[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.