[X] Plan Out With The Old
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields.
[X] Plan Out With The Old Revolution in with the New Asia
--[X] Old Guard
--[X] Nationalists
--[X] Isolationists
--[X] Internationalists
-[X] Middlefinger To The Chinese Ambassador
--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.
-[X] Executive Order: It has come to the Great Leader's attention that the comrades send to our Re-Education Facilities are too often treated as pro-capitalistic wreckers and imperialist agents conspiring against the People. This is a grave mistake. We have long since banished the specters of capitalism and imperialism from our Worker's State. These comrades are simply mistaken, that's all. Let us not forget that Marxism is first and foremost a science, and like any good scientist it is our task to educate the ignorant. As such, our Re-Education Facilities will from now on stop punishing any mistaken comrades and instead focus on rehabilitating them. If Comrade Mao managed to turn the last Emperor of China into a good Communist, then this can't be too hard.
-[X] The First 5-Year Plan: The People's Campaign Against Hunger And Ignorance in Preparation of an Asian Eternity
--[X] The primary focus of the Plan will be to improve our food situation by investing both in agriculture and aquaculture, so that our people will never be hungry again! Guangchou must utilize the latest technologies and techniques in these fields. And for this reason, the secondary focus of the Plan will be to improve the nation's education system in this matter by creating new schools and research institutions focused on these fields. A tertiary long-term focus of the plan is to prepare Guangchou as a viable trade partner and member of the Asian community. No longer must we be isolated from our fellow Asians trade is the lifeblood of nations and our nation must be the masters of Intra-Asian trade.
--[X] "The fields of knowledge and plenty lay fallow following the revolution. The Old Guard in their ignorance curtailed the people's enlightenment who aginst my father's vision would rather see the children starve than ensure the bounty would spread to all. The Nationalists and Isolationists whose rhetoric is an affront to the ideals of Maoism and the Three Worlds Theory would rather spread their chauvinism to the starving masses and the peasants who are our backbone of the revolution. Finally, a curse upon the Internationalists for their simpering protestations towards the decadent, state-capitalist, and revisionist Soviet Union and the belief that a world-revolution is necessary when at home starvation and ignorance are widespread while we are only in the periphery in their eyes. No, while our first and foremost goal is for our homes to be free of famine and ignorance. Our, second much more noble goal is to be free from the confines of Western and Soviet Imperialists with a mindset for a strong Asian community set against a world dominated by European, American, and Soviet bureaucratic-capitalist exploitation."