Murders and applied to the Raccoon City Police. Shortly after his graduation and leave, Leon broke off a long-running relationship that had grown strained with his academy life.

_____After a drunken night at his apartment, Leon woke up a day late and came to a very quiet Raccoon City.

  • Trainee:
    You are currently being trained. Later on, you will gain an upgraded version of your Assignment Stunt.
  • Suplex:
    Your high school wrestling days came in handy. You gain a +2 to Melee when trying to grapple with someone or escape a grab.
  • Last Leg:
    You may spend fate points to keep standing. Any time you would suffer a consequence or be taken out by physical stress, you may spend a fate point to remain standing or otherwise defer a consequence for one more exchange, or until you take stress again, whichever comes first. Once the extra time you've bought is up, all the effects you have deferred come to bear at once. You may keep spending fate points each time the time limit expires until you run out. (This makes it possible for you to be taken out by a character who has already conceded or been taken out in the intervening time!) (adapted from Spirit of the Century SRD, §6.11.1)
+5 Superb: Athletics
+4 Great: Shoot, Melee
+3 Good: Will, Physique, Investigate
+2 Avg.: Electronics, Stealth, Empathy, Drive
Situational Aspects
  • "Killer Hangover"
Inventory (1/8):
  • Combat Knife
_____Issue Equipment

[Handgun]: 9x19mm H&K VP70
[Armor]: Armored Police Uniform (+1)
[Radio]: Motorola HT1000
[Baton]: ASP Collapsing Baton
2 x 18-Round VP70 Magazine
2 x S&W Handcuffs
D-Cell Maglite
Pepper Spray
Folding Knife

[####] S.P.F. (Corporal Kevin Ryman)
Kevin Ryman

Name: Kevin Ryman

Age: 31
Rank: Corporal
Assignment: S.P.F. (Special Police Force)
Experience:5 Years, RCPD

Aspects:Don't steal my profiles Nep!
  • High Concept: The Hot-Headed Door-Kicker
  • Trouble: A Rowdy Drunk
  • Do you even lift, bro?
  • Loyal to the End
  • Expert Marksman
Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [] [] [] []
Morale: [] [] [] []


Personality and History:
_____Another year, another denied application to S.T.A.R.S. A Raccoon native, Kevin has a reputation for being a fiery and vocal sort more at home at the bar-stool than behind the seat of a patrol car. With the odd and long hours, Kevin has stayed firmly single, and J's Bar is often an after-shift hangout for him. Kevin's earned a reputation for being an nuisance to his superiors, although by some miracle has avoided any use of force incidents in his five years at the department. Recently he had become a member of the R.P.D. 's S.P.F., or SWAT equivalent, where his expert marksmanship and excellent physical shape were especially suited to the job.

_____Kevin has always aimed to become a S.T.A.R.S. officer, but time and time again his head-strong personality has held him back from the job. Despite ths he's got a reputation for being a hard worker and a kind soul, very loyal to his friends and coworkers.

  • Entry Training (S.P.F.):
    You have been trained for maximum aggression and violence of action. You gain a +2 when breaching or smashing down a physical barrier, or tackling an oppoent. Additionally, you always have initiative when breaching a room or firing a weapon at close range.
  • Pot Shot:
    You get a +1 to taking a slow, methodical shot with a firearm from a stationary position.
  • Door-Kicker:
    You gain a +1 when using brute force to kick an enemy, door, or other obstacle down.
+5 Superb: Shoot
+4 Great: Physique, Melee
+3 Good: Will, Athletics, Provoke
+2 Avg.: Electronics, Stealth, Empathy, Rapport
Situational Aspects
  • "Slightly Buzzed"
  • "Problems with the Brass"
Inventory (2/8):
  • "Spare MP5 Magazines"
  • "Some Flashbang Grenades"
_____Issue Equipment

[S.P.F.]: Go-Bag
[S.P.F.]: Plate Carrier (+1)
[S.P.F.]: H&K MP5A5 (+2)
_____[Short Range]

[Handgun]: Colt M1911A1 .45 ACP (+1)
[Armor]: Armored Police Uniform (+1)
[Radio]: Motorola HT1000
[Baton]: ASP Collapsing Baton
4 x 8-Shot .45 ACP Magazine
2 x S&W Handcuffs
D-Cell Maglite
Pepper Spray
Folding Knife

I couldn't help myself. It's Halloween and I had to. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them here, or contact me on my Discord.

Happy Halloween!

The Writer's Block

Discord Server
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Okay so, I guess my first question is. Are Vehicle Specialists Drivers or Mechanics or Both?

Cause my character will differ wildly depending on which one of those is the expected job.
I'll be the first to announce my intent to play, because police procedural morphing in the end to a zombie apocalypse? Yes please.

Prospective Name: Leo D. Torres
Division: Sheriff's Deputy
Prisoner Transport Specialist.
I'm doing the same as Raiu.

Prospective Name: Micheal A. Hard drive.
Division: Police Officer.
Vehicle Specialist.
I'd be all for joining as a park ranger that end up being a park ranger since his fancy biology/ecology degree won't get him anything else. Turned out he was a decent shot though.

William Lowell as a hunter or animal specialist from Law Enforcement Rangers.

Basic idea is he OK at the police stuff but better at tracking and understanding animals and environmental sciences. Like his normal job is to set up fake deer and shit to catch people hunting off season, track the local game populations and rescue some poor city slicker that decided they could hike the mountain in a day.

... not THAT diffrent from his field work in college actually...

except he has a gun, and a badge.

.... at least his dad is happy he got a 'real job' rather then being some egghead environmentalist.
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Well I'm interested. The premise really gets my full attention. Gonna try to be a paramedic, or the closest to a medical professional one can be.
Oh boy, this looks damn good. Time to cook up some ideas, later.

Edit: Leaning on detective with alcoholism issues or if allowable, a civilian running a bar. . .
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Count me in! Really interesting.

Prospective Name: Andrea Wingates Bavmorda
Division: S.P.F.(Select Police Force)
Oh cool, you're doing it.

Dibs on the vice detective. My best friend used to be one, but I'm not going to model my character on him....
Ooh, I would love to get in on this.

My general idea might be a bit odd, but I think it would be doable. I was thinking of being a fairly new member of the Center for Disease Control assigned to the case to help determine the general impetus for these sudden killings with rather grizzly results. The thing is, they would be a psychologist investigating some possible cult activity or some rather pervasive Wendigo Syndrome that has cropped up. Would still know their way around a first aid kit better than most people but at some of the more microbiological level, would be as lost as everybody else.
Oh boy, this looks damn good. Time to cook up some ideas, later.

Edit: Leaning on detective with alcoholism issues or if allowable, a civilian running a bar. . .
Those both work, although the civilian would need some sort of assets / capabilities to make them part of the team, obvs.

Ooh, I would love to get in on this.

My general idea might be a bit odd, but I think it would be doable. I was thinking of being a fairly new member of the Center for Disease Control assigned to the case to help determine the general impetus for these sudden killings with rather grizzly results. The thing is, they would be a psychologist investigating some possible cult activity or some rather pervasive Wendigo Syndrome that has cropped up. Would still know their way around a first aid kit better than most people but at some of the more microbiological level, would be as lost as everybody else.
Law enforcement or more of just another government employee?
Name: Andrea Wingates


Age: 33
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Atlanta City, Georgia.
Assignment: She is to interpret and apply ordinances to a wide variety of situations, supervise and train personnel, weigh in on disciplinary situations, help develop new policies and act as a liaison between upper management and subordinates. In rare occasions, she is deployed in the field if a more experienced agent is needed.
Experience: Andrea spent twelve years in the military, only nine if we discard the three years of training. She then joined Racoon City's Police Department and served in it for three years. She still working there.

High Aspect - Ace Police Officer
Trouble - Never Good Enough
Gruff Leader
Helicopter Older Sister
Gulf War Veteran

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [] [] [] []
Morale: [] [] [] []
Wealth: (GM)
Consequences: 2/4/6

Personality & Bio:
A calm and collected individual, Andrea handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with a controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, her reactions to stimuli are subdued. Her conduct is very professional, however she isn't incapable of a bit a humor, goodnatured and not. Despite appearing detached and cold, she cares deeply for the lives of her fellow policemen. She upholds her duty to civilians seriously. Almost too seriously. Andrea was born in the State of Georgia, Atlanta City. She was born into a relatively well-off family with two other younger siblings, her childhood was a simple one with nothing particularly interesting about her. Her failing grades in High-School didn't help and she barely managed to graduate. Getting into any university was unthinkable and at the time, Andrea's only choice was the military from which she ended her training and necessary education at 21. Surprisingly, she chooses to be an Enlisted and not a Commissioned Officer. Through the years and after diligent work, she managed to rise to E6 before putting an end to her career. The military was a mean to an end for her and now that her life was stable, she didn't wish to stay in the military who had an uncertain work schedule and deployments and so at the age of 30, she returned to her family who now lives in Racoon City where she joined the Police Department where she can be close to her family and protect the city they live in.

+5 (Fight)
+4 (Will, Physique)
+3 (Shoot, Athletics, Contacts)
+2 (Notice, Rapport, Drive, Survival)

Danger Intuition
: Andrea can notice when someone has hostile intentions or when something bad is about to happen. +2 bonus to Discovery actions.
Intimidate: Once per scene Andrea can with a sheer force of Will attack a person to inflict mental stress instead of Provoke.
Community Outreach: You know your beat like the back of your hand. Once per scene, you may make a special roll to "acquire" equipment or resources through unconventional means. Your experience in conducting field searches also means you tend to find more material from a Discover action.


Describe your prior Experience.
Andrea spent three years of training until she was deemed good enough for military duty like the rest at the age of 21. She then spent 9 years of service in the Military in which she participated in the Gulf War. She wasn't any better than the other soldiers with her mentally but she recovered well enough with time. She took her retirement at the age of 30. She then served for 3 years in the RPD and is still serving in there.

Describe your current Job.
Andrea thinks that her current job is simple if slightly similar to her work in the military. The difference is that her being deployed to the field is more often. The other difference is that she is close to her family now and she can protect them in the city they live in.

Describe your greatest Strength.
Andrea is a trained veteran in the field, she is used to leading, being led, following orders or giving ones. She has seen her fair share of death, multiple types of weapons and life or death situations that her being still alive is a proof she managed to get through all of that. She is strict, stern and dislikes those that fall out of order.

Describe your greatest Weakness.
Andrea's weakness is her family, her now old parents and her two little siblings, a brother and a sister who are both in High School. Andrea cares for them deeply and she does not take well to them being provoked. Her other weakness is that she never thinks what she does is good enough or if her men's work is not satisfactory.

What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
Andrea's goal is simple. She'll get to the bottom of this, solve the situation and get back to her normal life. She has a city for whom she needs to uphold her duty, and a family to protect.

Any Special Requests?
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Law enforcement or more of just another government employee?

More of another government employee with some slight law enforcement connections. Maybe was a resident at a prison to help the prisoners with their psychological needs. Likely why they were chosen to go in on this, having some experience.
Name: William Lowell
Appearance: Tall and lanky William would look more at place in a lab then outdoors if wasn't for the tan he's gained working summers in the Arklay mountains. His dark hair is cut short enough that people ask if has former military experience, to which he always replies he doesn't and he just likes it being low maintenance.
Age: 27
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Saint Louis, Missouri.
Assignment: Law Enforcement Ranger
Experience: Approximately one year as a ranger. Previous experience before in tracking, sciences and outdoor survival from several field studies he participated in during his studies.

High Concept: Ecologist turned ranger
Trouble: Can't not touch
  • I don't love the job, but it pays well
  • Turns out I'm a pretty good shot
  • A man of simple tastes

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1-2-3
Morale: 1-2-3
Wealth: (GM)
Consequences: 2-4-6

Personality & Bio:
William always had a fascination with systems, that is to say rather then focusing on an single car, or lions he wanted to know how the cars in the city got around, or how the Lion's always had enough gazelle to eat and so forth.

It was this interest that carried him to college and to a degree first in biology and then in ecology. His father, a Saint Louis investment banker, took a dim view of his son's choice of expertise considering degrees useless bits of environmentalist drivel. After his education William found his job prospects few and far between and most would have required long periods of low paying internships as lab aides before he had the chance to do real work. The need to prove his father wrong is what drove him to the Arklay County branch of the park service. His degrees, and field experience from trips during his studies, got him a job despite a lack of law enforcement education.

That was a little over a year ago and now William not only has training as a Law Enforcement Ranger, he has a solid year learning the lay of the Arklay mountains.

Off job William is, despite the relative affluence of his parents, perfectly fine reading a cheap paperback or spending an evening drinking at a local bar. When something simpler and cheaper can provide the same leisure as a priceless collectable book or fine wine… why waste the cash?

+5 Forensics
+4 Lore, Survival
+3 Stealth, Shoot, Investigate
+2 Athletics, Physique, Will, Preparation

Stunts: (2 + Class-Stunt by Default)
  • Trained Hunter (Ranger): Your experience outdoors has left you finely attuned to the behavior of wildlife. You have a +2 at fighting animals and mutants, and are never caught surprised when an animal is involved.
  • Rules of the Wild: You view fending off wildlife as a key tenant of survival. When fighting wildlife, you may use survival instead of fight.
  • Walking Library: Your prodigious reading has paid off in spades, and you are able to recall minute details from even the most obscure literary works. You don't have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for research using Lore, even in extreme situations.


Describe your prior Experience. - Several field expeditions in the Rockies during my college days to help get my degree. Year ranging the Arklay mountains as a Ranger, conducting search and rescue as well monitoring and enforcing hunting regulations.
Describe your current Job. - Patrol Arklay mountains and enforcement of relevant laws. Primary focus is on hunting license enforcement. This includes setting up decoy deer and other game and camera's to catch out of season hunters. Secondary duties is being a first responder to SAR situations. This often requires the ability to transverse rugged terrain in tracking down lost hikers and finding ways to bring them to safety.
What is your greatest Strength? - Technical knowledge, in terms of animal and ecological studies along with quirks of the Arklay mountains
What is your greatest Weakness? - Experience, as a quick learner it may be easy to learn the facts but that does not replace time to gain experience. No formal training in law enforcement before joining the rangers and as such there may be some lack of polish in basic police skills.
What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce? - To provide the taskforce with the knowledge and expertise necessary to successfully conduct investigations in remote areas of the county as well as providing an animal expert in case the attacks are related to wildlife.
Any Special Requests? - No

William: Ok I can tell you how big the claws are on what killed this guy.
How big?
William: .... too big
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  • Describe your prior Experience.
"Well, I drove Armored vehicles and Supply trucks through the Sand Trap for five years before this and I've been doing good work this last year. Got Few arrests under my belt. Hey, Uh question what did you say this interview was for again?"
  • Describe your current Job.
"I'm mostly a traffic and Pursuit Car. I get called when a guy decides that running is a better option than surrendering and are able to do so, in a car. I've also done a good amount of just patrolling mostly in and around downtown but, I got moved around a bit too."
  • What is your greatest Strength?
"Driving through a desert in a sandstorm when you know that there might be an ambush over the next rise or around the corner gives a guy a feel for how a vehicle is gonna react under certain stresses."
  • What is your greatest Weakness?
"I have a problem with tight spaces that don't have an obvious escape route. It's not as bad as it was since I can be in smaller rooms now. But, I Still have problems with things like bathroom stalls. It's irritating but, it shouldn't affect me on the job."
  • What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
"Do my job I guess? I'm looking for something that can let me do my job to the fullest. I think I could a lot of good finding out who's doing those killings.
  • Any Special Requests?
"Just my Car and a few extra Spike Strips if you can spare 'em."

Micheal A. Hardgrove
Appearance: Short, whip-thin, and scarred. Micheal has the sort of face that made you assume that he was up to something when he isn't. He holds himself so that no matter what he still looks smaller than his already diminutive size of 5'3 makes him look. His scars make him look more dangerous where they are visible but, they mostly covered by his shirt and body armor only one of the long ropey scars making its way up his neck to rest and pull the right side of his mouth down slightly.
Age: 36
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Oklahoma City, Kansas.
Assignment: Police Officer.
Experience: 5 Years driving Truck for the Army as an MTO and 1 year of working for RPD.

High Concept: Scarred Veteran.
Trouble: Crippling Claustrophobia.
  • Proud to Serve.
  • PTSD.
  • No Man left behind.

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1-2-3-4
Morale: 1-2-3
Wealth: (GM)
Consequences: 2-4-6

Personality & Bio: Micheal is a simple man. He was born in Oklahoma City Kansas to a relatively low-income family his father was a trucker, and his mother was a waitress at a roadside diner. The would fight whenever his father had to take Long Haul jobs to keep his career but, there was never any hint that they didn't love each other. He got mediocre grades in school never excelling but, managing to keep himself from failing.

This combined with a few of his friends also joining lead Micheal to the Army where he completed basic and managed to just make his way into Advanced individuals training where he learned to drive a cornucopia of vehicles hew as eventual assigned to Troop D, 1st Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment where he drove in supply convoys during the Gulf War. He managed to make it through most of his deployment almost untouched but, One blazing hot morning in 96' he was driving the lead truck on a small convoy heading to back the final push into Baghdad when the left front wheel of his LMTV hit an anti-vehicle mine that the road patrol ahead of the convoy had missed.

His vehicle flipped and landed on its driver's side door leaving Micheal trapped inside of the vehicle as it began to catch fire. He shoved and pushed and tried desperately to escape the burning vehicle, and he very nearly didn't make it. The scars that run up his right arm to his neck and face from when he used his entrenching tool and his body weight to smash his way out through the front window remind him of his near-death experience every day. He was the only survivor from his vehicle; His Vehicle Commander died on impact with the mine but, the Radio OP wasn't able to get himself unbuckled and burned to death inside the truck.

He was sent to Ramstein Airbase in Germany to receive treatment for his wounds and stayed there until the end of his tour. He didn't re-enlist and after considering his options and what he wanted to do with his life after he had nearly lost it to random chance. After mulling over the decision, he decided to use his GI bill to go to the University of Raccoon City and eventually join RPD as a beat cop and Pursuit driver.

As a person, Micheal can best be described as nervous. He checks and double checks every system on his car and while on his beat he religiously avoids mysterious bumps and potholes if it can be avoided. He always makes sure of entrances and exits and has shown to have severe problems with enclosed spaces. Even with these issues though he has managed to make himself a valued member of RPD's pursuit squad.

This is due mostly to the fact that he has managed to find solace in his job and the idea of being all that stands between that stands between the people and the world. That combined with a certain pride in his work prevent his issues from interfering with his work.

+5 Drive
+4 Craft, Empathy
+3 Physique, Shoot, Notice
+2 Rapport, Investigate, Will, Preparation

Stunts: (2 + Class-Stunt by Default)
  • It's not Paranoia if they're actually out to get you: If you think someone or something is following you, You gain a +2 to Notice for the scene.
  • Stay off the Road!: If driving you may substitute Fight, for Drive when/if applicable.
  • Military Training: If Investigating an area where a gunfight or related activity has gone on, Add +2 to Investigate.
  • 3X Spike Strips.
  • Handgun: Browning HP Practical, 9mm w/ SSIII Retention Holster
  • Armor: Second Chance Ultima NIJ II Vest
  • Radio: Motorola HT1000
  • Baton: Monadnock PR-24 Side Handle Baton
  • 2 x 13-Shot 9mm Magazine
  • 2 x S&W Handcuffs
  • D-Cell Maglite
  • Pepper Spray
  • Folding Knife

Here he is. my twitchy, little, scarred wreck of a man.
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Like an idiot, I just realized that the Class Stunt was on the OP and it is not something GM gives you in PM. x)
Anyway, edited my sheet accordingly.
Name: Carin Taylor

Age: 29
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri
Assignment: Detective
Experience: Eight years of service; serving the RCPD only a year out of that eight. Most cases she has the pleasure of dealing with were mostly homicides mostly from admin/investigative side. She has no real experience apprehending suspects besides what she was originally taught, however.

High Aspect: Gloryhound Out On The Prowl
Trouble: Overzealous
#1: Everyday, Social Chameleon
#3: What, Trauma?

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [][][]
Wealth: (GM)

Personality & Bio:
When Carin was little, she quickly learned how something seemingly as innocent as a bottle could corrupt even loved ones: her mother was a such a victim and while little Carin at that time couldn't fully appreciate her mother's struggles then; it didn't mean she couldn't be forced to share a taste of her mother's latent despair too. After all, depending on the flavor of the spirit, she could be sad, or angry, and in that particularly wrathful state, Carin's mother turned into a frightful beast, a monster, a literal devil incarnate. At that terrible state, no pleas would reach her mother's ears and no lashes were spared, not even for her only child. Until, one day, in a fit of blind and absolute terror, Carin fled from her mother; incensed, her mother pursued, but in her drunken, delirious state, she fell trying to descend a staircase. In the end, she suffered a grievous concussion; later expiring en-route to a nearby hospital but her mother's cruel eyes would forever haunt her even to this day.

With her mother being dead; things could only get better, right? In a way, Carin's situation did improve but her emotional well-being and self-worth were far from scavenge-able. While she excelled in faking contentment, in truth, she felt like she was the lowest of the low, a parasite, a waste of breath and effort. Yet more jarringly, she needed to feel validated. Her need for reassurance and confirmation was not alike a sense of maddening hunger, with her need for attention being the driving force in her life.

Surprisingly contrarian to her nature, she chose law enforcement as a career. Displaying a knack for investigation and wordplay; cornering suspects and figuratively strangling them into a corner with evidence and their own lies. Through, she had a problem. A big problem, she frequently, and rather quietly violated certain procedures or created incidents to get her proverbial man. Things got especially bad when she made a arrest with highly circumstantial evidence, her Carin's mind she was absolutely right ---save the fact she wasn't when another homicide was out on the papers. shortly after, she had to endure a particularly painful embarrassing audit, she found herself forcefully transferred out in the sticks.

But Carin is nothing but resourceful, as there's still hope yet.

+5 Provoke
+4 +4 Deceive, Rapport
+3 +3 +3, Lore, Empathy, Investigation
+2 +2 +2 +2 Shoot, Will, Stealth, Empathy

Bloodhound (Homicide):
You have an eye for detail. You gain a +2 at Discovery actions related to your chosen specialty (e.g. vice, homicide, narcotics, cyber-crime). Additionally, you may take a piece of evidence without being detected once per scene.
Let's talk:
You may use Provoke in place of Empathy or Rapport when trying to get information out of someone in a "softer" fashion. If successfully used in this way, the target is definitely rattled. If used to read a character's emotional state, the aspects revealed are limited only to those which might be expressed in the language of fear.
Hehe, my bad:
You can use Deceive in place of Will when defending against social attacks or intimidation.

Describe your prior Experience:
As interrogator and interviewer in a homicide division, she convinces key eyewitnesses to spill the beans and share words too uncomfortable with their local authorities. Conversely, she would do the same with suspects, this time, significantly far less gentle and more predatory. Skillfully cornering them with evidence (or lack of thereof,) and accusations, playing them like a fiddle.

Describe your current Job.
After the fiasco in Kansas City, Carin is doing surprisingly the same thing ---with more supervision, of course. Otherwise serving a more admin-role, occasionally interviewing a witness and other affairs too mundane to properly list. It's been a painfully slow process, but she trying to convince the local brass to reconsider their stances on her, so that she can have a bit more, uh, lee-way.

What is your greatest Strength?
Carin's ability to get reactions from words alone and her investigative abilities, now if only she could stay out of trouble.

What is your greatest Weakness?
Besides her emergent narcissism, untreated alcoholism, and supposed record for ignoring procedure and protocol? She isn't exactly a marksman or a physical specimen, in a fight, she likely going down if someone gets a jump on her; another being she can seriously rub others the wrong way. Making enemies, she doesn't need.

What are your Goals as part of the Taskforce?
Perhaps her best chance of escaping the fallout of her previous debacle, and maybe make a name for herself. Isn't the prospect of being a local hero, enticing.

Any Special Requests?
Probably slim, but making Carin's emotional problems have a spotlight at some point or another?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Subject to rework, I think I somehow lost sight here.
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Name: Andrea Wingates Bavmorda


Age: 33
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Atlanta City, Georgia.
Assignment: She is to interpret and apply ordinances to a wide variety of situations, supervise and train personnel, weigh in on disciplinary situations, help develop new policies and act as a liaison between upper management and subordinates. In rare occasions, she is deployed in the field if a more experienced agent is needed.
Experience: Andrea spend twelve years in the military, only nine if we discard the three years of training. She then joined Racoon City's Police Department and served in it for three years. She still working there.

High Aspect - Ace Police Officer
Trouble - Never Good Enough
Gruff Leader
Loyal to the Bone

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: [] [] [] []
Morale: [] [] [] []
Wealth: (GM)
Consequences: 2/4/6

Personality & Bio:
A calm and collected individual, Andrea handles most situations that would induce terror and fear in the average person with a controlled ease. In most cases, even genuine surprise and happiness, her reactions to stimuli are subdued. Her conduct is very professional, however she isn't incapable of a bit a humor, goodnatured and not. Despite appearing detached and cold, she cares deeply for the lives of her fellow policemen. She upholds her duty to civilians seriously. Almost too seriously. Andrea was born in the State of Georgia, Atlanta City. She was born into a relatively well-off family with two other younger siblings, her childhood was a simple one with nothing particularly interesting about her. Her failing grades in High-School didn't help and she barely managed to graduate. Getting into any university was unthinkable and at the time, Andrea's only choice was the military from which she ended her training and necessary education at 21. Surprisingly, she chooses to be an Enlisted and not a Commissioned Officer. Through the years and after diligent work, she managed to rise to E6 before putting an end to her career. The military was a mean to an end for her and now that her life was stable, she didn't wish to stay in the military who had an uncertain work schedule and deployments and so at the age of 30, she returned to her family who now lives in Racoon City where she joined the Police Department where she can be close to her family and protect the city they live in.

+5 (Fight)
+4 (Will, Physique)
+3 (Shoot, Athletics, Contacts)
+2 (Notice, Investigate, Drive, Survival)

Danger Intuition
: Andrea can notice when someone has hostile intentions or when something bad is about to happen. +3 bonus to Notice Skill when Creating an Advantage.
Intimidate: Once per scene Andrea can enter provoke a Will conflict against a target to inflict a Mild Mental Consequence.
Community Outreach: You know your beat like the back of your hand. Once per scene, you may make a special roll to "acquire" equipment or resources through unconventional means. Your experience in conducting field searches also means you tend to find more material from a Discover action.
I think you got a typo with "spend twelve years," should probably be "spent twelve years."

So you're looking for a work supervisor that deals with the brass? Her skills seem very combat oriented, so maybe having a high social skill to keep the brass off your backs is a good idea. Empathy, Rapport, Contacts.

Aspects wise, I'd probably tweak them a little bit to reflect if she's family oriented at all, or reflect how she is as an individual. They look good for the most part though.

Stunts: Stunts generally are a special action, or a fixed bonus to a certain act, and they're generally +2. So "+2 to Notice when Creating an Advantage." Or, since I have a "Discovery" action in my games, you could get a +2 to that. Up to you.

"Intimidate" is a little bit too powerful, so I'd rework it to something like "With sheer force of Will, you can attack a person to inflict mental stress instead of Provoke."

So mostly pretty decent. Also answer the questionaire when you can.
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Name: William Lowell
Appearance: Tall and lanky William would look more at place in a lab then outdoors if wasn't for the tan he's gained working summers in the Arklay mountains. His dark hair is cut short enough that people ask if has former military experience, to which he always replies he doesn't and he just likes it being low maintenance.
Age: 27
Rank: (Provided by GM)
Birthplace: Saint Louis, Missouri.
Assignment: Law Enforcement Ranger
Experience: Approximately one year as a ranger. Previous experience before in tracking, sciences and outdoor survival from several field studies he participated in during his studies.

High Concept: Ecologist turned ranger
Trouble: Can't not touch
  • At Least my dad considers this a real job
  • Turns out I'm a pretty good shot
  • A man of simple tastes

Refresh: 3
Fate Points: 3
Physical: 1-2-3
Morale: 1-2-3
Wealth: (GM)
Consequences: 2-4-6

Personality & Bio:
William always had a fascination with systems, that is to say rather then focusing on an single car, or lions he wanted to know how the cars in the city got around, or how the Lion's always had enough gazelle to eat and so forth.

It was this interest that carried him to college and to a degree first in biology and then in ecology. His father, a Saint Louis investment banker, took a dim view of his son's choice of expertise considering degrees useless bits of environmentalist drivel. After his education William found his job prospects few and far between and most would have required long periods of low paying internships as lab aides before he had the chance to do real work. The need to prove his father wrong is what drove him to the Arklay County branch of the park service. His degrees, and field experience from trips during his studies, got him a job despite a lack of law enforcement education.

That was a little over a year ago and now William not only has training as a Law Enforcement Ranger, he has a solid year learning the lay of the Arklay mountains.

Off job William is, despite the relative affluence of his parents, perfectly fine reading a cheap paperback or spending an evening drinking at a local bar. When something simpler and cheaper can provide the same leisure as a priceless collectable book or fine wine… why waste the cash?

+5 Forensics
+4 Lore, Survival
+3 Stealth, Shoot, Investigate
+2 Fight, Physique, Will, Preparation

Stunts: (2 + Class-Stunt by Default)
  • Trained Hunter (Ranger): Your experience outdoors has left you finely attuned to the behavior of wildlife. You have a +2 at fighting animals and mutants, and are never caught surprised when an animal is involved.
  • Rules of the Wild: You view fending off wildlife as a key tenant of survival. When fighting wildlife, you may use survival instead of fight.
  • Walking Library: Your prodigious reading has paid off in spades, and you are able to recall minute details from even the most obscure literary works. You don't have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for research using Lore, even in extreme situations.

William: Ok I can tell you how big the claws are on what killed this guy.
How big?
William: .... too big
For the most part solid, the aspect about his father is maybe limited in utility? As a trouble it sounds hard to compel, and I don't know how you'd invoke it. Also attached a questionaire to the profile creation you should answer.