The Age of Ascension - A Space Opera [OOC / Interest Check]

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Example Applications (QM Faction)

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Example Applications (QM Faction)

The Tyranids


  • Martial: +30 (+10 from Traits)
  • Intrigue: +10 (-10 from Traits)
  • Stewardship: +20
  • Learning: +30 (+10 from Traits)
Polity Name: The Tyranids
Informal Names: Despoilers. The Great Enemy. The Swarm. The Devourers of Worlds.
Species Name: Tyranid.
Species Description: A highly evolved insectoid race that is commanded by a central Hive Mind. These Hive Minds mass produce swarms of soldiers and ships that they deploy to devour entire worlds.
Homeworld Description: None. We are of the Void and devour those whose paths we cross.
Leader: Butcher the Hungry.
Government System: A Parliamentary Democracy of Hive Minds who gather in the Void between Galaxies to discuss the future of the Tyranid race.
Positive Traits:
Unity Of Purpose (+5 Martial)
Tyranid Hive Fleets operate with a unity of purpose that others cannot match. This enables them to engage in military maneuvers with perfect precision.

Devourers (+5 Martial)
Tyranid Hive Fleets are able to consume the biomass of their prey and build new ships even while a battle rages. This enables them to sustain damage other fleets cannot.

Genetic Engineers (+5 Learning)
Tyranid Hive Minds are extremely capable intellectuals who advance the species through genetic engineering.

Led By Geniuses (+5 Learning)
Each Tyranid Hive Mind is genetically engineering for its intellectual muscle and is quite literally the smartest creature in the Fleet.

Negative Traits:
We Are Not Subtle (-5 Intrigue)
The Tyranid Hive Minds do not understand the art of subtlety and deception. They are honest brokers who kill everything in their path that is not Tyranid.

We Do Not Understand You (-5 Intrigue)
The Tyranid Hive Mind has no intellectual curiosity when it comes to figuring out other races. They simply seek to devour their prey, that is all there is to them really.

No one really knows when the first Tyranid was born or even what world gave birth to their species. Even the Tyranids have forgotten their origins, uninterested in their own history. They only real desire is to consume and the sole focus of their civilization is to perform that singular act.

For eons, the Tyranids have harvested biomass from your galaxy. Each "harvest" ultimately destroying all of the space faring civilizations that existed at the time. For tho the Tyranids were numerous and hungry, they could only track the growth of biomass by tracking the interstellar ships that traveled between worlds. The vastness of space hid any other sign of civilization from the insectoid race. It is now your turn to be devoured by these monsters whose attention you drew from the moment you dispatched your first, experimental interstellar vessel.

Application Types

Polity/Nation Application ( 8 Maximum )

5 Actions/Turn, War Plan (if any) costs an action. Wars (or cold war) declarations require a separate action to the war plan.

  • Base stats are +20 in Martial, Intrigue, Stewardship, and Learning.
  • Four Positive Traits (+5 to Stat in question, may be stacked on the same stat)
  • Two Negative Traits (-5 to Stat in question, may be stacked on the same stat)
  • Affected by Random Events.
The list of your stats.
Polity Name: The formal name of your civilization.
Informal Names: Informal name(s) for your civilization, if any.
Species Name: The name of your species.
Species Description: The nature of your species.
Homeworld Description: The description of your homeworld.
Leader: Your current leader, likely will be changed every so many turns. If taken as a positive/negative trait, future leaders will need to also be taken as the same trait type (but not same trait).
Government System: Your government, you may or may not declare this a positive/negative trait and adjust stats accordingly.
Positive Traits: The positive mechanical traits your polity possesses.
Negative Traits: The negative mechanical traits your polity possesses.
History: The history of your polity. The quality of this will likely be what determines acceptance if we exceed the number of slots I'm comfortable running.

Interstellar Corporation Application ( 16 Maximum, max 2 per Polity although you may rebase with good cause. )
2 Actions/Turn, War Plan (if any) costs an action. Wars (or cold war) declarations require a separate action to the war plan.

  • Base stats are +30 in one of Martial, Intrigue, Stewardship, or Learning.
  • Base stats are +10 for all others.
  • Two Positive Traits (+5 to Stat in question, may be stacked on the same stat)
  • Two Negative Traits (-5 to Stat in question, may be stacked on the same stat)
  • One Headquarters based in a Polity. Loss of this HQ will severely disrupt your Corporation (loss of stats that will take many actions to mitigate). Your host Civilization may destroy your HQ as an action if you offend them.
  • Corporations are powerful enough to launch Coups against a Polity, success will result in you taking over a polity. Failure will result in severe consequences. If a polity quits the game or goes inactive without notice, this is the mechanism by which they will be replaced.
  • Unaffected by Random Events.
Corporation Name:
The name of your Corporation.
CEO Name: The current head of your corporation, likely will be changed every so many turns. If taken as a positive/negative trait, future leaders will need to also be taken as the same trait type (but not same trait).
HQ Location: The Polity you are based out of.
Positive Traits: The positive mechanical traits your corporation possesses.
Negative Traits: The negative mechanical traits your corporation possesses.
History: The history of your corporation and knowledge of how it makes money. The quality of this will likely be what determines acceptance if we exceed the number of slots I'm comfortable running.

Ideas: A defense contractor producing Fleets for a polity. A private intelligence firm performing Intrigue operations for industrial espionage. A trading concern that produces value through its merchant marine.

Game Mechanics

Stats (For Polities Only)

  • Stability: The stability of the current government, random events may reduce stability. Crumbling/Poor/Stable/Good. Begin play at Good. -3 to all rolls for everyone level below Good you go.
  • Economy: (Boom [+50% progress on Stewardship actions]/Upswing[+25%]/Normal/Recession [-25%]/Depression[-50% progress on Stewardship actions]) The state of the economy, you will randomly go into recessions which will impact your production rolls. Roll 1d100, move up/down based on DCs of 100/80/60/40/20 respectively.
  • Martial: Your ability to wage war against other nations and to launch raids to destroy corporate HQs.
  • Intrigue: Your ability to gather intelligence, execute sabotage, and engage in corporate espionage against your rivals.
  • Stewardship: Your ability to govern and build. Stewardship is used to produce fleets for deployment. Cells/Colonies/etc. require 200 Progress to construct. Warships have variable costs. Progress cost will increase the more out of balance you get with the other players. (i.e. If you have 10 fleets and everyone else has 2, I'm going to charge you more to expand your Navy.)
  • Learning: Your ability to advance technologically and improve your stats. Improving a stat by +1 requires 200 Progress. Progress cost will increase the more out of balance you get with the other players. (i.e. +50 Martial when the average is +30 is going to increase your costs)
  • Cells: This represents your ability to project Intrigue power, use of multiple cells results in a "best of X" roll. (i.e. If you deploy 6 cells, you get 6 rolls. Failure destroys one cell. Counter-intelligence is a free roll but does not allow you to deploy multiple Cells in your defense. )
  • Colonies: This affects your ability to produce Cells/Fleets/Colonies and each Colony increases your Stewardship roll by +3/+6/+9 for purposes of production progress. Colonies can only be created by Polities. Colonies start as Minor, move into Major, and lastly they become Highly Developed Worlds. Each stage requires an additional action.
  • Merchant Marine: An alternative to Colonies, you can build up your Merchant Marine to perform the same function and it increases your Stewardship roll by +3 for purposes of production progress. The Merchant Marine has the advantage of not requiring physical planets but the disadvantage of being easily destroyed.
  • Fleets/Merchant Marine/Cells may "jump" from any system to any other system during the course of a turn as long as the intervening systems are non-hostile.
  • Fleets:
    • Build plans for Ships may build multiple ship(s) per action.
    • Fleets are composed of ships. The CV/10 (Combat Value/10) of a fleet is added to the Martial roll for determining the winner of an engagement.
    • Flagship - CV: 10, Progress: 100 - The most advanced and competent warship in your fleet. Each civilization is limited to 1 Flagship. The Flagship is required to be a named ship. It is basically a Superdreadnought built with an elite crew. The Flagship carries two full divisions of marines to invade planets with.
    • Dreadnought - CV: 8, Progress: 80 - The core of any major fleet is the Dreadnought. They are the "ships of the line" for a space navy. Each civilization is limited to 3 Dreadnoughts per Highly Developed World due to their high maintenance requirements. They carry a full division of marines to invade planets with.
    • Battlecruisers - CV: 4, Progress: 60 - The escort-killers of any fleet, they have the firepower to stand in the wall of battle in a pinch as well. However, their defenses are rather lacking compared to the heftier Dreadnought. They are also the smallest ship to carry a full division of marines for invasions.
    • Cruisers - CV: 2, Progress: 30 - The trade protection and frontier-patrol vessels, Cruisers are built for the longest missions of any ship in your fleet. They are capable of combatants but lack the marines to invade a world.
    • Frigates - CV: 1, Progress: 15 - The lightweight scouts and escorts ships, they tend to be built rarely as they lack the cruising capabilities of a Cruiser and lack the invasion capability of a Battlecruiser. Useful for maintaining a picket on worlds you would otherwise leave undefended.
  • Each Turn = 1 Year.
  • A 300+ word IC is expected with your public turn orders.
  • Most Turn Orders will be public as everyone is assumed to have a reasonable level of spying against everyone else and major projects cannot be hidden. Intrigue actions should be PM'd, this will reveal the fact you performed an Intrigue action but not against whom. Although it will likely be obvious enough OOC, it gives you plausible deniability IC.
  • Turns are processed once a week on Saturday. If you wish to roll yourself, you may roll 1d100+X and link to the roll(s). rooms or just posts in the thread are both decent options. If turns are not submitted by Friday night, that is on you and you will be NPC'd. Miss two submissions in a row and I'll request a coup by a domestic Corporation as you will be assumed to be inactive.
  • Turns are processed in order of submission to encourage timely submission of plans. This may result in you getting preempted and losing action(s) due to disruptions to your plans.
  • Each Turn will have a random event effect each polity, usually negative that will require a random stat/dc to resolve. This is to encourage balanced polities given the advantage specialized ones already have. Corporations can handle negative events on the polities behalf (i.e. A PMC can put down a riot), although this requires some negotiation IC obviously.
  • An extra-galactic "viking" race will exist and will raid your polities. One polity will be raided "randomly" each turn. Randomness is not guaranteed as they are a tool of the QM. This polity will operate on the same rules as other polities (except they are considered At War with all PC polities) and will have public turn orders accordingly.
  • Governments-in-Exile run off the same mechanics as a Corporation and will need to establish an HQ with a friendly power. However, they do retain their polity-level stats as long as their first HQ is not destroyed. Penalties will be incurred if the HQ for the Government-in-Exile is destroyed just like in any other situation.
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