Vote tally - That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation

Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 12, 2022 at 4:05 PM, finished with 537 posts and 43 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
That Time I Became A Dictator Of A Small Asian Communist Nation
Post #1023
Post #1559

  • 79

    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    [X] Perfectly Balanced
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    [X] Black and Blue Bars
    [X] DemFed Isekai
    [X] A new flag for a new time!
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    -[X] See if some of those planes and various other equipment can't know...fall off a ship?
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hopstial and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu imigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    -[X] offer sailors immediate transport to nearest US aligned country (Japan or South Korea). Record any public declaration be soldiers on why they can't do that (because of course they won't just leave their ship)
    -[X] Don't let US diplomats redirect the news to something stupid, like that we have captured and are holding hostage US sailors. Make public all accommodations made to sailors, perhaps at UN (If we don't have representative there, ask for help from china at spreading message)
    -[X] If allies ask about our handling of event, emphasize the danger of escalation. This incident has a danger of escalating like the cuban missile crisis. Its best if this kept a minor regional affair, rather than becoming an open dispute between 2 nuclear nations. We are keeping are demands reasonable, and we are not attempting anything stupid that will exacerbate the situation, like stealing any american technology, or taking US prisoners
    -[X] Record other accommodations offered to americans. Make sure to record moments when any americans take advantage of the aid we have provided. Try to provide 24 hr recordings, or equivalents, to prove at least some sailors are using our aid, and that they still are free and manning their ships.
    -[X] Ask allies to leak recordings in western nations if possible. Make it clear to common citizens that we have not mistreated soldiers, and that we are trying to deescalate. Try to make it look like Western nations value their money more than the sailors lives
    [X] Plan: Fines and Photos
    -[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital, field kitchen and tent shelters going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but don't let let them wander off.
    -[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigration and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get our UN diplomat to publicize that the sailors are not being held prisoner, nor are medical care, food or shelter being withheld from them, and that talks are ongoing with the United States.
    -[X] See what information and pictures we can surreptitiously get of the Iwo Jima and it's planes. Taking anything physical off the ship itself is unlikely to be feasible with the amount of observation it's going to be under, but a few photos from a reporter on the ground with a camera shouldn't be too out of the ordinary given what happened. Maybe we can get some shots of the deck from a camera carried by someone in one of our fertilizer planes doing their runs as long as they aren't flying too close. The US would probably be more suspicious if we weren't showing some level of interest in the carrier that landed in our lap anyway.
    [X] De-Escalation
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hopstial and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    [X] +4 to Civilian Space Flight
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    [X] send an American native to speak to the sailors on the ship to explain that we will work with their government to get them home.
    -[X] See if some of those planes and various other equipment can't know...fall off a ship?
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    -[X] don't try to remove anything off the boat. Make a conscious effort not to steal anything, and crack down on any looters. If un investigators are sent, their should be no evidence that we have stolen a single piece of military hardware
    -[X] offer sailors immediate transport to nearest US aligned country (Japan or South Korea). Record any public declaration be soldiers on why they can't do that (because of course they won't just leave their ship)
    -[X] Don't let US diplomats redirect the news to something stupid, like that we have captured and are holding hostage US sailors. Make public all accommodations made to sailors, perhaps at UN (If we don't have representative there, ask for help from china at spreading message)
    -[X] If allies ask about our handling of event, emphasize the danger of escalation. This incident has a danger of escalating like the cuban missile crisis. Its best if this kept a minor regional affair, rather than becoming an open dispute between 2 nuclear nations. We are keeping are demands reasonable, and we are not attempting anything stupid that will exacerbate the situation, like stealing any american technology, or taking US prisoners
    -[X] Record other accommodations offered to americans. Make sure to record moments when any americans take advantage of the aid we have provided. Try to provide 24 hr recordings, or equivalents, to prove at least some sailors are using our aid, and that they still are free and manning their ships.
    -[X] Ask allies to leak recordings in western nations if possible. Make it clear to common citizens that we have not mistreated soldiers, and that we are trying to deescalate. Try to make it look like Western nations value their money more than the sailors lives
    -[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
    [X] Make Goose roll for a thing
    [X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    -[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
    [X] Steal the boat
    - [X] The American Navy has littered on our pristine shores, and we of course do not want to trouble them, therefor we shall seize the ship for disposal, where it shall be recycled into our new fleet
    [X] [Iwo Jima] Send a message to the nearest American Embassy and ask them to retrieve their vehicle or else it will be towed and the US Navy will be fined for illegal parking and blocking public traffic.
    [X] +4 to your first Military Plane Factory
    [X] *Angry Farmer Noises*
    [X] Roll a d100 for your UN Diplomat.
    [X] - BLOW UP THE CARRIER! Refuse to let them have the ship
    [X] - INVADE! Make sure we free our boys! and have their captors at gunpoint!
    [X] Reinvade Vietnam!
    [X] Invade Cambodia Again! We need to send a proper message!
    [X] send Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors
    [X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials
    [X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome
    [X] Continue to draw down funding support
    [X] release the tapes
    [X] refuse to support the Portuguese government in its civil war
    [X] Accept the deal
    [X] use spies to set up revolution against communist tyranny
    [X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials, Make sure secrecy of extraction is maintained and no one knows about this
    [X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome (THIS ISN"T A REAL THING BY THE WAY)
    [X] send US and UN Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors; Have them investigate sailors and ensure their well being; Make sure that every sailor is accounted for. We will leave no one behind
    [X] Deescalate the situation; Attempt to reinsert the missing sailors to the ship
    [X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now
    [X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat; explain soldiers are in Japan now
    [X] One roll/choice becomes canon
    [X] *Confused Nato Noises*
    [X] Whatever Flag wins it has a Tiger slashing thru a ship.
    -[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
    -[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
    -[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
    -[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
    -[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
    [X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program

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