Is TFAM going to be doing the "establish public elementary schools" action, and if so, will they be willing to work with the Orange Disciples? We have money... and lawyers.
Say, if I were to do a little trolling by paying the FAM's fine in FAM company scrip, could I get TOD lawyers to take up my inevitable court case?
Preliminary plan:
[][TFAM] Plan We'll Be Back
-[] Take a loan from the Credit Union (+5 funds)
-[] Spartacist: Train militia. 10 cadres.
-[] Industrial: Try to modify the armaments and munitions manufactures to make more advanced weapons like machine guns, resulting in a smaller but better equipped force. 5 funds, changes to 120 per year but gives +5 to infantry rolls.
-[] Policy: none
-[] Campaign for the SLP. 3 actions.
--[] Louisiana, 30 funds.
--[] Alabama, 20 funds.
-[] Start integrating field medics into the Spartacists, recruiting primarily from sympathetic student graduates who have medical knowledge but also volunteer nurses, doctors, etc. 5 funds, -1 per turn, adds 200 militia to total and all companies have medics going into the future, reducing deaths if not casualties.
-[] Establish a military training facility. 40 funds, -10 per turn, -100 Weaponry per turn. Trains approximately 500 regular-grade militia per turn.
-[] Begin establishing more public elementary schools in controlled towns and cities, beginning the process of better educating black youth and hopefully winning over more people to FAM town governments.
--[] Work with Northern whites to help fund these schools, putting less pressure on the towns.
-[] Go to southern mines and help black mine workers unionize. 13 funds. 0/200
-[] Vote against the Sedition Act
-[] Establish the International Socialist Bureau, a standing committee consisting of representatives from the entire International.
-[] Universally condemn entering a bourgeois government.
-[] When the revolution comes, the bourgeoisie should have their capital taken from them with no compensation and but they may remain as workers.
-[] The working class should be in favor of international peace but also support the struggles of anti-colonial forces fighting for independence.