Tempest's Ideas and Plotting Thread

So I like world building and have slowly gathered a bunch of ideas for possible stories. At some point I want to also get good at writing. Anyways, I decided to make this thread so I can keep track of them and potentially force myself to work on something.

General Stories:
Modern Major Admiral(Kantai Collection)
The Abyssal war on humanity is in full swing and the only thing holding the Abyssals overwhelming numerical superiority are the combined efforts of shipgirls and the armed forces around the world. This changes when several shipgirls appear having been summoned 3 years before the Abyssal war and had integrated in with human society.

Notice Me, Don't Notice Me(Gundam Build Fighters)
A shy girl secretly follows her sempai into a Gunpla store and wants him to notice her. However when he is about to notice her she gets flustered and hides inside a gunpla battle pod that contains a gundam left by someone.

Crossover Stories:
Kingdom of Oorai(RWBY + Girls Und Panzer/Moe MIlitary)
Oorai and the Ibaraki Prefecture is transported to Remnant(more specifically the southern tip of Mistral) where they work together to figure out how to survive in their new world and perhaps return home.

Unnamed scifi mega crossover(Halo, Star Craft, Homeworld, Mass Effect)
A combined scifi timeline that tells the story of the Galaxy.

Original Stories:
My Childhood Friend is a Magical Girl
Boy notices his childhood friend sneaking out her home at night and decides to follow only to see her fighting some sort of evil being as a magical girl. Instead of keeping this a secret he decides to ask his father for advice who then builds him a suit of armor(think Masked Rider) to help her.

Greater Galaxy
No overarching story as of yet, but the setting is very much inspired by shows like Firefly, Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop.

The Scattering
An American City gets pulling into a fantasy world and is immediately attacked and destroyed by a fantasy army. Those who aren't taken as slaves congregate in some abandoned villages or flee from the region where they adapt to their new lives.
The last two ideas, Greater Galaxy and The Scattering, were mainly what caught my attention, probably Greater Galaxy a little bit more despite the lack of a current story, Space Western setting and all.
Notice Me, Don't Notice Me: Primary Protagonists
One of the key aspects of Gundam is having the main character fall into their Gundam. Gundam Build Fighters shouldn't be any different. The closest GBF had was in Try where a massive nerd hid a custom built gundam inside a Rick Dom inside a trophy. That is a level of dedication worthy of Gundam. Also female protagonists because Gundam can't write good female characters without killing them off.

The last two ideas, Greater Galaxy and The Scattering, were mainly what caught my attention, probably Greater Galaxy a little bit more despite the lack of a current story, Space Western setting and all.
Greater Galaxy started as a practice of world building and miniature model making. The world building specifically is my attempt at making a galaxy that has a level of chaos and lawlessness that would allow the sense of adventure without reaching a state of open conflict that would hinder the same sense.

As for the Scattering, I starting building that idea after reading 1632, watching Log Horizon and the fanfic Halkegenia Online. While those three had the event occur without any real malice. The idea for the Scattering is that a Slave Empire uses powerful magic to pull a city into their fantasy world and immediately attacked with the population either being taken or fleeing in the confusion.


Notice Me, Don't Notice Me: The Primary Protagonists
The plan is to be main Gundam Battles will be 6v6. This is because I think 3v3 is too little for complex battles and 10v10 is a bit much if I want to give every significant character a unique gunpla. Currently I am using [adjective] placeholders for names, this way I can keep working on the character without getting stuck on finding a name.

Meek and generally a wall flower of sorts, she is serves as the protagonist as well as ask setting related questions for the audience. After she finds a gunpla, she is convinced(tricked) into joining the Gundam Fight Club and together work to win the National Large Team Gunpla Tournament. Her times of panic involves stage fright which her friends try to 'help' for better or worse. Her Gunpla is actually a gunpla made by someone, she never finds out who made it but she ends up claiming it as her own and is introduced to the world of gunpla.

Pilot Stats(Because shonen fighting is all about stats. To give a scale, 5 is World Class while 2.5 would be what you would expect from High School student.)
Piloting - 2.5
Gunnery - 5
Valor - 0.5
Strategy - 1

[Shy Girl]'s gunpla, she found it abandoned in a Gundam Battlepod. After playing the tutorial she falls in love with piloting them. Hayabusa is a hybrid of the RX-79 Gundam Ground Type and a MVF-M11C Murasame allowing it to transform between mobile armor and mobile suit mode at will. [Shy Girl] prefers to either perform airstrikes in mobile armor mode or snipe enemies with her artillery rifle in mobile suit mode.

Beam Saber - Standard Beam Saber for melee fighting
6 Vulcans - 2 mounted in the chest and 2 mounted in each wing.
100mm Machinegun - An Automatic Rifle that is stored away when in Mobile Armor mode. Has 2 space magazines on the hip plates
180mm Hypervelocity Rifle - A Sniper Artillery Rifle that folds away when in Mobile Armor mode.
2 Rocket Pods - 2 six shot shoulder mounted rockets. They have limited guidance for point and click bombardment.
4 Large missiles - Large single use anti mobile suit missiles.
Armored Suite - Murasame has been given extra armor to survive additional punishment.
The Leader of the Gundam Fight Club. She is from a rich family(the larger house kind, not the mansion kind). She dotes on her Kohais and usually trys to drag them into shenanigans. She will tease [Shy Girl] over her crush while doing her best to help [Shy Girl] win over her Sempai's heart. A team mom if you wish.

Pilot Stats:
Piloting - 2
Gunnery - 1
Valor - 2.5
Strategy - 3

Crusader Gundam
[Club Pres]'s gunpla. It is a Gundam Astray Blue Frame with Gundam Alex's Chobham Armor modified to look like one of those high fantasy full plates. In addition to these are 4 shields mounted on servo arms like Gundam Thunderbolt. Her only weapon is the Flight Pack that transforms into a Sword or chaingun turret. In a fight, [Club Pres] serves as the anchor for the team.

2 CWIS - Head mounted for self defense.
2 Beam Saber - Taken from Gundam Alex and mounted on the hip plate.
Tactical Arms - Serves as the primary weapon, usually as a sword.
4 Siege Shields - Mounted on servo arms, these heavily armored shields can take a lot of punishment.
Chobham Armor - Modified to be mounted on the Blue Frame, it looks like a fantasy armor.
A classmate and friend of [Shy Girl]. She is the bubbly, but reliable one. She is the one who convinces/tricks [Shy Girl] into joining the Gundam Fight Club. She is also a Navy brat and wants to join the Navy when she graduates.

Pilot Stats:
Piloting 1.5
Gunnery 3
Valor 3
Strategy 1.5

Gundam Kantai
[Fluffy Friend]'s gunpla. It is a Nobel Gundam modified to have a ponytail and use a large pack that is reminiscent of Kantai Collection's ship girl rigging. The rigging mimics various Gundam ships like the White Base or Argama. While slow, [Fluffy Friend] tends to lead the charge or bombard from a distance.

2x Vulcan Gun - Head Mounted
Gebera Straight

1x Twin Beam Rifle - Twin double barreled beam rifle turret.
2x Heavy Beam Rifle - turret mounted large beam rifle.
8x 3 tube missile launcher - Single use 3 shot rocket tube.
2x 4 tube missile Launcher - Single use 4 shot rocket tube.
16x Vulcan - Like vulcans found on gundams, 16 of these tiny turret cover the rigging.
20x - Tiny Core Fighters, they are only armed with a vulcan. Launched via a hanger.
Also a member of the club, second year. She is really competitive and is good friends with the President. Her relationship with [shy girl] is one of misunderstanding as she just wants to have a competitive fight which [shy girl] misinterpreted as confrontational. They form a bit of the early confrontation but quickly resolve their differences and are generally friendly, she might be tsundere. [Battle Girl] prefers to adapt to the situation so she can do well in both long and close range.

Pilot Stats:
Piloting - 3
Gunnery - 2
Valor - 2.5
Strategy - 2

Gun Zaku
Zaku II with the Loto's cannons, shoulder pads are modified to hold the 2 12 tube missile containers. Also has a machine gun that has been modified to look like a chicago typewriter. It is generally a balanced gunpla with a slight emphasis on long range bombardment.

2x 200mm Cannons - Attached to the back of the Zaku is the pack piece of the Loto, the 2 200mm cannons are very good at long range bombardment.
2x 12 tube Shoulder Missiles - Both shoulders have the Shoulder Shield which has a 12 tube missile launcher integrated into it.
120mm Machine gun with extended magazine - Basically it is a high capacity machine gun. A 120mm machine gun that has been modified to look like a thompson submachine gun. After [Merika Girl] joins the club, she mentions that it looks like a Chicago Typewriter and [Battle Girl] likes it and renames the weapon.
Heat Hawk - Zaku heat weapon.
Foreign Exchange Student, wanted a good gundam fight but the Gundam Battle League Club has too many scrubs. [Shy Girl] asks her why she didn't join the Gundam Fight Club and she answers that they are either too weak or already have a team arranged. [Shy girl] mentions that they are looking for two more members for the 6 Gunpla Tourney and [Merika Girl] agrees. She prefers raining death from above and in large explosions.

Pilot Stats:
Piloting - 2.5
Gunnery - 3
Valor - 3
Strategy - 2.5

It is a Ball with a SD Dendrobium Gundam's weapon pack. It is dedicated to long range bombardment and explosions just the way she likes it.

180mm recoilless cannon - mounted on the ball and provides reasonable punching power.
Beam Cannon - While large and intimidating, it is only as powerful as a heavy beam rifle.
6x 30-Tube Micro-Micro Missile Pod - Each side is only large enough to hold 10 Micro-Micro Missiles and they don't deal alot of damage.
6x 3 Tube Anti Mobile Suit Missile Pod - Each missile can cripple if not outright destroy a mobile suit.
I-Field - An I-Field Generator very useful since a lot of gunpla tend to go for pure beam weaponry.
Originally joined the much large Gunpla Fighting League because her childhood friend was part of it. [Shy Girl] asks if she was interested in joining them in the Gunpla FIght Club and she agrees if only to get some peace and quiet. She is honestly more into the anime and cosplay, but is more than happy to play Gunpla, she has average skill for a high schooler.

Pilot Stats:
Piloting - 2.5
Gunnery - 1.5
Valor - 2
Strategy - 2

Crimson Dash
A modification of the Gundam Deathscythe. It has been painted red and black and a beam rifle has been attached to the scythe. The armor has been streamlined and additional thrusters have been added to the legs, shoulders and back.

2x Vulcan - Head Mounted
2x Machine Cannon - Shoulder Mounted
Beam Scythe Rifle - Beam Scythe with built in beam rifle.
Hyper Jammer - a jamming system that makes Crimson Dash nearly invisible to others.
GN Drive - Installed on the back to give Crimson Dash more speed, can also trans-am for even more speed. When Trans-Am is active, Hyper Jammer doesn't fully work so Crimson Dash appears like a red blur instead of a ghost.
...Is that a fucking ball?!

Sadly I cannot claim that I came up with the idea myself. I found a hilarious picture of someone finding out that a ball without the 180mm recoilless rifle fits inside the SD Gundam Dendrobium's giant mobile armor and did it. I thought the idea was too awesome not to use although this one will have extra space for the 180mm recoilless rifle to remain attached to the ball so it isn't completely defenseless.
Modern Major Admiral: General Setting Lore
It has been a while since I have posted. I should fix that.

Modern Major Admiral
An idea spawned from listening to the song Modern Major General, and a thought about how Kancolle ship girls are describe themselves or parts of themselves as ship parts(like bridge instead of head or keel instead of spine). The goal was to focus more on the human side of the magical shipgirl bullshit.

War with the Abyssals:
By the start of the story, the world itself has been fighting in a state of total war against the Abyssal enemies for 3 years and are currently pushed back to the coasts. While many Kancolle stories justify the defeat of human navies by some sort of magic, in this case they are just that overwhelming in number. This is actually reflected in the Kancolle game where you send 6 ship girls to fight 30+ enemies in a single sortie. Basically the human navies have been worn down by attrition.

Where are the Ship Girls?
Girls who are personifications of ships built around the time of the 2 World Wars. A majority of them are summoned in the same way they are summoned in the game. At this point in the story, nearly all of them have been summoned and they are looking towards paper ships or cancelled ships. A few of the girls actually fail to show up when summoned, these girls are known as Awakened Shipgirls or just the Awakened.

Who are the Awakened.
The reason why these ship girls do not answer the summons is that they actually arrived 3 years before the Abyssals showed up. These girls do not know why they are suddenly human and why they are there. Lost and confused generally kind people lend them a hand, either letting them stay at their place or even adopt them(The fact these people end up becoming the awakened shipgirl's admiral is also a reference to the title). Ultimately these girls will adjust to being human. Another thing of note is that unlike the shipgirls who are summoned to fight, these girls do not generally answer the call. The reason varies depending on the ship girl, for example a us ship girl might see the current US navy as unstoppable and trusts the current generation of ships to prevail. For these shipgirls, they will only take action when it is clear that doing nothing is worse. Like if abyssals have broken past the defenses and are moving to shell civilian centers. The notable difference between Awakened and regular shipgirls is how they refer to themselves. In this case, an awakened ship girl will refer to herself with human terms. Something that will be introduced when the Awakened start to show up is that nearly all of them have limit breaked.

Limit Break:
When a shipgirl has someone they can truly trust and is similarly trusted by, then when both the shipgirl and the trusted friend sleep, they will both be pulled them into a "sea of memories" where they will have a shared dream based off of a major event or feeling that the ship girl is hung up on. This is inspired by the Ar Tonelico's Diving mechanic. Anyways during this shared dream, if the trusted friend is able to help them resolve that hang up. This may take multiple shared dreams and the trusted friend may not realize what is happening for a while. When done, the ship girls have broken past their mental limits and be able to use their magical properties to the fullest. This magical boost is linked/related to the way the friend helped them.

Sea of Memories:
This is the spiritual realm that both Ship girls and Abyssals come from. When a ship girl or Abyssal dies, they will return here and await being resummoned. The reason why there are so many Abyssals is the same reason why people tend to remember bad things. One notable thing is that if a ship girl limit breaks, then they are removed from this cycle and their soul will convert into a human one.