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Fucking ROBs, man. All I wanted was to continue my endless hunt for levels in video games but...
1.1: This is gonna be a trainwreck
Wouldn't you like to know?
Fucking ROBs, man. All I wanted was to continue my endless hunt for levels in video games but nooo, the universe has to shatter and I have to be offered a place to recuperate the wounds to my something or other.

...What the fuck happened to everyone I know, anyways? Will they just come back to life after this or what?

Wait, shit, introductions are in order. I'm... well, I can't say my real name, so call me Anya. I tend to call myself that online anyways. Oh, you're probably confused about what I'm going on about. Let me backtrack some.

I'm a 14 year old girl who lives in a pocket of suburbia in Michigan. It's kinda boring, really, but the internet makes up for it. I have a pretty good life, all in all.

But, as you can guess, it just got screwed up by some omnipotent beings.

I'm not even sure what happened or how. One minute, I'm in my room playing video games and watching youtube videos, the next all that registers is overbearing heat.

And then I'm sitting on a couch.

It took me a little while to snap back into it, I kinda figured it was all a dream. Still want to say that it is, really.

Once I got back from my personal shut-down, I was able to look around the room. I remember it being a lot like my living room, just with the color palette of the Velvet Room.

...with that in mind, it probably was my personal Velvet Room, huh? But let's not focus on that.

On the coffee table next to the couch, there was a red notebook I felt a pull to, and quickly started flipping through it.

I will start by apologizing for the mess you have found yourself in.

When I came across those scrawled words, my flipping slowed and I read the rest.

Beings with power far beyond a mortal's comprehension annihilated your universe and caused a great damage to you internally. I would come and help you personally, but I don't think I alone can heal that damage. I can, and am, working on restoring your universe as you read this book. Rest assured while you read my offer that your loved ones will be fine.

On to the offer. I will, if you agree to it, send you to a universe I believe you can rest and recuperate in. Just say "I agree" out loud, and you will go there. However, if you don't wish to, you can stay here, and explore your soul from the inside.

Honestly, I probably would've taken the offer to explore my soul if I wasn't still separating myself from this being real as I read that. I said "I agree".

And then I fell through what I think may have been space.

It was just kind of a blur of colors, really.

And yeah, that's about what I know for my situation right now.

What, you expecting more interaction with the person who put me into this reality? Me too, bitch. But nope!

Now, I'm sure you're wondering if this is gonna keep up the whole way through, me actively talking to you all.

Wait, that was low on your list of priorities. Damn. This is kinda awkward now but I guess I ought to go through with it.

Uh, anyways, this talking to you directly isn't gonna keep up. Only the QM will do that after this post.

So why am I doing it now? ...the QM is literally writing this off the top of her head and isn't exactly thinking about nice, consistent quest presentation.


So, now that this stupid prelude has ended, let's go to the actual action. Sorry about keeping you all waiting.

Oh, wait! I'm sorry, but I nearly forgot to say this: I will, in fact, turn up in invisitext or such occasionally to give you hints about the choices you can make for the world and those around me!

That's all now, have fun!

I groan. The sudden fall and shock of the past few minutes in this dream gave me a horrible headache that leaves me burrowing myself under blankets for a few minutes before I realize that the pillows are uncomfortable.

I slowly pull myself into a seated position to look around. The place I've found myself in is a plain... apartment, I'm guessing? with a wide TV on a dresser, a money jar and 3 charging electronics next to it, a fridge, cabinets, and a counter in the next room (the kitchen), a window and patio right next to the bed I'm in, and a loveseat and coffee table in the middle of the roo--

Oh? What's that on the coffee table?

I shed my blankets and walk over to it.

On the table there's a small cardboard box, a box opener, and a closed envelope with no writing on it except for my name in cursive.

I set to work on opening the box, and quickly get past the packaging peanuts to see---

"Is... is this what I think it is?"

[] A pink, pocketwatch-esque thing that could probably worn easier as a pendant.

("Invisitext" Hint: Slice of Life, this one's primarily based off of the anime, and won't have as much intrigue or plot shenanigans to get involved in. Which kinda sucks.)

[] A white wristwatch with an unknown script on the... uh, leathery strappy parts? Oh, wait, shit, they're called straps. Never mind me.

("Invisitext" Hint: This is going to be following the games plot rather closely, but with Katie aka the one true protagonist in my heart as the protag. Things will start off less plot-oriented but hopefully get increasingly more in depth as exploration is done. ...And then there's Dedtime to worry about...)

[] A version of the linked image but with lavender straps.

("Invisitext" Hint: Oh. Oh no. This isn't the universe the ROB intended on. Something went terribly wrong 60 or so years ago, and Wicked Yokai are everywhere. "I'm" going to be very important to the world and plot of this one, and there's gonna be a lot of work to do to set things as right as can be. Whether or not that struggle's worsened or lessened will be up to you guys.)

QM's notes:
I'm still doing the Isekai quest, I'm probably going to get the next post up Monday or Tuesday.

And my quest idea also for Yokai Watch is still going on, I just...

I had to do something with this franchise, and this idea recently invaded my head and forced me to write it.

For those curious, the reason the "invisitext" isn't quite... well, invisitext is because I decided to just tell you what each choice would do, and Outsider-Persepective!Me had already shown up in plain view this first update, might as well just show off what she does.

Anyways, yeah, this is a narrative-driven salt-like quest. You guys basically decide a lot of the world stuff, things that happen outside of "my" control, and try to make things amusing for yourselves.

"I" get to suffer. This is gonna be fun!

And if we need a short, snappy name for this (since god knows my other quest doesn't have a good short name for it)... how about Terrible Ideas? Y'all are free to debate this among yourselves while you vote.
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1.2: Welcome to the World of Yo-Kai? Yeah, okay, sure.
This... this is the Yo-kai Watch.

I gingerly lift it out of the box and turn it over in my hands.

I... how did this get here? Wasn't this supposed to be, like, Nate's or something? Why was it in a package I think is meant for me?

Wait, oh crap, oh god, what if something happened to Nate, oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck!

In my panic, I push a button, and the lid of the watch pops open as it begins to whir in a semi-familiar tone. I try to sync my breathing with it in a desperate attempt to not panic because I still don't know what happened!

Holding the Watch in my hand, I slowly use the lid--the Yo-kai Lens, I've heard it called that a fuck-ton--, and scan my apartment for any influences upon my emotions. Don't want to be Inspirited, especially not right now, so it's best to just shoo any Yo-Kai in here out of the place.

When I finish, I can count the number of beings in this apartment on one hand.

One. Just me right now. Clearly, the supernatural community doesn't know about me yet. That's one good thing, isn't it?

With the temporary distraction, I also finally make note of the things in the kitchen:

1 fridge, set up like the one back home (food inside includes egg cartons, milk, apples, cheese, bread, turkey, lettuce, and pickles)
1 small oven/stovetop duo
5 pots and pans
3 knifes
1 dishwasher (and a full bag of dishwasher tabs to go with)
4 plates
2 bowls
Some number of forks and knifes
Bag of Almonds
Bag of Potato Chips
Bar of chocolate

My attention now focused on taking stock of the house worries shoved to another part of my mind , I turn my attention to the letter, setting the Watch down on the table as I do so.

When I open it, there's a handwriting I recognize from the notebook in wherever that was, and I read it.

If you have opened the package and, like I thought you would, recognize the contents, don't panic.

The boy who is supposed to have it is doing well, both physically and mentally, but the supernatural is not his problem in this universe.

Oh thank god. He's okay.

If you have not yet opened the package, or have and do not recognize the object inside, enclosed is a device this universe calls a Yo-Kai Watch. It was created 60 years ago, by a young man with problems far too big for him, as a sign of friendship. The Watch itself is used to bridge the gap between normal humans, and spirits known as Yo-Kai.

Yo-Kai, if you are not familiar with them, are beings invisible to most of humanity, with only those incredibly attuned to the supernatural able to see them without a Watch or some similar device. They quite commonly "Inspirit" humans, other Yo-Kai, and occasionally objects, influencing the "Inspirited" to take on some attributes of the Yo-Kai doing the "Inspriting."

It is the defacto job of those who have a Yo-Kai Watch or can see Yo-Kai to politely tell the Yo-Kai doing the Inspiriting to knock it off. Or, if that fails, beat them up until the point is made.

I laugh. That's one way of putting the basics of the series' plot!

You now have this job. Well, more accurately, you now share this job with a girl three years younger than you, even if she, at the time you're reading this, hasn't quite gotten to the point where she has one of these yet.

In presumably an hour's time, Katie Forester will go up a nearby mountain, and her life will be changed forever.

I think back to the hours I spent playing as Katie in the games. I know what--more importantly, who--she'll find up there, and I can't help but smile.

She will be, slowly but surely, set on a path to preserve peace and balance in two worlds. But it's more than likely you either already know this or don't care yet.

So here's what you can do: Look into the supernatural. Get used to life in Springdale. Make friends. And prepare for a dark storm.

A dark storm... Oh. Dame Dedtime. Yeah, she's gonna be a problem. Might need to put a head on that when I get more used to this.

But primarily, try and enjoy yourself.

Sincerely, your benefactor.

PS. Don't worry about money or taxes, I can take care of those.

Huh. Nice of the person who sent me here to do that.

I look back at the Watch, and set it on my left wrist. I think it's about to time to set out, and I don't want to go without something to help with the supernatural.

5 Minutes Later...

So it turns out putting on a watch is a lot harder when you're the only person in the room. But I did it! It feels shockingly light and natural, which is a relief, and the Watch looks right like this. I think.

But besides that.

I put on some socks and sneakers in a closet by the door, as well as a thin purple hoodie, then I lock the apartment door, key in a pocket, and head outside.

Map Obtained: Shopper's Row

I'm on the walkway outside of an apartment door, in where I think is Shopper's Row from the game. I think.

As I walk down nearby stairs, it sinks in how... real it all is.

Like, I can hear people talking about their lives nearby, cars are honking in the distance, and it feels like I'm walking down actual stairs.

This is a living, existing place, with real people in it. It's... surprising, really. But, then again, all I ever saw of this place before was in video games and a TV show. So maybe I shouldn't be so surprised.

As I walk through the streets, I can confirm it. This is Shopper's Row. Haunted hospital with maniac "doctor" who will attempt to tear out Katie's heart later down the line and all.

...Fuck. Dr. Maddiman is a very real threat, and despite the fact that he is stopped in canon... I just don't feel comfortable, knowing he's here. I'm going to steer clear of Nocturne Hospital for the next... century, then.

On a lighter note, I've been given a cover story preemptively: "I'm a homeschooled kid with a well-off dad who can't be home often." That's convenient.

Luckily, no one seems to pay me much mind besides the spattered look of sympathy. I continue investigating.

There's a local mall-type deal, only all of the connections between stores are outside and it sucks. I take note of the laundromat and closed antique store as places I remember from the game, as well as probably of some use to me. Meanwhile, the chain of restaurants and food vendors (and some other stores that I never went to in the games) seems about the same.

After looking around and deciding it's not worth it, I go to the local convenience store (called an Everymart) to see if they've got any necessities I don't have already.

While browsing... okay, I'm not exactly ready to talk about my visits to the little girls' room. This is why no YA protagonist ever mentions their bodily functions, I'm betting.

The important thing is, while washing my hands, I see some sort of stain on a mirror there, and decide to clean it up. A part of me knows what mirrors do in the game, and I wonder, just a little, if this is one of those mirrors.

[] There is no reaction.
Invisitext Hint: Oh, boo. It's a mundane mirror.

[] It doesn't seem like there's a reaction...
Invisitext Hint: Hmmm, nah, pretty sure this is ALSO a mundane mirror.
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1.3: Great going QM, setting up a promise and failing to deliver. I wanted my fast travel!
The mirror shines once cleaned up. But that's all it does.

...I shouldn't be disappointed. Really, I shouldn't. Not like I'm supposed to be the hero of this story. Just because I have a Watch and all doesn't make me really important--

"Hey, kid, are you all right?" a woman with red hair says. "Uh, hello? Do you need me to get someone?"

Oh, she's talking to me! Fuck!

"I, uh, I'm fine!" I respond, probably too fast. "Thanks for being worried about me, but I'm fine!"

The woman tilts her head and looks concerned and inside I scream in worry. "'re the kid who just moved here with the businessman, aren't you?"

"Er, um, I shouldn't tell you that," I say weakly. The woman laughs gracefully.

"Smart kid," she notes. "But I really shouldn't be prying anyways, I'm merely visiting this city after all. Seeing a good friend of mine in Downtown Springdale. Spent some time catching up with her yesterday, yet my train leaves tomorrow..." she sighs. "At least the library has those interesting books."

There's a library? ...Of course there is, stupid. Wonder where it is.

"What kind of books?" I inquire.

"Books on the supernatural, things about 'ghost' phenomenons across the world and such," she says offhandedly. "Stuff about Yo-Kai, too." Does she see my Watch?

She probably does.

"Well, that's interesting!" I offer in my best oblivious tone of voice. "Where is the library anyways?"

"Nearby the Seabreeze Tunnel, next to the Delivery Bay in Downtown," she answers. "Though, if you are curious about Yo-Kai, I don't recommend blindly seeking after them guided only by a book. I don't recommend looking for them at all unless you're ready for your life to change." She gives me a deadly look with her mint-colored eyes and I feel...

I feel challenged. "Yeah, I know, the letter I got with this," and in a bold move, I show her my Watch, "said to be careful, Yo-Kai can do real harm with their Inspirits, but someone's got to be there to tell them when they're crossing lines. Might as well be me for this place."


And she laughs incredibly loudly, and smiles at me. "You really do have a spark about you, then! I'm impressed, kid. Good luck, I have a feeling you'll do great!" She then goes past me like she's floating and heads for the bathroom door before stopping.

"And, if you ever come across a really, really bad crisis and there's no other option," there's a glow of light, and flower petals dance in my vision, "call me, won't you?"

She's gone. And I'm holding a Yokai Medal with the picture of a red-based Blizzaria recolo... no. Not just a recolor. Whoever that was just now... she gave me her Medal?!

"Eep," I manage to squeak out.

After bravely going through a mini freak-out and celebration over what happened there, I leave the Everymart and pocket the Medal. I'm going to need to see if I can figure out how to get a Medallium or something for any more of these I get.

Maybe the library? Yeah, the library sounds good.

I'm about to set off to Downtown when I hear something.

[] A very sarcastic sounding apology
Invisitext Hint: "Sorry sorry, I'm so sorry!" Okay, when it comes to the Mirapo thing... not really.

[] A concerned person asking why their friend has so many layers on.
Invisitext Hint: Where do we get virgin wool from? Ugly sheep. ...Hey, did the atmosphere cool down just now, or was that my imagination?

[] "Hey! Hey you, come this way!" Huh? Are they talking to me?
Invisitext Hint: Ah yes, I remember this mechanic fondly from the games!

[] Someone boasting about seeing something.
Invisitext Hint: Fucking Noko, man I fucking hate Noko stupid ass piece of shit that woN'T FUCKING SLOW DOWN I JUST WANT TO SAY I COMPLETED THE MEDALLIUM PLEASE

QM's notes: Power outage is responsible for this update taking so long, by the way. Also, y'all might want to start checking for invisitext now.