[X][COLONIES] No, this sets a poor precedent. The FDO will retain a limited remit of space-based development, and you will develop Nimal Pak at your leisure.
[X][BILL] Fetch me my rubber stamp! Assembly implements an army expansion option, raising the size of the standing army to a full one billion individuals in combat roles (from its current four hundred million). Takes up significant unemployed slack and lessens strain on civilian economy by way of removing huge swathe of population from civilian economy. Not actually a long-term fix and may actually lead to worse problems eventually by way of all of those individuals eventually going back onto the civilian market, all at once, but gives way more time to prepare for them and implement solutions. Also: gigantic army. Some would say the benefits are self-evident. -50,000 yearly income.
[X][PM] Retaliate by adopting a Mandate of your own to rally or solidify support.
-[X][PM] Write in your Mandate: We aren't running in opposition to a party, we are running as a leader. There is no shame in recognizing that some of their ideas have merit. Integrate their thoughts on unemployment benefits and other social measures. The anti military and anti council crap can stay out though. Run a platform of stability with improvements.
[X][COLONIES] Yes, Virani makes an excellent argument. You need people in jobs and more production, and a faster, cheaper, and easier start to a second colony world is one of the best possible ways to ensure that.
[X][BILL] Fetch me my rubber stamp! Assembly implements an army expansion option, raising the size of the standing army to a full one billion individuals in combat roles (from its current four hundred million). Takes up significant unemployed slack and lessens strain on civilian economy by way of removing huge swathe of population from civilian economy. Not actually a long-term fix and may actually lead to worse problems eventually by way of all of those individuals eventually going back onto the civilian market, all at once, but gives way more time to prepare for them and implement solutions. Also: gigantic army. Some would say the