The Ancient Regime Is No More Long Live Republic Of Westeros

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When certain rights and liberties that all man are entitled to are denied then to reclaim those rigths no cost is too high to pay to have them and even if

The Old Regime itself most be toppled then so be it
Chapter I The Birth Of The Republic


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
The Provisional President of the Westeros Republic, Stanley Goodwills[Pow]

Year One Of Revelutionary Republican Callander

Mr. President, we have started recording your statement, and you may proceed.

To my fellow citizens, I am Stanley Goodwills, the acting president of Westeros Republic and the Head of the Liberal Party. I know that this statement may seem hard to believe.

But the fact that this broadcast is coming from the former royal radio station should be sufficient evidence, as my previous statement implied we have taken the capital city.

And the crownlands are under our control; we have defeated the opposing forces, and we have under our control King Brandon-Eddard VII and his entire family.

The former king has officially signed a document that

Is Signifying his abdication and relinquishing all of his and his dynasties claims and officially ending the seven kingdoms.

And thus, now that the Republic of Westeros has been created, the significance of this day may only be compared to the unification of Westeros.

For thousands of years, one or another kind of petty tyrant has ruled the plentiful land of Westeros and us, the children of the fatherland, but no more, I say.

The unmasurable number of sacrifices made by countless men, women, and children has taken an heavy toll on us all
for we all lost people we loved and admired deeply to the kings and his master of whispers And secret police.

For whoem oppos the autocrat disappeared without any trace or even a mocking of trial, never to be found again, or if ever discovered, in a state of being inflicted with barbarus mutilation On their flesh

And all of this suffering is because of the fear of tyrant who denied us all of the basic liberties that all men should possess.

Many men were put in positions of authority where they had no ability or desire to be effective, but because of the womb that tthey were eborn in, they would have been guaranteed a place simply because of their last name.

Their incompetence and currption were obvious to all but ignored, and the effects are clear in their greed; they have brought our great fatherland into a war that we had no stake in.

And countless sons and brothers have been lost to never return to people that loved them, and what for some sickening desire to maintain their fellow tyrannical autocracy across the shining sea?

But I have regressed. The point is that we are in a brand new age of liberty, equality, and fraternity, and as Provisional President, I swear that I shall do my outmost to serve the republic and my fellow citizens.

Valarians,firstman,andals,rhoynars,iroborn Five races under one flag and one nation: Long Live the republic

And after some time, the recorder stated to me that the recording had been finished. I smiled him and stated
Thank you, and you may go.

Long live the republic! Stated Francis and

I replied to the motto For The People. By the people, and then Francis left

Lord Stanley called out a feminine voice as I turned around; it was my maid

i smiled and stated miss waters How many times must I say that I am no lord or king but simply a citizen, just as you are, who also happens to be the president?

Mr. President, your koffe has turned cold. She stated it with a tremor in her voice.

I replied with a smile. It is no problem, Ms. Waters, for I have i delight in cold koffe

Ms. l. waters I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I shall drink it after I have changed my clothing.

It seemed as if she wanted to say something, but I hushed her, Ms. Waters. I do not need to be dressed like the former occupants of this building.
So you can help me by resting.

She seemed to want to say something but stopped "As you wish, President Stanley" she stated and left.

with a smile on my face.
And I followed after her, exiting the room and heading towards the room that I had been living in.
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Any Tougths comments and critism are welcome and I also have joined westeros fics craze Vi La Westerosia
Before anything about the story itself, there's really a lot of typos, in the summary and the text itself. Go through what you have written again with a spell checker. You also have no quotation marks to distinguish dialogue from the rest of the text so we don't know who is speaking at any given time.

Those are major issues to be fixed before anything else, because they hamper comprehension of what the plot is actually about and many will be turned off and not read the story further if they see it as barely legible.
I have tried to correct it but I am writing from my phone and english Is not my first language but I shall try my best
So is this going to be the French revolutionary ideas as a inspiration for the story

The French did some crazy stuff during the revolutionary period from 1789 to 1799

And England though them for 23 years trying to bring them down

The French Revolution seems like a bad idea and same with all revolutions

The American one worked because they kept the British institutions, British government, British Parliament and even the sergeant at arms

They just called is American the second US President John Adams described England as a republican monarchy

So will the Riverlands and the Reach be Germany and the Austrian Empire, the Stormlands Italy, Weasterlands and the Vale Spain and the North England

In Weastros the ruling family only really rule the Crownlands and the real authority is held by the Wardens and Lord paramount

The Starks in the North would not really be realted to there southern relatives assuming it was a second or first son of Sansa Stark that went on to be King after Brandon

And the other was King in the North

Another option you could go with is the Lannisters of the Rock funding the revolutions enemies

So great question and I see that you have cough on the name I shall confirm that before being dethroned last kings dynasty names Was stark

And yeah french revolution was one of inspirations if you read it another was russian revolution it was mentioned that seven kingdoms

Where in The war to end all wars

Another inspirations was also birth of weimar republic

The royal fleet had rebelled becouse the war was no going well

So seeing their chance opponents in great war sent Stanley and the crew kinda like lenin but not comunist and more like anti monarchist Republican

Minded you another inspiration was also wing dynasty colapse

Like this takes place long long time in futurelike maybe 6 or 7 seven centuries in future

When Stanley landed their were bunch of rebelions

And even comannder of most modern part of seven kingdoms defected to him basically his yuan shiki

One of insipirations for Stanley Goodwills is Sun Yat-sen so any who knows about Chinese first republic know that here will be some shenanigans

The story if compared to our own history would be in early 1900s like their are even radios

This was a great question from another site that story was posted in I hope that this answers some questions if you have any more please ask
So an answer to another question

1.Why you made story in modern times?

2.Why you hate Westeros so much? Kings could be bad,but liberte,egalite and all that shit mean genocide of those who do not fit in new world,purges among victors,and finally new corrupted elites ruling under facade of Democracy.

Sometching like that happened to France and Russia,among other countries.

If you think that Democracy could work in big country with poor population,ask yourself for whom those poor sods would vote.
Answer is - for dudes paing for that,or making them vote by force.
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Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. A rather nice quote in my mind

1.well technical this story is in early 20 century version of westeros of why become why not set a story in such interesting times

2.i mean at least people have chance to decide their own fate allbof those things that you mentioned happened in monarchies and dictatorships and currpt elite are basically the feudal system at least now theirs chance of actually

Having your voice heard and somone little bit comptent being elected at leas

Also I am not Stanley his not an self insert but an oc bourgeois middle upper class romanticism raised guy his brother was killed by the regime

And he had to escape out and also Stanley dosent really know what happened in our world his not Self insert

Thus in his opinion best for his people is toppling currupt cruel and unpopular king

His goals are noble weider they work or succeed is another thing
Chapter II The Letters
Year I RRC

as I lied on the couch to rest my body.

Or at least try to. I couldn't stop coughing. Pain was nothing new to me, but this was an entirely different kind of pain. Every cough felt dry, and my throat had turned sore.

But I continued reading various letters and reports that weren't on the desk.

There were so many of them that I decided to organize them from most important to least important.

Looking at the sheer number of them, I know that I will not be finished any time soon.

Looking at many different reports, one of them had the minister of economy badge on it.

As I opened it in bold letters, it read:

Mr. President, following your instructions, we, the Minister of Economy and Department of Treasury, have analyzed the economic situation, availability of funds, and deficits.

While we have not yet completely finished gathering all available information and data,

Due to the major gutting of both the general and treasurer departments bureaucracy, the rate at which a complete report will be achieved has quadrupled the length of time that we originally

planned to have it complete

According to our current findings, the situation is not positive. We lack general gold to back our new currency, and if a solution is not quickly created, this can have disastrous consequences.

As we speak, various economic departments of the government are trying to find a solution to the problem.

We hope to have a basic draft ready for today's cabinet meeting.

This Report Has been Created on the orders of President Stanley.

by the Department Of Treasury under the Economic Minister

As I finished reading the letter, my coughing returned at the worst moment. I spat out a black liquid that was mixed with something red.

As I finally finished coughing, I wiped away the tears that had been caused by the intensity of my coughing.

And I simply poured water into a glass and started greedily drinking it. The sensation was blissful.

As I finally had some kind of relief, I could finally focus on the documents again, but to my horror, it seemed like my blood had dropped on some of them.

I sighed once more before I brought out my notebook and started writing in it to have one of the maids come and clean up the mess next time I went out of the room.

I finally listened to my body and laid on the bed.

I picked up another letter so that even from the bed, I could still at least do some work.

As I searched the letters near me, I discovered a letter with familiar handwriting on it. As I opened the letter, my heart beat with joy, for indeed, it was a letter from my beloved wife, Cercys.

The Letter Of Cercys

To my dearly beloved husband Stanley, I hope that this letter finds you in both good health of body and spirit.

Dear husband, I and our dear Alfred are filled with joy for your success in creating the republic.

I must also confess that I was deeply worried about your safety, but our Alfred had unshakable faith in both you and your associates and in your goal of creating

the republic, I wish to say that by the time this letter had arrived, we had already left for quite some time, and we shall, if God is good.

be able to meet each other as soon as the ship arrives.

I also wish to state that Alfred has also sent you a letter.

For now, farewell, my dear Stanley, until we meet again, and please take care of yourself.


As I read the letter, I could only smile, but before I could search for my son's letter, there was a knock on the door.

I put the letters of Cercys and Alfred into my drawer before shouting came in.
The Constitution Of Republic
Chapter I The Structure And Function Of The Republic

Section I The Republic And Her Regions

Part I Political Authority And Power Comes From The People
Part II The Admanistrative Structure of the Regions provinces counties and territory can be changed they can be divided or merged The administrative names also can be changed but The Unity Of The Republic

Is indivisible
thus no part of Republic may secede any people enty or organisation that shall attempt secession are automatically traitors to Republic and peace and order any or all forces may be used to neutralise any secessionist attempts

Part III The Official Flag of The Republic is am Sixcolor consisting of these colors. Red,Gold,Azur,White,Black

The Merchant And naval flag is Saltire (X-shaped) cross the each corners and the cross itself correspond to the colors of The National Flag

Part IV The rules of international law that are generally accepted are to be considered as binding integral parts
Republic Of The Westeros .

Part V
Political authority is to be exercised in national affairs by the national government in accordance with
the Constitution of the Republic, and in Regions affairs by the Regional governments in accordance with the constitution.

Part VI As long as the Republic does not exercise its jurisdiction, such jurisdiction remains with the Regions
with the exception of cases in which the Republic possesses exclusive jurisdiction Or in case that that Regions Jurisdiction are opposite of the republic

Part VII
Every Region,Province,County Or any different administrative structure must have a republican constitution. The representatives of the people must be
elected by universal, equal, direct, and secret suffrage of all Westerosi citizens, both men and
women, in accordance with the principles of proportional representation

Part VIII The Republican Moot is composed of the delegates of the Westerosi people

Part IX The delegates are representatives of the whole people. They are subject only to their own
conscience and are not bound by any instructions.

Part X The delegates are elected by universal, equal, direct, and secret suffrage By Man who are of Age 21 Or older or if they have ether served in mandatory military or have completed higher studies then man may vote from age 18

By Woman who are age of 35 or older or woman may vote if they have completed higher studies and then the can vote at age 25 or older according to the principle of proportional representation. Election day
must be a public holiday

Part XI The Republican Moot is elected for six years. New elections must take place at the latest on the
First day after their term has run its course

Part XII For decisions of the Republican Moot a simple majority vote is necessary, unless the Constitution
prescribes another proportion of votes or the decision effect the constitution then a presidental consent is needed to start an reforedom that must at minimum be over 86 percent positive towards decision of Moot and then finally the amendment is proposed to the president for his consent the president has authority to call for secondary vote for conformation

The president is the guardian of constitution and is invested with Excutive powers and emergency powers that shall be defined as the emergency demands

The President serves for two terms He may not serve Another term in any way shape or form

Each Term Consists Of Eight years
The President is popularly and directly elected by the people

Part XIV
Once assuming office, the President shall take the following oath before the Republican Moot And Lower Council:
I swear to devote my full energy to the well-being of the Westeros people, to further their interests,
to guard them from injury, to maintain the Constitution and the laws of the republic, to fulfill my
duties conscientiously, and to administer justice for all.

Part XVI
Before the expiration of his term, the President, upon motion of the Republican Moot, may be
recalled by a popular vote. The decision of the Lower Council shall be by a two-thirds majority.
Through such decision the President is denied any further exercise of his office. The
rejection of the recall motion by the popular referendum counts as a new election and results in
the dissolution of Both The Republican Moot And Of the Lower Council

If any Region,Province,County or Any other administrative structure does not fulfill the duties imposed upon it by the Constitution or the laws of the
Republic, the President may enforce such duties with the aid of the armed forces.
In the event that the public order and security

are seriously disturbed or endangered, the
President may take the measures necessary for their restoration, intervening, if necessary, with
the aid of the armed forces. For this purpose he may temporarily abrogate, wholly or in part,

The President must, without delay, inform the The Republican Moot of all measures taken under
The Republican Moot may vote to annul these measures.

All orders and decrees of the President, including those relating to the armed forces,
must, in order to be valid, be countersigned by the Chancellor of the republic

Part XIX The Cabinet consists of the Chancellor Of The Republic and the Ministers.

The Chancellor and the Ministers require for the exercise of their office the
confidence of the Republican Moot. Any one of them must resign if the Republican Moot by formal resolution
withdraws its confidence And Vote in Favor Is Over 50 percent

Part XXI The Chancellor of the republic presides over the government of the Republic and conducts its affairs
according to the rules of procedure laid down by the government of the Republic and approved by
the President

Part XXII The Chancellor of the republic determines the political program of the republic and assumes responsibility
to the RepublicanMoot. Within this general policy each Minister conducts independently the
office entrusted to him and is held individually responsible to the The Republican Moot Lower Council

A Council Of Regions is formed to give the Republican Regions representation in the law-making and
administration of the The Republic.

Part XXIV Each Region has at least one vote in the Regionala Council. In the case of the larger states one votes shall
be assigned for every million inhabitants.*
No single state shall have more than two fifths
of the total number of votes

Part XXV The Regions shall be represented in the Regional Council by members of their governments

Chapter II The Legislation Of The Republic

Part I The Regional Council may protest against laws passed by the Republican Moot . In case of such protest
the law is returned to the Lower Council, which may override the objection by a two-thirds
majority. The President must either promulgate the law within three months or call for a

Part II The Constitution may be amended by law, but acts amending the Constitution can only take
effect if two thirds of the legal number of members are present and at least two thirds of those
present consent
Part III A law of the Republican Moot and lower Council must be submitted to popular referendum before its proclamation, if the
President, within one month of its passage, so decides

Part I
All Westerosi are equal before the law.
Men and women have the same fundamental civil rights and duties.
Public legal privileges or disadvantages of birth or of rank are abolished. Titles of nobility
may be bestowed no longer. Orders and decorations shall not be conferred by the state.
No westerosi shall accept titles or orders from a foreign government.

Part II Citizenship of the Republic and the Regions is acquired in accordance with the provisions of Republic

Part III All Westerosi shall enjoy liberty of travel and residence throughout the whole Republic except in case of emergency or state of martial law or if the resident is awaiting an judgment from trial

Part IV Every Westerosi is permitted to emigrate to a foreign country.

Part V Personal liberty is inviolable. Curtailment or deprivation of personal liberty by a public authority
is permissible only by authority of law.
Persons who have been deprived of their liberty must be informed at the latest on the following
day by whose authority and for what reasons they have been held. They shall receive the
opportunity without delay of submitting objections to their deprivation of liberty.

Part VI The Residency of every Westerosi is his sanctuary and is inviolable. Exceptions are permitted only by
authority of law.

Part VII
The secrecy of letters and all postal, telegraph, and telephone communications is inviolable.
Exceptions are inadmissible except by national law

Part VIII Every Westerosi has the right, within the limits of the general laws, to express his opinion freely by
word, in writing, in print, in picture form, or in any other way. Censorship is forbidden with exceptions in state of national crisis which only can be done with approval of Republican Moot And Lower Council

Chapter IV: The General Welfare Of The People
part I All Westerosi have the right to assembly peacefully and unarmed without giving notice and
without special permission
Part II
All Westerosi have the right to form associations and societies for purposes not contrary to the
criminal law or the constitution

Part III
Every Westerosi has the right to petition.

Chapter V Religion and Religious Societies

Part IV All inhabitants of the Republic enjoy full religious freedom and freedom of conscience. The free
exercise of religion is guaranteed by the Constitution and is under public protection.

Part V There Is no And Nor shall their Exist any type of national and regional Church

Chapter VI Education and the Schools

Part I Art, science, and the teaching And others are free.
Part II The education of the young is to be provided for by means of public institutions Which is to be founded By National And Regional Funds from the national budget

Part III The entire school system is under the supervision of the National Gavermemt And Minister Of Education And under Whom The ministry of education.
Part IV
Attendance at school is necessary to receive official certificate of completing eduction of Primery School

Chapter VII Economic Life
Part I
The regulation of economic life must be compatible with the principles of justice, with the aim of
attaining human conditions of existence for all. Within these limits the economic liberty of the
individual is assured

Part II Freedom of contract prevails in accordance with the laws

Part III
The right of private property is guaranteed by the Constitution. Expropriation of property may
only take place by due process of law. Exception in emergency case by authority and powers of the President

Part IV
Freedom of association for the preservation and promotion of labor and economic conditions is
guaranteed to everyone and to all vocations. All agreements and measures attempting to
restrict or restrain this freedom are unlawful.

Part V The Republic shall organize a comprehensive system of [social] insurance

Part VI Workers and employees are called upon to cooperate, on an equal footing, with employers in
the regulation of wages and of the conditions of labor, as well as in the general development of
the productive forces

Duo to the state of war and Fact that Both Republican Moot And Lower Council are empty as off yet duo to many regions still not being in Republican control this constitution is to take place When majority of provinces

have been liberated and have voted in their representative so that they may confirm the constitution

until that point the acting president shall rule with decrees and under emergency state of the situation
Chapter III The Minister
RRC, Year I

Edmund Fisher, Leader of the SDP And Minister Of Education

As I walked out of the party meeting, I could only sighed. Even now, some parts of the party were against my denunciation of the People Revelutionery commune, and some even whispered if I should still be the leader of the party, but I knew that it was necessary.

To not only have SDP unbanned and allowed to participate in the republic and even become minister of education was something that I could only dream of.

During the time of the kingdom, SDP were forced to go underground to avoid being executed or worse.

But after some time to receive a letter from the famous, or rather defending, on who you were rather infamous Republican Revelutionary Stanley Goodwills, it was certainly an experience at first.

I thought that it was some kind of trap from the monarchy.

But if they knew about the location where we resided, they would have sent their thugs to deal with us, not a letter. After reading the letter, I was somewhat thunderstruck about being invited to join his grand coalition of parties and to liberate Westeros from autocracy.

At first I was rather hesitatent after all, even if Stanley wished to overthrow the king, he still wished to replace it with the capitalism system, but that was not the only thing that made me hesitate. While the kingdom was backwards, it still had a powerful army, and the king showed that he wasn't afraid to turn it on the Pretolotian.

But according to the letter, the Grand Alliance would help Stanley, and he also had The Republican Self-Liberation Legion, a 90,00-man modern land force, and the backing of the Grand Alliance Navy, which was blocking the entire coast. I was still quite weary, but

Finally, I decided to join them. I was not shocked at the reception I and my compatriots received, but what I was shocked by was that I was invited to the main table while I could tell that many members of the liberal party

That they were not happy about it, they kept their peace. It was incredible how much control it seemed Stanley had over his party, while I could barely keep everyone from tearing each other's throats. Still, the looks I received from my own party were those of helpfulness, and I was glad I needed the party to support my vision.

As I sat on a chair and looked at a corner, I found Stanley Goodwills looking back at me. My first impression was that he was very tall and dressed like any good gentleman would; his age was showing, but instead of weakness, it made him seem wise and quite charming, even in his age. While I was 36 years old, the leader of liberals was an older man, but if I was Honest with myself, old age had suited him, making him age like fine wine.

I never had a head for the military, but I still found what was being discussed here It seemed that we wouldn't be going straight to Westeros mainland but doing an island-hope campaign.

It seemed like that grand Alliance had already all but starved the islands into submission, but they had not yet broken, and thus they would need to be taken care of.

Apparently, this would allow easier transportation of resources, or so I was told.

Apparently, we would also have so many alliance troops supporting us with both material help and some boots on the ground.

Still, when the invasion of Stepstones had begun, I always thought that it would take some time and much blood, but apparently as soon as they had landed, the garrison had surrendered to them, thus Stepstones.

Were reorganised into a region of the republic, the first part of Westeros we had liberated.
Henry1066 said:
What about Dorn they where semi independent in the book even under the Targaryens

Is the North like Russia in your AU or has a very large population
The Dorne remained also had some independence from Starks but multiple and bloody wars have been fought

With the end of great nigth(what pepple in westeros now call long nigth)and forces of cold planetos has experienced population boom as now seasons are far more stable and no catastrophic winters and with retreat of winter far more of Both Region of North and territory of Far East their not same thing their territory has become far more able to be habitable and introduction of rice

And the forces of death were stopped by point they reached near moat colin

and then starks seeing the booming population of south and devastation of noeth and other aristocracy wishing their estates to be farmed by smallfolk settled large amount of andal smallfolk mind you north still has firesman but

The dornes coastal regions and cities were inavaded by the grand alliance and are soon to be handed over to the Westeros Republic but the dornish interior is still not controlled
And for population of westeros I would say 139 milionish
Henry1066 said:
Europe when that went from sigils to modern flag's that was because nations and democracies where created in between the 16th to 19th centurys

If national identity as we understand Today starred in the 13th century we would have cool flags in UK, USA and other nations

I think have a lion flag or a Dragon would be a lot cooler then red, White and blue

How united is Weastros and how independent are the old kingdoms what's stopping then going there own why
Click to expand...As off Now Majority of important and major nations have recognised the republic as only legitimate government crownlands have been liberated riverlands which has been for someone time hotbed of republicanism has declared for republic helps that Stanley is fro.he their but are being invaded

Westerlands seized by bolsheviks and are invading parts of riverlands reach is against
republic lead by aristocratic and major land holding elite

Stormlands about to declare for republic

Vale situation major unknown

North anarchy some parts declared for republic some for aristocratic regime in reach or other just some warlords figthing each other and also anarchist just complete shitshow

Far Northern beyond the blackwatch terrtiroy unknown

Stepstones Region liberated and under republic control dragonstone and driftmark liberated aswell
The Current Naval Situation
The Republic Naval Jacket

Dreadnought Battleships-3
Battle Cruisers-10
Pre-Dreadnought Battleships-5
Armoured Cruisers-15

As of now republic inherited the main royal fleet of the kingdoms consisting of top of line ships
But as off now dou to lacking Dornish Regions oil supply most of navy is Docked and undergoing repairs

Compared to the opposition

the Republican navy is most complete and top off the line but lacks admirals and officers and traing in the open seas

while the the other states situation is unknown it is know that The Sunset Fleet is under control of reactionary forces in the reach mostly composed of Second and third rates and ships but
The Fleet has must commpent admiralty and officer's

the bolshevik navy is as off now none existing duo to sabotage by anti communist forces but they duo possess industrial capacity to try to build new fleet but this is seen as unlikely

As in north any kinda of authority has lapsed end is even know free for all between bolsheviks anarchist warlords their is no true sense of situation of their flotilla

The Vale region house largest part of Submarines flotilla thus it should made utmost try to ether establish control over region or perform an port strike to debilitate potential enemies naval force

As off now both dornish and stormsland navy is in the sea floor by the Grand allinces fleet so their naval threat is quite low
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Any Tougths comments and critism are welcome I hope that you enjoy

And yes dorne has that sweat sweat black gold oil and natural gas
The Imperialism And Colonism of kingdoms Chapter I
"If one wishes to atone for his personal or his nation's actions, it can only be done by acknowledging the past mistakes, ills, and tragedies that have come to pass. It is also true that the past can't be undone, but one can work to fix the present."

-Stanley Goodwills-

Green=Summerland Administrative Statues Currently In Limbo
Tyrian=Basilika Majorika Izlandia (Greater Island Of Basilisk)

The history of Summerland, formerly known as Summer Islands, is one of oppression and colonisation with the beginning of the Age of Exploration.

The seven kingdoms, like other great powers, started colonisation, and their first target was the summer islands, a tribal and rather primitive land.

The territory was much desired for its strategic location. one major trade route, and its geographical position allowed for the planting of many

Cash crops include bananas,melons, Koko (coco), Kofe (coffe), sugar, and cotton

At the time, everything mentioned above was in great demand in Westeros, and thus, with the blessings of King Eddard VI, The Long Voyage Most Honourable Trading And Settlement Company Was established, known as LVMHTASC, one of the most hated, if not the most hated, entities in history by the natives.

The company's goal was to find a suitable location to plant productive agriculture plants (Crash Crops), thus soon beginning almost three hundred fifty years of relentless and ruthless exploitation And slavery under
The company rule

But before we can truly begin, we must first know why the sudden shift from the almost isolationist outlook of the king and nobility to that of colonisation of faraway lands

It can be stated that its main cause was the trade of new luxury products by the nations of Essos and both nations desire for a more balanced budget.

Duo to the trade between Westeros and Essos This topic of trade itself is so vast that it could never be given justice in this documentation; thus, to make it short,

It can be blamed on the trade imbalance that existed between Essos and Westeros, meaning that Westeros imported far more and exported far less.

Thus, an enormous amount of gold was leaving Westeros, leaving a trade imbalance. This was worsened by new trade with Yi Ti for silks, porcelain, and tea, which

Which would some time after also be the cause of the Three Milk Wars (Westeros Version of the Opium Wars), but the wars of the milk wars deserving their own chapter.

This trade imbalance, mind you, was not a new thing since the time of Freehold.

Westeros had enormous epatite for products of Essos of both luxury and non-luxury varieties throughout thousands of years. The theam

Had all but stayed the same, Westeros would be the resources box of the Essos, exporting raw materials for those of refined kind.

But some seven or five centuries before the company, one individual would discover how trade with Essos and Yi Ti Could make one enormously rich, and of course this individual was the legendary Seasnake Corlys Veloryon, whose Voyages would make him one of the richest people of his time.

And would bring the house of Veloryon from obscurity to the spotlight and make them strong enough to fight for their claimants claim.

But with the death of The Seasnake, his heir would not prove to be able to handle the challenge, and thus the trade routes would become defunct.

But in the far future, after the death of The seasnake

Specific The aristocratic house would remember, and in their hearts, the desire for riches would grow, but to establish such an ambitious project, it would need the official backing of the monarchy.

Thus, the houses of Redwine,Martell, Hightower, and Thar would invest vast amounts of monetary resources, becoming majority shareholders of the company.

In hindsight, Summerislands and Basilisk Island (called by natives Basilika Izlaindias) were the natural targets of the company, but we were getting ahead of ourselves. Before colonisation, the company's major income was generated from exclusive monopolies granted to them by the generosity of King Brandon V. ( most historical sources agree that he received quite a generous bribe).
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