Ten Little Ducklings... (A Murder Mystery Mafia)

And almost immediately, the situation went from bad to worse, as some egotistical fop with more balls than brains tried to use the circumstances to get laid. If there was one thing that tested Susan's patience for the so called "Stronger Sex," it was men like this Duke guy. Still, it wasn't a terribly big deal. Back home at the circus, Susan had become a sort of unofficial bodyguard for the other girls in addition to her official role as Strong-Woman, keeping their pretty, naive heads safe from men like him. A little bit of flexing and he'd be off running.

Susan slowly stood up, allowing the full effect of her imposing stature unfold. She was easily the tallest of the guests. "I'm certain, Mr. Duke, that we ladies will be able to stave off boredom without your help. You know, what with the whole 'Trying to Survive' thing." She kept her tone light and pleasant but her sleeveless dress did nothing to hide the way her biceps bulged as she crossed her arms.

Message delivered, Susan decided that since she was standing already, she should take the opportunity to introduce herself as the chef suggested. Relaxing her posture, she smiled politely and bowed to the other guests. "I'm Susan Fran by the way. I'm a Strong-Woman from the Grand Canadian Circus Fair and I'm honestly not sure why I was invited to a party that has a Duke and a Millionaire in attendance."
"Although I'm not altogether sure myself, Signorina Fran, what I can tell is that this is no party," I state with cold confidence. "Whoever invited us to this island, for one reason or another, has reason to want us dead. That being said, out of anyone here, you'd be the most familiar with this island, being so close to your home country. Aside from this exquisite mansion and the ferocious beast outside, is there anything notable about this place that you can share with us?" I ask curiously.
"But frankly, I'm just as eager to dust off this whole affair as much as the next gent, so let's get crackalackin', yes?"
"I suppose... one of us has to go," I say morosely, the thought of anyone having to die to this sadistic cazzo getting me frustrated to no end. "Not that any of us want to go, but for everyone's sake, I hope we can come to a decision without too much discord. For everyone's sakes, my name is Luciano Gatti, self made millionaire, loving husband, and father of three lovely children," I finish with an introduction, waiting for someone else to respond.
He sighed, straightening his cuffs, adjusting his tie, and pushing his glasses back into place, before brandishing the knife that had been set upon the table. Cutting apart the meal with effiency and grace, the emerald eyed man's implaccability was unpretrubed by the discussion of those around him.

There was no sense in wasting the meal, no matter the circumstances.
"I'm Susan Fran by the way. I'm a Strong-Woman from the Grand Canadian Circus Fair and I'm honestly not sure why I was invited to a party that has a Duke and a Millionaire in attendance."
Dabbing his mouth with a napkin, the man's spectacles gleamed in the dining room's light as his eyes beneath flickered from person to person. An interesting bunch, if anything, he mused, swallowing the last of his meal. It was a plate chalk full of delicacies, yet in seconds, it had vanished without anybody knowing.

Typical. "Patterson. Frederick Patterson." He allowed himself to sigh out as he set the silverware down.

"And truly--Do any of us know why we were invited here? I certainly don't, yet we all chose to accept, as if on a whim. So--Are we lynching anybody today or not? I'd rather not spend any more time on this deathtrap then neccesary."
So we have an anonymous double voter then.

Hm, considering having 3 votes is overkill it should be easy enough to figure out the double voter based purely on who doesn't have a visible vote in thread.
And almost immediately, the situation went from bad to worse, as some egotistical fop with more balls than brains tried to use the circumstances to get laid. If there was one thing that tested Susan's patience for the so called "Stronger Sex," it was men like this Duke guy. Still, it wasn't a terribly big deal. Back home at the circus, Susan had become a sort of unofficial bodyguard for the other girls in addition to her official role as Strong-Woman, keeping their pretty, naive heads safe from men like him. A little bit of flexing and he'd be off running.

Susan slowly stood up, allowing the full effect of her imposing stature unfold. She was easily the tallest of the guests. "I'm certain, Mr. Duke, that we ladies will be able to stave off boredom without your help. You know, what with the whole 'Trying to Survive' thing." She kept her tone light and pleasant but her sleeveless dress did nothing to hide the way her biceps bulged as she crossed her arms.

Message delivered, Susan decided that since she was standing already, she should take the opportunity to introduce herself as the chef suggested. Relaxing her posture, she smiled politely and bowed to the other guests. "I'm Susan Fran by the way. I'm a Strong-Woman from the Grand Canadian Circus Fair and I'm honestly not sure why I was invited to a party that has a Duke and a Millionaire in attendance."

Raising an immaculate eyebrow, Francis archedly replied, "My dear, I was only making a point. If there are no takers, my feelings certainly wouldn't be hurt."

He rested his head against his hand, lounging in max-douche positioning.

Giving her a once-over, he commented, "Miss. Fran, was it? You certainly are quite an exotic beauty, though perhaps not interested in my many charms. Well, your loss."

"That being said, we might as well pick someone and haul them up for questioning." The Duke smoothly leans over and takes his now-empty bottle and spins it, humming loudly and obnoxiously to himself.
Andelevion threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Spin the bottle~ Total: 9
9 9
"Ah yes, the lady @Birthday over here? Hmm, well, I'd hate to accuse a lady so early in this ridiculous game, so let's go with you."

Francis flippantly changes direction to the nearest person of non-feminine persuasion and points at @Lapin Lune. "Care to make any remarks, sir?"

[X] Lynch Lapin Lune
"And truly--Do any of us know why we were invited here? I certainly don't, yet we all chose to accept, as if on a whim. So--Are we lynching anybody today or not? I'd rather not spend any more time on this deathtrap then neccesary."
"To be quite frank, Signore Patterson, I accepted because I wanted to spend some time away from the vultures that populate my usual parties. I suspect that Miss Sachiko wanted a taste of the high life, as did Miss Fran."
The bottle comes to a rest pointing at Amelia Kingston.
"I suppose the bottle has spoken," I state with heavy sarcasm.
Francis flippantly changes direction to the nearest person of non-feminine persuasion and points at George Newman.
"And yet you turn just as quickly when it doesn't suit your favor, at this point, I rather doubt you're any good for this environment, whether you're the madman or not."

[X] Lynch Andelevion
(That being said, I will never Lynch or spill info outside of an IC post)
"And yet you turn just as quickly when it doesn't suit your favor, at this point, I rather doubt you're any good for this environment, whether you're the madman or not."

[X] Lynch Andelevion
"Well now, it's not as if we have any evidence pointing towards a suspect as of now, is it? Who cares? If a lady proves to be underhandedly dealing, then naturally we will try to save our skins and point out the snake." Sighing dramatically, he states, "It's not so bad that I aim to treat the fairer sex with some more kindness, is it? Society is so harsh isn't it....A woman can't have relations with a man without her father and brothers calling for the man's head. A man can't have relations with three women at the same time without society saying that he'd impugned on their honor. It's all in good fun, why all the fuss?"

Francis taps a finger on the bottle. "My point may have wandered for a bit. Regardless, this is a mere mechanism, a starting point. We can't very well obtain information without people talking, and I don't see you volunteering. The point is to gather more information from the silent guests; we'll eventually get to one or the other."

He taps his finger harder, more irritable, fingernail clinking against glass. "My temperament isn't quite the best for this, you have a point. But I've a nasty talent for retaliation, and I'd be more careful about what I say, if I were you, dog."

(It's....really fun playing a nasty character haha. But no seriously, who we're putting pressure on shouldn't matter for now, considering how few of us are actually talking.)
He taps his finger harder, more irritable, fingernail clinking against glass. "My temperament isn't quite the best for this, you have a point. But I've a nasty talent for retaliation, and I'd be more careful about what I say, if I were you, dog."
"I'd rather be a dog that a boar," I say somewhat caustically. "At least one cares about those around them. That being said, I'd like to believe everything I do is for good, be it running a restaurant, or asking whether a person who has quite this reputation is good for anyone here.

"We do agree on one thing, though," I continue, my walking cane twirling in my fingers, before I clasp it firmly in my grip, pointing at the so called Duke, "we need more information, and other than a title, you've provided nothing but misogyny and venom, so speak fool!" I finish with conviction.
"Ah, so pleased we've decided to see some sense now. That we can rise above ourselves and put aside such beastliness, after all don't we already have one beast enough giving us a right headache, to ahem, say the least?" George Newman at first sighed but then smiled "I'm perfectly sure if we keep our heads clear, unclouded by the cumulonimbuses, cumulonimbi(?), of hatred, we can easily work out who the real villain here is".

"And logically" he took a deep breath "As much as probably a few of us would like it to be true, I doubt our old buddy Frank, may I call you Frank, here is the perpetrator. For any self-respecting evil genius would have to forfeit the 'genius' part if he were to paint a great big bullseye on his poor self so immediately".

"As for who I am? Hah, but a comedian it would look like. Even though right now I might not be employed as one, with how my finances have gone down the drain and now this here pickle, I'm practically fated to take the role".

[X] Unlynch Andelevion
"And logically" he took a deep breath "As much as probably a few of us would like it to be true, I doubt our old buddy Frank, may I call you Frank, here is the perpetrator. For any self-respecting evil genius would have to forfeit the 'genius' part if he were to paint a great big bullseye on his poor self so immediately".
"Ah, but what if he's planning for us to use such logic? A genius would be more than willing to double bluff in that instance," I rebuke. "As it stands we still need information, and this buffoon is more likely to speak than anyone else is, shell shocked as they are."
"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Susan asks. "It clearly would take a lot of money to pull something like this off but not all of us are rich. Shouldn't we get everybody to introduce themselves before we go throwing people to the wolves at random? There's got to be a way to puzzle this out."
"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Susan asks. "It clearly would take a lot of money to pull something like this off but not all of us are rich. Shouldn't we get everybody to introduce themselves before we go throwing people to the wolves at random? There's got to be a way to puzzle this out."
"From what I recall, the person who bought this was represented by the late Miss Wargrave, There's also the possibility that she was tricked into purchasing this for someone less wealthy. The fact that the gramophone has a male voice could also be a ruse, we simply don't know," I state in befuddlement, "and that's why someone needs to be willing to speak up."
"To be quite frank, Signore Patterson, I accepted because I wanted to spend some time away from the vultures that populate my usual parties. I suspect that Miss Sachiko wanted a taste of the high life, as did Miss Fran."
The man sighed again, idly twirling a fork between his fingers. "I suppo-"
"Ah yes, the lady @Birthday over here? Hmm, well, I'd hate to accuse a lady so early in this ridiculous game, so let's go with you." Francis flippantly changes direction to the nearest person of non-feminine persuasion and points at @Lapin Lune. "Care to make any remarks, sir?"
Patterson rose an eyebrow. That seemed rather.. Sexist, if he would be so bold.
"And yet you turn just as quickly when it doesn't suit your favor, at this point, I rather doubt you're any good for this environment, whether you're the madman or not."

He taps his finger harder, more irritable, fingernail clinking against glass. "My temperament isn't quite the best for this, you have a point. But I've a nasty talent for retaliation, and I'd be more careful about what I say, if I were you, dog."
"We do agree on one thing, though," I continue, my walking cane twirling in my fingers, before I clasp it firmly in my grip, pointing at the so called Duke, "we need more information, and other than a title, you've provided nothing but misogyny and venom, so speak fool!" I finish with conviction.
"As for who I am? Hah, but a comedian it would look like. Even though right now I might not be employed as one, with how my finances have gone down the drain and now this here pickle, I'm practically fated to take the role".
"Ah, but what if he's planning for us to use such logic? A genius would be more than willing to double bluff in that instance," I rebuke. "As it stands we still need information, and this buffoon is more likely to speak than anyone else is, shell shocked as they are."

Frank watched on in muted shock as the party bickered and argued. Was it because of the circumstances, everybody was so highstrung, or was even the factor of a loose madman unable to dissuade them from their yelling?
"Aren't you all forgetting something?" Susan asks. "It clearly would take a lot of money to pull something like this off but not all of us are rich. Shouldn't we get everybody to introduce themselves before we go throwing people to the wolves at random? There's got to be a way to puzzle this out."
Finally. Somebody with a.. Marginal amount of mental temperment. Leaning back, he watched as more and more joined the discussion.
(That being said, I will never Lynch or spill info outside of an IC post)
that's going to be... really annoying for be, because I don't want to have to roleplay IC just to get shit done. I'm usually more active by this point in the game but all the IC shit is throwing me off.

And so on that note:
[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

Nothing personal.
Frank watched on in muted shock as the party bickered and argued.
I turn to Frederic, and my fierce gaze softens. I suppose I was being a bit aggressive.

"Look, I just want everyone to get along. Tensions are high, and any sort of poor attitude here isn't an asset."

that's going to be... really annoying for be, because I don't want to have to roleplay IC just to get shit done. I'm usually more active by this point in the game but all the IC shit is throwing me off.

And so on that note:
[X] Lynch Archeo Lumiere

Nothing personal.
(Meh, you don't have to roleplay, just hash out a basic intent and I'll spin it from there.)
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(OOC: Um, people are aware that when I said 'Frank' I was referring to Francis?)

"Ah but wait, don't we have a Doctor among us?" George's voice rose as he turned to Dr Patterson "In that case, we've been fretting over nothing, for didn't that recording say the true villain had what was so poisonous to the Beast within his body? Come now, a few blood samples from all of us and everything will be solved, and we'll all be on our merry way. Well er, except the perp, naturally".