aight FAM it's time to switch to hemp, cotton is about to get really difficult to continue to back as the boweevil will just ravage the south with little to no opposition for a bit, maybe also move onto shepherding. doesn't have to be hemp exactly but the cash crop cant be cotton anymore
How much would it cost to do a Big Brothers Big Sisters sorta thing. Have some of my most upstanding and inspiring members go out into the community and offer to take troubled youths under their wings.
How much would it cost to do a Big Brothers Big Sisters sorta thing. Have some of my most upstanding and inspiring members go out into the community and offer to take troubled youths under their wings.
My American Friend, The Sons of the Frontier does literally that (although mostly for boys because we do not have the actions to start the girl version yet)
Me and Cyber literally call it the Not Boy scouts for a reason!
Hey, we might have stolen the BSA's Spotlight in this timeline if we can grow it big enough before Baden Powell starts the Scouting Movement in Britain.
My American Friend, The Sons of the Frontier does literally that (although mostly for boys because we do not have the actions to start the girl version yet)
Does the Sons of the Frontier operate in the city? That's where the majority of the troubled youths are after all.
And the Ideally it would include girls as well from the start.
You've gotta build inclusion into the foundation, tacking it on afterwards always runs into trouble.
Blame Cyber, but in keeping with the times, and for what he wanted to do, it's a male organization because well, that's just what he decided and because we couldn't sanely justify it coming from the organization at the time.
Plus we asked if we allowed girls in the organization would lead to a heavy backlash.
Besides, we can just found another one, or change the charter to allow girls in, once we get tax-exempt status and start money laundering and running guns to the Chinese republicans
I joke, but the entire idea of this organization was mostly to be the BSA, before the BSA, and try to be a slice of wholesomeness as much as we could reasonably make it.
I joke, but the entire idea of this organization was mostly to be the BSA, before the BSA, and try to be a slice of wholesomeness as much as we could reasonably make it.
This year was once again an election year. It would certainly be a fraught one, with the biggest issue being the depression. With Cleveland's pro-Gold Standard policy seeming to slow the crash of the economy, silverites were in the minority in both major conventions. The Panic of 1893 and the continued depression was certainly the biggest issue this year, and for many the Democrats were to blame.
The Republicans decided to nominate McKinley, former governor of Ohio. Their platform included the gold standard, raising tariffs to support local business, increasing American influence and territory abroad, supporting Cuban revolutionaries, excluding illiterate immigrants, and applauding women's rights. They were widely supported by businessmen and bankers, with a solid budget for campaigning this year.
The Democrats had a much more competitive nomination, between Bland and Teller, both bimetallists. While Bland was initially more popular, he was a catholic and fiercely opposed by the southern delegates. Teller was supported by the south and was a protectionist. In the end, the "sound-money men" and business leaders supported Teller to victory in the nomination. His platform included anti-imperialism (including against Native Americans, though he also supported "civilizing" them), protectionism, and non-interference of the federal government in southern affairs.
With the agrarian and silver factions at a loss, many more joined the populists or SLP, a continuing loss for the Democratic Party.
The Populist Party and Silver Party ran a joint candidate, joined by many pro-silver democrats leaving the party, nominating Thomas Watson for president. Still, they've been losing support, and with the defection of Colorado's governor and party before the election few believe that they have a chance.
Up in the northern midwest the Land and Labor Reform Party ran once more, albeit primarily as a local party.
Finally, the SLP published the most radical platform of all the parties this election, nominating De Leon as their candidate.
Affirmed at New York City,
July 4, 1896
The Socialist Labor Party of the United States, in convention assembled, enters its protest against and declares its intention to replace once and for all the capitalist system prevailing in the United States.
The industrial development of the country has obsoleted small private property, has transferred the natural wealth of the land and the ingenious machinery of production, and is daily transferring the wealth produced by labor, into the hands of a small class industrial and financial capitalists in control of gigantic trusts and combinations. The government of society has likewise passed into the hands of the same class, by means of its appropriation of public property, public franchises, and public functions. Democracy by masses of independent proprietors has been made impossible by the transfer of property and power to the capitalist class. The independent proprietors have been replaced by masses of dispossessed toilers, compelled to sell their labor in the factories and the fields. The capitalist class's regime over this working class has been one of misrule, corruption, and waste of human and natural power, which turns science and industry to the perpetuation of ignorance, division, and misery so that men, women, and children may be kept in bondage. Only the working class can abolish economic servitude and political dependence, by suppressing the capitalist property that is their cause and reconstituting it as common property.
Whereas the capitalist system, by its consolidation of property and of the working class on the one hand, and by its manifest failures of planless production, endemic commercial crisis, industrial war, and social disorder on the other, will have shortly prepared the conditions for its downfall; therefore be it
Resolved, that we call upon the people throughout the United States and the world to organize with a view to the replacement of the capitalist system by a cooperative commonwealth, in which every worker shall have the free exercise and full benefit of their faculties, multiplied by all the modern factors of civilization.
We call upon them to unite with us in a mighty effort to gain by all practicable means the political power.
Toward this end, as well as with a view toward the immediate improvement in the conditions of labor, we demand first of all:
Political Demands
That the people have the right to propose laws and vote upon all measures of importance, on the principle of referendum;
That the upper houses of the municipalities, counties, states, and United States be abolished and that proportional representation be introduced in the legislatures of the municipalities, counties, states, and United States;
That the veto of the executive powers of the municipalities, counties, states, and United States be abolished;
That the review of the laws, and the injunction of work stoppages, by the judicial powers of the municipalities, counties, states, and United States be abolished;
That municipalities, including the Federal District, have self-government;
That all public officers be subject to election, and recall by their respective constituents;
That all elections proceed by direct vote and secret ballot;
That suffrage in all elections throughout the United States be universal and equal among all adults 21 years of age or more, and wholly unabridged for any reason including but not limited to race, color, sex, or creed;
That denial of suffrage by municipalities, counties, states, and the United States, for any reason including but not limited to race, color, sex, or creed, be suppressed;
That suppression of political rights by terroristic means including but not limited to tarring-and-feathering, flogging, and hanging, or toleration of same, be suppressed;
That full or partial legal disability of any person on the grounds of race, color, sex, or creed be abolished;
That separate public accommodation for persons of different race, color, sex, or creed be suppressed;
That exclusion from the militia, Army, or Navy on account of race, color, sex, or creed be suppressed;
That election days be legal holidays;
That civil and criminal law be made uniform throughout the United States;
That justice be administered, and legal assistance be provided, free of charge; and
That capital punishment be abolished.
Social Demands
That the United States obtain possession of all railroads, canals, telegraphs, telephones and all other means of public transportation and communication—but no employee shall be discharged for political reasons;
That the municipalities shall obtain possession of local railroads, ferries, water works, gas works, electric plants, and all industries requiring municipal franchises—but no employee shall be discharged for political reasons;
That public lands of the United States, the states, counties, municipalities, and Indian Tribes be declared inalienable;
That public lands be subject to legislation providing for their scientific management and the prohibition of their natural resources' wastage;
That all land grants to corporations or individuals the conditions of which have not been complied with be revoked;
That patent be abolished and inventors instead compensated by the United States;
That progressive income taxes and inheritance taxes be instituted, exempting incomes less than one thousand dollars per year and estates of five thousand dollars respectively;
That the United States have the exclusive right to issue money, in banknotes as well as coins;
That wages be paid in solely lawful money of the United States;
That preferential schedules of wages on the grounds of race, color, sex, or creed be suppressed;
That preferential employment on the grounds of race, color, sex, or creed be suppressed;
That the convict labor system be abolished;
That the United States conduct regular inspections and maintain official statistics concerning the conditions of labor;
That the otherwise unemployed be employed by the municipalities, counties, states, and United States, at the prevailing wages therein;
That the maximum hours of labor per day be reduced by law to eight;
That all pauper, tramp, conspiracy and sumptuary laws be repealed and that workers have the unabridged right to combination;
That school education of all children under 14 years of age be compulsory, free of charge, integrated with respect at least to race, color, sex, and creed, and accessible to all by public assistance in meals, clothing, books, and so on where necessary;
That employment of children of school age be suppressed;
That employers be liable at law for injuries to workers' life and limb; and
That medical care, from birth through death, as well as burial, be free of charge and accessible to all by public assistance.
Some actions are universal and can be included in any organization's plan, others are just for one. Funds are per turn, they don't stack. Any ?s are for you to write-in a number for that action. New actions as write-ins are encouraged to be suggested at any time.
When voting, put the organization acronym before the name of the plan like this:
[X][ACUA] Plan do stuff
Universal Actions:
[] Require dues
--[] Small
--[] Medium
--[] Large
--[] Based on income
-[] Allow delinquent members
More dues reduces membership but increases income. Allowing delinquent members offsets the membership decrease but you also get less income.
[] Make a newspaper.
-[] Local: 5 funds, -2 per turn.
-[] National: 20 funds, -10 per turn.
-[] Many local across core region: 100 funds, -20 per turn.
Making newspapers can increase recruitment and increase the effectiveness of other actions such as putting candidates up for election. Only use an action for initial creation.
[] Stockpile guns. ? funds.
To complete is members/100. Roll 1d20 per funds. Rolling completion, decays 5% per turn representing use and action never disappears.
[] Train militia. ? cadres.
Uses 1 funds and 10 "stockpile guns" progress per cadre. Get 5d20 trained militia per cadre.
[] Organize protests about ?
Write-in option.
[] Attack organization building of ?
-[] ? times.
-[] Claim credit.
Write-in, can be an OTL organization or one of the other player organizations. Costs 1 wealth per building attacked. Note if it's discovered you did it, or if you claim credit, there will be consequences.
[] Make a public campaign defaming a rival person or group.
-[] Spend ? funds.
[] Send agitators to publicly speak supporting your cause.
-[] On the streets of cities. ? funds.
-[] In the factories of cities. ? funds.
-[] To mining towns. ? funds.
-[] To the farmworkers. ? funds.
-[] At parties of the rich. ? funds, min 20.
-[] In the lobbies of politicians. ? funds.
[] Actively campaign for the Democratic Party. ? funds.
[] Actively campaign for the Republican Party. ? funds.
[] Actively campaign for the Socialist Labor Party. ? funds.
Spending multiple actions campaigning will have your members spend more time on it and is more effective for larger organizations.
[] Illegally buy and smuggle weapons to the Cuban Revolutionaries. ? funds.
Although illegal, the cause of the Cubans is popular among all types of Americans and there are many who'd like to aid them. This action has a chance of being caught by the American government, throwing the funds away and casting suspicion on the organization.
[] Send organizers to help factory workers in the North-East form unions. ? funds, 0/3000
[] Send organizers to help dock-workers in the North-East form unions. ? funds, 49/1000
[] Send organizers to help women factory workers form unions in Chicago. ? funds.
[] Send organizers to help form a teacher union for elementary and high schools in Chicago, especially focusing on women teachers. ? funds.
[] Do an on-the-ground campaign in California, talking to AFL workers to convince them to switch over to ACUA unions.
[] Set up a strike fund for associated unions to increase in the effectiveness of their strikes. ? funds. Current: 12
[] Call a general strike of all associated unions to demand better labor conditions as well as preferential union shop.
[] Make more credit unions in Colorado and other areas the ACUA has a presence in.
[] Find whoever legally owns the land of shuttered factories in San Fransisco and give funds to members to buy them and run democratically. 15 funds.
[] Invite the American Railway Union and their Chicago allies to associate with the ACUA.
-[] Offer their president, Debs, a leadership role within the association.
[] Reach out to the New Orleans and New York unions who had participated in the strike last year (RFAA/FAM associated + Tailor's Unions) to associate with the ACUA.
Although most New Orleans unions are part of the AFL, they are more aligned with leftist intersectionalism and may be convinced to switch their allegiance. And although most New York unions are anarchist, the ACUA's participation in the United Front with the RFAA is enough to assuage their fears of Marxists dominating.
[] Require associated unions to officially support the Socialist Labor Party and encourage their members to vote such, improving election chances in each state they are in.
[] Call for the small associated unions in the ACUA to unify based on industry, and for new unions hereafter to merge with these.
-[] Make this a requirement for ACUA membership.
[] Send organizers to Mexico to help local burgeoning union efforts. ? funds.
[] Send organizers to British Columbia to make contacts with local unions, offering support. ? funds.
For now Mexican and Canadian unions won't officially join the ACUA from these actions, it's just foreign aid.
The Land and Labor Reform Party:
44,070 supporters
5 actions, 93 funds
[] Contact various politicians in the main two parties to see if they would be willing to be affiliated with the Land and Labor Reform Party.
[] Try to contact Populist campaigning groups in North Dakota, convincing them that the populist cause has lost and the LLRP's more local focus has sustainability for the progressive cause.
[] Set up a proper campaigning apparatus in South Dakota based on lessons learnt to better campaign in the future. 4 funds, -4 per turn.
[] Give funds to the Sons of the Frontier to expand their operations to more states.
-[] Iowa, 5 funds
-[] Michigan, 10 funds
[] Do some election year donation drives among business owners, the extra funds going to campaigning.
[] Do election year donation drives among the general population, the extra funds going to campaigning.
[] Run in statewide elections in Michigan. ? funds.
[] Run in statewide elections in North Dakota. ? funds.
[] Run in statewide elections in South Dakota. ? funds.
[] Put extra effort campaigning in a state.
-[] Michigan
-[] North Dakota
-[] South Dakota
[] Have a candidate run for president. (Write-in name)
[] Request to campaign together with another party, running the same candidates.
-[] Republican Party
-[] Democratic Party
-[] Populist Party
-[] Socialist Labor Party
The Revolutionary Federation of American Anarchists (RFAA):
163,000 supporters, 8 UF delegates
7 actions, 157 funds
[] Send organizers to help factory workers in the North-East form unions. ? funds, 0/3000
[] Send organizers to help dock-workers in the North-East form unions. ? funds, 49/1000
Starting in areas they have the most presence in, these union campaigns once completed will result in a high union density from Pennsylvania and New Jersey northwards.
[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in a region.
-[] Philadelphia, 16 funds, -8 per turn
-[] New Jersey cities, 20 funds, -10 per turn
-[] Other Massachusetts cities, 20 funds, -10 per turn
-[] Vermont Cities, 6 funds, -3 per turn
-[] New Hampshire cities, 6 funds, -3 per turn
You may use one action to do only up to 2 regions at the same time for the above action.
[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in Montreal. 12 funds, -4 per turn.
Although beginning as an American movement, Canada has always had close ties to their neighbors, and so it was inevitable that the American radical labor movement would spread to Canada. Although small for now, with some effort the RFAA could help locals contact others and set up local councils in Montreal, their biggest city and right next to the New England border.
[] Give The Worker's Credit the autonomous ability to add more offices in new cities and towns as your organization grows, now that it's large enough to be self-sustaining.
[] Send organizers into the New York countryside to find former Farmers' Alliance farmers who have been hit hard by the recession and try to convince them to form councils, joining the RFAA.
-[] Also impress that, in addition to the coop stores and mills they already have, they should turn their farms into mutuals or coops, sharing workloads and equipment.
[] Find farms that have gone bankrupt and in danger of being bought out by capitalists and buy them yourselves, combining them into coops that the former residents are welcome to work at. 30 funds.
-[] First talk to the farmers involved for their permission.
-[] Keep them more integrated with the federation like your factories, still democratically run, but profits (after a healthy wage) put towards the federation as a whole.
[] Send agitators to New England unions to try to convince them of the necessity of Anarcho-Collectivism.
[] Call for a general strike among contacted unions.
[] Accuse and defame the most influential and reactionary of the New York police department to try to get them fired, allowing your members to get into a better position. 8 funds.
[] Attempt a takeover of the New York Police Department. ? funds. Warning: There will be consequences, especially if you fail.
[] Find whoever legally owns the land of shuttered factories in New England and give funds to members to buy them and run democratically. 15/30 funds.
[] Modify your textile factories to work with hemp as well as cotton. 10 funds.
If the Forty Acres Movement switches to hemp production, you'll use them as your supplier, providing a market for their goods. As hemp fibers are more durable and stronger, you will also see an increase in profit.
[] Put effort into marketing the new clothes as long-lasting and strong. ? funds, ? funds per turn
[] Do a test run of buying houses and other livable buildings in New York and using them as communal living. 10 funds, -2 per turn.
[] Try setting up community gardens all across New York City to supply the soup kitchens and feed the community, buying the space for it. 10 funds, -3 per turn.
[] Make a fund dedicated to buying out farms that members work on and giving them to the sharecroppers who work them when possible, as well as buying equipment for them. ? funds. 427/(20150) progress, 1d20 per fund.
[] Put together a directive suggesting your members start growing hemp and a committee to establish instructions on how to do it. 2 funds, -2 per turn.
With the boll weevil infestation destroying many of the cotton farms in the Louisiana and Mississippi (and continuously spreading east), most of your independent farmers have switched to various food crops. But in a recent meeting many members have suggested that they could switch to hemp instead, which is more drought resistant and produces more material in the same land area/time. However, it takes an extra step and more effort to process into clothes, and so requires new industries for it.
[] Make a fund dedicated to giving out zero interest loans to African Americans.
[] Increase the funds dedicated to paying fines put on African-Americans for arrests that could result in prison. ? funds per turn.
[] Set up textile factories in towns, allowing cotton to be processed nearby where it's harvested, using the same limited workplace democracy as in the tractor factory. 20 funds and 1 action each state. Can pick the same state multiple times.
-[] Set up hemp textile factories instead (+5 cost)
-[] Louisiana
-[] Mississippi
-[] Alabama
-[] Georgia
[] Set up hemp paper factories in towns, using the same limited workplace democracy as before. 20 funds and 1 action per state. Can pick the same state multiple times.
-[] Louisiana
-[] Mississippi
[] Buy out some New Orleans industries in cooperation with the unions there that have failed due to the depression. 25/45 funds.
[] Buy or build more mills for members to cooperatively use and achieve further independence. 20 funds.
[] Set up an organizing group to have members in secret actively travel to sharecropping plantations and invite the workers there to the group. 5 funds, -5 per turn.
[] Go to the black belt cities and help black workers unionize. ? funds
[] Use contacts in the cities to establish urban branches of the organization, determining what urban black people like.
[] Set up a smuggling office in New Orleans for the Cuban revolutionaries. 5 funds, -2 per turn.
Improves the chance of success and efficacy of a success for all smuggling actions to Cuba as well as provides a passive bonus to them.
The Defense Group:
Note: The "buy guns" and militia training general actions may count as Defense Group actions.
[] Hire militia to work part time rather than on a volunteer basis. ? cadres, -1 fund per turn per cadre (recommend training first/concurrently)
[] Try to send a few white members to find when meetings of the White League happen, and then send militia to break it up. ? cadres.
[] Try to force a confrontation during a standoff with the White League where you have the numerical advantage.
[] Form a committee for discussing strategy and training militia leadership in it. -2 funds per turn.
After the weak attempt at forcing a favorable confrontation with the White League, it is time to take those lessons and others they could take and train leadership in it to do better in the future.
The Society of Friends of All Faiths:
52,000 supporters
5 actions, 11 funds
Weaponry: 32/469
[] Set up charitable aid out of the churches and synagogues in New York that you're associated with, open to all. 3 funds, -3 per turn.
[] Set up charitable aid out of the churches and synagogues in Philadelphia that you're associated with, open to all. 3 funds, -3 per turn.
[] Set up large scale soup kitchens out of the churches and synagogues in a city that you're associated with, open to all. .5 actions each.
-[] Baltimore, 2 funds, -2 per turn
-[] Newark, 1 fund, -1 per turn
[] Set up patrols in New York to stop hate crimes against Jewish people and other religious minorities. -2 funds per turn, requires first training militia.
American People's Futurist Alliance:
35,600 supporters
5 actions, 74 funds
[] Find politicians that may be willing to support your cause and convince them to, as well as endorsing them. ? funds.
[] Fund the election of some ideologically similar republican candidates likely to win anyway in order to bind them to you. ? funds.
[] Establish the "Technocratic Institute of Planning" in Cleveland, a university for future politicians, entrepreneurs, and managers that teaches "rational management" and the latest technology for each area of study. 50 funds, modifies your funds per turn.
-[] Give scholarships for those in the American Dream Program. -5 funds per turn.
[] Continue the fund to help keep industrialists in the steel belt from failing… as long as they join you. 10/30/60 funds.
[] Bribe and tip off the police in the North-East to areas the anarchists are "intimidating immigrants". 10/20/40 funds.
The Friends of the Huddled Masses:
126,700 supporters
4 free actions, 1 Yellow Scarves action, 1 industrial action
98 funds
[] Set up branch offices, many permanent meeting halls in towns all across the West. 40 funds, +1 action.
[] Help organize the rest of the Chinese workers into unions who can, such as restaurant workers. ? funds.
[] Expand the Pacific Credit Union to other west coast cities and towns you have a presence in. 5 funds.
[] Set up soup kitchens in California cities and associated towns. 4 funds, -4 per turn.
[] Set up mutual aid groups in Portland, Oregon, and other nearby places. 2 funds, -1 per turn.
Portland in particular has a large Japantown, and so it'll be primarily working with them to do the organizing.
[] Set up mutual aid groups in Seattle, Washington, Tacoma, Washington, and other nearby places. 3 funds, -1 per turn.
Seattle and Tacoma have recently been subject to anti-Chinese race riots, and the labor movement there is still heavily racist, making it more difficult to organize there.
[] Contact the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association in New York (which acts as a quasi-government for Chinatown and financially supports Chinese entrepreneurs) and form official ties between them and the FHM branch there.
Restructuring (Choose 1):
[] The Anarchist Plan
Gives: Opens up options for towns to voluntarily partially re-organize in a semi-anarchist manner; actions are split into General Coordination with 3 (free) actions, Economic Federal Council with two actions, and Yellow Scarves with two actions (total of +1 action). Parts of the organization can ideologically drift easier. Economic Federal Council keeps the +5 bonus from the Factory Management Council, but applied to all of it.
[] The Compromise Plan
Gives: Maintains current action balance, but still heads off the worries of the organization fracturing. Will give options in the future to further specialize having many branches of the organization and fewer free die.
[] The Industrialist Plan
Gives: -1 free action but +5 to each action. Brings Yellow Scarves closer in line to the rest of the organization. Bonus to ideological coherency within the movement.
Yellow Scarves:
Note: The "buy guns" and militia training general actions may count as Yellow Scarves actions.
[] Use the unions to request better conditions at mines, and assassinate bosses who militantly refuse. 1/5/10 funds.
[] (Use in conjunction with a strike) assassinate leaders of enemy militia or strikebreakers. 1/5/10 funds.
[] Recruit/move in wealthy neighborhoods in San Fransisco as servants to serve as informants and potentially assassins.
[] Prepare covertly the rails themselves to be able to quickly shut them down, preventing all travel across the rockies. Has a chance of discovery. ? funds, 0/2000
[] Have railcars made by the FMC be rigged for Yellow Scarf secret control, allowing them to be quickly shut down. 5 funds. Gives +50 per turn to the above action.
[] Store funds for later use in aiding Sun Yat-Sen's revolutionary activities. Current: 0 funds (free action)
Factory Management Council:
[] Further expand canning operations in San Fransisco. 20/30 funds.
[] Find prospects for mines and set up a small mine somewhere in California. 15 funds.
[] Work with the west coast unions to buy out their (often near-bankrupt) factories. 10/20 funds.
Has a chance for them to just become cooperatives instead of joining the Factory Management Council.
The Orange Disciples:
62,620 supporters
5 actions, 95 funds
[] Lobby various politicians to support progressive laws in a state (choose one). ? funds.
-[] Ohio
-[] Pennsylvania
-[] New York
-[] Nationally
[] Start handing out flyers and other methods of recruiting at associated churches. ? funds.
[] Request for member priests at associated churches to officially sanction the organization to their followers.
[] Use the success of the New York strikes to continue pressuring the city government into adapting labor laws to ensure it doesn't have to happen again. ? funds.
[] Support the Cleveland SLP party in organizing as well as informing voters of local issues and all three party's positions on them. ? funds
-[] Do this in a more neutral manner.
[] Promise funds to any Ohio candidate who supports the women's suffrage amendment as well as campaign for it. ? funds.
The New American Patriots:
15,800 supporters
3 actions, 16 funds
[] Look for patronage from wealthy businessmen in California. +? funds.
[] Set up a student chapter in the California State Normal School, a club for university students interested in the organization. 5 funds.
[] Set up loans to small businesses which employ our people and/or align with our cause to help tide them through the depression. Repayment and interest to only start after 5 years. 10/20/40 funds.
[] Low key encourage your members to get low ranking government jobs, whether it be city, state, or federal.
The Society for Universal Suffrage:
285,150 supporters, 14 UF delegates
7 actions, 98 funds
[] Make a standardized bureaucracy for the organization to maintain cohesion in it and all its branches. Gives +1 action, 30 funds, -5 funds per turn (cost scales with size)
[] Send organizers to help women factory workers form unions in Chicago. ? funds.
[] Send organizers to help form a teacher union for elementary and high schools in Chicago, especially focusing on women teachers. ? funds.
[] Send agitators to Chicago unions to try to convince them to accept women and minorities.
[] Send organizers to set up mutual aid networks and soup kitchens in a region.
-[] Indianapolis, 4 funds, -2 per turn
-[] Other Wisconsin cities, 8 funds, -4 per turn
-[] Other Indiana cities, 16 funds, -8 per turn
-[] Other Michigan cities, 12 funds, -6 per turn
-[] Other Ohio cities, 16 funds, -8 per turn
You may do one action to do up for 2 regions of the above.
[] Use the Chicago ethnic clubs connections to formalize the language federations as part of SUS.
This past decade a few socialist language federations have formed, the Danish and Hungarian ones already affiliated with the SLP. By making them a semi-independent part of SUS, they will get influence over the movement while also any new ones will be tied to the United Front rather than an independent actor. This will give them proportional delegates both within SUS and to the United Front (from the SUS delegates) to ensure they have representation.
[] Send members to volunteer in the Illinois National Guard to get training—and potentially eventually subvert it.
[] Have the credit union bureaucracy automatically expand the credit union to any areas SUS has a presence in.
[] Buy out shuttered factories in Chicago when possible and bring them back running under your control. 20/40 funds.
[] Build a new factory. 15/30/45 funds.
-[] Write in what kind and where
[] Modify your textile factories to work with hemp as well as cotton. 10 funds.
If the Forty Acres Movement switches to hemp production, you'll use them as your supplier, providing a market for their goods. As hemp fibers are more durable and stronger, you will also see an increase in profit.
[] Put effort into marketing the new clothes as long-lasting and strong. ? funds, ? funds per turn
[] Interfere in Pinkerton's hiring efforts by having talks with any potential recruits and following their recruiters.
-[] Additionally, secretly firebomb their office. 1 funds.
[] Reach out to farm workers in Illinois, offering cheap farm tools to any SUS member. (Reduces profits from farm tool factory to zero)
[] Try to co-opt the prohibition movement (a popular idea among women) and its rhetoric to expand your base.
[] Set up experimental community gardens in places where you can buy across Chicago to serve as a free food supply as well as help support the soup kitchens. 10 funds, -3 per turn.
[] Establish training for members in regards to teaching them against prejudice towards minorities and against misogyny. -2 funds per turn
-[] Make this training mandatory (optional)
[] Kick out the Cleveland branch for being reformist and revisionist, and make more regulations on joining the fast-growing organization to maintain ideological unity.
This will also give a new action to define what, exactly, is the guiding ideology of SUS.
[] Use members of the Cleveland branch to make contact with Toronto, whose budding socialist movement is also dominated by Christian socialists.
Note it will be possible to make contact with Canadian workers in a different way in the future, this just allows for earlier and faster.
[] Approach governor Altgeld to run for the SLP.
The current governor of Illinois, Altgeld, managed to stop the feds from striking breaking in '94 (while sending in militia himself, that arguably saved the strike). By inviting him to switch to the SLP, it would be possible to take many of the Illinois progressive democrats with him. In addition, his personal popularity would help SLP election chances… if he will agree to it, anyway.
[] Accept the Salon's proposal (free action).
Uranus Gathering for People of Queer Orientation and Allies:
17,500 supporters
4 actions, 11 funds
[] Find old and new gay bars in New York City and associate with them, forming a communication network for safe places.
[] Make some informational packets to spread around to inform people who and what queer people around. ? funds.
[] Make contacts with friendly doctors.
Many in the queer community experience distaste with their bodies, so it has been suggested that they do research into potentially changing their bodies.
[] Support local members in founding more gay bars in cities across New York which don't have any. 9 funds.
-[] Maintain ownership of these by the organization.
[] Accept the Salon's proposal (free action).
The Minutemen:
20,600 supporters
4 actions, 13 funds
[] Set up a research committee to figure out the best old and new small unit tactics. 2 funds, -2 funds per turn.
[] Start up a youth group starting in Pennsylvania inspired by the Sons of Dakota where young boys can go camping and learn skills which could potentially be useful in the military. 5 funds.
-[] Write-in name
[] Establish democratic elections for committee appointments in which the top candidates, as voted on by the whole organization, are appointed.
-[] Additionally, overall leadership of the organization will be elected in this manner. (Optional)
[] Establish a method in which committee appointments are chosen by organization leadership.
If you do not do one of the two above actions (exclusionary), there may be infighting.
Salon der Geschlechter:
6400 supporters
1 action, 4 funds
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.
[] Found a new gay bar in Chicago as a safe place for queer people. 3 funds.
[] Request to join SUS as a special interest group, becoming a faction within SUS and giving them actions relating to queer rights.
[] Request to merge with Uranus in order to become a national organization with branches in two cities.
If they choose to join a larger organization, they hope that they can accomplish more than they could by themselves.
[] Integrate the already existent coop mills and shops into the organization, and set up a committee to do the same as more Farmer's Alliance members join. 6 funds, -2 per turn.
[] Test out voluntarily forming large coop farms out of their willing members.
[] Form a committee to organize reaching out to the Farmer's Alliance members to try to convince them to switch over, to be disbanded once the SPA is bigger. 5 funds, -3 per turn
[] Promote a fusion ticket between Populists and Republicans in North Carolina. ? funds.
[] Buy a permanent meeting room, either an office or small building. 5 funds. Gives +1 action.
[] Form contacts in local government in Pittburgh and the surrounding countryside for encouraging local rule. 4 funds, -2 per turn.
Van der Linde Gang:
4200 supporters
1 action, 1 fund
[] Organize the gang in which it is one large gang following Dutch, with their supporters all across Western US and potentially joining them temporarily when they wander near. +1 action.
[] Organize the gang as a federation of outlaw gangs (with civilian supporters) that each can act on their own but occasionally meet to vote on things together (with Dutch's voice having great sway). +1 action.
Choose one of the two methods of organization above in place of the normal +1 action option.
United Front
61 funds
Any UF org can add on any UF proposals to the end of their vote as a free action. For internal UF votes, not choosing a vote means you are abstaining on it. Actions with funds are your own org's funds.
Actions (NOT free actions):
[] Request to join the United Front.
[] Leave the United Front.
[] Contribute extra funds to the UF. ? funds.
[] Direct your members to campaign for the UF.
-[] Write-in state (optional).
Make a plan (only one person has to vote for it) for the uses of the UF budget, with [UF] instead of an org name. The vote section will include an option to choose which plan your org would prefer to go with.
[] Donate funds to an organization from the UF finances.
-[] Write-in
[] Build up a proper electoral apparatus in states using local org members.
-[] New York City, 27 funds, 27 per turn
-[] Upper New York, 33 funds, 33 per turn
-[] Chicago, 11 funds, 11 per turn
-[] Other Illinois, 27 funds, 27 per turn
-[] California, 12 funds, 12 per turn
-[] Louisiana, 11 funds, 11 per turn
-[] Mississippi, 13 funds, 13 per turn
[] Actually campaign in a state.
-[] New York City, ? funds
-[] Upper New York, ? funds
-[] Chicago, ? funds
-[] Other Illinois, ? funds
-[] California, ? funds
-[] Colorado, ? funds
(Populists have already fundraised 30 funds on their own for this election but expect 10 funds from the UF and/or an action by the ACUA to campaign)
-[] Louisiana, ? funds
-[] Mississippi, ? funds
[] Send delegates to this year's Second International meeting. 3 funds.
Votes (free actions):
[] Write-in budget plan name.
Second International Positions:
These are not in lock-step, so reps although nominally all from the UF/SLP can vote however their own org wishes.
[] Allow the anarchists to be expelled, including your own anarchist members, in exchange for ensuring the rest of you may stay.
[] Vote against expelling the anarchists, but attempt to stay even if they are.
[] Demand the anarchists are not to be expelled, and walk out with them abandoning the Second International if they are.
In the Third Congress of the Second International, the anarchists were expelled. In the upcoming congress in London you next year, it is expected the Social Democratic factions will make this rule permanent, overruling the attempted appeal. However, the United Front has grown to be larger than even Germany's SPD, and additionally has become well acquainted with many international figures due to the world fair, so has a lot of influence on their decision. This is also the only binding vote, with the other choices below being merely being positions in discussions.
[] Support any progressive anti-colonial revolution, even a bourgeoisie one.
[] Only support socialist revolutions.
[] Socialist revolutions must be lead by the industrial proletariat.
[] Socialist revolutions can come from agrarian societies as well as industrial.
[] The working class should focus on direct action, not electoralism.
[] A political party must be organized around so it can lead in the eventual revolution.
[] Social Democratic parties must be supported and achieve electoral success in order to achieve socialism.
[x] [SFAF] Plan Playing Defense
-[x] Increase dues to medium, based on income, allowing delinquency
-[x] Stockpile guns, 3 funds
-[x] Train militia, 5 funds
-[x] Set up patrols in New York to stop hate crimes against Jewish people and other religious minorities. -2 funds per turn, requires first training militia.
-[x] Set up charitable aid out of the churches and synagogues in New York that you're associated with, open to all. 3 funds, -3 per turn.
It is time to begin defending our friends against those who would harm us. Regrettably, that means we must ask for more contributions from our membership.
… would getting a write-in to look into training tool options such as specially designed air guns be feasible? Since with the looking to small unit tactics would probably benefit from such. And may pre-empt air-soft.
… would getting a write-in to look into training tool options such as specially designed air guns be feasible? Since with the looking to small unit tactics would probably benefit from such. And may pre-empt air-soft.
[ ] [SPA] Plan Coops and Wilmington Prep
-[ ] Stockpile guns. 13 funds.
-[ ] Integrate the already existent coop mills and shops into the organization, and set up a committee to do the same as more Farmer's Alliance members join. 6 funds, -2 per turn.
-[ ] Test out voluntarily forming large coop farms out of their willing members.
-[ ] ???
Okay, doing the two coop actions (as part of my thoughts of the SPA's current mindset basically being One Big Co-op.) The rest of my money right now is on stockpiling guns because Wilmington looms and everyone's been hearing about the Dixiecrat paramilitaries getting antsy.
Not sure on my last action though. Should I make a local newspaper even though it'll cost funds? Petition to join the United Front? Or maybe see about a write-in action for creating a Credit Union for helping the indebted? (Which would be important, currently something like 90% of the entire population of North Carolina are in debt.)
Air guns have existed since the 15th century. So it likely isn't as difficult as inventing it from scratch. Just fraught with challenge's in designing a something that hasn't ever been designed before…
Air Guns have existed, but the ones that exist right now to my understanding are all meant for Killing Things. In fact, there's a big reputation of them as poacher guns in Great Britain at this time.
Hmm, maybe worth it to grab some Farmers' Alliance members. IRL the North Carolina institution never recovered from 1892 internal divisions, and the national organization died in 1897. Though it had been getting eaten by the Populists since 1892 at the latest.
[ ] [SPA] Plan Coops and Wilmington Prep
-[ ] Stockpile guns. 8 funds.
-[ ] Integrate the already existent coop mills and shops into the organization, and set up a committee to do the same as more Farmer's Alliance members join. 6 funds, -2 per turn.
-[ ] Test out voluntarily forming large coop farms out of their willing members.
-[ ] Form a committee to organize reaching out to the Farmer's Alliance members to try to convince them to switch over, to be disbanded once the SPA is bigger. 5 funds, -3 per turn
-[ ] Request to join the United Front.
Okay, grab the Farmers' Alliance stuff, organize coops, and requesting to join the United Front. I'll X everything once I've also seen the plans for groups like the RFAA and decided on which path the Van der Linde gang will take.
Air guns have existed since the 15th century. So it likely isn't as difficult as inventing it from scratch. Just fraught with challenge's in designing a something that hasn't ever been designed before…
Yes, that's why it's not impossible. None of the organizations have engineers or a research division to help with designing a new type of gun, which is what would give a bonus/lower the DC for this type of action.
[X][TFAM] Plan The Worker-Peasant Alliance
-[x] Defense Group: Stockpile guns. 16 funds.
-[x] Actively campaign for the Socialist Labor Party. 10 funds.
--[x] Focus on New Orleans first and then the rest of Louisiana
-[x] Make a fund dedicated to buying out farms that members work on and giving them to the sharecroppers who work them when possible, as well as buying equipment for them. 10 funds. 427/(20150) progress, 1d20 per fund.
-[x] Put together a directive suggesting your members start growing hemp and a committee to establish instructions on how to do it. 2 funds, -2 per turn.
-[x] Set up textile factories in towns, allowing cotton to be processed nearby where it's harvested, using the same limited workplace democracy as in the tractor factory. 20 funds and 1 action each state. Can pick the same state multiple times.
--[x] Set up hemp textile factories instead (+5 cost)
--[x] Louisiana
-[x] Set up an organizing group to have members in secret actively travel to sharecropping plantations and invite the workers there to the group. 5 funds, -5 per turn.
-[x] Go to the black belt cities and help black workers unionize. 5 funds
-[x] Use contacts in the cities to establish urban branches of the organization, determining what urban black people like.
-[x] UF: Vote against expelling the anarchists, but attempt to stay even if they are.
-[x] UF: Support any progressive anti-colonial revolution, even a bourgeoisie one.
-[x] UF: Socialist revolutions can come from agrarian societies as well as industrial.
-[x] UF: A political party must be organized around so it can lead in the eventual revolution.
[X][SdG] Plan Join the SUS
-[X] Request to join SUS as a special interest group, becoming a faction within SUS and giving them actions relating to queer rights.
If the people "in charge" of the SUS are open to it. If not, then I guess I'd found a new bar...or set dues?
[X][LLRP]Plan: Ferb! I know what we're doing today! (Election Edition)
- [X] Set up a proper campaigning apparatus in South Dakota based on lessons learnt to better campaign in the future. 4 funds, -4 per turn.
- [X] Do election year donation drives among the general population, the extra funds going to campaigning.
- [X] Run in statewide elections in Michigan. 79 funds.
-[X] Put extra effort campaigning in a state.
--[X] Michigan
-[X] Give funds to the Sons of the Frontier to expand their operations to more states.
--[X] Michigan, 10 Funds
[X][LLRP]Plan: Ferb! I know what we're doing today! (Election Edition)
- [X] Set up a proper campaigning apparatus in South Dakota based on lessons learnt to better campaign in the future. 4 funds, -4 per turn.
- [X] Do election year donation drives among the general population, the extra funds going to campaigning.
- [X] Run in statewide elections in Michigan. 79 funds.
-[X] Put extra effort campaigning in a state.
--[X] Michigan
-[X] Give funds to the Sons of the Frontier to expand their operations to more states.
--[X] Michigan, 10 Funds