The Aeon Region

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Eastern Fantasy Pokemon Fanfic
I don't own Pokemon.

Pokemon belongs to Game Freak and Nintendo.

This is a work of fiction written for my own entertainment.
So this is my first time actually writing any fanfic even though I've lurked in the fanfic forums for a while. I really wanted to do some world building using content that I'm comfortable with/read a lot of, thus this eastern fantasy Pokemon wuxia fantasy was born! I don't want to give too many spoilers in regards to the world building and background of the story but I'll give a quick summary of what to expect in this fanfic. Some games that inspired me were the new Pokemon Legends Arceus and Pokemon Conquest.

The story is based on historical Chinese dynasties but with the addition of Pokemon that has led to several cultural changes in the world. There is limited inspiration taken from other monster taming wuxia. So there is very little actual cultivation in the beginning of the story but there may be some more cultivation elements introduced later on. Since this story is created around the beginning of civilization there will be limited Pokemon introduced and their behavior will more closely resemble real world animals or mystical creatures.
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The Beginning
At the beginning of the Aeon region the Heavenly Empire was built. Will it survive throughout history or crumble into the sands of time?​

The beginning of the Heavenly Empire can be traced to it's founder the Unification Emperor Yu. Also known as the Dragon Messenger Emperor Yu displayed the first known instance of Pokemon-Human cooperation and united the tribes to establish what is now known as the Heavenly Empire. He built the capital city and founded the four cardinal regions in the Aeon region. Some of the oldest species of Pokemon was recorded in this era as well as establishment of the Royal Bloodline. It has been 450 years since the Heavenly Empire arose, and our story begins with a small family of Pokemon researchers.

The sound of birdsong echoed lightly throughout the room. I woke up a bit more when the muffled noise of Mei's steps became louder. When her footsteps halted, she gently knocked twice on my door.

"Young miss, the Mistress sent a message to awaken you for the morning meal."

I blinked tiredly, yawned and rolled over to sit up. I called out to Mei, "You can come in!"

With soft clicks my door was opened and light spilled in from the hall. Mei walked in along with her Mincinno, Mimi. After she set down a bowl with my washcloth and water she headed straight for my closet while Mimi began to sweep the floor.

"It looks like you didn't get a lot of sleep, miss. Too excited for your coming of age ceremony?"

I yawned once more as I arced my back and stretched my arms.

"Of course I am! Is there anyone who wouldn't be excited for their ceremony? After all, before now I wasn't allowed to have a companion!" I said as I hopped out of my bed and gestured at Mimi.

Mei smiled and nodded as she finished arranging my robes on the dresser and turned to me. Familiar with our morning routine I walked up and held my arms out to my sides. Mei efficiently undid my night dress and began to layer the ceremonial dress. As she began to tie the cords my eyes wandered over my room. The warm sunlight streaming through my room's upper panels gave my wood furniture a reddish glow. The high pitched squeaks of Mimi caught my attention as she jumped onto my cosmetic desk and began to lift the items and sweep away any dust. Soon Mei placed tied the sash around my overcoat gave me my fan and led me to the desk. I sat while she brought over a damp washcloth to clean my face before my cosmetics were applied. I huffed lightly.

"The only part of the ceremony I'm not happy about is having to wear this on my face for the next few hours."

Mei smiled as she began applying the lotion.

"I know miss, unfortunately the ceremony demands that young lady's of your standing to have applied a light layer of powder, rouge and brow powder."

Mei comforted me as she deftly applied all the aforementioned products.

"Don't think so much about it, miss. Just think about how you'll be able to walk around with Xingxing from now on! You can take him out of the manor and also go on trips with Master and Mistress."

I perked up as I recalled the privileges I could have now that I would be officially turning twelve.

"I'm lucky my birthday was right before the ceremony was held. Ziyi will have to wait another two and a half months before her ceremony. Well, it also doesn't help that Zifeng is having her ceremony with me. Oh, but Minghou is also going to be there so I can at least talk to somebody I know."

"Miss be sure to follow etiquette when you're in public with Minghou, many high-ranking officials will be at the ceremony."

"I know, I know. You and dad always remind me of that whenever I play with Minghou. I'll be sure to follow the rules at the ceremony."

"We just like to worry miss. You've always been cautious and attentive!"

There was a beat of silence before I replied, "I just don't want to trouble mom and dad when they're already so busy."

"Miss is always the most thoughtful. Master and Mistress tells all of us servants how thankful they are that young miss is so helpful."

I hummed in reply.

"All done! I'll clean up, you go ahead to the dining room miss."

"Okay." I nodded and got off the stool. I made my way over to the door, smiling when I saw Mimi sweeping in front of it. I stepped over the doorway and moved down the hall while playing with my fan. Soon I heard the sounds of my parents eating as I approached the dining room. I stepped over the entrance and was immediately noticed by Liangliang. He buzzed happily around me as I walked to my seat.

"Liangliang!" I called, giggling as I tried to catch him.

"Ninjask, don't bother Liying now! She'll be leaving soon to the temple." My mom reprimanded.

He buzzed sadly as I took a seat and started serving myself.

"Don't be too hard on Liangliang mom. He's just excited to see me!" I said beginning to eat.

"Excited hm? I wonder why? Could it be because of someone feeding him honey whenever they meet?" As my mom mused out loud I didn't meet her eyes as I quickly began to stuff my mouth with the dishes.

"Now now Yi'er isn't it good that Ying'er know how to communicate well with Pokemon? Understanding how to accumulate goodwill is an essential skill to researchers." Dad replied calming mom down.

She sighed, "You're still planning to take her to the expedition down Wuyang River?"

"Mom! Didn't you say I could go along with dad after my ceremony and I bought along Xingxing?"

I nervously asked, I knew my mom had her misgivings about me going into the field for research.

"You know what I think about coming of age ceremonies Ying'er. Especially with what happened to the Zhao family's son."

"Yi'er you know that was an accident. Honestly, I don't know what the Zhao's were thinking bringing a Rookie trainer into the second layer of Bai Forest. Even if they're Flame specialists a Rookie trainer doesn't stand a chance against any second layer Pokemon. Just a second of inattention could cause an accident."

"But we're not going to anywhere that dangerous mom! Within a Li of Wuyang River is all first layer, and the river itself only has first layer Pokemon up until the delta where it connects to the east region's marshes. But dad will need to get a certificate for the expedition to cross regions and I know that he hasn't applied for it. Besides the expedition is studying the Arrokuda migration as well as obtain more information about it's evolution Barraskewda. This species has never been recorded to be able to survive out of water for extended periods so there wouldn't be any reason for us to leave the first layer surroundings of the river!" I finished in nearly a single breath.

Dad laughed as I finished my lengthy reasoning, while mom only sighed.

"Yi'er don't be like that, I can think of another young lady who verbally defeated quite a few aspiring researchers with her paper on the Air type classification for Insect species." He said giving my mother quite a fond look.

"Besides dear the experts of the Ni clan will accompany us. And there won't be restraining types nearby as the river is home mostly to the fluid Water types and the nearby Pokemon are almost exclusively the Common type. Also the royal army takes the safety of the capital region quite seriously so there's minimal risk."

"As a mother I can't help but worry. I know in my heart that the safest people are Champion trainers but getting to that level is hard and takes a lot of sacrifice. Ying'er capital expeditions should be the safest place for you to train as a Rookie before challenging the Towns for your Apprentice qualification. If you ever need help, don't be afraid to come to us or our families."

I reassured her, "Don't worry mom! I'll definitely be careful when traveling and I'll stick to the first layer. If I notice any trouble XingXing will take me away to somewhere safer."

Mom smiled, "I know Xingxing can keep you safe. You should make you're way to the ceremony soon."

I jumped up at her reminder and asked Li, "Li is the carriage ready?"

Li nodded, "Yes, miss. The carriage was prepped yesterday night and is now waiting for you in front of the gate."

I grinned and called to my parents, "I'm going now, love you!"

I heard their replies as I turned and hurried through the manor to the gate. When I entered the outer courtyard I heard a familiar cry. I turned to the side and saw XingXing.

"XingXing! I'm going to the ceremony now when I'm back I'll take you out to explore the capital together!"

He called out happily at the thought of exploring the city.

The groomsmen were there with the carriage as I left our gate.

"Take me to Lingyin Temple!" I told them and boarded.

The carriage quickly began moving through the streets as I could barely contain my excitement for the coming ceremony.
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Coming of Age Ceremony
The carriage traveled at a ordinary pace led by the horses and I watched the capital pass by on the Central Road. The yellow morning light caused the roof tiles to shine as the sound of hundreds of people bustling around the road blended into a unintentional harmony. The road was filled with other carriages traveling in both directions. There were congratulatory banners hanging from most stores and courtyards. Their vivid red dye and golden embroidery easily caught the eye as they proclaimed, "Congratulations young Trainers!" or "Discounts for all Rookie Trainers!" and other similar phrases. I saw many shopkeepers setting up grand displays I haven't seen since the last Ceremony three months ago. But this time a spark of excitement filled my chest as now I could peruse these shops as a Trainer instead of following my parents to go shopping. I parted the cloth curtain on the carriage as I watched the wooden doors of each storefront be filled with large tables and elegantly carved boxed filled with all sorts of Trainer goods. There were plump berries of every shape, color and texture expertly preserved and displayed laid next to meticulously placed treats and food. Even more abundant were the clothing and accessories for Trainers. The finest robes, inner layers, sashes, jackets, as well as jewelry in every shape and color was displayed. My attention was drawn to a the various pieces of jade as the variety was truly impressive from bright and cheerful autumn jade to the elegant lake jade or the pure lotus jade and passionate blood jade as well as the rare auspicious cloud jade and rose jade.

I absentmindedly toyed with my cloud jade bracelet as I saw the many varieties of the same gem being sold. The movement of the opaque white patterns in the clear green jade looked like clouds floating in a green sky. The bracelet was designed for my great-grandmother so the size was too large for me now but second uncle had gotten some cushioning vines in the Immortal Forest to the west so I didn't have to worry about the bracelet falling off. The woven rope made from the vines was well known for it's impressive grip on all manner of surfaces especially smooth ones. I heard a brief knock on the front of the carriage interrupting my thoughts.


"Miss, we'll be arriving at the entrance to the temple in a few minutes. Please be prepared to disembark." One of the groomsmen reminded me.

"Thank you."

I took a deep breath smoothing over my robes and taking out a small mirror from a compartment on the carriage I checked my hair to make sure the long strands weren't tangled and my everyday twin braids were tied back and pinned by my new hair ornament. After combing a few errant strands back over my shoulder I felt the carriage slow down. I placed the bronze mirror back and took a deep breath to steady myself. When the carriage stopped, I waited for one of the groomsmen to place the wooden steps and open the door. When the door was unlocked and opened, I stood and stepped out of the carriage and down onto the plaza in front of the temple. The groomsman saluted and quickly gathered the steps to make space for the next carriage. I took in the groups gathered around the plaza all dressed similarly to me but in a variety of bright colors from light lilacs to a vibrant rose.

"Liying!" I heard the voice of Minghou as I looked to the left and saw him waving with his friends. I spotted Bai Xiao, Lu Yang, and Hu Jingting along with him. Bai Xiao was the third son of the current Bai patriarch with two elder sisters and a younger brother and sister. While Lu Yang was the son of the second wife of Governor Lu from Blue Forest City. Most governors had the choice of keeping their family within their cities or sending their family to their regional capitals. If they performed especially well then they would have the opportunity to send their families to live within the royal capital. And Governor Lu was well known for his successful economic policies in his territory. Hu Jinting was the son of Minghou's Fourth Aunt's half-brother. I was most familiar with him as despite being only a distant relative is because I saw him often when visiting Minghou.

I walked over with a smile and greeted him, "Minghou, I'm glad to find you so quickly!"

He teased, "Wasn't it me who spotted you first?"

I sniffed and tiled my chin up, "Didn't Auntie Wang teach you? It's polite to agree with girls?" I sighed, "At this rate you can only marry Weiwei."

His face of horror and disgust caused the rest of his friends to laugh.

Xiao laughed, "You should listen to Yingying otherwise you might really have to marry Wei!"

Yang called out pleadingly, "Brother Hou, if you marry Wei doesn't that mean the rest of us are free? Please brother for the sake of our friendship marry that girl!"

Jingting shuddered as he recalled, "Cousin, I once blinked at Wei and she wouldn't leave me alone for a week before she found a new 'love'."

Minghou turned pale as he said, "Hmph, if you guys all want to do a service to the dynasty why don't one of you marry Wei? All the other boys in our generation will write a song and poem in recognition of your brave sacrifice!"

The other boys all quickly made excuses but none was as shameful as Jingting's.

He blinked sadly at Minghou and said, "How can you say that, Cousin? If I marry her won't Mingming cry? Are you going to make Mingming sad?"

I widened my eyes, how shameless I cried internally dragging elder sister Mingxue into this argument.

Minghou indeed puffed up with rage, "Your father! What does older sister have to do with you?!"

Jingting laughed arrogantly, "Of course all girls like a handsome young man like me! And Mingming is no different."

I widened my eyes and stared at Jingting, "Wow, I didn't know you and elder sister Ming were so close! Next time I'm at Auntie's I'll definitely ask about you and elder sister's relationship!" With a pause I smiled slyly at the paling Jingting.

"I do wonder what will happen when elder sister sees the the boy she 'likes' in the future."

Jingting hurriedly changed his tune, "Big sister Yingying please don't be so cruel! If you do that I'll be beaten into a pig by Mingxue!"

"Hmph, big sister huh? Shouldn't you be more polite when asking for favors?" I turned three-quarters away from him and covered my lower face with my fan as I pondered out loud.

"Grandma Yingying please have mercy on this grandson and don't tell Mingxue!" Jingting pleaded pathetically.

Minghou and the rest had already started snickering behind his back.

"If you buy me and Minghou a snack later on to make up for it!" I extorted.

Jingting hurriedly nodded his agreement.

Before we could talk more we heard a aged voice call from the temple, "The ceremony will start in 5 minutes gather in the first hall."

All the conversation died as the various young teens began to orderly gather into the first hall of the temple. I followed alongside Minghou and our friends as we solemnly entered into Lingyin temple.
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