Ten Pounds of Gold: A Pro Wrestling Quest

I'm just hoping Allie is ok after her tryouts. Like, the Jack speculation that they called her up because she was hot had me worried about the environment up in the big leagues. Very curious how her time was.
[X] Plan Double It Up
[] Maintain Your Online Presence
[] Time to Pack (3 Expenses, 3 Points)
[] The Wrestling Times
[] Veg and Relax x2
[] Dating a Yogi x2
[] Hang out with Allie
[] Hang out with Charley (Voyages 1)
[] Hang out with Jack
[] Wrestling Rolodex - Dane Elkins (Dane "The Train" Payne) (Voyages 2)
[] Personal Training (Leah) x4
[] Design New Merchandise
[] Reorder Merchandise - Corsair Skull TShirts
[] Go To Work

[X] All To Mic XP Plan
-[] 156 Discussion XP to Mic

Basically it's what I had in my last post, but I remembered that it's two months so it's two dates with Selina. Decided on Rolodex to Dane over Kennedy, because while I find her fun as all hell, Tommy ought to branch out his social network. Dude just got us a fat contract at ADC, and is gonna be a main eventer there. Definitely a connection worth deepening. Plus he's about to move to Philly which is where Kennedy lives so plenty of opportunities to see her later. With 5 points left to split between Veg and Relax and Time to Pack (not gonna do Yoga this turn), I'm opting for a 2/3 split. 6 shows a month plus Tommy being Tommy means that he won't be taking things easy as is. The most/only physically strenuous thing on our voluntary commitment list is the training with Leah, and we've got an ambition to fulfill so that's not very "voluntary" either.

Goal is to shake off the concussion this turn so Tommy's clear to do that Destruction tryout unimpeded at the start of Year 2.
Fair warning, if there aren't more votes soon or at least more discussion, I'm going to close it and let Stealthy alone determine your future. Do you really want to leave it up to Stealthy? He never even leaves the shadows!
Meh. My only complaint/worry about Double it up is should we really be doing 4 Leah PT sessions when we know from previous ones that's shes a complete psycho when in Personal Training mode. May not be the best while still recovering. Maybe drop one or two of those for social actions (I want more Allie god damn it!) Thoughts @Stealthy ?
[X] All To Mic XP Plan

[X] Relaxing and talking
-[X] Explore the city (1 point) (Voyages 1)
-[X] Maintain Your Online Presence (0 points)
-[X] Time to Pack (3 Expenses, 3 Points)
-[X] Work on the Monster (1 Expense 1 point) (Voyages 2)
-[X] The Wrestling Times (0 points)
-[X] Veg and Relax (1 point)
-[X] Dating a Yogi x2 (4 points)
-[X] Hang out with Allie x2 (4 points)
-[X] Hang out with Jack x2 (4 points)
-[X] Hang out with Leah (2 points)
-[X] Personal Training (Leah) x3 (6 points)
-[X] Design New Merchandise (1 Expenses, 0 Points)
-[X] Reorder Merchandise - Corsair Skull TShirts (1 Expenses, 0 points)
-[X] Go to Work (4 points)

I figure that since were currently injured we should try and do as little physical stuff as possible. That being said we do have a ambition to meet so we can't really afford to skip out on Leah's training right now. I've spent most of my points on hanging out with our higher social links, mainly because we need to smooth out our problems with Jack and i figure it's probably not a good idea to go out and try and make new friends while suffering from post concision syndrome. I have it on good authority that people can get a bit weird when they have it, so best to stick with people know.

I really wanted to do Daybreak but we do have a concussion so i figure she will forgive us for trying to take as few bookings as possible while we heal. In fact if her normal attitude is anything to go by she would probably be pissed if we did got to help her out while in our current state.
Last edited:
I want to get back into a rythem on this, so I'm going to close the vote here and chalk the small turnout to it being A. a plan vote, which never gets much, and B. the first plan vote in like a year. So vote's closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Vesvius on Sep 20, 2019 at 9:21 PM, finished with 29 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] All To Mic XP Plan
    [X] Plan Double It Up
    [X] Relaxing and talking
    -[X] Hang out with Allie x2 (4 points)
    -[X] Reorder Merchandise - Corsair Skull TShirts (1 Expenses, 0 points)
    -[X] Design New Merchandise (1 Expenses, 0 Points)
    -[X] Personal Training (Leah) x3 (6 points)
    -[X] Hang out with Leah (2 points)
    -[X] Hang out with Jack x2 (4 points)
    -[X] Veg and Relax (1 point)
    -[X] Dating a Yogi x2 (4 points)
    -[X] The Wrestling Times (0 points)
    -[X] Work on the Monster (1 Expense 1 point) (Voyages 2)
    -[X] Time to Pack (3 Expenses, 3 Points)
    -[X] Maintain Your Online Presence (0 points)
    -[X] Explore the city (1 point) (Voyages 1)
    -[X] Go to Work (4 points)
Binge fucking finished.

This quest is memetic hazard. One day I open it out of curiosity and next thing I know I am still reading it at 4AM, because apparently it is a thing I do now.

And I haven't even seen a single wrestling match in my life!
157. Months Eleven & Twelve: Early Morning Downtime
It's two days after your 100SW show and you have learned a lot about concussions. You've learned that they affect everyone in a different way, with no two cases being the same. You've learned that in this case yours gives you a throbbing headache that's still going on. You've learned that yours is making it hard for you to fall asleep, and that when you do manage to do so you stay asleep for way too long. You've learned that when they're fresh they can give you mood swings; at least, you hope that's what's causing it. You'd hate to think there's another reason that you've found yourself going from perfectly normal to filled with rage to sobbing into a towel at the drop of a hat.

In short, you've learned that concussions blow.

Since you got home from the truck stop you've been doing your absolute best to coddle the shit out of your injury. You haven't left the apartment, not even to jog or hit the gym. You haven't done a single thing that can be considered strenuous. You haven't cooked beyond working a microwave, haven't done any of your usual dusting or vacuuming, and have basically existed as a barely sentient thing that's moved from your bed to the couch and back again.

But your concussion has also taught you something else. Namely, that the people in your life are kinda kickass.

First, there's Leah. She didn't leave your side from the moment you got backstage at 100SW until the next morning, when she had to leave for work. It hadn't been easy on her either; she'd gotten into a hell of a screaming match with Caleb over the phone that had left you begging for someone to take a drill to your head to release the pressure. Whatever she said had worked though; she'd stayed through the night, hovering over you until she was sure you weren't going to fall over dead before finally crashing in Allie's empty bed.

Her leaving the next morning hadn't left you alone either. Her spot had ably been filled by Jack. Your friend had pretty much run home from his date with Charley and arrived at the apartment ten minutes before you'd made it back from 100SW. That night he'd kept himself busy running to all night drug stores to find stronger headache medication, restaurants to find you and him some decent food- because like fuck were you letting him cook while you were like this- and overall doing everything he could to make life easier.

And when Leah had left, Jack had taken over her hovering duties. It didn't matter how many times you told him you were fine now, that you just had a headache, it didn't help. He parked himself next to you on the couch, flipping through shitty Sunday TV, and didn't move an inch. Honestly it's been kinda nice. The horrible awkwardness that had swallowed the apartment was gone, blown away by your injury.

You'd been worried that when Allie got home, that newfound peace would blow away. But when she blew through the front door the next day, all she had done was trade a look with Jack.

"How's he doing?" she had asked.

"I'm right here!" you had protested. "You can just ask me yourself! And I'm doing fine. It's just a stupid headache. You're all being-"

Jack had shaken his head and answered as if you hadn't said a word. "He's been better. Our boy got his bell rung good there. I think the worst is over though; mostly. He's trying to hide it but I'm pretty sure Boy's got mood swings going on."

"They are not mood swings!" you had snapped out, anger's heat rushing through you. "My mood is fucking level! No swings! It's an even keel-" and then you had had to stop to choke back tears. You were fine! Why wasn't anyone believing you?!

Neither of them had acknowledged you. Instead they just looked at each other as if you hadn't said a word, giving you time to get back under control. Finally, Allie had shrugged. "Are we cool?" she asked.

Jack had hesitated for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. Sorry about… you know. Sorry. It's all on me." Allie had brushed aside his apology, dropped her bag, and snuggled onto the couch next to you without saying another word about it, instead choosing to start her own form of hovering.

And so yesterday had passed with the three of you almost lying on top of each other on the plush couch that was also Jack's bed. Any attempt you had made to talk about anything more serious than what was on the TV was ignored, any suggestion to do anything else was dismissed, and instead the two of them had teamed up to make sure you barely lifted a finger the entire day. It's enough to make you feel soft and a little gooey inside that people give that much of a damn about you.

It's also enough to drive you fucking insane. You got hit in the head! You're not dying!

Maybe that's why you wake up the next morning before either of them do and make your way to the kitchen. Your head is still throbbing, but only a little. It's down to a dull background ache that you can easily tune out. It definitely doesn't stop you from breaking out the frying pan and griddle to make breakfast. By the time Jack stirs from the couch and Allie stumbles out of her room, you've got plates loaded up with eggs, bacon, and some strange protein pancakes that Jack's been talking up lately.

"Morning!" you greet them, trying your best to keep smug satisfaction out of your voice. But it's hard; you managed to defeat their 'Tommy does nothing' plan after all. "Mind pouring some juice? I'm out of hands."

Jack just pauses in the doorway, lets out a heavy sigh, and goes to do as asked. Allie however doesn't move an inch towards the fridge. Instead she moves towards you. Before you can really register it, her hands are on the sides of your head, and she's very gently pulling your face down to her eye level. She stares into your eyes from inches away for a long, long moment.

"Um, Allie?" you ask. "Not that it's not fun to have an early morning staring contest, but if you don't mind…?"

She ignores your words and continues her inspection. "Pupils are normal," she muses. She stops staring at you and instead grabs your mouth, squeezing your cheeks to pop your jaw open. She takes a sniff. "No vomit, no mouthwash to cover up said vomit. Seems to be talking normally, but did get up earlier than usual. That could be a sign of sleeping difficulties."

You take a step back and force a plate into Allie's hands. "Al. Quit it. Seriously. It's starting to piss me off."

Your friend meets your annoyed glance with a mulish one of her own. "No," she answers. "You stop it. You got messed up, T. I'm not going to apologize for making sure you're alright."

"I get that," you answer, dropping a fork onto her plate. "I do. And that's why I wanted to make food here. You guys have been great. But I don't have the flu- I was concussed. Keeping me locked down isn't going to help."

Allie begrudgingly goes to pour her own juice, and Jack takes her place. "I was here when you got home, man," he replies. "I've never seen you like that before and I sure as shit don't want to see it again. We might not be able to physically lock you to your bed but we're going to do everything but to keep you from making it worse."

You let out a huff of air, but don't snap at them. They're just trying to help after all. "And that's good. I appreciate it. Honestly, I do. But you can't keep me from doing everything. I'm going to go out of my mind!"

"We're not trying to keep you from doing everything!" Allie protests from the fridge. "Just things that would make it harder on you. So nothing physical, nothing that can really excite or upset you, and nothing mentally taxing. Aside from that, you can do whatever you want."

You just stare at her. "'Le. Jack. That's literally everything."

"Huh," Jack answers. "I guess it is. Looks like it's time for another day on the couch-"

"Have you considered," you interrupt, "That having me do nothing is in and of itself something that excites and upsets me?"

That seems to bring them up short. You retreat to the couch and flip on the TV. As the morning news starts up, you call back to them. "I'm not asking to go out and do a match right now. I don't have anything booked until Friday, so I've got plenty of time to recover, and I don't even have work until Wednesday. I don't even have to leave the apartment. But I need to do something or I'm going to wind up trying to punch through the wall out of sheer boredom."

It takes a few moments for them to follow you, but follow you they do. Jack takes his usual place on the opposite end of the couch and Allie takes hers practically burrowed into your side. "Point," Jack begrudgingly acknowledges. "So, what do you want to do?"

Before you can answer, Allie speaks up again. "Nu-uh. Nope. No way. Not happening."

You glance down at her. "Come again?"

"You don't get to pick what we're going to do," she answers. "I know you, T. And while I can admit we… may have been going a little heavy on trying to make you rest, you'll do the exact opposite. If we give you free reign you'll be taking corkscrews off the roof in thirty minutes. So we'll decide."

Another flash of anger passes through you, but you choke it down. "I-"

She holds up a hand as if she senses your irritation. "I phrased that wrong. What I meant to say is that we'll figure out some ideas and then you'll get final approval. That way you get to do something and we get to be sure you're not going to head to Horizon for emergency bumping practice. Fair?"

As quickly as it came, the anger leaves you, and you reach up to massage your forehead. You're not one hundred percent certain but you're pretty sure you don't normally get riled up so easily. Maybe Allie and Jack have the right idea about taking it easy for another day. And that does sound like a decent compromise. "Yeah, fair."

Even with that said, it takes some time before they start suggesting things. They linger over their eggs and watch the morning TV with attention they normally wouldn't. It's only after the news ends and the endless progression of terrible daytime judge shows begins that Jack clicks the TV off. "How about we get some new recipes and hit the grocery store?" he suggests. "Tommy's already showed that he can still cook alright; that shouldn't tax him, right?"

Allie crosses her hands in an X. "Eh eh!" she replies in her best game show buzzer imitation. "Cooking's fine, but cooking with you? That'll tax anyone let alone someone recovering. Pass."

Jack pauses before shrugging in acknowledgement. Allie thinks for a second before throwing out her own idea. "Meditation's supposed to be soothing and it might help us all get our thoughts in order. I could find a track online…"

This time it's Jack's turn to protest. "Even if Tommy's cool with that, I'm not. That'll drive me insane inside five minutes and that won't be good for anyone. How about we play a game? I can get Charley to bring over her console and we can rock something multiplayer."

"Too stressful," is the response. "Have you seen what Mario Party can do to people? We don't need to bring that into this house. Maybe just turn the TV back on? There's gotta be something on besides 'the hottest judge on television'."

"That's how we got into this. Maybe we can read? I've got some decent books I can lend you both if you're short on material."

"Not interested in reading another comparative religion book. Skip it." Allie stops and taps her finger to her lips as she tries to think of something else. "Maybe…"

"How about," you interrupt, "we just talk?"

There's a pause and both of them turn to look at you. "...about?" Jack asks.

You half-shrug. "How shit's going and what's coming up and hey, 'Le, how'd your tryout go? You haven't said a word about it since you got back!"

"It just didn't seem important by the time I got home," she mumbles. "And it still doesn't. It was just a tryout. Nothing special." Her tone is deliberately dismissive as she tries to change the subject. "How about-"

Jack raises a hand. "Hey, don't hold back on my account if that's what you're worried about." From the way Allie stiffens underneath your arm, that's exactly what she was worried about, something your other friend easily notices. "Seriously, Allie, it's fine. I… I need to get over it. Really. And besides, I'm curious too." He offers her a small grin. "Don't hold out! You've got to tell us what we're expecting when we get a call too!"

After another moment of silence, Allie nods. "Yeah, alright. It really didn't feel like anything special, but I'll tell you about it."

She rouses herself from under your arm and crawls over you, dropping down in the middle of the couch between you and Jack. "There was a car waiting for me when my plane landed and they took me right to the hotel. I hung out there for a night and the next morning, me and a bunch of people were taken to Dub Pee Dub's training center. They-"

"A bunch?" Jack interrupts. "How many of you were there?"

Allie stops to think. "I didn't exactly count but it wasn't a huge crowd. Maybe a dozen. Twenty tops."

"Anyone interesting?" you ask.

Your friend shrugs again even as she thinks. "A few. There was this Olympic medalist there that seemed to be treating the whole thing like a joke, which rubbed most of us the wrong way. Connor was there; you know, Connor? The land shark? We've worked him before. And then there was Sara; she's the only one there who had less experience than me! She was really sweet though. We wound up getting lunch together. There was an Asian guy that didn't speak a word of English but everyone else seemed to know him. Andy insisted on working with him when we did practice matches and they had some great chemistry. And... hmmm…"

You and Jack trade a look, but it's him who speaks. "Andy?" he asks.

"Oh, yeah, Andy!" Allie chirps. "He's a New York indie guy that was really nice the entire time. He kinda helped guide me and Sara through the entire thing. And he's damn good; when we got to promos he blew us all out of the water. Anyway, that's not important."

"After we got there, we met some old coaches who had us go through some basics. Rolls, bumps, the usual. Then we had some practice matches against each other, and then we cut some promos. After that we had to study some tape from the coaches and give some feedback on it. Then we had interviews; think a job interview, only more… no, it was exactly that. Think a job interview. And that was pretty much it; we went back to the hotel rooms and got on flights home the next day."

You wait for Jack to ask something else, but he's too busy looking like he's bit into a lemon to answer. So it falls to you to ask the big question. "So? How do you think you did?"

Allie pauses. "I'm… really not sure."

She sits back and thinks. "Compared to some of the others? Terribly. My matches weren't on their level and I was a way worse promo than pretty much all of them. But I think I impressed them with tape study; they seemed really surprised I noticed the stuff that I did. And it wasn't like my matches were bad. I think I'm at least in the top quarter of the fliers they had at least."

"So I'm not really sure. I'm pretty sure I could've done way worse though."

You grin and reach over to ruffle her hair. "That's awesome, 'Le. I told you you'd kill it."

She flushes under your praise, but doesn't bat your hand away. Victory!

The rest of the morning passes in a similar way. The three of you continue to just shoot the shit, mostly grilling Allie for more and more details about her tryout. You ask about the coaches, curious to hear more about who W.P.W has evaluating talent, and the interview part. What kind of questions are they asking to see who's a good fit at one of the biggest wrestling companies in the world? Jack, however, focuses more on the other trainees. He seems really curious about the Andy that helped Allie through the process; maybe he's trying to figure out what the New York worker has that he didn't?

Whatever the reason, it helps keep the conversation going. The two of you prod Allie for more and more detail for another hour until you're certain there's no stone you've left unturned. You're pretty sure you could go back for another pass too, but you're interrupted by a knock on the door.

You shoot your friends a confused look. "You expecting anyone?"

Allie shakes her head, and Jack reaches into his pocket to check his phone. "No," he answers. "No one's said they're coming over." He gets up and shambles towards the door. Jack glances through the peephole and straightens up. As he undoes the chain lock and pulls open the door, he glances back in your direction. "It's for you T."

The door swings open, revealing Selina. Your girlfriend is bundled up against the fall chill in a dark jacket, blue knit cap, and woolen gloves that are clutching a heavy-looking insulated bag. She nods at Jack, offering him a smile. "Hey, Jack. Sorry to just drop by. Tommy's in, right?"

"Yeah," your friend answers, jerking his head in your direction. "He's over there. Do you want some help with that?"

"Thank you!" she answers, handing him the bag. The two of them step into the apartment and Selina instantly makes a beeline for you, not even bothering to shed her jacket. You move to get up, but she shakes her head quickly. "No, no! Don't get up!" You pause, but slump back into your seat just in time to find your arms full of a warm body.

Selina hugs you tightly and places a gentle kiss on your cheek. "How're you feeling, Tom?" she asks. "Doing a little better?"

You feel your body relaxing despite yourself and you chuckle. "Yeah," you answer. "It's good to see you! What- how'd you hear about it? I mean, I would've called but-"

"But Leah took your phone away so you wouldn't send out stupid stuff," she finishes. "Yes, she told me. Good thing she did too! I was starting to get worried that I didn't get my text good night! And to answer your question, yes, Leah let me know about your… mishap. She was worried that Jack and Allie would have their hands full and it might slip their mind."

"I'll have to thank her later," you mumble to yourself. "And I'm really sorry I didn't call when I got my head screwed on a little straighter. I-"

"Seriously Tom, don't worry about it! You're a little off after all that! It's to be expected!"

You can't help but laugh at her earnestness, and you wrap her in a tighter hug. "You're pretty great, you know?"

"I do know!" she chirps back. "But a girl likes to hear it anyway."

You settle back down and look over at your friends through the veil of Selina's hair that's fallen over your face. Allie's laughing at the byplay, but Jack's got that lemon-sucking look back. Weird. His hands are still full of Selina's bag though. "Hey, babe, what's in the bag? And why are you here? I'm not complaining but I thought you'd just call. And don't you have a class today?"

Your girlfriend snuggles into you for another moment before sitting up, breaking your embrace. She stands back up and starts to shed her cold weather clothes as if she's just realized it's too warm in here. "I did, but I canceled," she answers. "I'll make it up to them later in the week. Some things are more important. And calling's fine, but some things you just have to see with your own eyes. As for the bag…"

She throws her hat onto the pile of clothing in the corner and moves back towards Jack. She takes it from him with a nod and a word of thanks before coming back towards you. She unzips the bag, letting a savory smell waft throughout the apartment. "Since you're recovering, I didn't know if Allie would be back yet, and Jack is… Jack, I decided to bring you lunch! It isn't anything fancy; just some lamb stew. It's what my Mom made for me when I was feeling down and it always made me feel better. Maybe it'll do the same for you."

"And," she glances over at your friends, who're having a muttered conversation of their own. "I brought enough for everyone, of course. Feel free to have a bowl!"

Which is how all four of you wind up back on the couch clutching chipped bowls full of a heavy stew, thick pieces of buttered bread balancing on the side. Conversation is abandoned as you all dig in. The only sounds that escape anyone are muttered grunts as you let the strange seasonings and tender meat fill you up.

Allie's the first one to break the silence. She looks over at Selina appreciatively. "This is some good stuff! I can't figure it out though… am I tasting apple?"

Selina nods and swallows her own mouthful. "Mom always made it with apple cider vinegar, but I've found that using fresh apples and a dash of regular vinegar gives a better contrast. You've got a good tongue! Almost no one picks that up!"

Your friend shrugs away the praise and glances back at the bag. There're still a few full quart containers sitting at the bottom. "You brought enough to feed an army. Any special reason?"

"If you guys liked it I wanted to make sure you had enough for leftovers," Selina answers. "It's not much, but it should get you through a day or two. Don't reheat it in the microwave though; the stove top is much better. And if you didn't like it, then I'd have lunch for a few days."

"You don't have to worry about that," you reply, using the bread to mop up the last traces of stew from your bowl. "It's delicious, babe. Thanks so much for bringing it over. You really didn't have to but I'm glad you did."

Selina grins and leans in, kissing you gently on the lips. "Maybe I didn't have to," she says. "But it was my privilege and my pleasure to do so."

She sits back and finishes her own bowl. "But I'm sorry, I'm interrupting! What were you guys up to before I got here? Anything good?"

"Nope," Jack answers, speaking up for the first time since Selina arrived. "We were just finishing up talking about Allie's trip. You picked a good time to arrive."

"Oh!" Selina yelps. "Your trip! How did it go?"

Allie waves away the question. "If it's alright with you, I'm pretty much talked out about that. I'll tell you later."

"Oh, okay. So… what are we doing now?"

Jack shrugs, and Allie answers. "We're trying to keep everything light right now. To keep it easy on Tommy, you know? So nothing physical, nothing strenuous, nothing taxing. But…"

"...that takes away pretty much everything Tom does," Selina finishes. "And if he's left to his own devices, he'll do something before he's ready because he's never met a restriction he doesn't want to break. Yes, that makes sense."

You cross your arms and let out a huff of air. You're not that bad, right? They're just exaggerating.

"Awww," Selina coos. "You're adorable when you're pouting!" That's the only acknowledgement she gives you before she turns back to your friends. "Do you mind if I suggest a few things?"

Jack shakes his head, and Allie makes an 'after you' gesture. "Please. Any new ideas would be good."

"Alright. First thing's first: we should probably let him out of the apartment. If you all just sit in here you'll get cabin fever before too long if you don't already. And…" The three of them launch into spitballing, this time with some added energy. And by the time they're ready to offer you the ideas, they've put together a list that doesn't sound half bad.

Selina, Jack, and Allie have put together a list of ideas for how you'll spend the rest of your day. Which one do you want to do?
[] Go to the Zoo! They have a new elephant in habit, and there's a really cool tropical bird exhibit that's about to go away. There's nothing more relaxing and less stressful than seeing cool animals.
[] There's a local comedy club that's having an open mic night tonight. While you will under no circumstances be allowed to perform, there's a good crop of talent in town that'll probably put you in a good mood. And if they suck, well, you can just heckle them. That's it's own fun!
[] There's a local theater group in town that's putting on a play tonight. It's community level at best, but it has it's own charm, and Selina says they've been getting good reviews. You should go see what the buzz is all about.
[] Why do you need to go anywhere special? You'll head down to center city and just walk around. Maybe you'll find something you like, maybe you'll just kill some time. Either way you'll get out and about, and that's what you need.
[] You don't need to go anywhere at all. You've got your best friends and your girl right here. You're happy to take it easy for another night- you just hope there's something good on TV.
Mechanic Changes

Skill Changes

Resilience: Impressive 630/1500 -> Impressive 755/1500 (Veg and Relax x2)
[X] There's a local comedy club that's having an open mic night tonight. While you will under no circumstances be allowed to perform, there's a good crop of talent in town that'll probably put you in a good mood. And if they suck, well, you can just heckle them. That's it's own fun!

Who knows we might even get a chance to improve on Mic
You and Jack trade a look, but it's him who speaks. "Andy?" he asks.

"Oh, yeah, Andy!" Allie chirps. "He's a New York indie guy that was really nice the entire time
Jack, however, focuses more on the other trainees. He seems really curious about the Andy that helped Allie through the process;
but Jack's got that lemon-sucking look back. Weird. His hands are still full of Selina's bag though.

Me too, Jack, buddy. I've never agreed with you more. Best wingman is rough when it's Tommy.
[X] Go to the Zoo! They have a new elephant in habit, and there's a really cool tropical bird exhibit that's about to go away. There's nothing more relaxing and less stressful than seeing cool animals.

I'm not a pet person, mostly because I don't think I can handle another life on my hands when I can barely handle myself, but I do love the zoo. And it gets Tommy out of the house, gets him a little exercise, and we can find out everyone's favorite animals.

Also, this whole update kinda made me feel sorry for Jack... He'll get with his girlfriend again soon I hope.
[X] There's a local theater group in town that's putting on a play tonight. It's community level at best, but it has it's own charm, and Selina says they've been getting good reviews. You should go see what the buzz is all about.

I have no practical reason for this, I just like community theater
Before you can really register it, her hands are on the sides of your head, and she's very gently pulling your face down to her eye level. She stares into your eyes from inches away for a long, long moment.



god damn it

oh no the girlfriend's here.

oh no the girlfriend's awesome

I'd say I have a one track mind but that implies a working circuit instead of a straight line.

I will judge the given options on three factors: cuteness potential, fun/relaxation, and coziness.
[] Go to the Zoo! They have a new elephant in habit, and there's a really cool tropical bird exhibit that's about to go away. There's nothing more relaxing and less stressful than seeing cool animals.
Zoos are awesome. Zoo dates with the girlfriend are very cute and animals are really cool. However, elephants are the opposite of cozy. A decent choice.
[] There's a local comedy club that's having an open mic night tonight. While you will under no circumstances be allowed to perform, there's a good crop of talent in town that'll probably put you in a good mood. And if they suck, well, you can just heckle them. That's it's own fun!
Some minor cuteness potential but usually 'clubs' aren't good for cute. Comedy is very fun and heckling is great. Coziness is very conditional on the club atmosphere. Tommy is just cruel enough to heckle comedians. A decent choice.
[] There's a local theater group in town that's putting on a play tonight. It's community level at best, but it has it's own charm, and Selina says they've been getting good reviews. You should go see what the buzz is all about.
Eww, theater. Cuteness sure, cozy probably. But funwise? Boooring. And thus just what the doctor ordered! A decent choice.
[] Why do you need to go anywhere special? You'll head down to center city and just walk around. Maybe you'll find something you like, maybe you'll just kill some time. Either way you'll get out and about, and that's what you need.
Mystery box! Everything is cute with Selina around, coziness is unlikely, fun probable. A decent choice.
[] You don't need to go anywhere at all. You've got your best friends and your girl right here. You're happy to take it easy for another night- you just hope there's something good on TV.
3.6 Cozgen. Not great, not terrible. Very cute snuggles, very cozy, insanity likely. The best choice.

[X] You don't need to go anywhere at all. You've got your best friends and your girl right here. You're happy to take it easy for another night- you just hope there's something good on TV.

All the other choices are great, but I have to see 1. How they fit four people on the couch and 2. Allie's jealously at her pillow being stolen.

Also writing this post on phone was pure torture.
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[X] Go to the Zoo! They have a new elephant in habit, and there's a really cool tropical bird exhibit that's about to go away. There's nothing more relaxing and less stressful than seeing cool animals.
[X] Go to the Zoo! They have a new elephant in habit, and there's a really cool tropical bird exhibit that's about to go away. There's nothing more relaxing and less stressful than seeing cool animals.

Zoos are super fun, and, importantly, there is nothing physical to do there, so Tommy shouldn't be able to get himself into trouble. It'll tire him out, all the walking around, and should be in general a wholesome good time. Plus, we might learn what each of the gang's favorite zoo animal is.
[X] There's a local comedy club that's having an open mic night tonight. While you will under no circumstances be allowed to perform, there's a good crop of talent in town that'll probably put you in a good mood. And if they suck, well, you can just heckle them. That's it's own fun!
I'm pretty sure that absolutely everyone on the couch is good for a heckle. Heck, for maximum vitriol we should get Tommy's coworker to come maybe? Rekindle the flames if hers and Jack's relationship of well directed spite?
[X] There's a local comedy club that's having an open mic night tonight. While you will under no circumstances be allowed to perform, there's a good crop of talent in town that'll probably put you in a good mood. And if they suck, well, you can just heckle them. That's it's own fun!

This looks like a great idea. Plus we can come back some other time and work on out charisma skills.